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Battle: Los Angeles and Alien Invasions

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:49 PM
Of interest to just about everyone in this forum, judging from the new trailer for the alien-invasion film Battle: Los Angeles, it seems the film roots its own mythology in UFO lore...

(For those interested, the song used is Johann Johannsson's "The Sun's Gone Dim and the Sky's Black")

Comparing the previews, this one looks much better than Skyline. Watching the trailer got me wondering...

Why would aliens invade the Earth? Thinking on this, I could not come up with a single logical reason why aliens would want to invade. Of course, I am also looking at it from a human-mindset, with human wants, needs and history.

Why do you think aliens would want to invade the Earth? Do you think any alien intelligence would want to?

And if aliens did invade, how do you think it would happen? Do you think it is possible for us to even win such a war?

(And please, this is not a thread about films being used to prepare us for Disclosure. There are enough of those already; please direct such comments there)

edit on 12-11-2010 by DoomsdayRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:14 PM
I don't think we'd have a freaking chance. If they have the ability to build ships that can manipulate space and time to travel mass distances in seconds, what chance do we have? I see it this way, when we develop fusion we will develop weapons that make the hydrogen bomb look like a frag grenade, chances are that they have already have weapons much more powerful than said fusion-powered weapons.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Why wouldn't they invade? What would humans do if they had the choice to invade other worlds? ...Just think back to colonization.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:22 PM
If aliens were to invade, I'm sure they'd be smart enough to do it without us even realizing.
slaves dont mind being slaves aslong as they think theyre free.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:22 PM
Any idea that we could make 'war' with an interstellar capable species is fantasy for the purposes of amusement only. It would be over before anybody even knew what they looked like.

On the bright side. We don't really have anything worth the energy of killing us for.

The film does look much better than skyline. I watched that earlier this evening and it was very poor.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal
Why wouldn't they invade? What would humans do if they had the choice to invade other worlds? ...Just think back to colonization.

Yes but colonization wasn't just done for the sake of colonization. They were other factors involved, such as economics.

Though, one reason for an invasion did escape me, religion. But that is assuming aliens are capable of inventing religion.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by justwokeup
The film does look much better than skyline. I watched that earlier this evening and it was very poor.

Is it worth a matinee or rental?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex
Why do you think aliens would want to invade the Earth? Do you think any alien intelligence would want to?

I'm not sure why any alien would want to invade Earth. If you have the power to get here, you have the power to create or scavenge from some unpopulated planet pretty much anything we have. You could find an empty planet without all the people around who would at least try to fight you. And it's not like you need the real estate. The whole galaxy is yours for the taking. And I don't think our DNA or spiritual souls are all that enticing, either.

But then, like you say, it's pretty hard to put yourself in the mind of an alien. They might believe that the kindest thing they could do for us poor humans is to kill us and eat us so our souls are liberated and our essence becomes part of their great society.

Either way, it would probably be reasonable for us to not necessarily welcome them to Earth with open arms. Just because they're aliens doesn't mean they're telling the truth.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Blue Shift because: I'm a bad speller.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by Portugoal
Why wouldn't they invade? What would humans do if they had the choice to invade other worlds? ...Just think back to colonization.

Yes but colonization wasn't just done for the sake of colonization. They were other factors involved, such as economics.

Though, one reason for an invasion did escape me, religion. But that is assuming aliens are capable of inventing religion.

Spreading Christianity was important in those times. Falling into favour with the Church was extremely important. Spreading the Word of God = Papal Bulls that give countries jurisdiction to expand their influence in the new world (Treaty of Tordesillas). Also it was easier to subject native populations through religion. Most importantly, religion provided justification for colonizing.

The Earth has resources. How are we to know that it doesn't offer something to ET's? Assuming it does, they would invade.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

rental when its cheap maybe. If I knew it was a straight to video cheapie like they churned out in the 80s I'd probably be better disposed towards it.

I liked the idea, I liked the trailers and I wanted it to be good. I just found it irritating in the end. The effects are excellent for low budget film but everything else about it is poor. Its lifeless. The end of the world should not be boring...and the ending is terrible.

The guys that made it should stick to effects, where they are gifted. Leave the screenwriting and directing to professionals.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:38 PM
I will post a wiki link about this but there is controversy about Skyline and how it somewhat looks similiar (if not hurried) to Battle Los angeles. "In August 2010 it was reported that Sony Pictures Entertainment is contemplating legal action against Greg and Colin Strause, the directors of Skyline and the owners of Hydraulx Filmz. Sony paid Hydraulx to generate visual effects work for Battle: Los Angeles. But Hydraulx never informed Sony the siblings were directing a rival alien invasion feature, similarly driven by special effects, scheduled for release four months prior to Sony's feature." As you can tell from skyline it seems like it didn't cost as much as the battle of los angeles and the most of the main characters where B stars. You have to realize that it takes time to get a movie up a going and the ground work has to be laid. When they got this contract I bet right then they decided to make another movie along the lines of the one that they where contracted for. You can bet money that these fools will never get any work in hollywood again.

Also for aliens attacking the planet, what we do have is a rich water world with plant and animal life. That is what they mostly is going for, and for anybody that may say they are going after metals and minerals that hogwash. Because if I had the ability to get a spacecraft into space without rocket fuel but only anti-gravity I would mine and/or move astroids into orbit and mine them. You'll have orbital manufacturing without poisoning your environment.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by hoghead cheese
Also for aliens attacking the planet, what we do have is a rich water world with plant and animal life.

And what if the aliens don't need either of those??

Marines fighting aliens in LA (and not the illegal variety). Looks like a good movie.

Anyone catch the release date: 0311. US Marine Corps MOS 0311 is "Rifleman".

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:51 PM
It really all depends on what they want, if they wanted the planet for a new home, chances are they won't resort to anything along the lines of anti matter weaponry, thus giving us a decent chance.

I highly doubt their infantry will be equipped with personal shields able to deflect gun fire, however it is indeed a possibility.

Technology isn't what it all boils down to, if they are forced into actual armed combat on the ground, it'll come down to who wants it the most.

Do I personally believe we stand a chance? kinda.

It could pan out a million different ways. each resulting in an entirely new and unique outcome.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by Portugoal
Why wouldn't they invade? What would humans do if they had the choice to invade other worlds? ...Just think back to colonization.

Yes but colonization wasn't just done for the sake of colonization. They were other factors involved, such as economics.

Though, one reason for an invasion did escape me, religion. But that is assuming aliens are capable of inventing religion.

Spreading Christianity was important in those times. Falling into favour with the Church was extremely important. Spreading the Word of God = Papal Bulls that give countries jurisdiction to expand their influence in the new world (Treaty of Tordesillas). Also it was easier to subject native populations through religion. Most importantly, religion provided justification for colonizing.

The Earth has resources. How are we to know that it doesn't offer something to ET's? Assuming it does, they would invade.

Who's to say they won't invade to expand their religion here, anything is possible.

Hell we aren't even sure they exist. (though chances of them existing is far greater then chances of them not, given the amount of planets out there)

I think of it this way, any possible outcome that could of happened for us, can happen for them, meaning we were once ruled by merciless bandits (in most places we still are) therefore it is entirely possible that a race of space venturing aliens, could be as much hostile as friendly.

There's absolutely no telling, and I think that's why I'm drawn so close to this subject.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:59 PM
What if our planet is like perfect doorway material? A planet that has the proper alignments to facilitate dimensional travel!? Or my well fed pet theory, aliens would come looking for something they or another race left here. " We lost a ship here 70 years ago. Where is the crew?"

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:59 PM
Firstly, Earth doesn't have any resources that aren't readily available elsewhere without an indigenous race to overcome.

Secondly, They may be advanced in space travel and theoretical science but who is to say they are master tacticians? It is possible that we could be a great threat to them due to the fact we have won our dominance on this planet at the cost of thousands of wars, during which we have developed ingenious ways of killing each other and become very good at the game of war.

Thirdly, Surely in this infinitely wonderous universe, there are more interesting things than what's happening on Earth?

Conclusion, Invasion is possible but imho, unlikely due to the fact that the rewards do not outweigh the risks involved in tackling a savage race that knows the territory and is uniquely adapted to said environment, and also holds reasonably effective (even if crude) weaponry.

unfortunately, although I would love to wake up to an invasion scenario, it seems unlikely.

edit on 12/11/10 by Morgil because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/11/10 by Morgil because: grammar

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:28 PM
It's interesting that past 10 years, we have more movie regarding to aliens invade the earth and killing everyone as aliens are bad people. Those movies show negative aspect of extraterrestrial civilization. Stephen Hawking has warning us that we should not pursuing contact and/or be friend with extraterrestrial because of the consequence may lead to negative conclusion.

In my perspective as in future that aliens appeared in our sky and reveled themselves. We will scream and run as fools. Since majority of American citizen has forgot or doesn't read the bible. There are many reference that God, Angels, gods, almighty, etc are extraterrestrial except Jesus Christ as he was born here on Earth. In bible, they did mention that they will return to Earth in might and many people will fear their presents. As we know that bible was written in past and did stated in revelation...

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

The throne may represent flying saucer. From this verse I could estimate that the event will may be similar to the movies, but in other verses did explain that they return here to claim their people and they don't look like "Aliens" as we see in the movies. We will see them as human as we do. I think someone knew about his coming and spread negative aspect on aliens appear in our sky mean invasion instead they are just reclaim their rights on Earth as creators.

What do you think?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

oooooh predictive programming for REAL stuff that's GONNA happen!!!

ooooh soo scared.


I'm gonna have soup powers.

aint nuthin gonna phase me.

big ol bad alien Cloverfield War of the World BS

thing is.. going through the transformation in order to GET soup powers has been such a mother #@$@# pain in he ass.. my life has fallen apart so I could stand against any genetically engineered Grey or Godzilla and have soup powers or NOT and just stare at their cold dead eyes and not even caaaaaaare....

because ....

he will not love his life in those days.......


I'm not here to collect love....

I'm here to repair the brokenhearted during the rennovation period....

that is all.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Aslpride

by the way.. the throne is the brain and the right side of the throne is the right side of the scalp..

just.. talkin from experience.... and the crown of thorns is no laughing matter... it's literally some seriously painful #@$#$
right around your ... crown of your head as new nerves or whatever they ar ... grow....

man is it BS for me to be even complaining??... should i be more pious??... I guess i should.. I guess I AM.. nobody's even gonna read this or take it seriously anyway lol.. cept CIA/NSA... masons...vatican... blablablabalablablaba

see you on SUNday boys!

happy easter!

psssst: (jesus = superheroes / 2nd coming = human evolution)


edit on 11/12/2010 by prevenge because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/12/2010 by prevenge because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:45 PM
What makes you think that because they are advanced enough to travel the stars they would have super weaponry , that's the thinking of a war like species , judging others by our own standards .
It could be possible that the reason they have advanced to the stage where they can travel the stars is because they passed through the barbarian stage and left it behind , no advanced weaponry but advanced defensive capability , no interest in conquest but a need to explore and to understand the Galaxy / Universe / Multiverse.

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