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This is why Julian Assange needs to be silenced...the moron

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posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by whoocares
reply to post by ZELDAR

LOL you sound like a troll...
how about you respect other people opinions/comments before opening your damn ignorant mouth. Its ok for the US to butt into other countries problems but ohh no, wait a minute..dont speak about my country when ur not even a part of it. thats the kind of elitism that is wrong with my fellow Americans today. its so easy to fling dirt around but when its aimed at us we cry like little girls...sorry zeldar, but its 2010...the age of information...anyone can get it and speak about it
...beautiful things rlly...

HA I do respect others comments/opinions, it doesnt mean I have to agree with them. That is what this site is here for. You're calling me ignorant? No sir, I just stand behind what I say. If this is truly the age of information why havent we seen leaks docs of all the countries? One word: SECURITY. Also, how am I crying like a little girl? I am simply stating the facts that he stole private documents from OUR government. Putting me and YOU in danger of whatever it may be, or may not be. But either way, how can you say that? When did you get your citizenship?
edit on 30-11-2010 by ZELDAR because: YOU and I*

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by StlSteve
You're 47 and end your statements with 'hahahaha'
Yea, right. Are you getting tired little guy? Kind of late, you better knock off for the night.

as always
can't address the topic
try discredit the messenger
tsk tsk tsk


just had to throw one more line of haha's in there
for good measure

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

And what's your message little guy?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ

Originally posted by ZELDAR

Originally posted by MrXYZ

Originally posted by GeisterFahrer
Assange now thinks he can dictate who runs our country.

Gitmo is too good for him.

Yeah, let's send him to the shining beacon of fairness and justice that is Gitmo. Where people sit for months and years without proper legal representation, outside of international law just like other balcksites. The place where we show what we believe to be freedom and justice...he shouldn't worry either, we're just using "extended interrogation techniques", we don't tortue like those evil terrorists. We're better

I would personally water board dude. Lets let him walk through america and see what happens!

Condoning sound like a really lovely guy

As long as people like you stand a chance of running governments, we need organizations like Wikileaks!

Everyone tortures JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST, the US isnt the only country on the chopping block ATM

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by mobiusmale

What offends me the most about Assange, is that he is only doing this for personal notoriety, and nothing more. If he truly cared about exposing corruption and criminal activity, then he wouldn't feel the need to plaster his name and face over every single news broadcast. It has become all about Assange, and his quest for an ideologue platform from which to spew forth his might proclamations. It is a shame really, because Wikileaks could be used for such good in this world, but it has no concept of right vs. wrong. I don't see, for instance, how publishing the names of U.S. Afghan agents accomplishes anything short of having their entire families massacred. This is utterly despicable, and rest assured, there will be a day of reckoning (What goes around, comes around).

In the meantime, the Ayatollah and his mad midget accomplice continue to persecute homosexuals and other innocent individuals, the Korean beaver grows ever more insane, and China spreads its ever enveloping tentacles around the throat of America.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by mobiusmale

He is doing much more harm that good on the world stage, and his motives are one-sided. He is most likely responsible for deaths of people in Afghanistan who dared speak out against the Taliban. In all fairness it would be nice for Wikileaks to release documents from other countries, but I suspect that would be agains Assanges interests.

He will be lucky if he isn't assassinated.
edit on 30-11-2010 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:07 PM

Assange is now Interpols most wanted for sex crimes!!!

2 hours ago! CNN covering it right now!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by misfitofscience
reply to post by ZELDAR

He doesnt hack. He or someone else provides him with money to pay for hacks or illegally obtained information and soldiers have been told to go to his company when they have astronomical proof of highly sensitive information, he pays for it, then sells it to the press...or so we are lead to believe. Either, what will it truly do for Assange? id Daniel Ellsberg's pentagon papers on Vietnam leak really do anything for him? No.
Again...proof right there, that your government is truly f u c k e d u p !
They will also lie to the people and get away with it time n time again!

Ok, and I'm all for them covering s hit up to keep us free. Yes, I know lots of you say oh we're not free! Think again, look around....maybe travel to china or the middle east. We are free as hell compared.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

putting you in real danger???????????????????

would you say that danger is any greater than the possibility of you being searched without probable cause?

what about being detained without due process of law?????

what about having your phone tapped without a warrant?????????????

what about having your internet activity being monitored without probable cause or a warrant?????????

do any of these bother you???????

they are quite a bit more likely to happen to you than any real danger from these leaks.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

So if everyone jumps off a bridge, you'd jump too...yeah, sure, that totally justifies it

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

seems like a dream come true!!!!

on the run

can't go home

having the CIA looking for you..............................

what a luckly guy.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:13 PM
He who controls the information writes history.

At a fundamental level, those against WikiLeaks would prefer history be a lie for the greater good. The problem with that point of view is that this acceptance of lies for the greater good discounts the possibilities of rampant abuse and corruption. There are no checks and balances to keep the government honest about the things that should not be held secret. The government is accountable to the people, but only in so far as the people have visibility into what goes on in the government.

We are no longer able to just trust the government to act in our best interests. It is better to risk wars than to allow the level of corruption in the government to continue to go unchecked. Liberty is truly at stake.

This nation is at a turning point. We can go the way of China with censorship and big-brother control to the point that no individual can disagree with the government or choose unpopular actions and statements for himself, or we can go down a path that acknowledges that freedom and liberty are steeped in the rights of the individual. We can all be strip-searched when entering bus stops, airports, and subways, or we can accept that the risk of death is the price of freedom instead of cowering behind security theater. We can continue to pour our tax money into homeland security and defense budgets, while ignoring things like cancer which kills more people in 1 day than terrorists have killed in the past 100 years, or we can spend our money where we really do save lives and build a better life for our families. We can continue to let the government work in secrecy for the "good" of everyone, or acknowledge the facts that they often do not operate in our best interests and we must have transparency and accountability...which only begins with transparency.

So, indeed Assange and WikiLeaks are doing this country a huge favor. These disclosures are critical in documenting the underhanded dealings for history. If we do not learn from our history, then we are doomed to repeat it. And you cannot learn from that which is obscured from view by all. The greatest disinfectant is sunlight.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Since these leaks came out I have seen/heard so many people reading them, talking about, gossiping about them.

That is all this is really, its gossip. Its like when I was in junior high and my friend stole his sister's diary.
That is all everyone talked about for a few weeks, then it went away.
So China called Mr. Kim over in NK a spoiled child.
My take on this whole thing is the same as it is in my everyday life.

If you dont want someone to read what you have to say, don't write it down. Simple.
If you have to write something down, make sure that you do it in a form that it wont bother you if someone else reads it.

I told that to my friends sister too. It worked for her after that.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by misfitofscience

Assange is now Interpols most wanted for sex crimes!!!

2 hours ago! CNN covering it right now!

He is NOT Interpol's most wanted, lol. They handed out a "red notice", which basically makes sure they keep informed about his whereabouts. It isn't even an arrest warrant!

At least do your research before posting nonsense

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by okachobi

star for you!!!

fantastic point of, will it make any difference to the millions who choose to believe what they hear, instead of what they see?????

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

wait wait ask me when i got my citizenship but you claim to not be an ignorant asshole?
riiiight...way to go definitely make has nothing to do with this discussion so ill pretend your ignorant self didn't just ask me that...

now..wikileaks is intended to display all kinds of 'dirty laundry' no matter where its from..riight?.(it just so happens the US is its biggest target thus far)...lets hope this opens the door for others that are outraged by what their country has done or is doing. dont you want to hold officials/leaders accountable of lying, stealing, killing, or just being plain old corrupt?? seriously its not much to ask for!!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by ParkerCramer
reply to post by ZELDAR

perhaps you should look at this in a different manner, wether you agree with the leaks is not the issue, the issue to youseems to be the damage it's done to this country...................................................

maybe if you look at the leaks as an inditement of our leaders, and not our country????????????

NO! Do you understand english? The problem is the leaking of the documents. That is a security issue. FOR EVERYONE

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Pryde87
They dont have any meaning other than to stir things up and gain attention. They have just caused problems for the people trying to keep your country safe and the standard of living high. Why dont you tell me what good can come of them? What has been gloriously revealed that is all important to you here?

The good that can come, is that it's another straw on the camel's back. Eventually, it's gonna break. You're quite pompous to sit there and assume ALL of us that are born into this high standard of living, are just fine with letting others suffer at the hands of the people trying to keep our country safe and the standard of living high. The means exist for the entire world population to enjoy a higher standard of living, the problem is, the top % of ultra wealthy sleeze bags all over the world (the ones that pull the strings and fill the pockets of "the people trying to keep our country safe and the standard of living high"), would much rather keep monopolies on resources, and blatantly outlaw renewable resources that cannot be patented or monopolized, in order to be sure they get even richer. They would rather countless human beings die brutal deaths, than allow the wealth and resources they control to be spread to ALL the people of the world. We could maintain our middle class standard of living, while seeing people of the poorest countries rise to the same standard, if all of the people wake up, and take down that top 10 % a few pegs....

The most comprehensive study of personal wealth ever undertaken also reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. In contrast, the bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth.

Not all of us are cool with that, so you can dispense with the telling us how good we have it (thanks to the extreme suffering of others) BS. And your analogy about the backstabbing friend was pretty weak. Larry does need to know that somebody he believes to be his friend, is a two faced POS.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

and, again I ask you WHAT danger are you facing from this??????????????????

please no generic answer like war, or terroism!!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by ZELDAR
Yes, and its a free country because of the secrets we hold.

absolutely not.

this country is free because Patriots shed
blood to keep it.

I'm starting to think you are not all there. After reading a bunch of your posts.....You seem to have gotten into the wrong tea. Sure the patriots started our country, and protect it. But our security is much more than that. Our freedom is based on laws we created, that others despise. All the s hit we do behind the scenes is the reason we are still free. That and the bloodshed.

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