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Sharia lessons for pupils aged six: BBC uncovers weekend schools that teach pupils how to hack off t

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posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
A prior post stated Zionist is the new negro word in here.

Stop Islamic racism? How about stopping the hate towards Jews - it is a two way street.

I have experienced "moderate" Muslims becoming quite extreme when you question their beliefs - but it is all well and good to bash Christian / Western values.

Guess what boys, many of us have been brainwashed with this political correctness - but some of us will push back. It is all well and good to worship Allah, have your beliefs - but you have to adapt to our way of life. Just as any of us would have to if we moved to a Islamic country. I know this doesn't have much to do with the current discussion, but I grow disturbed by the racism in these threads.

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
There is no danger of Sharia law coming to Europe or America. You are fear-mongering

I wouldn't go that far. People of the Islamic faith have larger families then the average caucasian - it will take some time, but how long will it be before Muslims have enough of a majority to pass Sharia into law?
edit on 22-11-2010 by MidnightTide because: adding quote

I agree with this 100%. I think it is very hypocritical of all the Muslims and their sympathizers to demand that they be respected, yet they go around blaming everything on the "Jews"

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Oozy, I agree with your take on the Saw/hostel movies. In a word, they're trash. Western culture is being destroyed by leftist perv's on a daily basis. Those with the "axes" fear "freedom with responsibility".

Oh for the days of McCarthy!

On the other hand, a movie is different from a school teaching sharia garbage. Even if Western civ was in 100% on the ball, Sharia is incompatible. It is antithetical to our culture that DEMANDS freedom. Our nature is to destroy anything that prohibits the same.

I have no problem with most any other religion (satanists excluded). Unless there is a MAJOR overhaul of your religion it will remain a threat and, therefore, the enemy. If the Saracens wish to stay within the confines of their native land so much the better. I still dont agree with them but will not feel any need to hassle them. When they try to invade OUR space all bets are off.

And yes, I would be quite happy to get our folks off of your lands. That IS wrong. The only time "our" paths should meet cross wise is when you "visit" western friends. Serbia? Now Europe? America? No thanks. Time for all of us to part ways.

I would much rather make friends with other cultures. The caveat is when one is founded on the destruction of the other, I will have to refuse any advances toward any alliances with your people.

We've spoken before. We do have some points we agree on. Were this a thousand years ago, I would have been honored to see you across the field. Who knows....maybe we did. I can still respect someone I do not care for.
edit on 22/11/10 by felonius because: add

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:22 PM
If I had said "Jew propaganda" then you would have a valid point, but since I specified "Zionist Jew" you cannot logically attack me and accuse me of racism. You're turning this into a disagreement over semantics, which it is not. It's libel against me because I don't support Israel.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by wikileaked
i was born in London and still live in London, does that answer your question, oh and i'm white.

I don't really care what colour you are, why did you feel it relevant to say? Is this another attempt to imply I am a racist?

Originally posted by wikileaked
i am able to have an international business because i have respect for all religions and cultures and thank god i never ended up working in a TeleWest call center in Slough! complaining about my bacon sandwich. Infact I use to have an account with TeleWest and i know what the people are like who work there.

Who said anything about a Call centre? You do make alot of presumptions, don't you? And I wasn't the one doing the complaining, I tried to keep myself to myself... You really do have a reading comprehension problem, don't you?

And, what is this? You have a bad experience with a small number of employees of one company and your now making sweeping generalisations against anyone and everyone who has ever worked there? But isn't that what you're trying to argue against here? What a hypocritical little troll you are.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

Sorry my friend but i am not scared of my own shadow like you, i grew up in North London and not a nice part so i am sure if i can walk through Drummond street and not get attacked, i can walk through brixton in south London and i Go to Hackney and Brick Lane to get my salt beef bagel, "which are great" and not get attacked i'm sure i would not have a problen going to the Four Green Flag awarded Victoria Park in little old Tipton.

you need to toughen up,

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
So you're a British Rothschild?
You're still spreading pro-Zionist propaganda. All of your posts are similar in nature.

How is this propaganda?? Are you denying that this is happening?? Oh I see, anything that you don't agree with is considered propaganda even if their is evidence to back up his claims

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:34 PM
I'll tell you a fact. There is hysteria spreading in America, where I live, for some reason, that Sharia Law is somehow about to take over, which is absolutely friggin' ridiculous. Any sane person would agree with me. Now watch this:

Tah-dah!! See any coincidence here?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by wikileaked
reply to post by stumason

Actually i lived in an Arab country for a year but i'm back in london, trust me i drank and smoked some good weed with many Muslims. What i found while being there is that all the hype is bull, there is no hatred of us but a love that i have not seen any where else. Believe me when i say this that they love the UK and USA and are fascinated by us not anger or condemnation. look if any Muslim ever does wrong to you then that is one person that done it and not a religion. Ok so they made you feel awkard eating a bacon sandwich, try and go in to a Jamaican Rasta's house with a bacon sandwich and see you don't get kicked out or eat one next to him or her and see if they don't kiss there teethe at you, so by your idea all black Jamaican's would be animals. Like i said i lived in a Arab Muslim country for a year and i never once had one problem or see any westener having any problems out of the ordinary, and trust me i look and sound like i'm from London. Just know that a few bad sheep don't make them all bad.

Please just opsen your eyes and see that we are the agressors with the blood of millions on all our hands because when we are silent we are part of the damage and only condemnation of the blatent breech of so many human rights and laws by the so called international community

Are you Muslim?? Do you know how these people actually think?? And NO, living their for a year doesn't count. I am and ex-Muslim turned atheist and believe me they will say things among themselves that they will never say in front of you.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:40 PM
I never said that Sharia law was going to take over the world, and by the way you still haven't proven the OP's story as being wrong.
edit on 22-11-2010 by Steam because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:50 PM


posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
I'll tell you a fact. There is hysteria spreading in America, where I live, for some reason, that Sharia Law is somehow about to take over, which is absolutely friggin' ridiculous. Any sane person would agree with me. Now watch this:

Tah-dah!! See any coincidence here?

First of all, getting your "evidence" from youtube isnt the best idea, and lends NO credence to your assertations.

2. I dont know where you live in the US, but from what I can tell, and I travel quite a bit, I havent seen any Sharia hysteria, so making blanket claims to try and prove a point, must be backed up with some facts, or else they are just that, unfounded claims.

3.Do you think for one minute that people SHOULDNT be made aware of the pitfalls of Sharia law?
Do you think that the honor killings reported here in the US, SHOULDNT be reported on?

Im sorry I dont find that as propaganda, I find that as people being made aware of something.

Are you sure your not being paranoid?
edit on 22-11-2010 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Steam

what do you mean "how these people think" well you were one of them you say and presumably your family too were Muslim so tell me how did you really think? and how do your parents think??

what things will they say behind my back? so go on you are a qualified ex Muslim what did you used to say behind peoples backs then..... im intrigued???

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Here ya go:

I realize it's fox news, but enjoy

Embrace the feeling of awareness.


posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by wikileaked

I always wondered what Jewish people had to go through during WW2, at how there community turned against them and Demonised. i Think i get the picture now and my friends you are on the wrong side of humanity and just like the Nazis you will never see anyone but your own as your peers. talking about WW2 how many of you ignorant folks know how many Muslims thought for the UK and Europe during WW2, well i will tell you Muslims in total accounted for over 25% of the British Indian army by 1945, at over 650,000 The majority of the Free French army were Muslims from Africa too- that added in another 200,000 at least. the two world wars was Christian wars that cost the lives of at least 100 million human souls. Muslims died so you don't have to speak German and you have the cheak to get at them because a few so called Muslims are being stupid, there are 1q.5 billion of them. Oh and any Iraqi or Afghani who kills any foreign soldier in there country is a good man and i would do the same if the Germans took over London, i would not stop till every foreign invader was out of my country, come on you freaks we attacked them like Hitler attacked us and they are only doing what the good old boys done during the war or was or WW2 vets wrong for defending there country.

Oh you asked what i ment about my comment about the sword, well here is what i ment. If you preach violence and hatred then one day that hatred will come back your way, it's called Karma. Just know words are just as dangerous and actions, even worse sometimes.

Remember that if you hate Muslims then you hate Humanity and that is a fact just by the sheer number of them.

Peace out and not all was directed at you but as a whole to all the ignorant out there

I wondered about the jews in germany before the war. But you can not compare the muslims to the jews in this situation., because in 1933 the jewish people declared war on adolf and the nazi party. So what was hitler to do? leave them all to roam about doing dodgy deals ect?
Again its this religion crap that is to blame. Semites = jews and muslims..
To me they are both nutters, in one religion they chop the clit off a woman and dress her in a bag, The other lot bite their sons foreskins off and tell them ,that every one not a jew is an animal. There to be used and abused by gods chosen people.
Im sick to the death of listening to these religious nutters. All shouting about how good and kind their god is. Yet at the drop of a hat, or a word from gods priest/rabbi/mullah these nutters want to kill me for not believing in their man made fairy tale.
jesus? lets bomb for jesus eh hahaha christians are just another bunch of sickos. If you go to their church, you will end up getting robbed and no doubt, molested by a guy in a black dress. All in the name of some nice kind gentle god hahaha

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp

Now, now, lets not resort to insults since it just hurts your credibility. So what if some people on youtube said you should buy "weapons", have you quickly forgotten about how hundreds of thousands of Muslims went ape s%*t and burned down embassies because of a simple cartoon, did you forget how the creators of South Park received death threats from Muslims just for showing Muhammad??

And no, what is shown in the video isn't even close to what the OP said. The OP never said to buy guns and be ready to kill off Muslims

edit on Mon Nov 22 2010 by DontTreadOnMe because: POST REMOVED BY STAFF

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by WashingtonGrewHemp

LOL again , its not HYSTERIA its making people aware of what Sharia law is.......

Are you muslim? Do you know what it is? Do you know what they believe? Would you rather know what they believe and what they are trying to do in the US?

Or would you rather just everyone keep quite and be quiet little sheep and not know anything until the wolves ring the dinner bell?

I have plenty of muslim friends here in the US, they are scared that Sharia will come to the US, they moved away to get out of that environment.....are they fear mongering too? are they creating hysteria?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Steam

Now, now, don't forget that you already did insult me by calling me racist for an invalid reason (libel). Zionists are spreading propaganda. Ultra conservative Muslims are not without fault. But Sharia Law is not spreading in America or Europe. End of story.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by wikileaked
reply to post by Steam

what do you mean "how these people think" well you were one of them you say and presumably your family too were Muslim so tell me how did you really think? and how do your parents think??

what things will they say behind my back? so go on you are a qualified ex Muslim what did you used to say behind peoples backs then..... im intrigued???

Well, for starters, it is looked down upon to make friends with anyone who is a non-Muslim (yes, including Jews and Christians). This is because non-Muslims aren't as "trustworthy" as your Muslim brethren. Secondly, their is a very skewed view on non-Muslims, especially Westerners. Westerners are seen as lacking a moral compass and thus aren't to be affiliated with.

Finally, there is rampant antisemitism among Muslims. No, I am not talking about the type where you criticize Israel, I am talking about real hatred towards Jews. Jews are seen as vile and evil and are out to destroy Islam at any cost. I have even had some people say and truly believe that Jews are the descendants of monkeys and apes.

I could go on and on but that would take forever...
edit on 22-11-2010 by Steam because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by Steam

Now, now, don't forget that you already did insult me by calling me racist for an invalid reason (libel). Zionists are spreading propaganda. Ultra conservative Muslims are not without fault. But Sharia Law is not spreading in America or Europe. End of story.

uh huh, once again no proof of propaganda in the main stream, just some youtube videos.

News reporters, reporting on crimes and whats going on with Sharia Muslims trying to get things passed with court systems is NOT propaganda............its news and should serve as a warning..

Im sorry but ill take my muslim friends words for it when they say "Hard lined muslims idea is to have Sharia Court everywhere in the world, and be the law of the land"

And when Europe is busting at the seems with news footage, and Sharia trying to take over the courts.

Your OPINION does not make anything fact........end of story

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by Steam

Now, now, don't forget that you already did insult me by calling me racist for an invalid reason (libel). Zionists are spreading propaganda. Ultra conservative Muslims are not without fault. But Sharia Law is not spreading in America or Europe. End of story.

I semi-agree with this. I don't think that Sharia Law will be taking over any Western country soon but if it is left unchecked and the extremists have their way sadly it could happen in the distant future
edit on 22-11-2010 by Steam because: (no reason given)

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