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Aussie Bloke Analysis

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posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 09:54 PM
Do we really have to go through this Again????

Their is NO credible evidance as to this happening. Their are millions of people with telescopes pointed up in the sky, you would think that at least one person would go on record with clear and cut evidance as to this even being possible of happening in the next 6 days. I even thought that this Dr. came out and said that he had nothing to do with this and that it was fabricated from a report he had done.

"Further to that, I have never made any submissions to any parliamentary bodies on impact threats or any other aspects of cometary debris.

"Please be advised that I have no knowledge of the identity of the person "Aussie Bloke" who claims to be me.

"I am very displeased to be caught up in a hoax in this way, and while I do not regard myself as a vindictive person, I do not think that I would be too upset at this moment if a small "personal sized" heavenly body fell out of the sky and flattened "Aussie Bloke", or at least knocked some integrity into him.

"I am one of the authors of an article on meteors which appeared in the Australian Journal of Physics in 1975, but, although still interested in it, have not worked actively in that field much since that time. I am currently a berry grower with a serious interest in cave exploration, cave science and cave tourism development and management, as well as the landcare movement and the promotion of sustainable agriculture and horticulture.


So after July 6th, is it going to be that it was misinterpreted?

[edit on 1-7-2004 by TrickmastertricK]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 11:33 PM
Hi jumpspace. Do you have a copy of all of Aussie blokes posts unedited? i wasnt around at the beginning of this and would just like to read all the posts without any peoples comments around them. Thanks heaps ill give you my e-mail if you have them all cya.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by jumpspace
AB is smart, very smart actually...if you read the posts, you would realize that he moves around and, as such, IP addresses are worth jack in this case.

No offence mate, but his statements that he moves around are worth jack. It would even suggest that he was lying. From experience here at least, the members who claim to be 'always on the move' for whatever reasons, are pretty much lying every time. Not that it would be difficult to fake. But either way, with IP's you could look for patterns, track geographically. You have something to work with objectively. Otherwise again it reverts to your beliefs influencing your judgement on whether or not its AB.

Another thing that is pretty useless is coming here, claiming to be very intelligent. Then, instead of giving evidence and proof of your claims, you say that everyone else has to go do the research for themselves. Even qualifying it with "but if you are too stupid you won't get the same result". Again no offence, but I've seen/heard that one before as well, and its just as weak now as it has always been.

BTW, have you wondered why, for the last four weeks, Perth has been under constand cloud cover (apart from the odd flash of blue sky)?

No, its winter.

I'm curious, what exactly are you predicting now and when?

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by jumpspace

BTW, have you wondered why, for the last four weeks, Perth has been under constand cloud cover (apart from the odd flash of blue sky)?


I am assuming Perth is Earth? If so, if funny you mention this because I was just thinking to myself this past week, "Wow, I can't believe how friggin CLEAR the sky has been." I've been out at night trying to catch glimpses of any meteors from the Bootids (no luck), and I have not seen such clear nights in Central Jersey since... well, maybe ever! So I'm not buying this "cloud" garbage. I believe what I see with my own two eyes and I see no cloud or evidence of it.

Second, I don't care what your IQ may be or how old you are. Common sense would prove all of your 150 hours of research wrong. Clearly (and I am no scientist by any means) all of this "space garbage" or whatever it is would have a definite effect on any satellite we may have out in space (given the fact that it is supposed to do all this damage to the Earth). I was wondering if anyone has any info on the current orbits of the planets in our solar system and any satellite(s) that may be out there exploring them (this includes the Cassini, for it is sending back pictures regularly and without problems). If any satellite passed through this space cloud, it would have definitely gotten pretty messed up, for lack of a better phrase.

Sorry I cannot do this research on my own, as I do not have the capabilities, nor the know how to do so. If anyone could help me with this research and data, it should help put an end to most of this AB garbage.

Also, ran across some pretty interesting pages: (updated May 28, 2004)
and 252Fneo_map.html%26invocationType%3D-%26fromPage%3DNSCPResults%26amp%3BampTest%3D1&
(updated July 1, 2004) (you have to copy and paste the link. sorry)

Seems we have a whole lotta crap around us on a pretty regular basis. I'll believe the world is ending when the BoSox can beat the Yanks
(I was at the game tonite. Awsome!!) Well, enough outta me, I'm goin to bed. PEACE!!!

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by truthbeknown
I'm sorry but that just doesn't look like a flare to me.

Go to to see a SAVED runtime image of it.

Pay particular attention to the "rock" in between the "flare" and the sun.....

Hmm. It almost looks round?? When I first saw it that's what I was thinking, but I didn't want to start anything new -ya know; I figured it was just me - this whole AB, etc.

Look, I am not saying that this AB thing is true, but there are a lot of strange things happening right now - or are we just more aware? Is it all that bad to be aware of what is happening around you?

You know I am the type of person "I see it for myself, I believe", however certain things I have seen lately. I am also learning that sometimes you don't always see things until it's too late to believe.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Godsent

Originally posted by truthbeknown
I'm sorry but that just doesn't look like a flare to me.

Go to to see a SAVED runtime image of it.

Pay particular attention to the "rock" in between the "flare" and the sun.....

Hmm. It almost looks round?? When I first saw it that's what I was thinking, but I didn't want to start anything new -ya know; I figured it was just me - this whole AB, etc.

Look, I am not saying that this AB thing is true, but there are a lot of strange things happening right now - or are we just more aware? Is it all that bad to be aware of what is happening around you?

You know I am the type of person "I see it for myself, I believe", however certain things I have seen lately. I am also learning that sometimes you don't always see things until it's too late to believe.

I wonder what the time difference is in these two pics. It almost looks to me like it's either going into or behind the sun. There is a "hot spot" in this so called "burst" and it is round. If you print it out in black and white you get a clear pic.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 11:26 AM
Just found this on don't know if most of you all ready have readed this...



12:38 am EDT The real Aussie bloke, final post

by now no-one will believe it is me. sadly all the hype has burried my final message. YeT I will post this and YOU CANT SAY I DIDN�T TELL YOU. You may have noticed from the south if you have been watching the skies properly through your telescopes, lately there has been a darkning of the sky, more so than normal. it has hapening later than we expected. Nevertheless. it will happen and impact is due to happen soon. it will rain death on all of you. if you dont believe this go to nasa�s website now and research the latest happenenings, I�m sure you�ll be not so plesantly suprised at what they are finding and what they have predicted.
you have brains, use them. dont be decieved by debunkers trying to keep you asleep to what is going on......"

There's also some new "predictions" like, impacts starts at 2006, a possible poleshift at 2009 and......a nuclear strike against U.S.A

[edit on 1-7-2004 by 314159]

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by 314159
Just found this on don't know if most of you all ready have readed this...



12:38 am EDT The real Aussie bloke, final post

by now no-one will believe it is me. sadly all the hype has burried my final message. YeT I will post this and YOU CANT SAY I DIDN�T TELL YOU. You may have noticed from the south if you have been watching the skies properly through your telescopes, lately there has been a darkning of the sky, more so than normal. it has hapening later than we expected. Nevertheless. it will happen and impact is due to happen soon. it will rain death on all of you. if you dont believe this go to nasa�s website now and research the latest happenenings, I�m sure you�ll be not so plesantly suprised at what they are finding and what they have predicted.
you have brains, use them. dont be decieved by debunkers trying to keep you asleep to what is going on......"

There's also some new "predictions" like, impacts starts at 2006, a possible poleshift at 2009 and......a nuclear strike against U.S.A

[edit on 1-7-2004 by 314159]

Okay, went to site - am I missing something here? I definately don't see anything suspicious

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 12:56 PM
suspecious in which way?

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by rai76
suspecious in which way?

Sorry, what I meant is I didn't see anything suspicious on the Nasa site -

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 08:39 PM

For your info, that supposed "Toutakis" that they guy mentioned is actually a piece of dust on the C2 lens.



posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 09:10 PM

Obviously you haven't read all my info.

If you're going to make "off the cuff" posts without fully looking at the original post then don't bother posting and arguments as they have no basis.

Eon Blue Eclipse:

Read my first post.


I would suspect that his movements would be confined to mainly local locations (ie Internet cafe's, universities, libraries, public Internet booths etc) and I would imagine that he wouldn't use the same "area" twice. I also suspect he may have one or two "other" locations that he may have used. I also agree, notifying the PTB was probably best kept his secret although they would have picked up that via Echelon (re multiple IP addresses etc).

Re your second para; well I gave the info - read it and then come back with a counter-argument based on my analysis instead of the "noise".

Where did you get the "if you're too stupid you won't get the same result"???

I've got a degree and spent four years learning learning some very technical stuff - if you haven't then it simply means that you either chose another career or couldn't be bothered.

I think your "conculsion" about my statement regarding education reflects your other statements.

Finally the weather is good in Perth (for the moment). The last time we had this much cloud cover was back in 2001 - it probably has happended before as well, I was just making an "observation".

As for your last para, I'm not a prophet so I won't comment.


I agree, there is lots of dust in the sky and all sorts of "debris".

Feel sorry for the little green men - I wonder if their insurance overs hitting a "space station".


It's a BS post.

OK, now for the reason for my research:

Fortunately I�m in a position where I don�t have to work - I�ve worked very hard and own a number of companies that generate a very nice amount of income for me - and I�m still quite young, considering.

As you would expect, by being in the position I am, I have varying interests and something like this would have had a major impact on my holdings.

As such, I did the research to find the "truth" behind the story and to make a business decision from my findings.

Since my findings, I have made some changes and shifted funds, however I will still go on living every day as I normally do - being very happy and enjoying every day as it comes. If the next day doesn't come then so be it.



[edit on 2-7-2004 by jumpspace]

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 09:32 PM
who will kill the aussie bloke hoax?

who will drive a stake through it's undead heart, then slam the coffin lid down, and then nail it shut?

jumpspace, you are not the only smart person who watches these things, nor the only one with something to lose if the big rocks come in.....what is your personal opinion as to why no one else in the entire space community has spoken up about this?

(had to edit;
this board doesn't
let me italicise long
sentences. grumble...]

[edit on 2-7-2004 by victor was right]

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 09:45 PM
victor was right:

LOL re your first part.

As to why Text?

I'm not sure about that one



[edit on 2-7-2004 by jumpspace]

[edit on 21-7-2004 by jumpspace]

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 10:49 PM
victor was right:

>...what is your personal opinion as to why no one else in the entire space community has spoken up about this?

Good question.

I think there is two main reasons:

1) This comes from very high up in the food chain where there can be major repercussions if any info is given out.

2) The "amatuer" astrologists aren't looking in the right places.

I'm not worrying about anything because if there is a confirmed "incoming" then it will be "taken care off" by the navy (US and others).

Who knows, the "coming together" of the major powers for a "common ground" defence may even improve things : )



posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 10:50 AM
Well its July 8, 2004 and we are still all here and nothing has happened.


posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 05:33 PM
Hello, Jumpspace:

I have a question. I've been reading your info about what you've found out, and I find it extremely interesting. First, let me state that I've listened to a couple of radio broadcasts by Jim McCanney. I do not subscribe to the way he feels about governments at all. However, he is interesting to listen to in regards to science.

Well, when reading AB's posts at, I noticed that he spoke frequently about the Southern Hemisphere and something big was going on there in regards to scientists and military, etc. When I have listened to Jim McCanney on those couple of occasions, I also noticed that he mentioned something big going on in the Southern Hemisphere.

So my question is: Do you know anything about this? I have also found a post from someone on's message board asking about the Southern Hemisphere also.


posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:01 PM
I have another question and anyone can answer. I don't mean to seem ignornant, but what does "PTB" mean? Is this the news media?


posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 07:07 PM
Hello everyone,
Does anyone know if Jumpspace is coming back here? I was hoping that he could give me an answer if he knows.


posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 12:19 PM

I'm still here - went on vacation due to personal attacks from this board.

Regarding you Q about the Southern Hem, no I do not personally know of anything happening. I have read somewhere about observatories being "active", however this may have been due to the original AB posts.

Re your Q about PTB; it means (and sorry for the assumption) - Powers That/To Be.

From what is NOT happening regarding dust etc, my assumption is that the AB posts *may* have been a hoax as his extended timeline has now passed.

The only thing that puzzles me is this "anomaly"...I'm thinking Toutatis but that isn't supposed to arrive till Sept. 29th (so NASA says)...which is way outside AB's timeline (6 to 8 weeks).



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