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Would you eat meat if animals could talk?

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist

Originally posted by Unity_99
Meat is needed for b12 and liver for your teeth, and omega for brain growth. Caring, methods of raising and caring for animals instead of corporate methods should be used. But the bloodlines seem to be behind most of this, and yet wont even reveal the truth of waht they know already. Yet I understand the feeling and many healthy people can find alternatives, others have to have a more natural and full diet, their health breaks down on the vegan ones.

What I mean by what they don't tell people is that this a holographic universe and while there are many species and even pets with souls, not everything is soul. Alot is highly responsive, interactive intelligent AI, perception.

Another thing, the slaughter houses, the karma is on them, not us. We have a right to eat and be healthy, and no alternatives, millions cannot take to the woods and hunt, and are limited in this controlled system of scarsity. The ones running these programs bear all the karma.
edit on 27-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Wow, such a long post and absolutely nothing in it is true.

Also, the "Karma" is on slaughterhouses and "programs", not us?? Psychopath (and other disorders as well)

Surprisngly enough, its all 100% true. You need to do some research about b 12 and what it takes to have good teeth, and brain growth. I consider fish meat by the way, the flesh of a living creature.

In addition, the AI part, thats part of the universe. Its all a hologram, similar to a computerized televsiion set, and there is alot of AI in it. There are many souls too. The Creators/Designers and Family of Light beyond the screen, who stream this in through the stars, Mom/Dad/Yeshua, have things under control, and they didn't mistake our bodies.

We should have compassion and care for all things, but we also must also take good self care and proper nutrition.

This world isn't meant to be paradise yet. We're meant to learn and grow here.

Here is a very good post, reveals quite a bit of what our school is like, from someone who is only love and light, and who activated a lot of memories, and his video on infinity caused me to reach in and meet my Higher Self direct, with over a month of downloads.

This is about not harming others, and caring for the planet, but its not about being vegan or not.
edit on 27-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Misoir

They do plead and they do scream. It's quite horrific and utterly inhumanitarian. People don't give a damn and those that do are a very small minority who are emotionally and spiritually evolved to know and feel it, that is why they do not partake of it.

But sadly as usual, the majority of the world doesn't give a hoot as long as they get their steak. They don't care if the poor creature was killed humanely or if the poor thing was able to have any quality of life before it's brutal death. They don't care to know just how much they suffered, so that people could eat a burger.

It's a clear reflection of the state of our world and our demise.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:17 PM
Well first I'd probably be shocked that the animal talked. Talking or not, if it's food and I'm hungry it's as good as cooked. I would make it a quick death though if it makes you feel better.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:28 PM
yes i would

would anyone step on grass if they scream?

as much as i love the animal rights crowd.

they are humanizing animals while forgetting other living beings.

those they step on those they eat.

wearing flowers in your hair is the same as wearing animal skin.

bottom line, what people should stop doing, is to point fingers and tell others how they should live, either via persuasion or trying to score an emotional response.

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:31 PM
very cool question. my answer is no of course. even in a donner party situation i dont know for sure i could eat human because they could only just days or even hours ago speak. i think that would be pretty much torture. and pretty twisted. if animals could talk society would probably advance quicker and last longer. If they could talk then monkeys could use machine guns and microscopic brain eaters could be orderd into our minds to control our bodies. we probably wouldnt need to eat if animals could talk,

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Misoir

I made a post quite a while back regarding this exact subject.

I had read the book "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell which prompted me to ask the question.

To this day remembering anything about the book causes me to briefly ponder this question.

On the surface it appears to be a simple question but after reading the book it made it clear to me that the answer to this question can be quite complicated.

It is not just a yes or no answer and a lot of factors can come into play.

I hope that you have better luck with your post than I did with mine. I don't seem to have the knack for posting. My posts die very quickly while others will make the same post (including both the same topic and title) and it is off to the races.

It is a good thing that I am not a star and flag junkie or I would have left this wonderful site a long time ago.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by NightSkyeB4Dawn
reply to post by Misoir

I made a post quite a while back regarding this exact subject.

I had read the book "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell which prompted me to ask the question.

To this day remembering anything about the book causes me to briefly ponder this question.

On the surface it appears to be a simple question but after reading the book it made it clear to me that the answer to this question can be quite complicated.

It is not just a yes or no answer and a lot of factors can come into play.

I hope that you have better luck with your post than I did with mine. I don't seem to have the knack for posting. My posts die very quickly while others will make the same post (including both the same topic and title) and it is off to the races.

It is a good thing that I am not a star and flag junkie or I would have left this wonderful site a long time ago.

This thread dates back to November 2010, I brought it back from the dead, mainly because I didn't have the post count to create a new thread.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by Misoir

They do plead and they do scream. It's quite horrific and utterly inhumanitarian. People don't give a damn and those that do are a very small minority who are emotionally and spiritually evolved to know and feel it, that is why they do not partake of it.

But sadly as usual, the majority of the world doesn't give a hoot as long as they get their steak. They don't care if the poor creature was killed humanely or if the poor thing was able to have any quality of life before it's brutal death. They don't care to know just how much they suffered, so that people could eat a burger.

It's a clear reflection of the state of our world and our demise.

It's a clear reflection of our success. We have went from being the descendents of monkeys to being the primary species on earth that calls the shots for the rest. And we did that sister eating meat, LOTS of meat! Thousands upon thousands of years of eating meat means we don't have a choice, we must eat it. Our body chemistry needs it just like it needs water or air. I realize the passion in you is strong and you have this feeling that animals are spiritual creatures like us so we shouldn't eat them. But let me ask you something: What ISN'T a spiritual creature? And how do you know we're spiritual creatures? Maybe we're the worms of the universe. It's all good and well that you have your own opinions, but I pray to god you don't shove your ideals on your kids, if you have any. Vegetarians are known to not feed their children a proper diet.

Here, take a look yourself:

Parents who put their children on strict vegan diets could harm their development, a US nutrition expert has said.

Lindsay Allen, of the US Agricultural Research Service, said denying growing children animal products in their diet during the critical first few years of life was "unethical".

Professor Allen argued that animal source foods have some nutrients not found anywhere else and that pregnant women on vegan diets could be damaging their child while it was growing in the womb.

I thank god my parents had the wisdom to not be idiots when I was a growing child.

Have a look at this link too:

You want to look good and feel good? Then eat meat.

It's up to you, but don't force feed it to kids. Nothing is more sickening than that.
edit on 28-5-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Animals CAN talk. Just not in a language most people understand.

Still, I maintain that the anthropomorphication of animals to promote a moral veganism is an appeal to emotions at best, and is a symptom of a privileged culture that doesnt understand the rules of life outside of their comfort zone.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:20 PM
I'd eat humans because they CAN talk...but it's illegal in most countries unfortunantley.
As for other animals...nah...they're quiet. I like that.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:26 PM
Call me weak, but no I could not eat meat if I could hear them talk. In fact, I do not eat meat now, however, if my life depended upon it, or the life of my child, I would take the life of an animal to save my child no questions asked. However, I would thank the animal (silly perhaps) and take it's life as nicely and quickly as possible. I do not eat meat because I feel bad. I've taken the lives of animals before, when I was a kid I worked on a farm and chopped the head off a chicken, still haven't forgotten that to this day, it felt so wrong to me. I went fishing once and couldn't kill the fish it was flopping around in the boat and my friend said to wack it over the head with the paddle I couldn't do it. So she grabbed it and broke its neck.

I have eaten so much meat in my life, but have stopped now, I still struggle with the whole concept because our nature is just to consume or be consumed. It happens all around us everyday. Even those dolphins which vegetarians love to love, they are violent and kill their prey too. In fact, the animals we humans seem to eat the most of, don't even eat meat. Cows, chickens, pigs, sheep. Funny how that is. So, I just do what feels right to me. However I understand this doesn't feel right to other people and hold no judgement in my heart whatsoever. Who's to say that they're way isn't right and mine is wrong. At the end of the day, search your heart, be honest, and do what you're soul is happy with.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

My argument against veganism and vegetarianism? Two words... Barbecue sauce.

That's not much of an argument. Tofu is great with barbeque sauce.

In answer to the OP. No, I wouldn't.

I'm trying to wean myself off my addiction to meat. It's damned hard, especially when you live in a Society that takes meat eating for granted.

Certainly, my stools are less sloppy and smelly when I DON'T eat meat. This is especially evident at the moment when I HAVE to use a chemical tolet, and empty it.

On a side note, I put my back out quite badly emptying the chem loo the other day. Dayum those things can get heavy!

edit on 3-6-2011 by aorAki because: (no reason given)

The painkillers are great though!
edit on 3-6-2011 by aorAki because: painkiller spelling

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite

It's up to you, but don't force feed it to kids. Nothing is more sickening than that.
edit on 28-5-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

Similar to, say, Religion, for example.

Sorry, I just HAD TO go there.

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