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This is why Julian Assange needs to be silenced...the moron

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posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by allthegoodusernamestaken

I agree with every single word you said in your post. Star. Assange is exposing the world leaders for the conniving, two-faced, back-stabbers they are.

This includes the ones we have in Washington DC. Expose them. Expose them all. Embarrass every single one of them. Make them eat crow. They are exactly why the world is in the shape it's in.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:30 PM
Grrrr! I hit the button twice! Grrrr!

edit on 30/11/10 by Intelearthling because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by ParkerCramer
reply to post by ZELDAR

putting you in real danger???????????????????

would you say that danger is any greater than the possibility of you being searched without probable cause?

what about being detained without due process of law?????

what about having your phone tapped without a warrant?????????????

what about having your internet activity being monitored without probable cause or a warrant?????????

do any of these bother you???????

they are quite a bit more likely to happen to you than any real danger from these leaks.

Yeah maybe if I was muslim. Which I am not. I dont see my phone being tapped or searched for no reason in the near future. You know what...I have nothing to hide. So it doesnt matter, if you do then it does, ya know.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by ZELDAR

Originally posted by ParkerCramer
reply to post by ZELDAR

perhaps you should look at this in a different manner, wether you agree with the leaks is not the issue, the issue to youseems to be the damage it's done to this country...................................................

maybe if you look at the leaks as an inditement of our leaders, and not our country????????????

NO! Do you understand english? The problem is the leaking of the documents. That is a security issue. FOR EVERYONE

ok, so, lets say that the gov't agrees with your perception of these leaks, then it would seem logical that they would take the steps for our continued security....................

they will immediately move the TSA into our subways, bus stations, hospitals, schools, etc..................

they will also start 100% monitoring of all e-mails, web sites, they will take complete control of the internet, so, that in the future there will never be the possibility of leaks like these....................

now, if this does happen, would you then celebrate these leaks???????????????

using your logic, I would think so, you got what you wanted..................SECURITY!!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by ZELDAR

So if everyone jumps off a bridge, you'd jump too...yeah, sure, that totally justifies it

You got that from what??? I'm not an idiot. You sound confused to me...

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by ZELDAR
Our freedom is based on laws we created, that others despise. All the s hit we do behind the scenes is the reason we are still free. That and the bloodshed.

I can't stand that cliche. We're not free, far from it. And we haven't been directly attacked by a tangible enemy that can threaten our alleged freedom in a long time. The recent bloodshed at the hands of our government is a terrible disgrace, and has only served to make more people hate us. Anybody who takes comfort that we have a better quality of life, while knowing countless innocents have been murdered to maintain it, is a monster. Anybody who feels that way better hope there is no such thing as karma, or a conscious higher power of any kind.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by StlSteve
And what's your message little guy?

little guy???
is that supposed to be sarcasm
by chance?

I have a 3 inch scar on my right arm
from a stab wound. 8 stitches
I have a 2 inch scar under my
left eye from brass knuckles. 4 stitches
I have 4 chipped teeth
from a pool stick. teeth dont get stitches
I have been shot at and missed
by about a foot.
My leg has been broken twice.
My forearm and wrist has been broken.
I have been thrown from a moving vehicle
at about 25 mph.
A motorcycle racing crash almost
broke my neck.
I have been thrown through a plate
glass window. 6 stitches on elbow.

quite impressive for a 12 yr old eh???

As far as the returned damage,
I have the right to remain silent.

ok, wait for it .....


edit on 11/30/2010 by boondock-saint because: spelling

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:35 PM
It's easy for a foreign entity to point fingers and say ha ha after the leaks. But what did the leaks say? Korea, China, GB, Sudi Arabia... any takers? Anyone want to step up and say 'Not True'?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by mobiusmale

Here is post by someone who does not like the US being outed as the one and only terrorist organization in the world.

The US starts all the wars anyway so your point is pointless.

These types of things are what makes the little people wise to the people in power.

It is great to have the US exposed for being what it is.

You will see how relevant this is when you are rounded up and thrown into camps. Then I will ask you if Wikileaks should release that type of info to the world.

Sometimes its better when certain people remain silent or are silenced. Im not talking about Julian Assange right now.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by ZELDAR

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by ZELDAR

So if everyone jumps off a bridge, you'd jump too...yeah, sure, that totally justifies it

You got that from what??? I'm not an idiot. You sound confused to me...

Well, when I said you condone torture, your reply was "everyone else does it too". I think my analogy hit the nail

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

are you suggesting that if someone is muslim, that it would be ok for these intrusions??????????


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by bloodgame

Please, what wars (all of them) did we start?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by whoocares
reply to post by ZELDAR

wait wait ask me when i got my citizenship but you claim to not be an ignorant asshole?
riiiight...way to go definitely make has nothing to do with this discussion so ill pretend your ignorant self didn't just ask me that...

now..wikileaks is intended to display all kinds of 'dirty laundry' no matter where its from..riight?.(it just so happens the US is its biggest target thus far)...lets hope this opens the door for others that are outraged by what their country has done or is doing. dont you want to hold officials/leaders accountable of lying, stealing, killing, or just being plain old corrupt?? seriously its not much to ask for!!

How does that make me ignorant? I should have just said I was throwing a jab at you....
EVERY GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD IS PLAGUED BY CORRUPTION, of course we want our horrible people out of office, but there is only so much we can realistically do. Showing secrets documents is NOT the way to stop corruption. Its only gonna increase secrecy.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by die_another_day
You don't need Julian Assange to make the US "look" bad because we are badass.

Badass at the local all-you-can-eat buffet...

KIDDING! for the most part.

No, we really feel for "ya'll", big time, we the whole world over are praying for the American people to turn away from the mass hypnotic brainwashing tranmitted from their television sets, and all manner of "traditional mainstream media" outlets and channels.

Just ignore them and "it" completely, and go about creating a better world from within your own personal sphere of influence, no matter how big or small it might appear. Re-create a new world - the backdrop is BLEAK by contrast, and, CLEAN if everything I've researched is true, and I'm pretty sure it "groks".

This century everything then is up in the air (including the self) and will be brought to a head, to a grand realization of some kind, it's coming, it's already here, and now just about everywhere we look these days. SOMETHING, is changing, transforming, somewhere, bit by bit, always, and forever. It's the only thing that never changes in fact! It's trustworthy. But, when we awaken each morning, we are not in every way precisely the same person that we were the day before. Oh personality comes back to the body, our remembered representation of it anyway, but that's just a filter and a rather thin one at that. Only our present moment experience can be relied upon, or trusted, and once we're there and we find that peace which comes not from this "world" (crazy Satanic system), then the program of one mind can be stilled, so that the quantum mind might at least begin to envelope the self, and in so doing, dissolve it in the Love of God.

All the pieces of the puzzle are now available, in order for the Great Work of all ages, to be realized, and we are just like pent up water droplets, quivering in fear and last minute self doubt, before plunging headlong over the falls, together.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by ParkerCramer
reply to post by ZELDAR

and, again I ask you WHAT danger are you facing from this??????????????????

please no generic answer like war, or terroism!!

Are you serious!!!?!!?!?!?!? Ok, this is the last time i'm explaining this to you. We get info from COUNTRY1, who speaks of its ally COUNTRY2, planning an attack on us. If COUNTRY2 finds out that COUNTRY1 let us know, then COUNTRY2 will stop telling COUNTRY1 its plans, thus leaving us open for attack. That same scenario can be played out over and over again in different ways... If you don't get it now, please change topics..

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Intelearthling

So the US is to blame for all your problems, how convenient, especially if you have no personal resposibility.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by allthegoodusernamestaken
The people have every right to know, read about and understand exactly how much the US has been screwing the world around. I hope this leads to total diplomatic isolation and ridicule for the US, but I know it wont. Because of these revelations, I have cancelled my planned trip to the US, and rebooked for a nice long weekend in Switzerland. Knowing what I do, I would never prop your economy with my hard earned money, something I hope many will do.

Its not just about the U.S., but since you are so negatively against the U.S. judging by your position; when you say prop our economy, did you mean support? Or are you giving us Props for putting up with your ego?
People have the right to know, but in this situation these people that have the right to know are now in danger or at risk of war or death from war I.E. South/North Korea and everyone else implemented at that. I am all for dying for peace, but not everyone is on that same page. Just a thought......

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

could you please direct me to the section of ANY of the leaked documents that support your reasoning??????????????


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by ParkerCramer

Originally posted by ZELDAR

Originally posted by ParkerCramer
reply to post by ZELDAR

perhaps you should look at this in a different manner, wether you agree with the leaks is not the issue, the issue to youseems to be the damage it's done to this country...................................................

maybe if you look at the leaks as an inditement of our leaders, and not our country????????????

NO! Do you understand english? The problem is the leaking of the documents. That is a security issue. FOR EVERYONE

ok, so, lets say that the gov't agrees with your perception of these leaks, then it would seem logical that they would take the steps for our continued security....................

they will immediately move the TSA into our subways, bus stations, hospitals, schools, etc..................

they will also start 100% monitoring of all e-mails, web sites, they will take complete control of the internet, so, that in the future there will never be the possibility of leaks like these....................

now, if this does happen, would you then celebrate these leaks???????????????

using your logic, I would think so, you got what you wanted..................SECURITY!!

You have got to be very anti-establishment, and for what reason?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:47 PM
How many countries do we have to support before they kill us

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