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Wikileaks Exposed - The man behind the NWO Curtain

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posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
I love how you conveniently ignore the fact that you are in favor of CORRUPTION as long as your patriotic fantasy land remains unharmed in your head. You're not a patriot, you're one of the people who are bad for the US!!

what r u smoking??
u and ur friends have done
absolutely nothing but attack me
with lies with the intent to derail
this thread and attack the messenger.

Just because I am against wikileaks agenda
doesn't mean I approve of corruption.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:34 PM
and another connection to soros

As we have noted before, all one really needs to know about ‘net neutrality’ is that its biggest promoters are Google and George Soros.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:47 PM
and another connection between the FCC who just passed
net control and Soros is Mark LLoyd.

Mark Lloyd, Obama/Soros hitman at the FCC
Washington, D.C. — Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski recently appointed Mark Lloyd, a former senior fellow at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress (CAP), to be the FCC’s “Chief Diversity Officer.” Lloyd is a proponent of the Fairness Doctrine and recently wrote that the Doctrine, and other regulatory tools such as localism and diversity mandates, should be employed by the FCC to limit the number of conservative voices on the air and supplant them with liberal voices.


wow, Soros is funding wikileaks and has his own
stooge at the FCC to pass this net censorship.

Soros supplied the problem (wikileaks)
and the solution (net censorship, FCC)

how convenient

edit on 12/21/2010 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by MrXYZ
I love how you conveniently ignore the fact that you are in favor of CORRUPTION as long as your patriotic fantasy land remains unharmed in your head. You're not a patriot, you're one of the people who are bad for the US!!

what r u smoking??
u and ur friends have done
absolutely nothing but attack me
with lies with the intent to derail
this thread and attack the messenger.

Just because I am against wikileaks agenda
doesn't mean I approve of corruption.

You openly stated that you'd prefer the current corrupt system over a new fixed one, do I really have to quote you again? Right before you accuse Russia of corruption even, which makes it even more hilarious.

Having said that, it all doesn't matter, you or anyone else won't be able to stop this movement. Enjoy the ride while we systematically pull down the fake corrupt system we have now. Sorry if that hurts your little patriotic heart

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
and another connection between the FCC who just passed
net control and Soros is Mark LLoyd.

Mark Lloyd, Obama/Soros hitman at the FCC
Washington, D.C. — Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski recently appointed Mark Lloyd, a former senior fellow at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress (CAP), to be the FCC’s “Chief Diversity Officer.” Lloyd is a proponent of the Fairness Doctrine and recently wrote that the Doctrine, and other regulatory tools such as localism and diversity mandates, should be employed by the FCC to limit the number of conservative voices on the air and supplant them with liberal voices.


wow, Soros is funding wikileaks and has his own
stooge at the FCC to pass this net censorship.

Soros supplied the problem (wikileaks)
and the solution (net censorship, FCC)

how convenient

edit on 12/21/2010 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

Oh no, they're trying to have a balanced show on TVs...those BASTARDS!! How dare they make sure all opinions are reflected.

You're a funny guy:

1) You're in favor of corruption.
2) Against free speech
3) Against equal rights too apparently

You seem like a really nice guy

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
those BASTARDS!! How dare they make sure all opinions are reflected.

all opinions are reflected now.
their aim is to quiet the ones
who oppose their own viewpoint.
eliminate opposing viewpoints
and control content.
That is not freedom
in my book.

and I wish u would cut out
the attacks. quit being an

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Glenn Beck on Mark Lloyd at FCC and
Cass Sunstein, Obama's Czar.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
It seems Assange likes leaks and the truth
just as long as they do not target him.

He accused his media partners at The Guardian newspaper, which worked with him to make the embarrassing leaks public, of unfairly tarnishing him by revealing damaging details of the sex assault allegations he faces in Sweden.

Also, one other point in that article that I have
stated on this thread already.

Shares in Bank of America recently fell after speculation spread that it was the target.

“We don’t want the bank to suffer unless it’s called for,” Assange said. “But if its management is operating in a responsive way there will be resignations.”

This is the power play I was referring to
earlier in this thread. Make the bank weak
therefore it is a prime target for a
soros/rothschild/goldman sachs

I wonder how many put options soros
had on the fall of BOA stock before
the wikileaks release of the bank cables?

This is how you can manipulate the stock
market and get rich through MSM.

Way to spin it Boon...
I would have been pissed with the Gaurdian also..!!!
Wiki gave them the leaks which MUST have boosted their sales and they paid Julian back ny printing a leaked report full of lies???
The headline of RAPE, when it was always consensual sex????
Come on mate, hate the guy all you wasnt but stick to facts....

As for put options on BOA..
Maybe get some facts before accusing..That's how it usually works..

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

wow, Soros is funding wikileaks and has his own
stooge at the FCC to pass this net censorship.

And your proof of this is..????????
Maybe this from your link.?

FCC Official Says He’s Not Carrying Out ‘Secret Plot Funded by George Soros to Get Rid of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck’

So someone says they are NOT doing it so you assume they must be..??????
I see no other mention in the two links you provided..

By that reasoning, when you tell us you are NOT a disinfo agent. We must assume you ARE...

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 07:35 PM
Is "Soros" his real name?

Etymology of the Greek word soros (σορός)
the Greek word soros, σορός (a funereal receptacle (urn, coffin); (by analogy) a bier)
derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *teuə-

Ever notice how so much commerce is based on death?

There's a lot of money to be made on death....a lot of our economic system rises and falls on death and the spoils of war.

Even if he is "playing God" as you say, it seems like this man has certainly done a lot of good things. He may have a good plan in all this if he is involved as you suspect. He would certainly be in a key position to orchestrate some changes. He is a strategist and that's what it takes. I say be patient and let's see if this "revenge on the ruiners" brings about some good, positive changes in our world.

Soros has been active as a philanthropist since the 1970s, when he began providing funds to help black students attend the University of Cape Town in apartheid South Africa,[40] and began funding dissident movements behind the iron curtain.

. As of 2003, PBS estimated that he had given away a total of $4 billion.[35] The OSI says it has spent about $500 million annually in recent years.

Time magazine in 2007 cited two specific projects - $100 million toward Internet infrastructure for regional Russian universities; and $50 million for the Millennium Promise to eradicate extreme poverty in Africa — while noting that Soros has given $742 million to projects in the U.S., and given away a total of more than $7 billion.[41]

Other notable projects have included aid to scientists and universities throughout Central and Eastern Europe, help to civilians during the siege of Sarajevo, and Transparency International. Soros also pledged an endowment of €420 million to the Central European University (CEU). The Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus and his microfinance bank Grameen Bank received support from the OSI.

Soros' philanthropic funding includes efforts to promote non-violent democratization in the post-Soviet states.

edit on 21-12-2010 by Alethea because: add

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Beck always spoke out AGAINST net neutrality!!! The very thing that guarantees freedom on the Internet without business/government intervention. Once again, you seem to be AGAINST freedom!

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Alethea
Even if he is "playing God" as you say, it seems like this man has certainly done a lot of good things. He may have a good plan in all this if he is involved as you suspect. He would certainly be in a key position to orchestrate some changes. He is a strategist and that's what it takes. I say be patient and let's see if this "revenge on the ruiners" brings about some good, positive changes in our world.

Alethea, I am so disappointed in ur conclusion.
u use 1 wiki article to get all ur info on Soros??
And base ur opinion on that 1 article??
tsk tsk

ur in for a rude awakening

that also means u have NOT read this
edit on 12/22/2010 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by burntheships

Amazing is it not that setting up a Foundation can provide one with such cover.

Could this be the infamous "Foundation X"?

Originally posted by burntheships
While I was at it, I thought I would throw in a few more interesting ( are we ever shocked anymore? )

Soros Quotes:

“It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” (The Independent, June 3, 1993)

“I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance –to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes or, even better, a scientist like Einstein,” (The Alchemy of Finance, George Soros)

According to friend Byron Wien (now with the Blackstone Group), “You must understand he thinks he’s been anointed by God to solve insoluble problems. The proof is that he has been so successful at making so much. He therefore thinks he has a responsibility to give money away,” (Time Magazine, Sept 1, 1997)

“If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin. But when I made my way in the world I wanted to indulge myself in my fantasies to the extent that I could afford.”

George Soros 60 Minutes Interview – 12/20/98 / Transcript:

I found these Soros quotes to be most interesting in light of some other less well known information. Perhaps he sees himself playing the part of the Archangel Michael in "slaying the dragon"? Let's see if any pieces possibly fit.

First, Soros is not his real name. According to Wiki
"The family changed the name from Schwartz to Soros in 1936." (Not sure if "the family" is a greater collective or simply mom and pop!)

"Tivadar liked the new name because it is a palindrome and has a meaning."

This is the key ---- the "meaning" I think he is refering to here is in the etymological origins of the description of a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that reads the same whether it is spelled forward or backward.

"The actual Greek phrase to describe the phenomenon is karkinikê epigrafê (καρκινική επιγραφή; crab inscription), or simply karkiniêoi (καρκινιήοι; crabs), alluding to the backward movement of crabs, like an inscription that can be read backwards." --wiki

The CRAB. What is the occult significance associated with the crab?
The crab is a symbol for "the Destroyer"; much of the xtian population has been taught that the Archangel Michael will return as a Destroyer of evil in the "last days".

A little information about this scuplture:
1985 - Peace Fountain, Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, Morningside Heights, New York City, New York (USA). By Greg Wyatt, sculptor-in-residence at the Cathedral. "The sculpture depicts the struggle of good and evil, as well as a battle between the Archangel Michael and Satan. The sculpture also contains the Sun, the Moon, and several animals. Although it is called a fountain, there is currently no water on the site." Entry #732 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).

You will notice in the image, just below the "bowl" of the "fountain" there are crab claws. From the claws hang the head of Satan.

If Soros is behind WikiLeaks...he would certainly be the CRAB with the power to cut heads from the hydra.

edit to add:

About the sculpture:
"Nine giraffes—among the most peaceable of animals—nestle and prance about the center. One rests its head on the bosom of the winged Archangel Michael, described in the bible as the leader of the heavenly host against the forces of Evil. "

Could it be that the "giraffes" represent those who "stick their neck out"---who risk their own safety for coming forward with their pieces of Truth?
edit on 22-12-2010 by Alethea because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by Alethea

so now u think soros is the great Michael???
I wish it were true.
But that is delusional
at best.

sorry, no dice

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by Alethea

so now u think soros is the great Michael???
I wish it were true.
But that is delusional
at best.

sorry, no dice

You are putting words in my mouth. I did not say I believe this. Don't forget it is the re-Legions that is putting forth these myths. And the re-Legions are a strong arm of the Illuminati network. What happens when a convincing dragon-slayer "savior" arrives on the scene? If he brings relief to the masses, the new messiah will be able to implement the NWO plans....right on schedule!

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown

I really don’t understand the people who attempt to claim that there is some massive conspiracy involving wikileaks being a sub-division of the NWO I can only assumeits a desperate attenction to be different and get some attenction.

Think about we have a genius Auzi computer hacker who has released almost half a century’s worth of secret embassy cables talking about China wanting united Korea, the Sectary of State ordering the spying of UN officials, proof the government of Yemen has been lying to its people and a whole bunch of other interesting stuff, I also hear he even has some dirt on UFO’s. Then we have his website shut down and some of his bank accounts frozen, jee they even switched of his PayPal account. Then to top it all off he’s wanted all over the world so the swiss can question him over what are in all probability faked rape allegations and he’s on the run.

why do you have this urge to find a deeper meaning when there is no logical reasoning for it nor is there any evidence.

Why? Because some of this stuff you mentioned is just way too obvious! On the surface it seems very contrived. Of course everyone will see through the "revenge" of arresting him for bogus charges of rape. It is meant to garner the allegiance of the simple minded.

And as far as the information being "revealed"...all this stuff has been alluded to and mentioned for ages. The only difference is that now there might be a little more paperwork to substantiate the more recent developments. 60 minutes and 20/20 and a lot of other shows have been bringing out stuff like this for a quarter of a century and no body makes such a big deal. There is a lot of PR behind this WikiLeaks. Why do people act like the WikiLeaks Revelations are the first time they have ever heard of crooked business?

Shutting down the accounts is to give it the "look of validity". Heck, Assange isn't financially hurt. He's out on his friends 600 acre ranch. This guy has mist for a background. He came out of nowhere.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I learned as a small boy from my father
who told me

If things appear to be too good to be true
then they probably are

That knowledge plays a role in my
thinking on this topic of wikileaks.
It's TOO good to be true.

So if it is too good to be true
then there is an agenda behind it.

Though it may be too good to be true and there may be an agenda behind it, the illusion is always appealing.

Here is another take on the Archangel Michael impostor:

It will be when the Sun is in the sign of Cancer that a counterfeit Michael the Archangel will slay the Dragon, i.e., destroy the Roman Church and remove every vestige of Christian doctrine from planet Earth. Thus cleansing the earth—by elimination of all historic creeds and remnants of traditional Christianity, inhibitors of the Gnostic program of transformation—will make possible the release of mankind from his bondage to matter and escape to the spiritual realms. At least, this is what the Gnostics believe will happen.

Who will be the counterfeit Michael the Archangel???


The sun entered into Cancer a few months ago which created the Grand Cardinal Cross. This alignment is supposed to have a strong energy which affects the transition of leaving the age of Pisces to entering Aquarius and should have an evident energy from 2010-2014.

I suspect this "time frame" is also depicted in the "Peace" sculpture posted above.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:43 AM
Why are we talking about angels instead of real life stuff??? Religion has no influence on all of this...

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Glenn Beck on Mark Lloyd at FCC and
Cass Sunstein, Obama's Czar.

"Marxist revolutionaries..."

AHAHAAHAHAHA, Beck is such a funny clown

No wonder Fox viewers are the most uninformed according to Gallup...
edit on 22-12-2010 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Religion has no influence on all of this...

Religion, commerce, and politics are the tools of implementing the agendas. Religion has a lot to do with this. The masses will believe that "revelation" of these dark deeds are a fulfillment of prophecy. I believe this is why msm is honking the stories. Perhaps this is a good way to prime them and gain their support for the new agenda?

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