Ive had sitings, that were not only crafts, but I know 100% by the contact and experiences that occurred they were ET crafts, and they didn't look
like balloons. I found the New York sitings to be an insult to ufology. Basically a retired military personal enjoys cult status by telling us its
going to happen, and it does. The military playing a role in duping people and like mesmer's trying to discredit the real deal, which they're sitting
on, they're privy to, they're enjoying advanced technology (by our standards, still just a notch above the upper levels of caveman but ET, which is
millions in our galaxy and billions, in more advanced ones, years ahead of us).
Theres real tech here, in this link that is so incredible
it IS disclosure.
Humanity has many different groups pushing for NWO, agendas of starvation/war/inequality.
This technology cannot exist on a planet where there are starving people. These babies take 18 years to grow from seeds to be road worth. Does this
mean the military can grow their crafts on the vine now?
This technology is similar, to how crafts are grown from seeds, as living tech that continues to grow in space.
Our military has this and its the tip of the iceberg. Tech can be responsible, clean and serve the people. Genetically grown food and meat can be
humane and feed the world, or in the hands of criminals downgrade the world.
No one can take power, they can bully and coherse us into empowering them, but its truly up to us. We have the ability, in view of that technology to
really start to look at the world, and scorn their balloon shows, and their claiming they're going to reveal ET life and pulling out a mirobe on a
meteor, while dangling ET tech all around us, with everyone so asleep.
The merecedes in that link took 18 years to grow from 2 seeds, to be mature enough to be road worthy. It was so bizarre, it didn't even win the auto
show. Everyone dropped it, wtihout even understanding: What it said, read it, and then think deeply. Its a real anomaly in a world with mass
starvation of millions and wars, don't ya think!
Its time to really wake people up, not show pics of balloons and support their attempt to bury the motherlode of info and tech they're sitting on
while they murder countless citizens.
By the way, for this to even be leaked out like this, its OLD HAT, its just stuff in overflow box. Think deep, this is very very baby tech to what
the para military are sitting on.
Why do you think the free energy isn't released? Because they love their slave planet!!!!
They have cures for all the diseases, and can clean up all the nano dust and pollution, all of it. This is the tip of a very old stockpile of tech,
they're way beyond this. Its time to equalize and redistribute to the world in open transparency, and they don't want to do it. They'd rather RESET
Well it isn't happening.
We're going to rally the people for PEACE, and EQUALIZING/REDISTRIBUTING and BRINGING OUT THE TECH!
edit on 1-12-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no
reason given)