posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:48 PM
Within a year 90% of world hunger, homelessness, disease and extreme poverty could be eradicated if government and corporations put the amount of
effort, money and resources into it as they do for weapons technology, defense, and wars. Now think about this, say a country like the USA did this
immediately just for countries like Haiti and other Caribbean Islands, West and East Africa, areas in Central and South America and inside of North
America itself, places where no large standing armies or governments are in control like say China or India, not only would we greatly reduce the
negative effects of the Drug War, Immigration, and Terrorism from within these areas, but our standing in the world would be so greatly appreciated
and respected no country would think about attacking us. Plus empowering these areas would create strong allies in them, who would be willing to fight
against any nation or group that sought our demise. Citizens of the USA itself would be much more caring of this countries well being and millions
more would be willing to fight anyone who threatened this well being. But it will never happen because of fear and greed, that is unless the people of
the USA are willing to stand up and demand nothing less then this, even if it means sacrificing all they have.
This same argument can be made for a country like Israel also.