North Korean military parade
Well, this one’s not about a full scale war between N Korea and the U.S. but against the strategic assets of America in and around South Korea. What
is the US and South Korea up against? What is the force level they would be facing?
Some must be under the impression that N Korea will be a pushover where a conventional war is concerned and due to this asymmetry in force levels, N
Korea would be forced to deploy nuclear weapons. This scenario is most unlikely. However, if the US mounts a preemptive strike on North Korea's
Yongbyon nuclear plants, North Korea will retaliate with weapons of mass destruction: North Korea will mount strategic nuclear attacks on US targets.
But take a look at what N Korea can throw against the combined U.S – S Korean forces and you’ll realise it’s not going to be easy to defeat N
Korea into submission.
Western press and analysts distort the truth and depict North Korea as an "impoverished" nation, starving and on the brink of imminent collapse.
An impoverished, starving nation cannot face down a military superpower. Today few nations have military assets strong enough to challenge the US
Yes they can! In the Korean Peninsula.
North Korea's military is organized into several independent, totally integrated and self-sufficient fighting units that are ready for action at any
time. But the most important factors of all are the levels of motivation and indoctrination of the N Korean soldiers willing to lay down their lives
for their ‘king’.
N Korean Ground Forces
North Korea's regular Army:
North Korea army is composed of approximately 1,003,000 personnel organized into 20 corps consisting of 176 divisions and brigades, 8,000 heavy guns,
and 2,000 tanks placed in more than 4,000 hardened bunkers within 150 km of the DMZ.
Four corps in the forward areas.
Eight corps in the rear areas.
One tank corps
Four armored corps
Two artillery corps
One corps for the defense of Pyongyang
25 Special Forces brigades (possibly the largest in the world).
North Korea has 80 infantry divisions* and brigades. )South Korea in contrast has 19 infantry divisions.
*A North Korean infantry division has 3 infantry regiments, 1 artillery regiment (3 battalions of 122 mm rocket launchers and 1 battalion of 152
mortars), one tank battalion of 31 tanks, one anti-tank battalion, one anti-aircraft battalion, one engineer battalion, one communication battalion,
one light-infantry battalion, one recon battalion, and one chemical warfare battalion.
The two Artillery corps mentioned above consist of 30 Artillery brigades equipped with 120mm self-propelled guns, 152mm self-propelled mortars, 170mm
guns with a range of 50 km, 240 mm multiple rocket launchers with a range of 45 km, and other heavy guns. In all, North Korea has about 18,000 heavy
Since most of the ‘big boys’ are deployed in tunnels with shoot and scoot capabilities, the US/S Korean recon and counter bombardment assets will
be severely restricted. Even the cruise missiles fired from American Naval Strike Groups would find it difficult to hit the well concealed N Korean
long range artillery gun positions. The US army bases at Yijong-bu, Paju, Yon-chun, Munsan, Ding-gu-chun, and Pochun could be obliterated in a matter
of hours!
The Tank Corps
Where N Korea’s tank corps is concerned, it has one tank corps and 15 independent tank brigades. The tank corps has 5 tank regiments (brigades),
each of which has 4 heavy tank battalions, 1 light-tank battalion, one mechanized infantry battalion, and 2 self-propelled artillery battalions.
North Korea has developed tanks ideally suited for the riverine terrain and mountains of Korea. These tanks are called "Chun-ma-ho", which can
navigate steep slopes and cross rivers as much as 5.5 m deep. North Korea's main battle tanks, - the T-62s - have 155 mm guns and can travel as fast
as 60 km per hour.
Though the much heavier US Abrams is superior in most respects, the combined US/S Korean armored forces will find it extremely difficult to maneuver
in such terrain.
Armored / Mechanized Corps
North Korea has 4 mechanized corps consisting of 24 mechanized brigades. Each brigade has 1 tank battalion (31 tanks), 1 armored battalion (46 armored
cars), 4 infantry battalions, one 122mm battalion (18 guns), one 152 mm battalion (18 guns), one anti-aircraft battalion (18 guns), anti-tank
battalion (9 armored cars with *anti-tank missiles and 12 anti-tank guns), one armored recon company (3 light armored cars, 7 armored cars, and 8
motor-cycles), one mortar company (6 mortars), one engineer company, one chemical company, and one communication company.
* North Korea has more than 15,000 shoulder-fired anti-air missiles ("wha-sung").
Special Forces
North Korea has possibly the largest number of Special Forces in the world, 25 brigades consisting of 120,000 spec ops troops. These troops are
grouped into light infantry brigades, attack brigades, air-borne brigades, and sea-borne brigades. These troops will be tasked to attack US military
installations in Korea, Japan, Okinawa and Guam.
WMDs/NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) weapons and delivery systems are not being discussed here. This would require a separate thread. But check
out the link below for more details.
Air Force
DPRKAF MiG-29C armed with R-60 missiles
Much of N Korea’s air force is obsolete consisting of the older MiG series like the MiG-21 and a few later MiG variants like the MiG-25MLs and
MiG-29s. In addition, they have Su-25s and J-6s - about 1000 fighter planes in all. Needless to say, their air force is no match for US planes. The
KPAF is primarily an air defense force, with limited offensive capability. However, the latter should also be wary of the more than 15,000 shoulder
fired anti aircraft missiles in N Korea’s armory. Even a 1% overall kill probability would mean unacceptable damage to the USAF in the theatre.
In addition to the above….
North Korea's Militias
1.6 million self-defense personnel, 100,000 people's guards, 3.9 million worker’s militia, 900,000 youth guard. These militias are tasked to defend
the homeland. The militias are fully armed and undergo military training regularly.
Tthe Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) between the two Koreas
Pic: visitasiaguide
Those who think that North Korea will be a cake walk and that the combined US/S Korean Forces can win a war in short time in the Korean peninsula may
like to think again! It’s not going to be easy.
edit on 27-11-2010 by OrionHunterX because: (no reason given)