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Wikileaks Exposed - The man behind the NWO Curtain

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 03:05 PM
It is obvious who the wiki leak fan boys are, their crazy trolling of any thread that is wiki leak related is absolutely funny. They all hone in on it, they are told to bark they bark.
These wiki trolls attack people personally for their opinion.

It is obvious to everyone who does not have wool over their eyes what wiki leaks is doing.

Wiki leaks and Assange

Stop trying to get our web censored wiki leaks we see right through you!!!
edit on 22-12-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
It is obvious who the wiki leak fan boys are, their crazy trolling of any thread that is wiki leak related is absolutely funny. They all hone in on it, they are told to bark they bark.
These wiki trolls attack people personally for their opinion.

It is obvious to everyone who does not have wool over their eyes what wiki leaks is doing.

Wiki leaks and Assange

Stop trying to get our web censored wiki leaks we see right through you!!!
edit on 22-12-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

Love how you make a random statement without providing any sort of evidence to back up your claims. Also, capslock isn't cruise control for cool and doesn't make your hogwash anymore believable

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 04:45 PM
its like no matter what,
people never trust anything
even if it half truth
this thread is sad

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 04:45 PM
"Wikileaks Leak? Norwegian Paper Claims Access to Entire Cache of Cables"

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
It is obvious who the wiki leak fan boys are, their crazy trolling of any thread that is wiki leak related is absolutely funny. They all hone in on it, they are told to bark they bark.
These wiki trolls attack people personally for their opinion.

It is obvious to everyone who does not have wool over their eyes what wiki leaks is doing.

Wiki leaks and Assange

Stop trying to get our web censored wiki leaks we see right through you!!!
edit on 22-12-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

Now THAT'S what I call TROLLING...

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by backinblack

He finally found the capslock key

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

It is obvious who the wiki leak fan boys are, their crazy trolling of any thread that is wiki leak related is absolutely funny. They all hone in on it, they are told to bark they bark.

Yeah, but this bit is funny...
I know who I've seen in nearly every wiki thread and It aint just the pro wiki guys..
Heck, Boon even brought it up in a Ron Paul thread..

So who are the trolls.?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Larryman
"Wikileaks Leak? Norwegian Paper Claims Access to Entire Cache of Cables"

like to make a point here:

The articles posted on Aftenposten of the
wikileaks cables do not target America
or American Politicians.

So far the 3 cable articles I read (translated)
involved Norway's unhappy with China over
human rights abuses which they have claimed
they would fix for the past 3 yrs. Another was
over disputed delimitation line in the Barents Sea.
And another one was over dirty oil. None of it
included American interest.

Another thing I found out. I searched online for
over 2 hrs trying to find a link between Soros
and Aftenposten and I could not find a single one.

So this leads me to believe that Soros and wikileaks
were in fact targeting America with it's releases
since Aftenposten hasn't posted a single one
targeting America. This evidence would play
into my thread that Soros and wikileaks was indeed
blackmailing America with those leaks.

One of 3 things have happened here IMO:

1) a disgruntled ex-wikileak employee did not
like the fact that only America was targeted
and decided to leak the whole cable batch to
another newspaper outside Soros reach.

2) Or a government agency leaked it to them
to draw heat away from scrutiny of American
foreign policy.

3) Somebody cracked the insurance file and
gave it to Aftenposten

I believe that Assange nor Soros wanted
this leak to Aftenposten to happen. Which is
why you have not heard a peep out of Julian
about it. An opposing force is countering
their chess moves.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

One of 3 things have happened here IMO:

1) a disgruntled ex-wikileak employee did not
like the fact that only America was targeted
and decided to leak the whole cable batch to
another newspaper outside Soros reach.

2) Or a government agency leaked it to them
to draw heat away from scrutiny of American
foreign policy.

3) Somebody cracked the insurance file and
gave it to Aftenposten

4) There is no link between Wikileaks and Soros, except Soros donated a few bucks to another needy cause among the 1000's he already donates to but has no say in how Wiki is run..

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
4) There is no link between Wikileaks and Soros, except Soros donated a few bucks to another needy cause among the 1000's he already donates to but has no say in how Wiki is run..

thank you !!!
you have just corroborated
that Soros funds

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by backinblack
4) There is no link between Wikileaks and Soros, except Soros donated a few bucks to another needy cause among the 1000's he already donates to but has no say in how Wiki is run..

thank you !!!
you have just corroborated
that Soros funds

I donated over $20k since WL popped up...guess I'm an evil freedom of speech loving terrorist too

You critizing a guy who's donated over $7bil to charity makes you look like a complete fool! You are against free speech and in favor of corruption as you've stated before, so if your police-state loving ass is against WL, that should tell the people how great WL is!

edit on 23-12-2010 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I know you are going to ignore this, as you have every question that you can't pick a single line from.

Aftenposten is a Norwegian newspaper, hence they comment on Norwegian issues like the ones you have mentioned.

But hey, reality ain't your game is it?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 09:44 AM

What an evil evil man with his free speech and have an open society views!!

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

thank you so much for that Assange interview.
I want to take a moment to point out a quote
from it at 7:58 in the video.

frost: was America your leading target in these releases?

assange: it was the most closed societies !!!!

now if that doesn't incriminate Open Society Institute
by Soros, then I don't know what does.

Notice assange's answer to that question
should have been, we were targeting truth
and freedom of speech.
This was a mistake by assange and tells
us his real agenda.
assange just tipped his hand at the poker table.
and this evidence in that video goes right
along with my evidence in this thread.
thanks for sharing the video

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

also, another soros link to that wikileaks
interview with Frost.

Frost is distributed through Aljazeera network.
Guess who funds Aljazeera ????
George Soros !!!!

A technology advisor to President Obama founded a group has been helping the Arab TV network Al Jazeera disseminate news footage of Israeli attacks inside the Gaza Strip.

Lawrence Lessig also works closely with a Marxist activist who has argued for the dismantling of the U.S. capitalist system and whose George Soros-funded group petitions for more government control of the media.

Lessig has been mentioned as a future candidate to head the Federal Communications Commission, the FCC. He is an activist for reduced legal restrictions on copyright material and advised Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.

so we have an Assange video posted on a Soros funded
network just like the Guardian and NY Times.

Sorry Soros, but you have been tracked and
nailed to wikileaks. It's a fact !!!

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by MrXYZ

thank you so much for that Assange interview.
I want to take a moment to point out a quote
from it at 7:58 in the video.

frost: was America your leading target in these releases?

assange: it was the most closed societies !!!!

now if that doesn't incriminate Open Society Institute
by Soros, then I don't know what does.

Notice assange's answer to that question
should have been, we were targeting truth
and freedom of speech.
This was a mistake by assange and tells
us his real agenda.
assange just tipped his hand at the poker table.
and this evidence in that video goes right
along with my evidence in this thread.
thanks for sharing the video

LOOOOOOOL, way to ignore how he followed up on that. He said the US WASN'T the most closed or restrictive nation, but that they are involved in A LOT of foreign affair cables they received that don't directly concern the US...which is why the US is mentioned a lot. If you see this only an attack on the US, you are so wrong. Ask Switzerland if they liked Julius Baer bank leaks, or Russia dumping toxic waste of the coast of Africa if they enjoy the leaks.

You let your blind patriotism completely cloud your mind. You are unable to distinguish between right and wrong!! But like I've said before, seeing wanna-be-patriot tears is just an amusing side-product, the true worth of WL is in that it highlights what's wrong, so we can make politicians/companies improve for the betterment of everyone. I know you prefer corruption if your patriotism-fueled fantasyland picture of the US isn't for me and hopefully a majority of the non-brainwashed people, I prefer looking at the ugly truth so we can improve things.

Improving issues > keeping the corrupt status quo

Either way, you can scream and whine all you want...and keep on spreading your paranoid Beck-injected rants...but the fact is, thank to the Internet you can't stop this from happening. I just think it's sad that your Soros-paranoia probably comes from scumbags like Beck who LIE to their viewers on wonder the FOX "News" viewers are the least informed of all all news channel viewers according to this Harvard study.

Soros has done more good for this world than Beck & Co ever will, and they've done more against communism than them too. Stop listening to those people like a brainwashed sheeple...

Now, even for a second, let's assume WL would only focus on the US (which they clearly don't). What does that change? Does it make what came out any better/worse? Bad stuff is still bad, and your blind patriotism shouldn't prevent you from getting outraged at what's wrong...if it does, you've been brainwashed and obviously not able to think for yourself anymore.

edit on 23-12-2010 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by MrXYZ

also, another soros link to that wikileaks
interview with Frost.

Frost is distributed through Aljazeera network.
Guess who funds Aljazeera ????
George Soros !!!!

A technology advisor to President Obama founded a group has been helping the Arab TV network Al Jazeera disseminate news footage of Israeli attacks inside the Gaza Strip.

Lawrence Lessig also works closely with a Marxist activist who has argued for the dismantling of the U.S. capitalist system and whose George Soros-funded group petitions for more government control of the media.

Lessig has been mentioned as a future candidate to head the Federal Communications Commission, the FCC. He is an activist for reduced legal restrictions on copyright material and advised Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.

so we have an Assange video posted on a Soros funded
network just like the Guardian and NY Times.

Sorry Soros, but you have been tracked and
nailed to wikileaks. It's a fact !!!

OMGOMGOMGOMG, and FOX is partly owned by Saudi Arabia. And where did most of the 911 attackers come from...wait for it...waiiiiiiit for it....SAUDI ARABIA!!! OMG, FOX news is responsible for 911!!

Do you see how absolutely laughable your argumentation is? Seriously, your Soros paranoia is highly a good insight at how far your head is up Beck's ass

Anyway, if you're claiming that Soros financing WL means WL is bad...well, you're one funny man. If anything, that would make WL more legit in my eyes

edit on 23-12-2010 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Improving issues > keeping the corrupt status quo

u have not been paying attention to my posts.
I DO want the status quo changed.
However, I don't want Soros' hands
in the rebuilding of America.
And that is his agenda.
His intentions are to crash America
then restructure it around the NWO
ideology. And as I have stated numerous
times before in this thread. This is NOT
an improvement. We would just be changing
one bad system for another bad system.

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Soros has done more good for this world than Beck & Co ever will, and they've done more against communism than them too. Stop listening to those people like a brainwashed sheeple...

that is such BS that it is laughable.

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Now, even for a second, let's assume WL would only focus on the US (which they clearly don't). What does that change?

Soros is very intelligent.
Matter of fact he is like a Combat
General in the financial world.
He knows how to dismantle and
attack a country to make it crumble
just look at his resume to see this.
Soros has already stated in videos posted
in this thread, that the biggest obstacle
to his NWO agenda is America. This is
the real reason why wikileaks are attacking
America in force. In a war zone, it would
be called a frontal assault from multiple
angles and with multiple weapons.
Unless Soros is stopped, he will not stop
until America becomes part of the NWO
controlled by one world super bank controlled
by the rothschilds.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Either way, you can scream and whine all you want...and keep on spreading your paranoid Beck-injected rants...but the fact is, thank to the Internet you can't stop this from happening. I just think it's sad that your Soros-paranoia probably comes from scumbags like Beck who LIE to their viewers on purpose.

In all honesty I am pretty sure Boon has referenced many other sources other than Beck in his research. But seeing as you brought it up and it does tie into this thread because I know I myself have referenced some of Becks research. Could you enlighten us on all of these lies that Beck commits? Because he himself tells his viewers to do their own research along with sharing what he has found. It's just so funny that you have to resort to discrediting not Boons research or the multiple things that he has shared in this thread but instead you have to pull the crazy Beck card, which always seems to go hand in hand with the left, progressive, communist, nut jobs. So come on back and enlighten us if you will.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

The NWO is to make all citizens of every country realize we should all think as one.

Terrorism was introduced to scare the public and introduce laws of security that would not have usually been passed!

It also assisted in the reason to invade other countrys who were so called harbouring these terrorists! Once in a ethnic country the elite could introduce the world system to all nations. This assisted them in everything from resources such as oil, coal ect and created a global security network and made people understand the meaning of required protection from extreme religions.

911 was orgastrated!

The general public needed to realize what system they were under and why security is so important. They should have just explained the truth and not used it for political and financial gain why effecting so many innocent people. Unfortunatley, the innocent are always hurt!

The Banks and countrys realize the system they have in place but it is there to support ALL people of what country they are in when they need assistance.

I do agree that some rich people don't think of the lifestyle of the common citizen but that will change when all people realize the system they are under. We all contribute to our society by working to obtain money to live and support the economy of the country of our origin. Many soliders gave there lives for what we have produced over time.

Banks were formed from Law of the sea which is international waters. Private familys that owned the BANKS or land of the country they were began trading with other countrys for the citizens of there country. Countrys traded with each other which created the finances for all. Pirates would operate on the water in the past and could not be held accountable by a counrty due to the sea was clasified as international waters. They would meet attempt to steal but be dealt with in the sea via sinking or become slaves.

Law of the land is each individual countrys law.

We all operate under a triangular structure where the top ( Banks, Kings and Queens, Presidents, Primeministers, Bosses, Captains ect, ) support the bottom in direction or orders while the bottom support the top in labour. This is why there is 1 rich person to 100 poor.

The triangle is what everything is physically. Fuel (food), Heat (hot and cold) and oxygen bought to us through water itself via evaporation of the Sun. This information is in the Pyramids of Giza and was taken to Rome, England and Israel.

This information is in the Star of David or Jewish star which is on Israels flag. The triangle represents the age of man and the upside down triangle overlapping represents the age of women and rebirthing of energy. This is the technology age we are at now. People being the software and the Sun and Earth our hardware like a macro computer.

This is also in the Pyramid of Giza and has been known by the elite for sometime.

Water gives us life and is at the zero point from the sun. The closer you go it evaporates and the further you go it freezes. This is why earth is considered female (mother nature or Eden) and the Sun considered Male.

Everything in life is a challenge but we can over come this by thinking of each other. We have always thought of eachother which is why soliders died in battle, Doctors and nurses support the sick and our love for or family and friends. All religions think of a positive power and this is what we all have in common! Lets respect eachother!

Fire burns and this is the impact it has on all of us in life. It is a negative for the spirit but the spirit is positive which is why we think of family, friends ect. We are living batterys in life learning for wisdom in death.

Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan with knowledge and ate the forbidden fruit. This is people learning in life.

All the Best!
edit on 23-12-2010 by Archangelelijah because: Added information.

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