posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:55 AM
I am surprised to find myself defensive of China from all these snarky comments. Are you people that brainwashed with false patriotism that you can't
see the accomplishment, effort and industriousness of the Chinese? Look people, China is a country very much in ascendancy. It has figured things out
pretty well and shows a great willingness to adapt and learn from its mistakes. They learned the economic model of communism does not work, so they
instituted capitalism with massive government investment in infrastructure, education and research. Lo and behold, barely three decades later and they
have the number 2 economy. They are just learning of that with growth comes great harm to the environment, so they have just started to correct in
that regard too. Watch them have the most green economy in ten years as we sit here and bitch and moan and continue to encourage disfunctional
Ah, and China and the rest of the world sees our current system of government and NO ONE in their right mind would want to emulate us right now. You
may not like their model, but guess what, they have a different reality where a portion of their population is far behind culturally and in the truth
is that strict government control and planning allows them to avoid the messiness of "democracy" to actually get things done for their society. When
most of the their society gets educated, watch a gradual easing of the political structures and greater speeech freedom.
Freedom is great, but it comes with responsibilities. Everyone the world over can see that we don't respect our freedoms, nor do we take its
responsibilities seriously. We don't honor our freedoms either. We use it as a sound bite and as a wedge against our fellow citizen. Again I ask, who
wants to emulate that? And don't be so ignorant to think only Americans are free. Point in fact is that Americans are FAR less free than many other
nations -- especially as Americans are enprisoned by debt, slave to employer-provided healthcare, beast of burdens who have been tricked to take pride
in working 60 hour weeks.
As for China, I really don't want to hear talk about the small number of political prisoners they have or the restrictions of porn and some political
content they deem subversive to their society. Who are we to judge? They have some political prisoners, so do we, by the tens of thoussands we have
people incarcerated for tiny amounts of weed possession, for stealing a loaf of bread. Meanwhile the Chinese actually charge and put in prison the
abusive rich and the fraudsters, while here they lawyer up and plead out as the poor rot in jail.
Additionally, did you know in China it brings great shame on you to have ultra superfluous levels of wealth for wealth's sake? Do you laugh at that
ethic? I don't.
China ain't perfect, but neither are we, not by a long shot. Disparage them all you want -- they are eating our lunch, they are investing billions in
infrastructure as we diddle and play moronic games in politics. They are investing massively in their future as our "great" (ignoramous) leaders are
preaching choking cut back on everything. Ten years you'll wake up to grapes of wrath, while the average Chinese will be living in great happiness
and likely much more REAL freedom than you'll have.