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This would make it very hard for me to vote for Kerry...

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posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 11:53 AM
I'm a centrist. I don't pick the "side" of liberal/consrvative and try to side with what's right. I didn't vote for Bush, and he ranks among the top 3 politicians I hate the most (but I generally hate all politicians). I planned on voting for Kerry more as a vote against Bush, but this news may make that very hard to swallow:

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:05 PM
Ya know, I see where you're coming from, but at this point, anything is better than Bush. And if that means voting for a Clinton, so be it. Personally I think Hillary is a good woman as well as a good politician. I would be happy to vote for both of them.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:11 PM
Choosing Hillary Clinton as a running mate (if you believe the article) is a pretty crass political move. Talk about lack of subtlty (sp?). Neither Bush nor Kerry will make a good president. But Bush is a known quantity and Kerry isn't. So which is worse? A known Dumb-ass, redneck, and international bully, or someone who appears hypocritical and just as stupid? Personally, I will encourage both my parents to vote for Kerry, since Bush's policies are known and are very, very bad (can anyone say Patriot Act?). The people I would like to know about are Kerry's staff, since they will obviously be the ones making the policy decisions.

Personally I think Hillary is a good woman as well as a good politician. I would be happy to vote for both of them.

Hillary strikes me as someone who is usually above Washington politics (or at least the squabbles). I agree.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

I planned on voting for Kerry more as a vote against Bush, but this news may make that very hard to swallow:

If I read it on Drudge, I'd find it hard to swallow too.

So predicts a top Washington insider

Yeah. Right.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:23 PM

Bush has removed some of our freedoms. (Patriot act).

Bush has turned the U.S. into a war mongering nation.

Bush has changed our Armed Forces into a non volunteer force.

Bush mislead us or at least did not do what a President should do and make sure his facts are straight before leading us into war. He did not do the leg work or have the patience to insure Iraq had WMD etc... before commiting our men and women to war.

Bush has caused a rift between the U.S. and several of our allies and probably spoiled a budding relationship between us and the Russians and the EU.

In fact the only thing Bush did good in my opinion was get NASA focused on exploration instead of wasting money sending our guys into low earth orbit to see if mice puke floats in space

I also agree with his policies/war with Afganistan.

I can think of more but the reasons are listed all over this sight by others so I'll stop here.

For these reasons, I must vote for anyone who might get him out of office. Anything is better than watching us destroy our relationships with the world and seeing our men die for anything less than defending the United States.


posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Xeven

Bush has removed some of our freedoms. (Patriot act).

Bush has turned the U.S. into a war mongering nation.

Bush has changed our Armed Forces into a non volunteer force.

Bush mislead us or at least did not do what a President should do and make sure his facts are straight before leading us into war. He did not do the leg work or have the patience to insure Iraq had WMD etc... before commiting our men and women to war.

Bush has caused a rift between the U.S. and several of our allies and probably spoiled a budding relationship between us and the Russians and the EU.

In fact the only thing Bush did good in my opinion was get NASA focused on exploration instead of wasting money sending our guys into low earth orbit to see if mice puke floats in space

I also agree with his policies/war with Afganistan.

I can think of more but the reasons are listed all over this sight by others so I'll stop here.

For these reasons, I must vote for anyone who might get him out of office. Anything is better than watching us destroy our relationships with the world and seeing our men die for anything less than defending the United States.


Aye, I agree about everything you say EXCEPT syntactically, saying that Bush turned us into a war-mongering nation. We already, were in fact a war-mongering nation before Bush was appointed as president. He just made use of our thirst for blood that seems to be prevalent in America.

I'd also like to add that he was never elected president. He did not win the popular vote which means the majority of voters did not indeed vote for him, making it false to say he was ever actually elected. As said above, the proper word is "appointed."

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:30 PM
Man...this requires some digesting. I wouldn't be amazed - Bush has cornered that market with stupidity. Kerry &'s developing like a cheesy soap opera...I need Emitrol.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:44 PM
People should also look into Kerry's involvement back in the days of Daddy Bush's presidency.

If I recall correctly, Bush (and others) were being investigated (indirectly) through their involvement in the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International). When it was learned that this front organization was nothing more than a criminally oriented money laundering outfit, the stuffy types tried to run for the hills.

A Senate Investigation Committee was put to task to do just that......investigate. Guess who was in charge of the Committee? You guessed it, John Kerry!

Before you know it, the investigation was kiaboshed and Bush Sr. and the rest of them got away with another one.

Those Bonesmen all stick together don't they!
Either way the American's vote - it's a slimeball who gets in!

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:50 PM

Yes I could probably reword war mongering nation to express what I mean in better terms.

Declaring the "Axis of Evil" then attacking Iraq for not so clear/true reasons just after attacking Afganistan. I just get the feeling the world and perhaps some of us think of us as war mongering now. I just do not see in our constitution were its ok to become world freedom fighters and world police at the cost of American Soldiers lives.

I've got no problem when we drop bombs and missles for these purpose but when you ask an american soldier to defend (with his life) Iraqi's from themselves I got problems. Its was a force of volunteers to defend our country not to defend Iraq or defend nation building.. I dont really care about what people think if we leave the Iraqi's to figure out their own government and lifestyles. We can back them with training and money and just about anything but not american lives. Its just not what they vollunteered for and I do not think it is the intent of our constitution for them to do so.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:01 PM
It would please me beyond belief if Kerry drafted Clinton for Vice President, it would definitely have the effect of polishing Kerrys image, make him almost seem like a consevative in many peoples eyes

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:06 PM
Though I agree that Hillary would increase female support in the Kerry platform, too many males fear the possibility of Hillary taking the White House after a Kerry assination. Similar to the Mondale/Ferraro bid which ended in a easy sweep by the Republicans, a Kerry/Clinton ticket would also be doomed.

In contrast to Drudge's efforts to generate news through his own site, CNN had this to say:

Edwards tops Kerry veep poll

Those "I'm scooping everyone by posting this 'news' on my site" articles Drudge puts out are the biggest smudge on my 'trust this guy' meter.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:08 PM


Bush did ALL of that?
I'd vote for him, just for his ability to get things done.

Another good reason to Vote Bush, is that Hillary thinks
YOU ARE ALL STUPID, and that meshes very
well with KERRY's Philisophy that YOU ARE ALL STUPID!


Bush, not elected? ELECTORAL COLLEGE, they elected him. Just like the presidents before him. As hard as the democrats tried, they could not
get the recounts to go their way, it's over! he WON...

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
It would please me beyond belief if Kerry drafted Clinton for Vice President, it would definitely have the effect of polishing Kerrys image, make him almost seem like a consevative in many peoples eyes


The only straw that I can figure you're grasping at is that Hillary is a Moderate & that Kerry, in your opinion, is a Far Lefty?

She's been an outsatanding Jr. Senator. I happen to think my home state has the best pair in the business.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 05:10 PM

Bush, not elected? ELECTORAL COLLEGE, they elected him. Just like the presidents before him. As hard as the democrats tried, they could not

The Supreme elected him. There were many bad things that happened in Florida (Jeb Bush), which is why it went to the Supreme Court. I even remember watching the polls that day and seeing Al Gore as being declared the winner, then they went back on that when the rest of states were closing. In my mind, he was elected illegaly, call it a conspiracy if you must.

WHile you are at it, why don't you explain why the electoral system is better than popular vote, especially in these days when state boundaries are virtually meaningless in the eyes of federal government.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 05:12 PM
Why would anyone find it hard to "swallow" Hillary Clinton as VP of the United States? Where exactly is the problem - is it being tainted with scandals of a lower order than other politicians? Are her scandals not big enough to rank with the biggest and best VP scandals, such as Cheney's? Is she not corrupt enough?

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 05:15 PM
I guess so MaskedAvatar. We can go in the fashion of our current administration in response to those against Israel...that is, you don't like Hillary Clinton, well, you must be biased against women. Woman-hater!

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Another good reason to Vote Bush, is that Hillary thinks
YOU ARE ALL STUPID, and that meshes very
well with KERRY's Philisophy that YOU ARE ALL STUPID!


Bush, not elected? ELECTORAL COLLEGE, they elected him. Just like the presidents before him. As hard as the democrats tried, they could not
get the recounts to go their way, it's over! he WON...

Hillary thinks we are all stupid? Ladies and gentlemen; we have a telepath among us!

And no, Bush was not elected as most all presidents before him were; he did not win the popular vote which means he did not win democratically. Simply because we have the severely outdated tradition of the electoral college does not make this right. Bush was, by very definition, appointed. This has nothing to do with the recounts.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 05:21 PM
Please run Hillary with your boy, Kerry. I'd love to see the highest republican voter turnout in history this time. Run her and that is what you will get...

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound
Please run Hillary with your boy, Kerry. I'd love to see the highest republican voter turnout in history this time.

Yes, but will those voters no matter what their persuasion vote for Bush or vote him out of office, because enough is enough? Partisan politics at ATS are childish much of the time.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 05:25 PM
Yea, maybe male turnout. I bet if its Hillary, all the women will swing to the left just to see the first female as VP. Its about time we had a woman in the P or VP position, not to say Hillary would be my first choice, I know nothing about her. But the first woman as VP coupled with Bush scandals, its a risk, but it could turn out as a major landslide...

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