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UFOs New York City RAW video footage 2010 (HD) In CBS News

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posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:50 AM
Yeah these are not balloons, if it were balloons they could not hang their stationary in different formations, reteurn to the original formation and then form a new formation or repeat previous formations. Especially in those winds they have in Manhattan between and above the buildings. Balloons would be torn to pieces.if they would be tied up.
I actually work with balloons, been doing it for +15 years now, airshow balloons, weatherballoons, research balloons, worked with them all. So unles somebody has made leaps inm balloon technology and forgot to tell the rest of the world I am saying no to the balloon theory.
Don't know what they are, just know they ain't balloons. None that I know of.
edit on 1-12-2010 by Subjective1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

From 4:49 to 6:12 the objects stay in formation.Balloons tied together up that far couldn't do that because of the wind.And I can't see weather balloons staying in that formation neither.But who knows?Could look up to see if there were weather balloons in that area.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

You are right Russo, they are not balloons.

I thought they were balloons because they were moving erratically for the first two minutes, but then about 2:50 into the video they begin to form what seems to be a strange formation and then accelerate. Balloons don't change pattern of movement that quickly.

Also, toward the end of the video, move orbs are revealed. The new orbs are stationary, while the original three are still flying in what seems to be an accelerated strange formation.

At certain points in the video, the formation formed by the primary three objects are too uniform to be coincidence.

I am convinced that this is indeed special video proof of UFOs.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

No, its not a 30 seconds video,
No, its not a blurred footage,
No, its not a shaky footage,
No, its not skydivers,
No, its not CGI,
No, Its not Venus,
No, its not swamp gas,
No, Its not a plane,
No, its not flares,
And No, its not Superman.

Yes its a clear, daylight Video
Yes, is a REAL RAW footage,
Yes, was in the CBS News,

They're balloons.


You guys need to start using JUST A TAD more critical thinking.
edit on 1-12-2010 by JRCrowley because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:19 AM
To everyone saying "balloons", if you just curb your ADD for more than 30 sec, and watch the whole, go watch it right now before you read on.......... ........ ............ ................ ......................(Oh, ok, just skip ahead and stop whining)........yeah see that?!?!? after 4:30ish it starts getting interesting. balloons dont do that they get carried away with the wind, or, if theyre tethered to the ground they move down towards th earth when the wind blows hard, and at that altitude there would be alot of wind.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:19 AM
I read through all 6 pages of posts looking for someone to point out what I see in the video,
but I didn't find it, just a bunch of people arguing.

I watched the whole video on youtube in FULL SCREEN, around 2:40 in the video, you see an
orb come into view in the upper right hand corner of the screen, the person doing the video
re-centers the camera, and then about 10 seconds later you can see the orb on the right
move to the upper right hand corner of the screen, just before it gets there, it looks like it
accelerates away at a high rate of speed.

Somebody else needs to watch it, It looks like the OP may be right.

If what I see is correct, then it would be pretty hard to debunk, I've never seen a balloon move
like that.

can someone who has watched the video in FULL SCREEN reply, and tell me my eyes are
not playing tricks on me.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:40 AM
Lord have mercy! The space aliens must have been shaken nuts with the three space ships bouncing around into one another like three balloons tied together.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:48 AM
DID NOBODY ACTUALLY WATCH THE VIDEO? There are 5 spheres, and the other two just pop into place. Balloons don't do this.
edit on 1-12-2010 by SubPop79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:05 AM
I used to buy UFOs like that at the fair when I was a kid. So cool to have one's own UFO on a string. Sometimes it was fun to tie a few together and have your own triple-UFO. Those were the days!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:12 AM
Well....initially I was convinced balloons. I mostly still am leaning towards balloons. However there were some odd characteristics I wouldn't imagine balloons exhibiting.

-Such as the the anomaly at 2:45 in the video the "object" in the upper right hand side of the screen shoots abruptly to the upper right and stops stationary, and then at 2:54 shoots to the upper right off screen. This is not the camera moving as the 3 "objects" in the center screen don't move from their position in the frame. Not necessarily balloon in wind characteristics.

Also from about 5:15 to about 7:00 the three "objects" remain almost perfectly equidistant from each other with no variance in relation to one another. Odd behavior for balloons rising into the atmosphere. I'm sure cross winds and varying wind patterns up there would make this characteristic rare but not impossible for balloons.

Anyway, they initially looked like balloons to me up until 2:45 into the video the object clearly demonstrates non-balloon like behavior.

Interesting video, still not sure what to make of it.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by RUSSO

An unidentified flying object was seen floating in the skies over New York City. Officials believe it was some kind of balloon.

Thanks for sharing this very interesting video RUSSO,

I did also try to explain it with balloons tied together, but that holds no ground whatsoever in my opinion because further in the video they move away from each other and stay again still in formation.
And after that they get as I see it company from two other "lights/objects" and stay again in formation.
They look exactly at the "lights/objects" seen so many times in the sky of Mexico.

It’s as in so many other cases impossible to say what they really are, but it is nevertheless very interesting to see.

edit on 1/12/10 by spacevisitor because: Made a correction

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:12 AM
I would agree that lack of any fighter jets or other planes going up to get a closer look pretty effectively debunks this.

What, a real UFO, in plain view, middle of the day, in New York, and our gov just gives it a "ho hum" and goes about its business as though nothing is happening? Very doubtful scenario. Probably means that, although to YOU the objects are "unidentified", to those who are charged with appropriately responding to such things there's nothing to see here.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by dubiousone
I would agree that lack of any fighter jets or other planes going up to get a closer look pretty effectively debunks this.

What, a real UFO, in plain view, middle of the day, in New York, and our gov just gives it a "ho hum" and goes about its business as though nothing is happening? Very doubtful scenario. Probably means that, although to YOU the objects are "unidentified", to those who are charged with appropriately responding to such things there's nothing to see here.

Yeah and they are always honest and right.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by SKinLaB
It looks like 3 balloons tied together the way they are moving around. Thats just me. Interesting though.

My thoughts as well.. where is the UFO?

Originally posted by RUSSO
No, its not a 30 seconds video,
No, its not a blurred footage,
No, its not a shaky footage,
No, its not baloons,
No, its not skydivers,
No, its not CGI,
No, Its not Venus,
No, its not swamp gas,
No, Its not a plane,
No, its not flares,
And No, its not Superman.

Yes its a clear, daylight Video
Yes, is a REAL RAW footage,
Yes, was in the CBS News,

Superman is real and so are UFO's, unidentified flying objects. Since Superman is from another planet that means he is an alien so that must mean aliens are real.

Originally posted by DisturbedToo
I was REALLY trying HARD to find something to convince me they were not balloons. I failed

Just my opinion of course.

You are not alone

Originally posted by SKinLaB
It looks like 3 balloons tied together the way they are moving around. Thats just me. Interesting though.

Looks like 3 baloons tied together or a kite?

Originally posted by neonitus
to me these are obviously balloons, i cant understand how you could see it as anything else.
look like balloons, move like balloons.

Yes i think we can all agree they are balloons, if it looks like a ballon, behaves like a balloon it is probably a balloon... i do not understand the Op's stance on this?

I cant believe this went 6 pages either, i only made it through like 2 pages. Obviously we cant see it being anything other than balloons. So balloons it is. Since i wasted the last half hour looking at footage of motion blur of bugs and birds, then this here footage of balloons can anyone point me in the direction of something worth my time or are all the threads like this today?

edit on 1-12-2010 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:39 AM
A 4th "Magic Balloon" appear suddenly and from nowhere at 2:48 min.


S&F Russo.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:46 AM
After watching all 8 minutes I can conclude that this video definetelly and once and for all proves: that there ARE baloons hovering above us, and they're REAL.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:12 AM
I dont think that is balloons as they dont seem to move independently , they appear to stay within the same plane relative to each other , as if its a solid object or 3 objects held in the same plane

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by RUSSO
No, its not baloons,

You're kidding us, right?

It seems that the days of denying ignorance have gone from ATS!!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:55 AM
It would be helpful if we knew what happened to the objects. Did they zoom off (unlike balloons), or slowly drift away, (in the manner of balloons), or appear to disappear (like bursting balloons) . This seems to be an essential element left out of so many UFO news reports.

Without this information the sceptic in me would say that they're balloons lit by the sun (that you can see the direction of when the camera person zooms out), they were tethered together, then at around 4.51 the string breaks. What appears to be 'orbs' appearing out of no where can be explained by the objects being brought into focus by the camera.

The believer in me says that the string tethering the 'balloons' sure seems to stretch alot at 4.51 before 'breaking'!

Without witness reports of what happened after they stopped filming, I don't think I can decide either way for sure.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:59 AM


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