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Massive European Pyramids Discovered

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posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by hoghead cheese

Originally posted by UnitedSatesofFreemasons

just found this on very very interesting to find such a curious hill in and find out its a pyramid. Who lived as a super civilization and built these all over the world? wow, makes me sit, and think...

It has been posted before, but its really interesting. I mean to me it is something very possible, and if it is a pyramid it has to be tens of thousands of years old. You have to wonder what would happen to the Great Pyramids if they where in another part of the world that was wetter and had massive plant growth. Give anything enough time, the land will reclaim it some way. I've said it before, I think that their was an advanced civilization at least 15,000 years ago if not longer and then after the cataclysm that happened the survivors came out of hiding (which is us) and had to rebuild all over.

I agree totally, we are the survivors some tens of thousands of years after the event... all the stories about Atalantis, the fabled bible stories, the flood, Noahs Ark etc, etc.... all tie into a cataclysm that basically wiped out the previous advanced civilisation ... we are the protege of the survivors..

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 06:53 AM
Whoever says it's a hoax, that one is lying. There are many details what you guys don't know, so I'm telling it.

First, these pyramids are existing. They're well known in Hungary. Why they're well known in Hungary while these pyramids are in Bosnia? Because these pyramids are filled with ancient Hungarian runes and Bosnia also was part of the Greater Hungarian Empire which is existed in the past. Where from I know this? I'm also a Hungarian and the existence of these pyramids are well known between my people. Why the TPTB doesn't want you to know all of this and telling you it's a hoax? Because if you learn all these details you start to meditate. If you start to meditate you also realize every possible historical scenario fails which is telling you which nation was truly the first and you can figure out which is the ancient race (Nope. Not those whose are claiming nowadays.).based on the age of these pyramids and the style of the writings what only one nation ever used in the history.

So whoever is claiming these pyramids are false or a hoax, that one is lying. As a Hungarian I can confirm their existence as they're the part of our history, our true origin.

EDIT: To learn the uncensored info about these pyramids, google: Magyar piramisok (Meaning: Hungarian Pyramids) or Magyar Rovásirás Piramis (Hungarian Runes Pyramid) or Magyar Piramisok Boszniában (Hungarian Pyramids in Bosnia). There you can find dozens of writings in Hungarian regarding this topic. Use Google translate to get a raw translation.

And whoever claims in Wikipedia there is no trace of Pyramid... interesting, but we Hungarians even have footage about it (Some parts of it is in English and a Hungarian is translating it.). Part 1 and Part 2.

These videos are proving that the present known history is completely false and these pyramids are existing. This is also proving that TPTB and MSN is trying to hide these info away from the people.

I've said it before, I think that their was an advanced civilization at least 15,000 years ago

We're still existing, thank you very much. Only the satanic bastards of TPTB are intending to wipe our nation out quietly. Why? Because there are two race, not one which is "sacred" (But at least my people is not advertising this at all.). One for the demonic side, the other for the angelic side. Many says there is a raging war between angels and demons. It's true. The race of the TPTB is worshipping demons and fighting against good. We, Hungarians are believing in angels the most. And now from these little info fragment connect the dots, but I believe it's not that hard from now on.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by Sentinel412

My first point is probably the only one I can substantiate to the fullest extent of my knowledge:

You need to give me an academic source before you slam those claiming it to be a hoax. Your sources are probably derived from qualified scientists in hungary who have done extensive research in their field with proper training. I do not doubt these facts, but am rather questioning Dr. Osmanagic himself. Your refutation is simply a demonstration of the dangerous train of logic: That because something exists, therefore, something similar must also exist. This is decent logic but fails in its lack of evidence. I criticize not your logic but instead your lack of support.

In defense of myself, I called it a PROBABLE hoax and hope they get to the bottom of it before they continue digging. I am in no way an expert on archaelogy but I am familiar with proper protocol in terms of surveying an area before beginning the digging. By commencing the digging process without thoroughly evaluating the area he may be endangering medieval artifacts that are equally important to the history of the world. He has in no way PROVED (key word) the existence of a pyramid by use of GPR (ground penetrating radar) or infrared imaging before beginning many of his digs. Because of this I MUST question his motive as it may end up hurting the academic field of anthropology overall.

I cited the fact that my sources may be biased against him, but you must remember that I am referencing elites in the field. I understand that the elites of the field should not have the say-all in these issues, but it is important to remember that these people are the foundations of an academic pursuit which may or may not be tainted by politics. Sure, Osmanagic may be right, but I am sorry to say that all of the evidence (referencing weather erosion patterns here from an earlier link in the thread) is leaning against him.

To further continue my argument: Do you understand that Dr. Osmanagic does not even have a degree in the field of archaeology? He received his doctorate from the University of Sarajevo in SOCIOLOGY. The degree which archaelogy falls under would be ANTHROPOLOGY. So not only do you have an official who is not qualified in the field making these assumptions, he's also releasing his facts to the PRESS instead of the scientific community. What does this tell you? He has another motive, and while he may be well-intentioned he is going about his discovery in the wrong fashion because he has not been properly trained. Do you also understand that he is destroying other medieval artifacts in the area in order to pursue his own interests? Once again, we have a questionable source with questionable claims and questionable evidence (at best). You cannot refute a critic for having issues with these items unless you yourself are willing to disregard the evidence to make a claim. If this is the case, then my time has been wasted.

The truth of the matter is this: The evidence that Dr. Osmanagic has presented not a single piece of evidence that cannot be explained by natural processes. This does not exclude the possibility of him being correct about a pyramid being located there. Yet, it demonstrates that he's trying to prove something without refuting the evidence against him. His refutations are political slanders (similar to yours) which try to convince people of something he has not yet proven. I WANT to believe in him, but the bottom line is that when somebody launches a legitimate question aimed at his motives or integrity he fires back by slinging mud. The only proper retaliation is to continue to properly analyze and criticize those who cannot bolster their claims. For it is through this process of criticism and review which we will reach the truth. We will not get there by disregarding the greater amount of evidence in favor of the lesser.

edit on 21-11-2010 by TheChemist1 because: Word Order

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edit on 21-11-2010 by TheChemist1 because: Final line again

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edit on 21-11-2010 by TheChemist1 because: Grammar/Punctuation

edit on 21-11-2010 by TheChemist1 because: Final line final edit

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Sentinel412

By the way, I also agree with you that wikipedia is bunk as a source.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by TheChemist1

Come to Hungary, then you can get your academic source. Sorry, but our history is our history regardless what other Academies are saying. The TPTB is usually trying to vanish all these evidences, but we have everything here in Hungary. If you watch those videos or search with those Google terms with their Hungarian counterpart as I wrote, you also can learn that these evidences were proved by the members of the Hungarian Academy and Hungarian Scientists (We had some breaking news regarding this matter. It's not our problem that CNN is never dropped a single line about it. It's just proving how the TPTB is intending to hide these facts.). Or second option, grab your gear and travel to these pyramids then you can see it with your own eyes. Oh, and bring a Hungarian Rune chart with you and compare the runes in the pyramid with the Hungarian Runes. They're the very same.

As I wrote above, before your comment, use those google search keys to learn the truth. But here is another hint: Learn and research the true Hungarian history to learn the truth about the real world and the real history. Ours is one of the very few history what the TPTB couldn't corrupt as we're protecting our past, regardless how some megaloman history faking bastards are trying to vanish it.

And here is a little homework: compare the Hungarian Google Searches with the American or English ones. You'll definitely see they're telling the direct opposite. Then take up the question: how is it possible? How is it possible that a country, Hungary is capable to present it proudly to it's own nation, all the Hungarian sites are saying the same and proving the existence of these pyramids, while the American and other sources are rather hiding everything away and trying to call it as a hoax (And the best is, we're living in the neighbor of these pyramids as they were the part of our empire in the past.).
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by Sentinel412 obviously do not understand my post or it was TLDNR for you. Re-read it and see if you can understand it....

Did you read my second line in all caps?
If it's going to be personal then the last time I checked Bosnia-Herzegovina is not in Hungary. Hence, your claim is totally unrelated to what I took 30 minutes to write.
edit on 21-11-2010 by TheChemist1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:04 AM
These 'pyramids' aren't pyramids, that's what I've always thought.

Amar Karapus, a curator at the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, said "When I first read about the pyramids I thought it was a very funny joke. I just couldn't believe that anyone in the world could believe this."[1] Penn State University Professor Garrett Fagan is quoted as saying "They should not be allowed to destroy genuine sites in the pursuit of these delusions[...] It’s as if someone were given permission to bulldoze Stonehenge to find secret chambers of lost ancient wisdom underneath."


Semir Osmanagić is deluded.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Thank you very much for re-posting this. I think I highlighted this in one of my paragraphs and was hoping someone else would come along and support the fact that he's destroying more than he's creating.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by TheChemist1

If it's going to be personal then the last time I checked Bosnia-Herzegovina is not in Hungary. Hence, your claim is totally unrelated to what I took 30 minutes to write.

Don't check in the present as our country was divided by the TPTB in 1918. Please check how the ancient Hungarian empire looked like in the past. Bosnia Herczegovina WAS part of our empire a long ago.

Map of the Hungarian Empire 453 BC (It was called as Hunnic Empire).

Map of the Hungarian Empire in the 17th century.

Or if you simply check the empire of Attila the Hun, who was a Hungarian... (TPTB claims the Huns are not equal with Hungarians, but Attila is and always was an ancient Hungarian name.) you can connect the dots. But here in Hungary we have nice maps about our empire prior 453BC too. If you don't know history, that's not my problem.

And... Hungarian Runes (Ours is the only nation which is still using these runes and we were the only ones whose ever used them.).

Then compare with the Pyramid runes...

There ya go. I've gave enough to draw your own conclusion. We Hungarians don't give a damn about what foreigners are saying. We know what our true history is.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by TheChemist1

No problemo, I'm glad to see there is some common sense around here

I saw this video that the OP has posted the day it was put on Youtube and thought, "Hmm, that looks interesting." I thought it would be a great thing to post on ATS, but because of my scepticism, I decided to have a little look into it before posting.

Two minutes later I had discovered all I needed to know, and of course, I decided not to post what is essentially a ridiculous theory at best and a downright hoax at worst.

"This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."

Kind of sums up my feelings on the subject.


posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

It's not a hoax. Come to Hungary or go to Bosnia if you want to check it out. These are existing. If you western foreigner believes you know anything about this world, you're dead wrong. Hungary's past is the key for the true history and these pyramids are proving it as they're there, regardless how you or others trying to claim it to be a hoax. As a Hungarian I also can confirm their existence as they're part of our history.

Other dear readers: I've added some valuable information on this page above. Read them and made your own conclusion.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:22 AM
I recently had some correspondence with Dr Samir, he sent me some information which i've posted O-fu:
Bosnian "Pyramid of the sun" analysis

He also invites people to go along on the summer camp, so maybe those with doubts could go check it out and do a detailed ATS report?

Great number of the leading archaeologists, geologists and geophysicists from Bosnia, Egypt, Russia, Poland, Germany, France, Italy and other countries are involved in this project. We have had over 340.000 hours in digging, sample testing, radiocarbon dating. During the period 2005-2010 close to 500.000 visitors came to Visoko and visited Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. Benefits are obvious. You might be interested in our International Summer Camp for Volunteers this summer in Bosnia (June-September). More than 500 volunteers from 30 countries and 6 continents worked with us.

edit on 21-11-2010 by ceetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Sentinel412

Can you please explain what all of the above information you have posted has to do with the Bosnian Pyramids?


posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Yes. I can explain. The Bosnian Pyramids are filled with Hungarian Runes (Compare the Hungarian Runes and the finding above. You can see they're an exact match.). Bosnia also was part of the ancient Hungarian Empire (See maps above). Also if you would take just a moment to watch those Hungarian youtube videos what I sent, they're presenting some nice footage about the excavation (Those videos are partially in English and a Hungarian is translating it to the news anchor.).

As I'm a Hungarian I can confirm the existence of these pyramids as they're part of OUR history. They always were the part of our history. If you don't ever heard about them, that's not our problem. But don't call something as a hoax what about you never heard, because the U.S. education system is equal with brainwashing.

But I repeat it again: To learn the uncensored info about these pyramids, google: Magyar piramisok (Meaning: Hungarian Pyramids) or Magyar Rovásirás Piramis (Hungarian Runes Pyramid) or Magyar Piramisok Boszniában (Hungarian Pyramids in Bosnia). There you can find dozens of writings in Hungarian regarding this topic. Use Google translate to get a raw translation.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Sentinel412

Do you believe these 'pyramids' were created between the years 12,000 BC and 500 BC?

And what are your thoughts on the idea that the excavation is being completed by 2012 in order to "break a cloud of negative energy, allowing the Earth to receive cosmic energy from the centre of the galaxy?"

I haven't looked through all of your posts in this thread so I apologise if you are repeating yourself but what is your theory regarding the pyramids?

I'll have a look through the thread now and try to catch up

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

While the western people are believing the Hungarian empire is only 1000 years old, it's more then 12000 years old in general. What the mainstream media is also trying to hide away, Hungarian runes were found in the shores of Canada and the Western coast of the U.S. which were older then 1000 or 2000 years.

The TPTB is trying to vanish everything regarding the Hungarian history, because ours is the only race which is capable to prove whatever the TPTB is claiming, what history they're presenting is a lie. What do you think where the heart of the planet lies? On the sacred land in the Middle East as you westerners believes? Wrong. It's app. 20-30 kilometers away to the north from Budapest (Capital of Hungary). It's called as the Heart of the Planet.

Here is a nice PDF about what about I'm talking now.

These pyramids are just one part of this puzzle. But if you dive into the ancient Hungarian history, you can unlock many-many secrets about the true past.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Sentinel412

I have a very open mind when it comes to alternative history and specifically 'hidden archaeology,' but I don't see ANY substantial evidence that indicates that these geological formations are in any way man made pyramids.

Unfortunately the link you provided doesn't work, do you have any other legitimate sources for your claims?

What do you say about Semir Osmanagić claiming that the dig involved an international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, Scotland and Slovenia, even though many of the archaeologists he named claimed they were never at the site or in any way associated with the excavation?

The whole thing stinks of a hoax. And of course there will be many in Bosnia (and ever Hungary) who are willing to claim these as genuine pyramids...just think of the revenue they would receive from tourists. The pyramids in Egypt get a couple of million visitors a year, at least, that's a lot of income.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Now that's strange, because all the links are working here just fine. But here are search keys to find the same:

hungarian runes bosnia pyramid
heart of earth dobogókő (The PDF is the fourth link)
hungarian pyramid
magyar piramis
magyar piramis bosznia
magyar piramis rovásirás

Use google translate for the Hungarian sites. But you can find all these sources if you're using Google with these search keys.

And the two videos what I presented above...

What do you say about Semir Osmanagić claiming that the dig involved an international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, Scotland and Slovenia, even though many of the archaeologists he named claimed they were never at the site or in any way associated with the excavation?

Have you ever heard about blackmailing to discredit others? Now this is happening in this case to hide the truth away. They rather saying they never was there to save their lives. But they surely appears on few of the pyramid excavation videos. Look after them and you'll find them.

just think of the revenue they would receive from tourists.

Hungary has no revenue from this as Bosnia is no longer part of our country. We're just trying to keep our true history intact.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by UnitedSatesofFreemasons

I didn't want to say anything before about the Pyramids in Eygpt because i figured i'd be getting barracked but i thought that what if those Pyramids were already built but got covered up by the Earth and all those Eygptians did was dig away the Earth to see what was under there and voila there you have it, your Ancient Pyramids!!

Maybe there was no heavy lifting of stone required at all as it was already there.... althought the Waterworks, Pathways and secret chambers were cut out by the Eygptians....

Don't laugh.... think about it seriously.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:11 AM
And here are some additional footage about the excavation (These are in Hungarian). All are youtube videos. As someone said my links are not working, copy them into YouTube, so they surely going to work.


The pictures are speaking for themselves and proving this is not a hoax as many are trying to tell you here on ATS. Plus there are many runes on the footages. Compare them with Hungarian Runes (Google picture search term: hungarian runes) to see what about I'm talking.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

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