reply to post by NWOnoworldorder
In the photo that the YouTuber used, shows normal contrails that persisted.
Now, THIS is incorrect (and comes directly from misinformed "chemtrail" websites):
CONTRAILS dissapear within minutes....
Totally false.
However, next is true (and why we know there are no "chemtrails"):
....and they also follow flight paths.....
Every contrail you see has been made by a large jet airplane, in flight.
CHEMTRAILS linger for hours and hours and expand until they look like clouds....
NO, CONTRAILS can linger for hours, and expand until they look like clouds...because they ARE clouds.
Of course, when upper level winds are very strong, the contrails will be moving on the wind, across the surface of the Earth....say the winds are at
80 knots? (Not untypical). Then, in one hour, they will have moved 80 nautical miles across the sky, Still well within your view, from the ground.
Meanwhile, either some other airplanes come along (as airplanes tend to do) and make more contrails, and /or the existing contrails contribute to
further CIRRUS cloud formation. Their very existence can trigger natural cirrus clouds to develop.
It is a combination of all those factors, when conditions are right. NOT always, will contrails/clouds form...and when NO cirrus can form, the
contrails (if they form at all) will evaporate/sublimate fairly quickly. It all depends on the relative humidity.
It is meteorological science which cannot be denied.
Unfortunately, those "chemtrail" websites and hoaxers don't seem to (or pretend not to) understand science.
Just as, in the case of this thread's photo and discussion, they don't understand optics, in camera lenses....NOR astronomy, apparently. NOR the
physics of planetary motions.....
edit on 22 November 2010 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)