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To China and the world - We do NOT apologize

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:22 AM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Here's to all of you ANTI-AMERICAN trolls who have absolutely NO understanding of China's history or human rights violaitons.

Answer This:

Why do you suppose this is true:

"By 2006, the number of Chinese immigrants had increased nearly fivefold, making them the third-largest immigrant group in the United States after the Mexican and Filipino foreign born."

Apparently, the Chinese are just DYING to live here in the United States. Why do you think this is true?

You know how many Americans live in China? Just over 100,000 and most of them are students.

What? Were you ALL just babies or not yet born when Tianemen Square was broadcast on television for all the world to see?

Have you seen the conditions of their prisons?

Have you seen the videos on forced sterilization in the charming country? The way that they treat women?

Would you like to see a picture or two of DEAD BABY GIRLS murdered and thrown out like trash because everybody wants a boy instead?


Get an education ATS members.

Go back to school and take some history.

Ignorant threads like, "I'm so sorry China, you enlightened and charming country, that the US exists" should be thrown in the trash or ignored.

I'm disgusted.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:26 AM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:27 AM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:31 AM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Kryties

Oh, yes, I do realize that. And nothing could be worse than that truth.

Profit is king, my friend.

Nevermind that China persecutes people for their religious beleifs, forces sterilizaiton operations on women and murders infant girls,

but they've got the MIGHTY BUCK and so nothing else matters.

Welcome to our world. Money over human rights, values and freedom. Sad fact.

Grow up.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by MRuss

Dude we're Americans no one cares. It's ok let them have there time in the spotlight after all our 234 year old empire just showed its first signs of slowing down. It wont be long until they have another natural disaster or war and then they'll sit on there hands and wait for our money, food, soldiers, doctors and medicine as always. The people dont appreciate the hard work of the American people then again I wouldnt like us much if my ancestors were trampled and immasculated by a country that had been around a mere 170 years.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by MRuss
reply to post by Chinesis

Ah, I seem to have hit a nerve here:

Let me tell you something pal.

I can get up everyday and worship the way I'd like to without fear of torture and imprisonment because I live in the UNIITED STATES OF AMERICA.

No one is going to come to my house and FORCE me into STERILAZATION because I LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I will NOT BE IMPRISONED for having opinions that differ from my governments.


I DO NOT LIVE in a place where I can not BREATHE the air.

I am proud that the United States has done MANY things right. Why do YOU SUPPOSE that the Chinese are the third largest immigrant group in the US? Since 2006, Chinese immigration has incread FIVE-FOLD, my friend. FIVE FOLD.

I don't see anyone trying to sneak over the Chinese border. Do you?

The Chinese are a brutal and brash people.

Their human rights record is abysmal.

How can you argue otherwise?

How about I make a post with PICTURES and LINKS?

Let's really educate these people here at ATS.

edit on 18-11-2010 by MRuss because: left out a word....

Again, clueless people mixing truth with BS. Have you been to China, have you lived in China. No, i doubt it very much. What annoys me is these people truely live in dream land and really think everywhere else in the world is second rate. I find this scary and worrying that these people will truely believe everything they are told by there government.

It seems that some Americans are so out of touch with the real world, is scary.

Oh, buy the way. I lived in Beijing, and i was suprised how many non-chinese people are living there. But you would not know that, would you.

Oh, and as for the religon/cult that was band in China, i suggest you do a bit of research on it

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:36 AM
The OP is like many others according his claim for no apologies to any country. I am not anti-American but it is the American arrogance which is the problem. They think they own the world but are in fact in deep s**t with their own economy. look at your unemployment status and the number of people who have been evicted from their houses last year. Many people living in the so-called tent cities. I am not proud of my country either but at least we don't pretend to be better then whom ever.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by MRuss
Here's to all of you ANTI-AMERICAN trolls who have absolutely NO understanding of China's history or human rights violaitons.

Answer This:

Why do you suppose this is true:

"By 2006, the number of Chinese immigrants had increased nearly fivefold, making them the third-largest immigrant group in the United States after the Mexican and Filipino foreign born."

Apparently, the Chinese are just DYING to live here in the United States. Why do you think this is true?

You know how many Americans live in China? Just over 100,000 and most of them are students.

What? Were you ALL just babies or not yet born when Tianemen Square was broadcast on television for all the world to see?

Have you seen the conditions of their prisons?

Have you seen the videos on forced sterilization in the charming country? The way that they treat women?

Would you like to see a picture or two of DEAD BABY GIRLS murdered and thrown out like trash because everybody wants a boy instead?


Get an education ATS members.

Go back to school and take some history.

Ignorant threads like, "I'm so sorry China, you enlightened and charming country, that the US exists" should be thrown in the trash or ignored.

I'm disgusted.

Again, you are mixing some truth with BS. And i find that annoying and disgusting

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:38 AM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by FrancoUn-American

No one cares?

Um. Yes they do.

I care.

My educated neighbors care.

Human rights is one of the most important issues of our times.

You obviously are young and grew up in a world where blacks and women had voting rights. You grew up in a country that cares about HUMAN RIGHTS----- rights that you take for granted because you don't know any better.

I don't think America is perfect.


My daughters weren't thrown in the trash when they were born. I was not sterilized against my will. I can practice my religion without fear of penalty or imprisonment.

I don't live in fear.

I live in the United States of America.

Perfect or not, I am happy to be here.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

Oh, really Mister Morris?

Unfortunately for you, I do know what I am talking about.

I have been to China.

I have studied China.

What exactly about my claims is "BS?"

(By the way, there are other words that would fill in nicely for "BS")

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Misoir

I would not even try and waste your time explaining your very valid point if I were you dude. People of the world have already commended us as a people. We are the new JEWS of the world. They will blame us for everything and persecute us if given the chance, even if we had absolutely nothing to do with something. It always amazes me that people do this and don't even look at their own countries activities or checkered past. You will see many a American on here blasting our own government for things it does, but you never see anyone from other countries blasting their own governments. It must be the EVIL US!!!!! But CHINA is a ok to these people. They have no idea what they are in store for from the new super power when they really start trying throw their muscle around. I would suspect Europe will feel the brunt of it first. Poor Ba@t**ds!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Wow dude you hit that righ on the head!!!

Wow e wow wow. If I knew how to give you a starr I would give you one. I hate when people come on and generalize. Alright you guys always screw this stuff up... Who is you guys? Don't generalilze me please. I want names. Did I do it? No so don't call me you guys. Except in this one case ok.

By the way you represent my feelings as well, so you can put me in your camp on this one. From what I remember when Russia pulled its subs from the east and west coast of the United State Of America the chinese snuck into position... WTF

Pretty offensive posture.

Peek up launch a bird duck and run. Ring a bell.

Yes they did it. yes they got away with it.

US what are you gonna do about it.. Shut up or we will liquidate your country... Sorry Truth hurts me.

You should all be ashemed of yourselfs for voting these clowns in. I did not vote for this President because 90% of the time he was a no show at voting time.


Never take a side play the fence. That we everyone likes you...

No you see people this is what they want to create. A dependence on goverment.

I wish all the welfare checks stopped in each state for a 1 month peroid and lets see who is really on the tit. Hardworking Americans or floaters who if you saw them you would say they had enough to eat already.

Why are our poor so fat?
Why do they drive 40,000 dollar cars and pull into the welfare office caliming poverty. I have seen poverty and that is not what it looks like.

I see people all the time buying groceries at the market with the debit cards from the goverment/state. Jay says....
Hey WHERE MY FREE STUFF AT.... Love you jay. 96.9

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by MRuss

Um, hello there.

You have children...Were they born here in America?
Were they given vaccines as babies, infants...???
How many total from birth to the last age they were given these vaccines?

Now please tell me how many vaccines the Japanese give their babies?

What's even worse is that these vaccines are FORCED.
However since you have been indoctrinated to accept theses shots
(as you have most everything else) you didn't refuse these did you?

Why not?

Did you ask for your birth certificate to bear the deal of the Registrar?
Can you tell me WHY the Registrar's seal is in your Birth Certificate?
Do you know why it is there?
What is a Registrar for?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Rocky Black

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by MRuss
reply to post by Jay-morris

Oh, really Mister Morris?

Unfortunately for you, I do know what I am talking about.

I have been to China.

I have studied China.

What exactly about my claims is "BS?"

(By the way, there are other words that would fill in nicely for "BS")

My wife is Chinese, half my family are now Chinese. I lived in China (Beijing) and worked in Beijing for 2 years, plus traveled around China. So, yes, i would say im qualified to voice my opinion. Also, considering my wife is sitting with me now reading alot of this crap! Like me, she knows that China is not perfect, and the Chinese people are unhappy with alot of stuff. We all know this, but that does not give the right for people to mix truth with lies like you are doing. Its just not right.

You know what i think. I think there is alot of fear here. America has been op dog for a while now. Most people who post on this board don't know any different. Its always been great america, here all your dreams come true. But now America is losing i grip. The terrible things that America has done is coming to light. And now China are on the brink of becoming the dog dog. And of course some Americans don't like that, and thats where all the crap comes from. Its fear at the end of the day.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

Jay, why can't both of you see there is truth in what both of you are saying.
Aspects of China can seem harsh.
Other Aspects of China are beautiful, elegant and regal.

What I don't get that Americans do is that they appease the
horrible Gov't actions the U.S. takes by stating they are happy to live here.

So does this mean that to be happy to live here means to STFU and sweep
the dirt under the rug?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Dear China,

I think you owe the entire world an apology.

Apologize to the 15 MILLION baby girls that disappeared when they were born. Explain this holocaust of infant baby girls. Explain why brutal neglect is the common theme in your orphanages.

Apologize to the 1,207,387 Tibetans who were killed, tortured and imprisoned. And while you're apologizing, admit that their peaceful religion frightened you.

Apologize to the world for Tiananman Square as we watched your tanks crush innocent civilians. On the day of the crackdown, Chinese Red Cross sources told reporters that 2,600 people died and 10,000 were injured, although the organization later denied it. What's the truth China?

Apologize to the hundreds of thousands of women who were forced to be sterilized. And admit that the numbers are probably in the millions.

Apologize to the world that is struggling to come to terms with human rights---how you have so blatantly taken us a step backwards. That the human life holds no value to you.

People are merely your pawns.

You owe the world an apology.

But even that wouldn't be enough.

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