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What awaits us after death???

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:36 AM
First thread here on ATS. Hope all goes well!

I thought it would be interesting to see what the people of ATS believe awaits us after death. There is a lot of different beliefs out there, that have different views on what happens to us after death.

I grew up an Episcopalian, aka a Christian. I was taken to church every week and when I was young followed my parents faith. The belief I grew up on from my parents was that after death we either go to heaven or hell, depending on whether we were good or bad in our lives. The way we live our life's will determine our fate after death.

After awhile I moved away from being a Christian and now would not place myself in any particular religion. I have beliefs that I believe in strongly and guess I would characterize myself as a spiritualist. I believe that we are one with the world and one with everyone else in the world. I believe that there is a higher power out there, though I do not believe it is actually a person, like the Episcopalian faith believes in. The energies that we send out, come back to us (similar to the secret), and we are able to create the world that we want. I came to this belief through some difficult times in my life. At times I was in such a negative stance, and negative things kept happening to me. Eventually I realized what was happening and realized I was creating the world with which I was in and now am creating a better world for me. Think positively and positive things come to you.

Anyways back to the topic of my thread. What awaits us after death??? I personally believe in reincarnation. So I believe that after we die, we view all that happens, and judge ourselves truly knowing how things have gone. When we reincarnate we usually reincarnate with the same souls. Whether they are our mothers one life or our best friends in another life. After we die there is a period of time where we get to be with these other souls and communicate with each other. Then we decide on what experiences we want to experience in our next lives and then we are born again not knowing what has happened. Then in our next life we live until we experience everything we are meant to, then we die, and then the cycle continues again. Well that is what I believe in on what happens after we die. I base this on near death experiences I have read as well as this is the only possible explanation to me that explains almost everything. With this belief I understand why there is good and evil.. I understand this by that everyone must experience everything, so we are all good and evil in different lives. Also, it helps me understand why there are miscarriages or babies die at 1 or 2. That is the experiences they chose for their current lives.

Anyways, I think I have gone on a little farther then the actual intention of the thread. I do not want to start any arguments with this thread. I just want to hear what people believe will happen to us after we die, because it is a subject that I find very interesting and am sure many people do as well. Hopefully my first thread goes well, I look forward in hearing your thoughts on the subject.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:58 AM
It is a question that all of history can relate too, no matter who you are.

My personal belief is to not think about it, but pretend as if you were eternal with no do overs. Whats done is done, and what you may turn into could regret the past, so try to ensure your choices are of no harm to anyone/thing.

People can deal with hurting and putting themselves down. The majority of the world dose it on a daily bases. But most realize that the harm they done in the past to others is unbearable to handle.

So, life after death? Well, the concept of death was under the assumption that when you die you cease to exist; in other words we came to a conclusion based off of false pretenses. Only today are we realizing that we were asking the wrong question.

It's not is there life after death, but rather dose death really exist? Is what we primitively perceive as someone "disappearing" really just confirming what we have been theorizing about quantum mechanics and physics?

Who knows, maybe nobody, maybe the countless types of life forms that have passed on before the current set. One thing is for sure, existence itself is so wonderfully incomprehensible, figuring it out is like peaking through your Christmas presents.You wish you hadn't come that day.

So, i stick with my belief, but still reading on the advancements of out knowledge on such topics; taking what i get with neutral effect on my beliefs. Because all in all, believing nothing is much more difficult than believing anything. Trying it takes a wise man who has forgiven himself. I hope to some day.

Peace and love

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:02 AM
I might be mistaken , but I assume more bloody taxes

Second line . You deserve a better reply but I'm extremely tired and heading to bed .Goodluck with the tread I'll read it again tommorow .

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

What awaits us after death???

Let's reverse the question. Imagine being a discarnate spirit, asking another discarnate spirit "what awaits us in life?" Well, it kind of depends, doesn't it? The life of a typical ATSer is probably a bit different from the life of your average medieval peasant is probably different from the life of Paris Hilton's chihuahua is probabaly a bit different from the life of my houseplants.

The experience of "Life" is highly varied.

Why assume the death experience would be less so?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

I like to believe in Tupac's "Thug Mansion"

You get in free, but you gotta be a G........

No, but seriously, i think that we are reincarnated until we learn everything we need and once we finally have all the tools, we get our own planet, our own species to take care of..


There is a kind of heaven where it's everyone you ever knew or loved but they kind of conform to you. For example, say your brother hated football, while you loved it, in conformist heaven, he would like football and enjoy watching it with you...

I kind of think that nothing happens, too. but that is depressing and i would rather live with my ignorant ideas than deal with that truth lol, at least while I'm here

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by gandhi

Yes, the harm that we do to others is unknown. Especially the harm that crosses over to people that we do not even know or encounter, yet is reached through our actions. One of the things I stated that I believe in, in that we judge ourselves after we die before we are reborn is something that I do not look forward to. Seeing how our actions affect others in ways we do not even know is a crazy and hard thought to process.

Does death exist?? Ahh, that is a wonderful and puzzling question indeed. I guess with my beliefs in reincarnation I could either say yes or no. Yes, in the fact that we die and are reborn continuously. Yet I also could say no, in the fact that we continue after here in the spiritual world and then return in another body and life eventually, therefore our soul has never died. Our body yes. So in the end I guess I would go with soul does not die, but body does. Yet who knows? We shall find out eventually though.

I agree with you totally that one should be open to everything though not having to make it change their own beliefs. Also I agree that the idea that believing nothing is terrible.. If one does not believe in anything then what has one to live for???
edit on 11/13/2010 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/13/2010 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

I really like what you said at the end there....

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by LordBucket

Very interesting take on things and I do like where you are coming from.

It would go along with every soul choosing different lives and experiences, that after these lives, we would all have different experiences after death. I do agree that our experiences after death would be different like in life we experience different things.

However, would the place in which we experience these different things be the same after death as others??? Just like our different experiences in life our on this planet in the same place. Or are there others experiencing different things in life in other worlds, therefore after death we are experiencing different things in different places as well???

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by squirelnutz

Tupac fan, huh?

I agree that we are reincarnated until we learn and experience everything. An interesting thought on that after that we get our own planet and species to take care of? What made you think of that?? The thought that after we have experienced and learned everything we are our own Gods, so to say or no???

I do not like the thought of conformist heaven however as it seams to perfect to me. That is just me though. The thought of nothing after death (if there is death) is depressing to me as well. It goes along the same lines as the sentence at the end of my earlier post you mentioned you liked, that if there is nothing after this, what is there to live for?? It is also could go though that if there is nothing after this, then you have everything to live for and better do everything you can. Though I still see nothing as extremely depressing, in my opinion.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

Yeah, once we learn patience, love and all that stuff and we get the tools to be gods ourselves....

I dunno, i was raised Christian and always thought that was BS so i kinda formed my own religion after doing ALOT of research and soul searching.. Only thing i truly found out, was I will never found out anything lol

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

No offense but we get threads like this on ATS all the time. So much so that I have quit ATS 3 times and vowed never to return... only to come back and make another account.

Dont you think it would be more beneficial to humanity and this species if you catalagued and wrote down all of your knowledge for people to access at there leisure.

We have had thousand of years of relying on a pulpit/shaman... why would you condemn us to that fate if you have such great wisdom?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by squirelnutz

True true, I believe that we are all one with each other and the universe, and that we are able to create our world. So I guess in that sense it would make us out to be or possibly become, what we deem as Gods.

Similar story to me, being raised a Christian, and sort of forming my own religion. Yes it is sad or maybe not that we will never know, at least here we will not. It goes along with the quote in your signature of Socrates "I know that I know nothing," Maybe it is better that way.

To 13th Zodiac

I forgot to reply to your post. I hope that there are no more f'n taxes awaiting us on the other side, that is all we need. If there is I might just kill myself.
Oops wait Id already be dead or would I??

On a serious note, hope to hear your insights on what awaits us after death tomorrow.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

oh sorry dude multiple pages open, i was gonna give you props... lol great subject!!

disregard what i posted, nothing to do w u at all

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by poap420

That's exactly why i want to be a writer.. Share my brain
and i think everyone should do the same in their own way

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by poap420
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

oh sorry dude multiple pages open, i was gonna give you props... lol great subject!!

disregard what i posted, nothing to do w u at all

When reading your first post I was like what??? haha

Glad to hear you like the subject, what are your thoughts on what awaits us after death?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

lol ya sorry about that.. im about 1/4 of the way done with a nook ive been working on for a long time, here is the outline, if you read it as a logic ladder you get a sense of what I believe.

Intellect has told me there is nothing...
but my own experiences with the paranormal make me... 'beleive' there is life after death a clearly defined purpose to existence... i was gonna post on your comments but oh well lol

Only Human, working Outline (Read as a logic ladder)

Only Human
A Manifesto
“Truth is subjective.”

A collaborative work for a global paradigm shift.

Compiled and interpreted by 'poap420'

Table of Contents

What It Means To Be Human
-Born into religious, societal, family beliefs. (un chosen indoctrination- tie into conclusion by quantifying the relationship between unchosen beliefs and there limit on our success as sentient beings and our ability to cope with our material reality)
*Emotions in relation to decision making

The Limit of Language
-Defining communication
-Details the limits of language in the exchange of information, whether that be emotion, concepts, or events.
-Number Theory
*Little known concept that words and human communication are in fact based in mathematics at its core.

Human Species 'Deficit' Of Knowledge
-The Middle Ages
-Religious Crusades
-Historical record keeping
*Often biased to victor
*Many things are cited to other manuscripts that claim there source as somewhere else...
-Societal collusion

The Case For Spirituality
-Defining 'Spirituality'
*living life for the benefit of the spirit, rather than materialistically measured reasons
-Common themes
*System of belief that states all religions are an attempt by some unseen 'force' to progress the human species.

Mental 'Illness'
-The Case For Healing
*at its core, illness describes something that can be healed/fixed, if it is permanent, it would be termed a mental 'disability'
-Mental illness and genetics
-Environmental Conditioning
-Lack of successful life models
-Lack of sufficient coping skills
-Hearing Voices

Realities Realm of Impossibility
-Quantum Physics
-Alternative Realities
-The 'Paranormal' and 'Supernatural'
*Defining anything that exists as natural, but these are 'outside the norms' of the average persons experience, so humanity labels it as 'unnatural' or 'supernatural', but if it exists it is obviously within the realm of nature/natural law... is this not self evident?

Mental Wellness
-Building relationships that MATTER
*ones in which truth and honesty are valued above the other persons perception of you
-Fringe/quantitative thinking vs. Psychotic thinking
-Innovators connections to the unknown

Existential Knowledge
*Belief in an outside force granting knowledge. (Nikola Tesla for example)
*One liners, or 'motivating' though behind the whole process
*Vision/Combination of visual/audio (better word?)
*exploring how to recognize legitimate mental illness from whatever DOES exist. (I would argue everyone says theres SOMETHING, some REASON,/Force behind it all, but no one can adequately explain them in human terms due to the INHERENT limitations of language)

How to be 'Human'
-How to get the most out of what has been built/formed by the chaos/nature or order/an-unseen-force.
*and examination of what we really want, why we want it, and how society will change in the future.

Structure Of the Universe
(Quantitative Law Detailed Overview)
-Quantitative Law of Existence
-Quantitative Law of Learning
-Quantitative Law of Evolution

The Ultimate Hypothesis
-An opinionated belief/view of the information contained within the book combined to form my 'Grand explanation/theory' of the purpose of life itself, our role as sentient beings in the universe, and our connection with existence.

Logical Quantification/Thinking as a Key to the advancement of a Sentient Society
-its application to our success as a species as a whole.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by poap420
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

lol ya sorry about that.. im about 1/4 of the way done with a nook ive been working on for a long time, here is the outline, if you read it as a logic ladder you get a sense of what I believe.

Intellect has told me there is nothing...
but my own experiences with the paranormal make me... 'beleive' there is life after death a clearly defined purpose to existence... i was gonna post on your comments but oh well lol

Only Human, working Outline (Read as a logic ladder)

Only Human
A Manifesto
“Truth is subjective.”

A collaborative work for a global paradigm shift.

Compiled and interpreted by 'poap420'

Table of Contents

What It Means To Be Human
-Born into religious, societal, family beliefs. (un chosen indoctrination- tie into conclusion by quantifying the relationship between unchosen beliefs and there limit on our success as sentient beings and our ability to cope with our material reality)
*Emotions in relation to decision making

The Limit of Language
-Defining communication
-Details the limits of language in the exchange of information, whether that be emotion, concepts, or events.
-Number Theory
*Little known concept that words and human communication are in fact based in mathematics at its core.

Human Species 'Deficit' Of Knowledge
-The Middle Ages
-Religious Crusades
-Historical record keeping
*Often biased to victor
*Many things are cited to other manuscripts that claim there source as somewhere else...
-Societal collusion

The Case For Spirituality
-Defining 'Spirituality'
*living life for the benefit of the spirit, rather than materialistically measured reasons
-Common themes
*System of belief that states all religions are an attempt by some unseen 'force' to progress the human species.

Mental 'Illness'
-The Case For Healing
*at its core, illness describes something that can be healed/fixed, if it is permanent, it would be termed a mental 'disability'
-Mental illness and genetics
-Environmental Conditioning
-Lack of successful life models
-Lack of sufficient coping skills
-Hearing Voices

Realities Realm of Impossibility
-Quantum Physics
-Alternative Realities
-The 'Paranormal' and 'Supernatural'
*Defining anything that exists as natural, but these are 'outside the norms' of the average persons experience, so humanity labels it as 'unnatural' or 'supernatural', but if it exists it is obviously within the realm of nature/natural law... is this not self evident?

Mental Wellness
-Building relationships that MATTER
*ones in which truth and honesty are valued above the other persons perception of you
-Fringe/quantitative thinking vs. Psychotic thinking
-Innovators connections to the unknown

Existential Knowledge
*Belief in an outside force granting knowledge. (Nikola Tesla for example)
*One liners, or 'motivating' though behind the whole process
*Vision/Combination of visual/audio (better word?)
*exploring how to recognize legitimate mental illness from whatever DOES exist. (I would argue everyone says theres SOMETHING, some REASON,/Force behind it all, but no one can adequately explain them in human terms due to the INHERENT limitations of language)

How to be 'Human'
-How to get the most out of what has been built/formed by the chaos/nature or order/an-unseen-force.
*and examination of what we really want, why we want it, and how society will change in the future.

Structure Of the Universe
(Quantitative Law Detailed Overview)
-Quantitative Law of Existence
-Quantitative Law of Learning
-Quantitative Law of Evolution

The Ultimate Hypothesis
-An opinionated belief/view of the information contained within the book combined to form my 'Grand explanation/theory' of the purpose of life itself, our role as sentient beings in the universe, and our connection with existence.

Logical Quantification/Thinking as a Key to the advancement of a Sentient Society
-its application to our success as a species as a whole.

Wow that is a lot of good things there and a lot of it I agree with. Especially theosopy, how to be human, deficit of knowledge, historical record keeping, number theory, and building relationships that matter (even though most people seem to not want to do this anymore and are more concerned with their lives and worlds then others, which is sad). You say you are about a 1/4 of the way done. I would love to see the rest when you are finished.

What outside force do you believe is granting us knowledge?

I know you mentioned that you believed in life after death, however what do you believe this life after death is or is like? My apologies if that was mentioned somewhere, I did not see it though.

Also, I would love to hear what you were going to post on my comments, if it is anything different then what you have just posted.

edit on 11/13/2010 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:31 AM
It is taking me ridiculously long to finish.

I have a crazy working theory that because language is 'math' (number theory) then that means.. er... vaguely, that knowledge itself essentially, the collective unconscious... exists as an 'entity' (god?)

Have you read the keys to the kingdom? the 'architect' of the universe leaves behind a 'will' that contains her master plan for existence, her subordinates destroy this will as soon as the architect disappears from measurable reality. This will is literally made of 'words' but in the 'architects' language...

entity is made out of .. (vaguely) math?... I believe so at this point.

So the sum of ALL species knowledge (extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional beings) is somehow, corporal and the knowledge itself can be viewed to have energy (vaguely) so, (vaguely) it is not inert, it desires to continue its manifestation... and its growth is ensured by this... er (vaguely) desire to reproduce. (its taking me so long to finish because when i make a break through, it often invalidates one- if not all- of the chapters I have already written)

So, in a sense, if you follow, 'god'/entity desires to spread all that is .. er.. 'just' (itself)
So basically everything we will ever know is out there.. time is essentially irrelevent except in our belief that it IS relevant.
edit on 13-11-2010 by poap420 because: clarification

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

What awaits us after death? More living.
Second line cuz, just, well, cuz.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by poap420
no, i was just going to post it there because it felt a little off topic

edit on 13-11-2010 by poap420 because: (no reason given)

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