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Wikileaks Exposed - The man behind the NWO Curtain

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 09:51 AM
This is a very interesting OP. I have been trying to wrap my mind around how I feel about this whole wikileaks thing. On one hand I think that the scumbags that we call our leaders in this country need to be held to account for all the back hand dealings they have been doing over the years that are not really in the best interest of the average american. So I think, "good expose these fools". But then I think "well this just makes us look even more like idiots, and this can only lead to more distrust and chaos.

This is where I get a funny feeling. I never thought Soros Might be behind this but if he is it would not surprise me in the least. I just don't trust anything anyone tells me anymore and that has been a really sad realization for me. When you lose your trust, what do you have left? Fear and suspicion maybe?

I don't know, doesn't look like things are going well for people who just want to be left alone to earn a decent wage and spend it how they see fit. We apparently need more global scandals to go with our breakfast

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by scoutsniper
Are you the same "Boondock" that posts at PP? If so, Then you should know who I am at this site. You are correct in your posting concerning the NWO agenda and their purpose. I have read some of your posts and it would appear that you are the same guy. In any case, keep up the good work.


I have no clue what PP is
so I guess that would be a no
that I do not post there.
Sorry, wrong dude.

I have posted a couple times
at GLP, but it was less than 10
times I imagine.

and thank for tagging along in the thread

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by doom27
Sorry my bad, I don't mean he is, i'm just saying, why do we have to point fingures and assume that if this is part of a giant agenda, that its for the worse.

undoubtedly, u didn't watch the video
I posted a few pages back.

Soros admits helping the Nazis during the
concentration camp era. He was 14 at the time
and has been doing evil deeds ever since.
Why would he suddenly develop a conscious
and try to save the world?

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Nice job boonie! This is an interesting game of connect the dots we have here.
I'll buy that wikileaks got it;s funding from Soros, and that Soros likes to play God.
As you said this is about money and power, neither of which hold fealty to flag or country.
The NWO has the same agenda and lack of loyalties.

I would take it as a given then that the Wikileaks cables are part of a NWO scheme.

The $6 million question then is this:
Are the wikileaks docs legit or are they part of a disinformation campaign?

I suppose it may not matter as whatever fallout they create will be to further the cause of the NWO.

The amount of MSM coverage this is getting is absolutely proof positive (to me) that my assumption is correct.
They would never give a true freedom fighter for humanity the kind of coverage that they are presently.
They didn't when the Iraq war logs came out - that registered as a minor blip on the TV news.
The current leaks are top story several nights running.
That alone tells me what I need to know.

Again, are the leaks the real deal or disinfo?
What's your take on that BoondockSaint?

As an afterthought , such a campaign would benefit greatly by using both real stories and disinformation in combination.
Indeed, such a campaign could potentially change the world political landscape to suit the NWO. They create the problem, then create the avenue for discovery and implement the solution to the original problem.
Depending on what's in the cables we could possibly see many of our government leaders get thrown to the wolves (making the pitchfork crowd happy) and then bringing in people and plans that exceed the evil we were dealing with in the first place.
What if this is all part of the plan to destroy the dollar?
My mind is spinning with the possibilities here

edit on 2-12-2010 by Asktheanimals because: added commentary

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by ParkerCramer

Provide proof? Go look at it for yourself. Most terrorist's are Muslim. That is a fact.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Please : don't make your opinion from just a few blogs posts. There is no proof, just supposition. Personnaly, i respect the "well done analysis" of the OP, but i need more facts than some quotes on internet.

Anyway, I'm following the Wikileaks team from few years by now, and it seems (to me) that Julian Assange don't get orders from anyone.

Concerning the funding and salaries of Wikileaks, we are going (perhaps) to get more information according to Wired :"Salaries of WikiLeaks Staffers to Be Revealed in New Report"

Concerning the other supposition that Wikileaks is a NWO creation because the cables don't accuse the US :
- Cables are from foreign US ambassy, so the focus is on the foreign country not the US
- Cables are from the SIRPNET Network, and so they are no TOP SECRET cable, just Secret/Confidential/Public. If a US operation occurs on a foreign country, they will mostly get the TOP SECRET mention. For example, in past blackops operations, the local US ambassador was mostly keep out of the loop.
- If US want to leak some secrets, they have others ways to do than Wikileaks. And they can choose what they want to leak and what they don't want
- In fact, there are cables who accuses the US, the ONU spying by US ambassadors for example and others.
- And we can go on and go on, with more arguments like theses ...

Wikileaks is "maybe" the first global and massive operation "against" the NWO, and it is just a beginning.
Most important than the leaks, J.Assange show that "maybe", just one man (or few), with the new decentralize internet, clouds systems, cryptology, and social networks, have the power to influence the world and brings fears to the NWO.

So to my mind, J.Assange or Wikileaks movement are not themself the most important. The important thing is that theses Samizdat movements or the iRevolution (google it) are possible.
And this give me hope and joy when i wake up every morning

We have all and "individually" a big responsability on what happend to our world, right now.
edit on 2/12/10 by digit78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/12/10 by digit78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

EXCELLENT! and I fully agree with you. I wish people would stop calling Wkileaks 'whistleblowing' or 'heroic'. It's just an outlet for the NWO. This whole thing was a NWO chess move to destablilize and to take negotiation power away from the soverign countries.

It was a HUGE power play by the NWO ... and yet the anti-American lapdogs are sucking it up because, somehow, they think it all makes America look bad. NEWSFLASH TO YA"LL ... everyone spys on everyone else. It's a matter of self defense. Diplomats say things about other diplomats when they aren't around. So what? All countries do this. For those of you who think America is the only one .... :shk:

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Battleline
but who controls Soros?he is only a billionare.I would think people like the Rothchilds and there elite group would have a stake in this,so why does it always stop at Soros?I just see Soros as a higher up's puppet.

didn't u watch the video I posted a few pages back
where it showed that Rothschilds groomed Soros?
There is a connection between Soros and Rothschilds.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:25 AM
You know you almost had me convinced....

Until the 'we stopped storing data at 1TB' line.

Thats not very much these days. From what I know of the hacker mentality, discarding information would directly contradict every reason for doing it in the first place. Why destroy when you can just store it (for a couple of hundred bucks)? Not to say they're hacking, but the roots are there.

Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard, but there's definetely intel agencies working on this right now....

Edit: I want to see the climate change documents... probably TS though considering the state of the planet right now.
edit on 2-12-2010 by seenitall because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:32 AM
George Soros is a staunch liberal and supporter of the democratic party.

You can see his campaign contributions here

George Soros Campaign Donations

Whats interesting to me, is why he would donate millions to help the democrats get in power, now he goes about trying to embarrass them?

Now, that I think about it, perhaps thats why the US governent wasnt as scared of the leaks as the MSM made it out to be. Clearly this George Soros character is controlling both sides of the board.

Its like he has that stereotypical villain attitude towards politics, the age old " Im the one who PUT you in power and Im the one who will take you down, unless of course you just agree to my terms.
edit on 2-12-2010 by WhiteDevil013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Again, are the leaks the real deal or disinfo?
What's your take on that BoondockSaint?

I already posted my take on that here:

but I'll post it again so u don't have to click

the leaks released are IMO very real.
However, WHAT is revealed and WHEN
is the key to making this scheme work.

Like releasing info on a certain senator
right before election time can cost him
his job. Having that info and releasing
it on cue allows a person to play GOD
and sway the election.

Same goes for foreign policy or financial

Releasing incriminating data on Bank of America
does help it's competitors when it falls. It allows
the competitors to buy up stock shares and assets
for almost nothing.

It can also influence the stock markets around the world
in the same way.

It's someone being able to play GOD
is what it boils down to.

It's controlling the world directly from
your recliner. No standing army needed.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:34 AM
while I do appreciate your out of the box thinking, I see more rant than I do facts.

edit: looking here, I see no proof that assange evens knows Soros
I also don't understand people's hate (not dislike, hate) for george soros, I only see an eccentric old man who wants to do big things with his money.
edit on 2-12-2010 by piddles because: re-read the thread, more feedback was needed

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:34 AM
S&F!! Very well done Boon, some great info in there. Maby this will help the anti-american crowd cool down a little bit. They have been on a rampage as of late.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:34 AM
Let's pump the brakes for a second.

Regardless of WHO or WHAT is behind Wikileaks, isn't it common fact that exposure of the truth is inherently necessary for any change to come about in this country/world?

With that being the case, Wikileaks is targeting the US, but for good reason. I have no doubt in my mind that the US government is one of the most underhanded, corrupt, conniving, all encompassing entities on good ol' planet Earth, and so the only way to break through the armor is to expose them.

I do believe Soros is an enemy, but I also believe that the actions he is funding can be used against his agenda in order to restore the Republic in the country. Wikileaks, should is be some kind of NWO funded event, can not be taken lightly or ignored. If that is the case, they are providing the people with ammo and hoping that they don't take it and fire it back at them.

Either way, with a war going on between those in power on the sides of country governments vs. the New World Order, the people can only benefit by using their tactics against them and shunning both sides. I can only look at the side of truth from one perspective, and that perspective is the fact that Wikileaks has done nothing but good in my eyes thus far. Regardless of what "truth" they may choose to release, the truth is the truth nonetheless.

In short, it may be a front, it may be a scheme, but let it not deter us from using the information that they ignorantly provide against them. To ignore Wikileaks would be a much greater travesty than to take the release of information in stride.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

George Soros running the world looks pretty good to me -- when comparred to Obama and company.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:36 AM
All I have to say is George Soros is one at the top of the totem poles. The controllers like him need (let's say) to be put in there place.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:37 AM
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you boondock.

Do you realize how connected Soros is to EVERYTHING? This is like playing the 6-degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. It means nothing significant at all.

Do you realize how much money Soros throws around the world in every niche? Guys like Soros like to be a part of the next-big-thing, so it's actually no surprise he threw a little money their way. That's not a conspiracy, that's how things work.

Do you realize how many attorneys Soros has? Just through that avenue alone, he's probably connected to every organization on the planet.

Millions of people have given money to Wikileaks, a few of them you can bet are household names.

Lastly, the info about how Soros uses the Wikileaks information to blackmail people is a COMPLETE FABRICATION. Unsupported. Uncorroborated. Pure fantasy.

It's "theories" like that which give "Conspiracy Theories" a bad name.

Sorry boondock, but you are WAY OFF the mark on this one.
edit on 2-12-2010 by harrytuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
Now, that I think about it, perhaps thats why the US governent wasnt as scared of the leaks as the MSM made it out to be. Clearly this George Soros character is controlling both sides of the board.

Its like he has that stereotypical villain attitude towards politics, the age old " Im the one who PUT you in power and Im the one who will take you down, unless of course you just agree to my terms

exactly !!!!
star for u

a double layer of control.

he contributes to both sides to get their loyalty
to his agenda. If they have a sudden change
of heart on a vote, then he plays hard ball with
the blackmail wiki data he has on them.
It's a no-win scenario for the congressman.

This would explain totally, how congress
can pass laws which completely go against
our constitution and public sentiment.

First off they were bought
secondly, they were blackmailed

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you boondock.

Do you realize how connected Soros is to EVERYTHING? This is like playing the 6-degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. It means nothing significant at all.

Do you realize how much money Soros throws around the world in every niche? Guys like Soros like to be a part of the next-big-thing, so it's actually no surprise he threw a little money their way. That's not a conspiracy, that's how things work.

Millions of people have given money to Wikileaks, a few of them you can bet are household names.

Lastly, the info about how Soros uses the Wikileaks information to blackmail people is a COMPLETE FABRICATION. Unsupported. Uncorroborated. Pure fantasy.

It's "theories" like that which give "Conspiracy Theories" a bad name.

Sorry boondock, but you are WAY OFF the mark on this one.

WAY OFF?, probably not. Certainly "Conspiracy Theories" couldn't get a worse name than it now has. Extortion is a very strong word -- but one that the US apparently engages in. They use US diplomats to spy on other nations -- in violation to the law -- to get info to extort other nations?

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you boondock.
Sorry boondock, but you are WAY OFF the mark on this one.

duly noted
and ur opinion is respected

and thank you for contributing

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