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Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by TerribleTeam2


I respect those who fought in the wars, I respect for what they went through, but if you are gonna make it political and say they fought for freedom.. blablabla.. Don't, because even soldiers themselves know they are tools of war, just like a nuke. In that sense I also respect the soldiers who fought against the allies, they were humans too, they were also tools of war, and most of them also went through what they did, because they had no other options.

Show some understand from all sides.

They can't say no once they fall in Satan's trap.

And I respect you for respecting my families sacrifice.

Well considering during World War 1, and World War 2, the Germans ended up wanting to take over the world, and this is a proven fact by the simple fact that they annexed, and eventually took over so many countries. So the soldiers WERE fighting for freedom. Hell, you could ask my Grandfather, who was Dutch, why the hell he fought in the Dutch Resistance, even though he KNEW if caught he would be shot on the spot. If he was still alive. I would bet you any money that it wasn't because he wanted respect. Or money. Or even fame. It was because the Germans had taken over Holland (The Netherlands), and he didn't want a bar of it. Just like your family didn't want the Russians taking over your home country, he didn't want the Germans in charge of HIS country.

You don't wanna someone from another country coming and taking over your country?? That I can completely understand. Just like your family did it, so did MINE. And that, dear friend, is what Freedom epitomises. Pure and simple.

The only person in my Family that DIDN'T fight in a war that involved fighting from freedom was my father. And he tells us every day how fubar the Vietnam war was. Yes, he chose to be in the Army, but the simple fact was 8 of the 9 guys in the Section he commanded were National Serviceman. That means 2 out of 10 men DIDN'T chose to join the Army and go to War. The only people that did, was himself, and his 2IC. The rest of his Section were men that were TOLD they had to go to war, and if they didn't, they would go to prison. Now that is something I completely disagree with, and so does the majority of the population of Australia now. Hell, even alot of the population back then were against conscription. Hence the protest marches.

I can completely understand your position, and where you are coming from, but sometimes, just because you disagree, it doesn't make you right.

I completely agree with your position to debate and argue the point, but to people like me, and a hell of alot of British, American, Canadians, and plenty of others, well they disagree.

The one thing I have learnt from my old man, and all the soldiers I know because of him, is that War is a disgrace, but sometimes it happens. Don't glorify it, but remember the sacrifices of the men and women who participated, whether there by choice, or there because they were forced to be there. Hell, even my old man has respect for the North Vietnamese, and the Viet Cong. He may not LIKE them, but he has realised that they were just doing what they had to do to defend their home country.

And it is the same with the majority of soldiers. They may not agree with why they went to war, they may not agree with their leaders, but eventually, alot of them come to respect their enemies. Unfortunately, with the way wars are these days, I can see why the Afghani's, Iraqi's etc have a dislike towards the Allies.

That, and the simple fact is wars are fought ALOT different today compared to how they were fought years ago.

The unfortunate thing, is that civilians WILL die, no matter how careful soldiers are.

You say that the Allies of today have #ty RoE's?? Correct, because they either, a) Have incompetent leaders, b) are tying to minimise civilian casualties as much as possible, c) are fighting a war they aren't used to fighting (ie Guerilla Warfare), or d) All of the above.

Just remember old friend, the US and Britain (and the rest of the Allies) could wipe Afghanistan and Iraq off the map with the use of Nuclear Weapons, but what would that achieve????

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:25 AM
It is indeed unpalatable reading. However some of the responses here show the posters are no better than they should be themselves.

Man made religion is the cause of all division and evil. Until all religion is totally eradicated there will be no peace or healing among the races occupying this planet. Religion is a cancer that divides peoples and creates and encourages violence, bloodshed and intolerance. Until mankind becomes aware enough to understand mankind's true origins and abandon its man made creation (religion) there will be no peace on this planet.

I saw the remembrance at Camp Bastion yesterday. The only ones remembered were those on 'our side'. What about all the others, particularly the Afgan civilians who have died in their hundreds?

I cant believe that people (especially on here) fall for the divide and rule tactics.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by AHermit

The words of reason. Greed and religion. The main pillars of war. Yes, rememberance day is meant for reflection of all that have fallen, including, in my view, civilians. However, it is difficult for those actually engaged in the present conflict, and I mean both sides, to remember to fallen of their enemies. Maybe, when it is finally over, the situation will change.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:38 AM
I can understand the high emotional response. It is a highly emotional subject.

We must not let our hearts rule our heads in these matters.

No matter how foul their actions, they have a right to protest.

The problem is the overblown reaction against "people like that" ie Muslims.
Their actions were designed to stir up trouble and create rifts in society and that's what is happening.

I don't think these idiotic fanatics can be thrown out of the country or anything, maybe tried for public order offences.
I find the large marches by the neo facists under the guise of a genuine political party even more worrying as there are so many more people involved spreading hatred.

I havent checked the news but I hope that prominent muslim leaders condemn it as soon as possible to avoid any more of the anger and hatred vented on this board.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by AHermit

add your religion to the rest of 'em.

till the whole world is islamic. till the whole world is christian. till the whole world is hindu. till the whole world is sikh. till the whole world is pagan. till the whole world is agnostic. till the whole world is atheist. your view is just another world view with a political and moral platform, same as the rest. just change the words around and it's the same banana. you don't worship invisible forces (gods) you just worship invisible forces (science). you don't believe that a belief system should divide people from each other, so you divide yourself from others and preach your world view as superior to the rest. really my friend, people are not stupid.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:40 AM
FIrstly what happened in London was a disgraceful and disrespectful act that tarnished what should have been a solemn and respectful day to honor all servicemen, regardless of what cause thay died for, be they on the winning or losing side.

The act was perpertrated by a bunch of sad, sad people who could think of no better way to voice their thoughts.

Freedom of speech and all that, after all we are a democratic nation, but this was simply beyond the pale.

With their actions they mock the memory of the very people who have gave them the right to speak and protest freely on the streets of England.
They mock the memory of every soldier of every nation who died to defend the very freedom they abuse today.

I understand perfectly the hate and loath that people feel towards a minority, who under the banner of islam condemn our soldiers and wish their deaths.

If these people are unhappy with they way that Great Britain is ruled, unhappy with its "unjust" wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, then i would suggest that the same people, who are probably living on social secruity benefits that are paid for by anyone who works including the soldiers to whom they wish death, that they stop accepting the money from servicemen they hate so much, and that they leave the nation that they hate so much and return to their country of origin.

To all the normal muslims in Britain who are ashamed of the above group of people please speak out aginst them.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by AHermit

Then this is the thread for you. (I even provided some food for thought on page two).

Religion Needs to Die, Long Live Realisation!
posted on 10-11-2010

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by andy1972

Yes, actually, I would like to hear from the Muslims here too. After all, how many Muslims died in the two World Wars? How many brave Algerian men died fighting for the French during the invasion of Europe? These men supported the French Army in the South of France and in North Africa. Many were killed and maimed fighting the Germans. Remember, yesterday was about those men too.

Poppy Day is not just about western soldiers Too many people forget the sacrifice North African Muslims made during the last great war. I would like to salute them too.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by undo

Do you know what religion actually is? Do you know where religion comes from and what its purpose has always been? From your patronising post I am guessing not.

I don't worship anything, including so called science. You dont know me so quit parading your ignorant assumptions about me - ta very much.
edit on 12-11-2010 by AHermit because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by andy1972

The act was perpertrated by a bunch of sad, sad people who could think of no better way to voice their thoughts.

I think they found the perfect way to voice their thoughts imo.

They wanted press coverage and to wind up the british and that they did!

Ironic though that the british public are up in arms over a few broken windows due to the media frenzy yet this gets no msm attention (that i saw).

That and the fact that you wouldnt see these cowards for dust had they not had a "protective" police escort!

The police should refuse to escort these minority marches and then see how long they protest for.....

Also i agree with you andy - not a dig just an opinion

edit on 12/11/10 by cropmuncher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by AHermit

you're right, i apologize. so what is it you do believe? you can't say you believe in nothing, since you believe in your current world view in which everyone who believes differently from you is to blame for literally anything that goes wrong. it isn't quite logical, from my perspective anyway, to blame judaism, islam, christianity, buddhism and etc, for the world's woes. the common denominator in ALL OF THOSE examples is "human nature." don't know how not believing in a higher reason to live, will solve the inherent problems of being human. ya know? i mean, literally, we aren't stupid, which is part of the problem

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:10 AM
Why so sad? Why so mad?

What are you going to do Brittons??

Are you French?

Don't you have a Gov't official that will look at this and say enough is enough?


You get what you deserve... Girly man. Let's see how non-violently you can activate.

Wussy sissy girly men.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:12 AM
It will come to pass.. and history will one day show that radical Islam was it's own worst enemy. Bit by bit, they are building the backlash that will be the mother of all backlashes.


posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:16 AM
Shame on the pathetic left wing politicians and people who defend this scum. Let me at them! Let them feel the wrath of the English working class. We will beat them back to the desert.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Pryde87

The reason I defend this scum is because I want to protect free speech in this country. In my opinion you have 2 options, you debate these people or you ignore them, you dont start locking up people, who show beliefs you may find offensive. Free Speech cant just be the free speech you like or agree with.

It has nothing to do with left or right, so stop calling anyone who supports freedom of speech a commie or lefty, because freedom of speech is not a left right thing.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

Well if it wasnt for the actions of your govt we prob wouldnt be having this situation & ill feeling now would we?

& as for get what you deserve, i dont think the USA is doing too well either.

Its a good job you dont represent the majority of our american friends on here or it would be mayhem

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:39 AM
Im muslim and im saddened to see our muslim brothers behave this way, id condemn their behaviour though not their intentions. I totally understand where they are coming from but even that shouldnt condone their actions.

Burning poppies and protesting during a time where mourning for fallen soldiers is an insult, they should have known better. They let anger fuel their protest..

They should have prayed for the fallen soldiers, pray god forgives the for if they new that they were tools of war. A Most unjust war...

Outside of remembrance day, without burning poppies i onl would then agree to their actions, it is not only the muslim blood that spills in the middle east, it is also those of the british soldiers who are losing life and limb for a TOTALLY UNJUST and FAKE war..

It is as yoda said lol...anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to suffering..

Please do not let anger for this protest fuel your hatred toward muslims... These are sad times we are living in. Too much uneasyiness and civil unrest. Will probably get a lot worse before it gets any better..

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by nastyj

I would love to say that you are wrong about that. However, looking around the world today, yes, things will get worse before they get better, if they every do. As for the extremists burning that poppy, they are insulting the memoriy of their own fallen too, as rememberance day is for those soldiers that have fallen in the past conflicts. Thousands of brave Muslim soldiers died during WW2 in the support of the allied war effort.

Peace to you my friend.
edit on 12/11/2010 by TheLoneArcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/11/2010 by TheLoneArcher because: Spelling spelling and............................spelling

edit on 12/11/2010 by TheLoneArcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

That attitude is destroying our country. Sure you can say what you want, but if you come out in public and insult our war heros then that is crossing the line. Yes you are free to say it, but you will have to deal with the consequent linching. These left wing values are based on the right principals but are now taken to the extreme. They have become a cancer to our society. One that allows scum like this to thrive in our once great country. England needs to find its back bone before its to late. One day the people will wake up and when they do its gonna get ugly.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:06 AM
This to me is unbelievable. I questioned a similar incident that happened in September where there was a group of Muslims who spat on soldiers in a homecoming parade in the west midlands (area of UK) and had reports from friends who lived where it happened of there hateful chanting etc, yet the local media reported it only as "EDL" (a right wing extremist party who are no better) being the instigators of inciting racial hatred.
Got the usual wooly reply from the MP responsible for these issues in the home office.
Then this happens!!

It enrages me to see that these ***** can get away with behaving like this in this country. We have become far too tolerant of letting every other culture and religion voice their hateful twisted opinions, yet still continue to reside in this country that they so deplore. Its about time the government stood up and be counted - this behaviour is not legal (
It just makes me wonder whether the UK government through continued lack of positive action is actually trying to stir up a race war of some sorts? Do they actually want blood on the streets - because I see from posts on here and also comments made on several of the stories reporting this issue that people have had enough of this being tolerated and will start to take action themselves to stop this.
I have a fairly simple viewpoint - if you feel that disgusted with the actions of a government and the country you reside in - take yourself off to a country that upholds your precious views more closely, and forego the right to live here. There is no chance on this earth that a group of UK citizens could protest in a muslim country such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq etc saying all muslims are terrorists, english will rule etc, without being at minimum arrested and locked up for 20 years, most likely shot dead?
Yet over here - no problem - you decry our war dead, burn poppies, we dont mind. Who are we to stop you? And we will make sure that our police protect you from the racists who look to hurt your poor group for performing these actions, and make sure you come to no harm.
I say F**K the ****s that take this action - arrest them, charge them and deport them (UK Citizen or not - retract their right to UK citizenship and send them on their way)

AND Before anyone says anything I am a normal 30 something male in the UK who is NOT part of any mindless racist BNP group and yet this infuriates me more than anything. It has to stop....

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