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I experienced a "classic" UFO sighting: Nov. 28, 2010

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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by FireMoon
One little detail missing I'd truly love to know. Can you give the object's apparent magnitude ? How bright was it in comparison to Capella.?
edit on 29-11-2010 by FireMoon because: spelling

Possibly 1.3 times brighter. I'm trying to work out a little animation that demonstrates what I saw.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:33 PM
I did have a similar experience a few years ago, just after leaving the car when arriving at home with a friend, my friend for some reason looked to the sky and asked me “what is that?”, so I looked up too and saw 4 objects flying in echelon formation ,no lights and my first thought was “birds” and I was saying this to my friend when suddenly the 4 “ birds flying in formation”(at this time they doesn't looked like birds anymore) somehow became 3, each one now was a red light very different from airplanes navigation lights, and they very rapidly moved to a triangle formation , to the northwest of my point of view , then the triangle (perfect) seemed to grow , as the red points distanced from each other , all the time keeping the symmetry of the “triangle formation” , after a few seconds the 3 red points moved fast again “shrinking” the triangle to its original dimension and finally they became 4 again and vanished , very fast towards north...

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:43 PM
Are you 100% certain that the beer and cigarettes combined with the use of the ipad did not affect your vision and perception?

Seriously, just once I'd like to see something like this in my life before I die.

I look, I watch, and I have seen a lot of easily explainable things in the night sky, but never anything that could have been considered a genuine UFO.

No matter what anyone thinks about your story, you should consider yourself fortunate to have witnessed this.

A personal question for you, has this affected your spiritual beliefs in any way?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
...All you have is my word; the word of someone who habitually doubted extraordinary explanations of things like this, suddenly compelled to post his observations of something extraordinary.
edit on 29-11-2010 by SkepticOverlord because: typo

Great post, SkepticOverlord. You stated a grand truth. People do think and react and feel differently about the UFO topic -depending on whether or not they have seen something truly amazing. After seeing something fantastic and inexplicable in person, first hand, a person's thoughts "shift." Suddenly, he/she is one of the few, one of the potentially ridiculed should he/she reveal what has been seen to others. Suddenly, they are the subject of people making jokes about little green men, the target of someone (and there's almost always someone) who starts humming the theme to the Twilight Zone.

I've had two sightings, myself. In a nutshell, the first happened over the skies of Blytheville Air Force Base, Arkansas (my first AF assignment). What looked like the two non-blinking, high-altitude lights of a B-52 or a KC-135 tanker (both were stationed at the base) slowly crossed the night sky. Just before I looked away, they began to perform a figure eight, ---crisscrossing as they flew, and speeding up along the same course until they were gone. The next was almost ten years later at Davis Monthan AFB, Arizona. It was pre-dawn, 5 a.m.-ish, and the sky was starting to light up from the east. High altitude, splotchy clouds were present. I was waiting for my friends, as we were to commute to the base (staying in town at the Holiday Inn TDY (temporary duty from another base)). I saw a light flicker across the sky at a dizzying speed -ABOVE- the cloud layer, flickering like an erratic autumn leaf being blown in an errant breeze. In a second or two, it had crossed the sky and was gone.

I am careful who I tell these to in person because of the "little green men" ridicule factor. Some people, many people, go immediately into "ridicule mode" whenever the UFO subject comes up, even if you aren't describing your own sighting. I've noticed that these people begin telling outlandish things --like the lady on Coast to Coast AM who went on air talking about her ability to channel communications from the Zeta Reticulans, or they'll bring up stories about science fiction movies in an obvious attempt to render the discussion ridiculous, embroiling everyone in the most outlandish examples of UFOlogy that discredits the entire subject. I think it's one of at least two things kicking in for that person. They're either made uncomfortable by the subject and try to find a humorous way out of it; or, they have fallen victim to an unconscious social conditioning program that teaches us that nothing of this sort is possible; or, perhaps some of them are people who might know something and are sworn to secrecy, and are further instructed to ridicule and debunk these discussions whenever they spring up --especially in a government facility.

Just some thoughts. I'm glad you had your sighting. It can be a powerful, yet subtle life changing event, like that last snowflake that tips the weight along the mountain to cause an avalanche of transformation.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:44 PM
Very interesting, I too saw something very similar to what you have described in about 1988/89, when I was living in the West Midlands in the UK. I lived really high up and our apartment had a full view overlooking Birmingham. It was a very clear night and we were standing outside on the balcony, so it must have been around Summer time, June/July/August.

Then a shape which I can only describe as being diagonal and very brightly lit appeared beyond a tall tower block in the distance. As myself and my flat mate watched the object it suddenly shot forward towards us and appeared to be inline with the tower block in the distance. Then after a couple of minutes four other similar shaped objects just slightly smaller seemed to evolve from that one object and surround the larger one. So basically the four smaller objects made up a square shape with each object being the right angle and the larger object just sitting in the middle.

Now I thought that this was amazing and just stood there in awe, but then things got even better. The four objects that made up the square shape then seemed to rotate to the right, as if they were changing places with each other, this lasted about two more minutes. Then the four objects on the outside then appeared to go back into the central object one by one. Then the larger remaining object just shot off into the distance, but unfortunately never reappeared again.

I have seen several sightings of what I call UFO's, but this was by far the best sighting I have had. There is nothing else that I can compare this sighing to, nothing as far as I know in these modern times can even do that now, and this was over 20 years ago.

I just wish that there were such things as camera phones and the like around then, but it has always stayed in my mind.

One day we will know....One day!!

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:57 PM
Hello to everyone on ATS.

Long time watcher and admirer of the ATS and recently took the plunge and joined the forum and feel compelled to respond to the OP as it sounded genuine and quite similar to my very own ( one and only ) own UFO experience.

Late June of this year I was relaxing alone in my vehicle at around 2am watching the night sky when over my home city of Glasgow I witnessed an object that was bright white but larger than any star I have ever seen. It caught my eye in the clear cloud free sky and as I was thinking to myself : that is an unusual looking object: it shot at the speed of Holy Crap across the night sky in a straight line before vanishing into thin air.

I was gobsmacked.

This object was under intelligent control and moved at a rate that defied belief.

I have thought about it almost every day since the event took place and still have trouble believing what I saw with my very own eyes.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Thanx for that.... Then you are looking an object that was truly bright in terms of a celestial one. If you check through the satellite sites that give their magnitudes, there are a very few who reach anything like that brightness.

Brightest Saellites

As you can see from the list, a 0 to 1st magnitude satellite is virtually unheard of. Capella is the 3rd brightest star in the Northern hemisphere.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:03 PM
I live in CA and have been waiting all day to see a report! I saw the EXACT same "star" you described. Im over in monterey and saw it at 5am and it was there for over an hour.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Given what I know (I started life after high school wanting to be a cosmologist/physiscst), what I saw would seem to be well beyond existing human technology -- IF what I saw was extremely far away. Certainly, if it were close, I would have heard "something" in the cool quiet air of the Phoenix valley. That would seem to support that it may have been quite distant. But in the end, I have no way to know for sure.

What you saw was impossible, but you saw it. The impossible is called "a miracle" -- and "Act of God". UFO Sightings are "Acts of God". There have been millions of them, but no evidence – just lots of controversy – those are the characteristics of “Acts of God”.

Witness of “Acts of God” cause profound after effects – I’ve had lots of them.

Your site is being used by God to announce his absolutely for sure existence. There have been many events discussed on your site, which could not have happened, but they did. These events and the discussion of them will be used as a part of the announcement.

You were contacted on purpose -- so you would realize that what I have said in this post.

I've been working with extraterrestrial presence for 25 years on a daily basis. The selection of your site will make the site owners lots of money.


posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
A personal question for you, has this affected your spiritual beliefs in any way?

No. I remain an atheist who admires the Hopi and Navaho spirituality much more than any organized religion.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:12 PM
On May 1st, 2010, my friend and I experienced something that changed our lives forever.
We literally witnessed, heard, and FELT something that I can only explain as inter-dimensional.
It was a short creature, and as it moved past us, we would BOTH see it and feel the air change as it moved...
We then heard an odd electrical/frequency noise which would build up and become louder and louder whenever this thing showed itself.

It was the craziest experience of my life, and I know many won't believe me but I still tell anyone who has seen a UFO/something out of this world...because I know that they may get the same ridicule as myself.
I'm not crazy, and quite skeptical by nature...but I am spiritual and feel we are all connected, and one..

Anyways, didn't mean to post off topic, but wanted to throw in my two cents....I feel something is definitely happening on a global scale.
I am from California, USA.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
A personal question for you, has this affected your spiritual beliefs in any way?

No. I remain an atheist who admires the Hopi and Navaho spirituality much more than any organized religion.

Like it or not, you are spiritually affected -- it's that feeling of being all shook up. Spiritual is not Religion -- it is anti-religion.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:18 PM
I've created a QuickTime video that simulates, as much as possible, what I saw.

I used Google Sky to grab the star orientation at the time, and make the "object's" size and brightness appropriate relative to the Capella star... so the ultimate scale and star-field size may be off a bit, but the motion of the object is nearly identical to what I saw. 510k movie file.

The animation illustrates better than I could describe that the motion was very linear and abrupt... no apparent acceleration/deceleration, just instant full-speed motion.
edit on 29-11-2010 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Skeptic, great report and thanks for the animation, that's definitely weird.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I love to be able to tell you I have a prosaic explanation for that Overlord.... I don't. It held its' position for some considerable time then left, covering several miles in seconds, after seemingly breaking into two. I cannot think of any known phenomenon that can account for that.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:26 PM
Hi Skeptic

I had a very similar experience a years ago in DC. I was coming back from work, waiting at the bus stop and gazing at the evening, cloudless, sky when I noticed a bright stationary object (I thought it was Venus or a sattelite at first.
After a couple of minutes, it started to move then almost immediatly split in two. The 2 objects then flew in different directions, one disappeared the other one was still flying but not very fast.
I was so amazed I kept looking even as I entered the bus. I sat and followed it from the bus for another minute or so, then it sped up and disappeared as well.
It was so unreal, at the time I believed it saw me staring at it and followed me (the bus) for a while. Its motion appeared controlled and unnatural.
edit on 29-11-2010 by TheOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I remain skeptical as to the potential value we might represent to any advanced interstellar species.

I find this opinion odd for anyone, much less the "owner" (arent you guys incorporated?) of a conspiracy website. If we are talking about "extra-terrestrial" origins and intelligent species traveling from some distant planet I would imagine finding intelligent life anywhere else (singularly or multiples) at the very least would be somewhat appealing to the discoverer.

Unless this civilization is so highly advanced that it can analyze an entire planets structures, materials and intelligent life very rapidly I would think they would like to stick around a while and perform some observations and/ or experiments.

In the same thought I can not see much harm in introducing yourselves as a peaceful advanced culture. Forget the sci-fi stuff. To interact with another intelligent being from another world I doubt is something to shrug your shoulders at. Im not condoning the opinion that it is lifeless space out there and the entire universe is bare. On the contrary, I personally believe there must be other life out there and would like to believe advanced life is in the plenty as well. That being said, just the sheer size of the universe would make the discovery of any type of life on another planet (life existing on other planets) anything but "mundane."

Anhow, it was a cool account of what you saw. I imagine one of those UFO reporting websites (MUFON?) would be interested in it.

edit on 29-11-2010 by open_eyeballs because: spelling

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

well their is nothing in our technology that can do that, just so you know only thing I can think of is probes of some kind perhaps, that were dropped from a plane or something, but ya I think you saw something extraordinary SO, good luck on the search to understanding it.
edit on 29-11-2010 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:38 PM
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop...

Your true journey has just begun.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:38 PM
I have to admit that when SkepticOverlord told me about this sighting during a quick phone call this afternoon (I was traveling back home and was at the Cleveland airport) I was a bit astounded...

He NEVER thinks ANYTHING is beyond our humble capabilities as Humans, and frankly, I agree with him on 99% of it.

The 1% is what has kept me interested all these years...

Now my business partner and best friend has finally seen something he can't explain.

I thought I did while we were all up at Mt. Adams in Trout Lake, WA. but I found out a few months later that USAF had the X-38 cruising around. That ruled my sighting out due the overt possibility of a terrestrial explanation..

It would appear that the biggest skeptic of us all (Crakeur excluded of course) has seen something truly bizarre before I have. That's just WRONG.

In any case, I am thrilled to see this being met with honest skepticism rather than bashing and ridicule.

Excellent day on ATS.


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