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Sharia lessons for pupils aged six: BBC uncovers weekend schools that teach pupils how to hack off t

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posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:22 PM
I think your logo says it all. I, personally, have no more patience for Zionist or Muslim terrorists alike. I'm done with this thread. Good bye.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Kushboi
reply to post by wikileaked

Please dont take my post the wrong way. i did not explain what the meaning of infidels was. i simply pointed that we were taught and given the impression that all foreigners are infidels. (excluding arab and muslim countires)

Again if you had read my post carefully you'd notice that it wasnt my opinion, but merely a recount of how childhood was ina moderate muslim country (imagine the more serious ones).

As kids we didnt understand what Christianity was we just knew to steer away from. you just do as ur told (or be rebelious)

For the record i do not hate anyone because of their religion, ethnicity or nationality. and don't tell me how morocco is because i grew up there.

you're right; ignorance is the word. but make any moroccan person ask a moroccan kid what Christianity is and you'll be quite suprised.
edit on 22-11-2010 by Kushboi because: (no reason given)

Why dont you ask any US or UK kid what it means to be a Muslim i guess you would get a similar response when asking a kid from morocco what it means to be a Christian. at the end of the day kids are kids and we hope they grow to become sensible free thinking adults.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by felonius

On the other hand, a movie is different from a school teaching sharia garbage. Even if Western civ was in 100% on the ball, Sharia is incompatible. It is antithetical to our culture that DEMANDS freedom. Our nature is to destroy anything that prohibits the same.

There is nothing wrong with teaching kids beliefs.

Sharia is a belief.

Some people have beliefs that those who do not believe in GOD will burn in hell for eternity. That doesn't mean people will go around burning people for eternity.

This is the same, when they say thieves hands should be cut off, that is just a belief. You have to counter that belief through speech, not through fists, stones and drones, or worse by outlawing such beliefs.

If you outlaw such beliefs, then your last freedom will be taken away, and that freedom is your will to think freely without having someone over your should telling you don't think about this, don't think about that.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:50 PM
Like this doesn't happen in other religions or countries. Skin heads, white power advocates, neo-nazis and extremeists of every sort put children through this type of brainwashing/training/schooling. Who can say how these children will turn out? Certainly they won't be well-adjusted, contributing members of society.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by yrwehere1

Certainly they won't be well-adjusted, contributing members of society.


How much do you want to bet>?

I bet they will grow up to be well educated and well disciplined.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by yrwehere1
Like this doesn't happen in other religions or countries. Skin heads, white power advocates, neo-nazis and extremeists of every sort put children through this type of brainwashing/training/schooling. Who can say how these children will turn out? Certainly they won't be well-adjusted, contributing members of society.

I've known some of those folks, and they mainly teach separatism. They teach their girls and boys to only date/marry whites and to do business with whites. They teach their kids to protect themselves against blacks.

They don't teach their kids to HURT blacks or cut off their feet or stone them, if that's what you mean.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by felonius

On the other hand, a movie is different from a school teaching sharia garbage. Even if Western civ was in 100% on the ball, Sharia is incompatible. It is antithetical to our culture that DEMANDS freedom. Our nature is to destroy anything that prohibits the same.

There is nothing wrong with teaching kids beliefs.

Sharia is a belief.

Some people have beliefs that those who do not believe in GOD will burn in hell for eternity. That doesn't mean people will go around burning people for eternity.

This is the same, when they say thieves hands should be cut off, that is just a belief. You have to counter that belief through speech, not through fists, stones and drones, or worse by outlawing such beliefs.

If you outlaw such beliefs, then your last freedom will be taken away, and that freedom is your will to think freely without having someone over your should telling you don't think about this, don't think about that.

The point is, kids shouldnt be taught ANYTHING of this nature. As a gnostic (not Agnostic), my kid isnt taught to fear heaven or hell. You fear the reward of bad actions. A "just god" wouldnt condemn his creation to eternity in hell for fouling up in a 70+ year chance to "get it right". Payment for errant judment IS payable in full at some point though.

You are aware (as a parent) that kids are sponges. If you put it in their head the POSSIBILITY of an option of beheading / dismembering someone for "minor" crimes, you cant get it back out.

You mention countering with speech. I dont put my kid in a church where I dont agree with their tenants due to fact it will set up something I have to tear back down. If your people agree with this, why do they send their kids to these places? The parents must accept it as good or they wouldnt. While my wife and I do teach our daughter to follow the precepts of Jesus and to honor the Holy Mother, we refuse to put her in a religion/church that goes too far against our beliefs. She's not taught to dislike "standard model" christians. That builds our culture positively.

In our culture, there ARE beliefs that we discourage if they run at ends with our cultural norm. Yours does the same. Freedom does have limits when it effects others. As I mentioned before, your culture is not compatible with ours. Thats just the way it is. Oil and water. If Saracens want the option of teaching their kids this stuff, knock yourselves out. Just do it in your native lands, not ours.

We have enough issues to contend with without your people adding gas to a fire. Eventually, firemen DO arrive.

BTW, thanks for the reply. I do enjoy "speaking" with you.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by felonius

A parent would argue:

Who are you to tell me what to teach my kids or not.

How would you argue against that?

What if I say, you shouldn't teach your kids physics, because physics equates to atom bomb, and atom bomb kill hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by yrwehere1
Like this doesn't happen in other religions or countries. Skin heads, white power advocates, neo-nazis and extremeists of every sort put children through this type of brainwashing/training/schooling. Who can say how these children will turn out? Certainly they won't be well-adjusted, contributing members of society.

As Hadriana mentioned, this does not include the necessity of dismemberment.

While I do hope that my child marries someone of Germanic decent (just being white doesnt cut it..blood lines are important), I do not teach her to "hate" other races.

The folks you mention with "schools" (if there are any) that teach hate for hates sake. They do so at their own peril. No good can come of it. My problem with the "run of the mill" neo-nazi's is socialism. Skin heads? Well, they're skin heads
. Extremest is a term too much bandied about.

Being a "racial sepratist" does not (imho) mean you can not have friends of other races. So long as your own culture is kept strong, I have friends of a few different backgrounds. I would defend any of them to the end. I do not agree with mixed marriages though.


posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by felonius

A parent would argue:

Who are you to tell me what to teach my kids or not.

How would you argue against that?

What if I say, you shouldn't teach your kids physics, because physics equates to atom bomb, and atom bomb kill hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children.

No this logic doesn't work, this just shows how you do not understand logic. Science is amoral and is neither inherently evil or good. When you go to a physics classroom, your professor doesn't teach you how to make an atom bomb and who you should blow it up in.

Now, if your professor did do this and said you should detonate it in Mecca killing millions of Muslims, then yes this should not be taught since it is advocating violence and is against the law.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by angrydog
like one guy in the comments sayd:

"Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and that is a fact. Deal with it. Mainly because they breed like roaches, but lets be politically correct."

it's actually the fastest shrinking religion in the world. the numbers are vastly bloated by the fact many muslim countries say their population is 100% muslim because they murder apostates but in reality while they're officially "muslim" they really arent

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Steam

Who decides what is evil or good?

Don't tell me you

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by felonius

A parent would argue:

Who are you to tell me what to teach my kids or not.

How would you argue against that?

What if I say, you shouldn't teach your kids physics, because physics equates to atom bomb, and atom bomb kill hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children.

When what you teach your kids effects MY life and culture in MY part of the world, I have plenty to say.

I wouldn't consider going to Saudi and telling them I think they are a bunch of backwards savages that treat women like hell.

Honor killings? Killing a woman because SHE was raped? Cutting the hand of a child off because they were hungry and took a loaf of bread?

As much as it disgusts me, that is THEIR house and their rules. When you come into MY house and set up a dangerous dynamic, we start to have an issue.

I've mentioned before that I've little use for the church (especially in the early days!). While its still screwed up, at least they dont burn people for heresy any longer. Stronger minds prevailed. Things changed. Yes, blood was required to do so.

The physics / A bomb thing? Really? You can do better than that oozy. come on dude. I've shown you respect, please return in kind.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Steam

Who decides what is evil or good?

Don't tell me you

Please, stop being so naive.

Do you think that advocating violence and murdering people is good?

What do you think about the scenario I posted earlier and below for your convenience

No this logic doesn't work, this just shows how you do not understand logic. Science is amoral and is neither inherently evil or good. When you go to a physics classroom, your professor doesn't teach you how to make an atom bomb and who you should blow it up in.

Now, if your professor did do this and said you should detonate it in Mecca killing millions of Muslims, then yes this should not be taught since it is advocating violence and is against the law.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by felonius

When what you teach your kids effects MY life and culture in MY part of the world, I have plenty to say.

I wouldn't consider going to Saudi and telling them I think they are a bunch of backwards savages that treat women like hell.

Honor killings? Killing a woman because SHE was raped? Cutting the hand of a child off because they were hungry and took a loaf of bread?

As much as it disgusts me, that is THEIR house and their rules. When you come into MY house and set up a dangerous dynamic, we start to have an issue.

I've mentioned before that I've little use for the church (especially in the early days!). While its still screwed up, at least they dont burn people for heresy any longer. Stronger minds prevailed. Things changed. Yes, blood was required to do so.

The physics / A bomb thing? Really? You can do better than that oozy. come on dude. I've shown you respect, please return in kind.

So you are suggesting you have more rights than Muslims, hence you can tell British Muslims how to live, but they can't tell you>?

Last I checked, British Muslims have the same citizenship as you, and they have the same rights as you.

A British parent will argue again: Who are you to tell me what to teach my kids.

The physics thing just shows that different people have different realities, no two people have the same exact belief system, that literally means no two people.

The above being said, if you are gonna tell them what to teach & what not to teach their kids, can't they tell you is well? I mean force, because you are suggesting that those parents should be forced to not teach their kids these laws.

One day a person will come and force you to not teach your kids physics because that person doesn't believe physics is good, or good for society, or good for anyone in that sense, and can cause millions of deaths.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Steam

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Steam

Who decides what is evil or good?

Don't tell me you

Please, stop being so naive.

Do you think that advocating violence and murdering people is good?

I think freedom of speech is good. If someone is advocating violence, your job is to prove that him, advocating violence is wrong, your job is not to shut his mouth by force, but by words. Get it?

There is a huge difference between words and actions.

By the way, where do you cross the line? You can advocate violence and murder indirectly, next thing you will ban books, ohh wait a minute, that is already happening in Europe

I mean, next thing you will ban music.

It seems you want UK to be under Sharia law

edit on 22-11-2010 by oozyism because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by felonius

When what you teach your kids effects MY life and culture in MY part of the world, I have plenty to say.

I wouldn't consider going to Saudi and telling them I think they are a bunch of backwards savages that treat women like hell.

Honor killings? Killing a woman because SHE was raped? Cutting the hand of a child off because they were hungry and took a loaf of bread?

As much as it disgusts me, that is THEIR house and their rules. When you come into MY house and set up a dangerous dynamic, we start to have an issue.

I've mentioned before that I've little use for the church (especially in the early days!). While its still screwed up, at least they dont burn people for heresy any longer. Stronger minds prevailed. Things changed. Yes, blood was required to do so.

The physics / A bomb thing? Really? You can do better than that oozy. come on dude. I've shown you respect, please return in kind.

So you are suggesting you have more rights than Muslims, hence you can tell British Muslims how to live, but they can't tell you>?

Last I checked, British Muslims have the same citizenship as you, and they have the same rights as you.

A British parent will argue again: Who are you to tell me what to teach my kids.

The physics thing just shows that different people have different realities, no two people have the same exact belief system, that literally means no two people.

The above being said, if you are gonna tell them what to teach & what not to teach their kids, can't they tell you is well? I mean force, because you are suggesting that those parents should be forced to not teach their kids these laws.

One day a person will come and force you to not teach your kids physics because that person doesn't believe physics is good, or good for society, or good for anyone in that sense, and can cause millions of deaths.

Again with the poor physics analogy.

I think you should drop this since you are starting to make a fool of yourself.

Like I said earlier, it is illogical for anyone to come to your house and say you can't teach your kids physics since it could potentially lead to millions of deaths. Again, science is neither good or bad, it doesn't teach you to harm anyone.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Steam

Again with the poor physics analogy.

I think you should drop this since you are starting to make a fool of yourself.

Like I said earlier, it is illogical for anyone to come to your house and say you can't teach your kids physics since it could potentially lead to millions of deaths. Again, science is neither good or bad, it doesn't teach you to harm anyone.

It isn't about science, it is about belief, people have different beliefs, there are people in the world who do not even use technology, they live in America somewhere/

So think about it, if you have the right to tell others what to teach or not, shouldn't they also have the same right?

What I'm trying to say is, that people can have what ever belief they want, they can have the belief that physics is bad because it can cause millions of deaths, you can't even argue against that, because it is a belief.
edit on 22-11-2010 by oozyism because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by Steam

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Steam

Who decides what is evil or good?

Don't tell me you

Please, stop being so naive.

Do you think that advocating violence and murdering people is good?

I think freedom of speech is good. If someone is advocating violence, your job is to prove that him, advocating violence is wrong, your job is not to shut his mouth by force, but by words. Get it?

There is a huge difference between words and actions.

By the way, where do you cross the line? You can advocate violence and murder indirectly, next thing you will ban books, ohh wait a minute, that is already happening in Europe

I mean, next thing you will ban music.

It seems you want UK to be under Sharia law

edit on 22-11-2010 by oozyism because: (no reason given)

Have you ever heard of hate speech??

In law, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group. The law may identify a protected individual or a protected group by race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic.

Hate speech

Hate speech is illegal and you can be charged with it under criminal or civil law. So yes, free speech does have a certain limit, you can't go into a crowded theater and cry "fire!!" and you also can't advocate violence or hate towards a specific group.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Steam

Have you ever heard of hate speech??

In law, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group. The law may identify a protected individual or a protected group by race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic.

Hate speech

Hate speech is illegal and you can be charged with it under criminal or civil law. So yes, free speech does have a certain limit, you can't go into a crowded theater and cry "fire!!" and you also can't advocate violence or hate towards a specific group.

I know freedom of speech is being killed by people such as you, you want UK to follow Sharia law

Next thing, ban music, because you can hate using music also, not to mention poetry, what about bundles of books, or maybe the Internet, hey, let's ban the internet because some people do not have the ability to counter speech with speech.

I know Europe has such laws, but that doesn't mean I agree with them.

Does that mean people should break these laws? No, not at all, no one should break laws which they have signed to follow.

They should use the system to change the law, and bring freedom of speech back.

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