So a member (whom shall remain nameless) creates a thread apologizing to an oppressive, tyrannical, totalitarian, mass murdering, dictatorial nation
on behalf of a country and a people who love, defend, and celebrate liberty. No sir we darn sure do not apologize to China!
Have you forgotten about Tiananmen Square event?
Have you forgotten that they force limitations on the number of children a woman can have?
Have you forgotten about the oppression, torture, and brutality against the Tibetan people?
I will not apologize to China for one thing that the United States of America does. We have made mistakes in our path such as torture, suppression of
equal rights, placed ethnic groups in camps, and torture terrorists. We are not and never have been a perfect nation but what has made the USA so
special is that we find an answer to all of these crimes and we solve them without mass violence or martial law or following some leader to our
The USA is a special nation for us always upholding our liberty, constitution, and freedom. People from across the world and even some here do not
understand why Americans are so different. With ever adversity we are faced with we respond with force that is rooted in justice and backed by moral
The United States is great and it does not need a president running around the globe bowing to murderous kings and apologizing to tyrants. We don’t
need supposed Americans to create threads apologizing to a dictatorship and pleading to not harm us. If China wants to challenge us it will be M.A.D.
and they know it.
Sorry to anyone who thinks we need to apologize to bloodthirsty dictators you don’t apologize for me, you don’t speak for me, you do not represent
me or this great nation, and you have no representative voice of us Americans.
The USA has given China little to no reason to bomb us. Besides if they bomb us we will nuke them. Quit apologizing for America’s greatness you
tyrant sympathizers!
Do you hear this China? We Americans have better things to worry about then what you think. I could list several things more important like making
sure I don’t miss House, or getting some milk at the grocery tonight, or preparing for Thanksgiving. I know a celebration of values, peace, and
family is beside you lot but in America morality is important and China is not.
Go ahead and call me ignorant, sure I may not have said everything in the best possible way but I am sick and tired of this constant apology from
people like Obama and the other anti-Americans.
edit on 11/17/2010 by Misoir because: (no reason given)
have YOU forgotten all the bull# perpetrated unto you by the united states? or you one of the patriotic sheeple that ppl here love so much? their
predicament is the same, the governments have their boxing matches, and people like you and me are showered in the blood. id apologize too, at least
bc they can pop up in the middle of a drill with some of the us's newest ships undetected, with their high tech subs to say "hi" we are outgunned,
and dont want to admit it. we are outmaned, so we try to starve their economy. watch, more desperate attempts to get bigger than china are right
around the corner. wadr-flagged, but we are skating thin ice
I know the post you refer to, which I personally found to be quite well written and direct, much like yours. I wanted to simply add that videos can be
found for both sides of the arguement, and to quote:
"We have made mistakes in our path such as torture, suppression of equal rights, placed ethnic groups in camps, and torture terrorists" to say the
very least.
However I admire you for having written such a post. It does show what us outsiders miss when we form our perception, or mass media controlled
perception of America and Americans.
Well, well - it didn't take long for posters to attempt to change the topic and focus to the US, now did it?
Typical.... Just once I'd love to see an attempt made to focus on the points of the opening post (geez, at least in the first few pages of a thread)
before getting to the games so many love to play.
and i am not unpatriotic, i am descriminant against tptb totally, i would be one of those poor souls standing in tienamen square. the people are the
good guys, but the bad guys look like good guys, and its frustrating
I clearly stated America is not perfect but we are exceptional. I did not say that the Chinese or Europeans or anyone else is bad people but I do not
want someone who thinks they can speak for the US pleading with dictators to not bomb us. That is simply unacceptable.
Our government is not great and they don’t even do a good job at representing us or even protecting us and our liberty. So quit trying to turn this
back on the USA and act like I completely dismiss every bad thing the US has ever done or continues to do. I acknowledge these faults but I also know
that we peacefully solve these problems quickly.
You are trying to derail the thread and I do not appreciate it one bit.
If you believe the USA needs to apologize to China go on over there and live in China for a while. Then come back and tell us which country is better.
Explanation: Fine then! Don't squeal when you cop the sharp end of the law of the Jungle stick OK!
I really don't care whether you Yanks apologize to China or not [regardless that I personally think you should] BUT you'd bloody better well
apologize to us Aussie's for getting us into 2 wars [both illegal in my eyes... but I'll go with just Iraq war being an illegal war crime of epic
proportions as determined by the UN at that time ok] and not selling us the F-22a [notice the small stood for australia] but lumping us with
the EPIC FAIL that is the JSF.
Your Mr. Potus even FAILED TO PAY a respectfull visit recently!
Personal Disclosure: There is a myriad and plethora of other issues that I could raise but I have other threads to hoe and other posts to go sow.
P.S. Keep an eye on your embassy in Canberra ... it might not be there tomorrow!
Thanks OP for this much needed thread. The US will not kneel to China or any Nation.
That thread you are referring to is a coward and shouldn`t be here in the US to post it. China is by far a sick country in many ways with their
Military Government and lets not forget the poison they sent us in our kids toys..
I wish I could give you every flag I will ever give on ATS for this thread. You nailed it. I sometimes dont agree with you but I see now your
heart and mind are in the right place.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Subjective Truth because: (no reason given)
Well good if you Aussies don’t like us ‘Yanks’ that’s fine with us. Most Americans probably don’t even know we have an embassy in Australia.
Look I am not trying to be offensive and I agree with you that the wars were criminal but my friend it was your nation that went into them wars by
choice. No one forced Australia to do anything it didn’t want to do. I think you should be more ticked off at your own government rather than the
one on the other side of the Pacific.
edit on 11/17/2010 by Misoir because: (no reason given)