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Battle: Los Angeles and Alien Invasions

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Morgil: "Earth doesn't have any resources that aren't readily available elsewhere without an indigenous race to overcome."

Spot on... any mineral resource or water could be found easily elsewhere, without the need to hide from us or trade/fight with us.

But here's a theory I've mulled over for many years....
Take a look at the animal kingdom & you'll see a uniform, linear relationship between similar species. Between subspecies, differences are usually very slight until we come to the Hominids, which includes the Human race.

Between our nearest genetic neighbours, the Chimpanzees & us, the difference in DNA is only ~3% but outwardly we are light years apart. In fact, we are so different from any other living organism on Earth that we barely even belong here when you think about it!
Have we as a species arrived where we are by pure chance, or were we assisted? It's my personal opinion that we were, but the question remains... why?

One answer I toyed with is that any advanced civilization capable of engineering an ape into a human would be highly dependant (perhaps totally dependant) on technology to exist; like us but more advanced. Since this civilization is star faring, they would be widespread & have many billions or trillions in their population. The infrastructure required to support such a huge civilization would require an immense army of builders, technicians & menial workers, but that army would have to be sufficiently capable of handling & understanding the high level of sophistication reached within that society. Robots would be pointless, simply because nature does things better & much more efficiently, so the ideal would be a dextrous highly mobile animal with higher intellect, capable of understanding abstracts, complex maths, physical & chemical principles etc.

We do something very similar with livestock… we give them a nice safe place to live, we feed them, vaccinate them against disease & generally take care of our investment until we are ready to harvest. Hell, we even GMO them now!
At that point we corral our herd either by playing on their stupidity, or by coercion or fear to a place that we want them.

In answer to the OPs question, maybe ‘invade’ is too sudden a word?…. What if the invasion started at the beginning? What if invasion is not the objective?

Unfortunately this theory kicks any possibilty of 'disclosure' right out of the park. (clue)

Just a theory though, don’t have nightmares.

edit on 12-11-2010 by HelionPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by HelionPrime

Morgil: "Earth doesn't have any resources that aren't readily available elsewhere without an indigenous race to overcome."

Spot on... any mineral resource or water could be found easily elsewhere, without the need to hide from us or trade/fight with us.

But here's a theory I've mulled over for many years....
Take a look at the animal kingdom & you'll see a uniform, linear relationship between similar species. Between subspecies, differences are usually very slight until we come to the Hominids, which includes the Human race.

Between our nearest genetic neighbours, the Chimpanzees & us, the difference in DNA is only ~3% but outwardly we are light years apart. In fact, we are so different from any other living organism on Earth that we barely even belong here when you think about it!
Have we as a species arrived where we are by pure chance, or were we assisted? It's my personal opinion that we were, but the question remains... why?

One answer I toyed with is that any advanced civilization capable of engineering an ape into a human would be highly dependant (perhaps totally dependant) on technology to exist; like us but more advanced. Since this civilization is star faring, they would be widespread & have many billions or trillions in their population. The infrastructure required to support such a huge civilization would require an immense army of builders, technicians & menial workers, but that army would have to be sufficiently capable of handling & understanding the high level of sophistication reached within that society. Robots would be pointless, simply because nature does things better & much more efficiently, so the ideal would be a dextrous highly mobile animal with higher intellect, capable of understanding abstracts, complex maths, physical & chemical principles etc.

We do something very similar with livestock… we give them a nice safe place to live, we feed them, vaccinate them against disease & generally take care of our investment until we are ready to harvest. Hell, we even GMO them now!
At that point we corral our herd either by playing on their stupidity, or by coercion or fear to a place that we want them.

In answer to the OPs question, maybe ‘invade’ is too sudden a word?…. What if the invasion started at the beginning? What if invasion is not the objective?

Unfortunately this theory kicks any possibilty of 'disclosure' right out of the park. (clue)

Just a theory though, don’t have nightmares.

edit on 12-11-2010 by HelionPrime because: (no reason given)

I gather from your response that you have a theory relating to ET intervention in human development or current situation?

So I ask this; What would be the purpose of progressing a species that you have mundane purposes for? , i.e. as per your cattle allegory? Especially when it would be more efficient to keep us at a stone-age level purely from a warfare POV. ?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by gortex

im more inclined to agree with your theory on this subject

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Morgil

If this thread is just about warfare then I posted in error.

The point is not to keep us subdued, but to get us to a level psychologically/intellectually where we would be of practical use. The tricky part comes when they want to get us to work, but would be simple enough with the right scare story of impending global catastrophe.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:10 PM
Is it just me that yearns for something as genuinely scary and thought provoking as Quatermas and the Pit? Something with a genuine plot and without the need to have to have everything exploding for 80% of the film?

If i want big things go bang there's the adaptations of the Superheros and stuff like Transformers.

There was a story doing the rounds that Quatermas and the Pit was actually being remade, Hammer sold the rights to all their films to Hollywood, but it was pulled after only a couple of weeks due to a serious fall out over the script and direction it was heading towards.

I had a hope that Battle of LA might be a slightly more sober work something that really did pose a few questions. From the trailer it, sadly, seems to be just another shoot 'em up.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by HelionPrime
reply to post by Morgil

If this thread is just about warfare then I posted in error.

The point is not to keep us subdued, but to get us to a level psychologically/intellectually where we would be of practical use. The tricky part comes when they want to get us to work, but would be simple enough with the right scare story of impending global catastrophe.

Any post that provokes thought and response is never in error.

So you believe that we can only be of use at a certain degree of development? Interesting, unfortunately, Human development only seems to reach its epitomé when challenged with destruction or lack of options. Maybe thats where your theory comes in? any way, as I always say; debate=win

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:15 PM
Id personally like to see an alien discovery or something of that nature, and have it be threatening, because it would push our military to show our advancements in weaponry. Im certain that if ANY alien technology has been discovered, weve:

1. Classified it
2. Stripped it
3. Duplicated it
4. Advanced it

Its funny how alien movie plots have almost turned in the'd have an occasionally friendly alien movie like ET or something like that...

Then you have movies like Cloverfield (horrible) or Independence Day where we at least have a chance against the invaders.

Now we basically just have them come down unannounced and begin to....for lack of a better term...f*** s*** up.

Although i think it will be a massacre...I cant really think of a better way to go out, let any other galaxies out there know we went out with a dam fight

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Morgil

So I ask this; What would be the purpose of progressing a species that you have mundane purposes for? , i.e. as per your cattle allegory? Especially when it would be more efficient to keep us at a stone-age level purely from a warfare POV. ?

There was a theory way back in the 80s postulated in a few books that humans were used as workers by some race we came to see as gods. It ran something like this. Because we were needed to work in places that required a heightened sense of self awareness to stop people being killed by the drove, humans were bio engineered as gods light.. gods home use only version. That is, we are the same as them but with some of our software disabled. Problem was that, that disabling began to unravel after only a few generations and the instinct for self survival inevitably mutated into self awareness. In short, we naturally upgraded ourselves with service packs to "God professional version".

At this point the Gods V1 fell out amongst themselves big time over whether to just nuke us or accept us as part of their society. . In the end, earth was seen as financially not viable and abandoned to its' own devices.I believe the book "Genisis" touched on this whole theory i know it was expanded on elsewhere in the mid 80s.
edit on 12-11-2010 by FireMoon because: spelling

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex
Why do you think aliens would want to invade the Earth? Do you think any alien intelligence would want to?
And if aliens did invade, how do you think it would happen? Do you think it is possible for us to even win such a war?

Pretty simply, we can only imagine of aliens what we know of ourselves.

Humans do this all the time. Go to You Tube or where there is a video or photo of a UFO and you'll immediately see the comments calling it a photoshop or CGI fake.

Why? Are there that many video/photography/aeronautics/space experts surfing the web looking for UFO material?

Maybe but... not likely.

Most of those casting stones are those who can fabricate just a little bit with off-the-shelf software. And since they know they could - and maybe would - perpetrate a hoax, they judge all others by what they know of themselves.

Same goes for aliens. We are a primitive, war-like race that is horribly predatory and inhumane to our own humanity. We kill without concern, condemn without reason and judge without thought. Our vision is limited to the end of our noses... and that is just enough for us to paint aliens to be no better, no smarter and no more useful than us.

Beyond that, we like seeing a movie that portrays aliens being as bad as we are so... we can shed some of the guilt we carry by pretending that they are the same... no better than us. And of course, we don't like to lose so, guess who always wins in the end?

Yes, perhaps aliens would invade but I suspect that Earth is like a million other planets except that here, it is inhabited by a race of bipedal freaks.

If anything, ET would probably hang a 'quarantine' sign out to warn others to stay away.

edit on 12-11-2010 by redoubt because: Typos

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by gortex

By coming to Earth, they (benevolent entity) better prepare themselves for the worst possible......because we are "animal" with intelligent....we will try to get our hands on any pieces of advanced technologies by any mean necessary.....if they refuse to share we possibly wage war against them.....we will go soft on them, then capture their important emissaries or someone like that, we will use torture to get informations we want.....we will underhand them by any possible ways.

P.S. I use "we," but I actually mean the majority of us, NOT ALL.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:52 PM
It looks as bad as Skyline is, that being said I'll probably watch both

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by gortex
What makes you think that because they are advanced enough to travel the stars they would have super weaponry , that's the thinking of a war like species , judging others by our own standards .
It could be possible that the reason they have advanced to the stage where they can travel the stars is because they passed through the barbarian stage and left it behind , no advanced weaponry but advanced defensive capability , no interest in conquest but a need to explore and to understand the Galaxy / Universe / Multiverse.

You missed the point of the thread but even so managed to eek out a coherent answer to it!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by FireMoon

I agree 100%!!! Give me a movie that is beyond just blowing stuff up. I like blowing stuff up as much as the next person, but I like to think a little now and then too.

That being said, I have fair warning to anyone reading this thread: DO NOT GO SEE SKYLINE!!!! Worst movie of the decade. It was so bad the theater I was in burst out into laughter several times (when there wasn't supposed to be anything funny happening on screen, lol). Horrible movie.

I'm ready for Steven Spielberg to actually make ET 2. I bet that would be interesting and thought provoking.....

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:22 AM
My first reaction was (admittedly) awesome VFX, since I study that course.

I'm thinking, (as this has been pointed out in many topics) this movie could just be another way to boost the image of America's force, hell - the whole world's! So the typical movie scenario - no-one sees it coming, boom, alien attack, disasters and panic, government steps in, and that theme we love to see over and over "we're all in it together, lets blow those aliens to bits". In other words, another distraction to lure people away from the idea that the governments/PTB staged the event?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
reply to post by FireMoon

I'm ready for Steven Spielberg to actually make ET 2. I bet that would be interesting and thought provoking.....

I think that would be Super 8.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:07 AM
If hostile aliens ever decide to invade Earth, our best chances of survival is if they're intentions are to relocate or colonise here. Massive weapons of destruction won't be used by both sides. If one does decide to use that tactic, then the other will simply do the same and therefore render the world desolate and useless for both species, no matter the outcome.

That's why, i expect a small-arms war, unless they want to take the longer route and mess with our genes or release a plague across the globe affecting humans only over the course of years. Then we're screwed, without ever having the chance to strike back.

Anyway that's my opinion =P

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:14 AM
If aliens come to invade/enslave/exterminate us we wouldn't have any chance.

By the time we unite and start massing an army big enough to give them a bit of trouble we would be long gone.

Although its highly unlikely that they would come with thoughts of war.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:19 AM
That's pressing all my buttons! Can't wait

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Daedalus24
I don't think we'd have a freaking chance. If they have the ability to build ships that can manipulate space and time to travel mass distances in seconds, what chance do we have? I see it this way, when we develop fusion we will develop weapons that make the hydrogen bomb look like a frag grenade, chances are that they have already have weapons much more powerful than said fusion-powered weapons.

The only way we could even fight to a draw would be to threaten to annihilate the planet with nuclear weapons and hope that would spoil its value to the aliens if we did.

Otherwise, we'd be cold dead meat.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by redoubt

If anything, ET would probably hang a 'quarantine' sign out to warn others to stay away.

edit on 12-11-2010 by redoubt because: Typos

I'm pretty sure someone already has. I think the Einstein SOL limit might just be a way of keeping us animals in the cage till we grow up.

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