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Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 12:52 AM
I try my hardest to practice tolerence and see the views of others. However, after reading this, I am finding it difficult. These people should have been arrested for trying to incite hatred. Personally, I think they were lucky not to be lynched. I served, my kids areserving as we speak. My eldest son is in bomb disposal. Soon, he will be risking his life in a Muslim country to clear IEDs from their roads and buildings. What thanks is he going to get in light of this?

I am ashamed to admit this, but if I had witnessed this act first hand, I would have responded extremely violently.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Northwarden

The truth is there is nothing Romantic about war, though people often make it out to be. The original byproducts of war were slavery, debt to state, taxation, and currencies.

The barter system no longer worked as it was no way to pay soldiers, those spared by the conquerers forfieted their freedom to them and became their slaves for the privalege of continuing to live, the first currencies were minted to pay soldiers, the first markets and prostitution sprang up to relieve them of their money, taxation began then to pay for the whole enterprise.

What did war actually get us, bigger and bigger herds, wiping out peaceful tribes and settlements and their customs and ways of life and incorporating them into a larger and larger collective.

There isn't one good thing about war, and the notion of preemptive wars is absolutely absurd, the war on terror is about our own governments terrorizing us into always being afraid.

It's insane to think that people fighting against foreign occupation are now known as insurgents, enemy combatants, terrorists and other rediculous plays on words to form our oppinions for us.

We are as blind as we are foolish, the same corporations and banks finance both sides of the conflicts, build up the nations that we eventually declare a threat, tear them down again at the expense of the taxpayer, and then built them up again at the expense of the taxpayer.

In Wars like World War I up to 100,000 people would die on some single days, in suicide charge after suicide charge, but come Christmas time they would all climb out of their trenches to trade toasts and gifts and hugs and well wishes.

Face it we fight for the sport of Gods and Kings and their profit off of us, and control of us.

What really ought to be considered the most foolish thing in the world is made to be romantic, brave, righteous, glorious and sold to us in such a deceptive way as to shame and denigrate us all.

What are these people protesting? War! What do we want to give them for doing that? War!

The world is truly insane!

Brilliant post my friend! I couldn't agree more, and hope we can eventually craft a world where every day is treated as the Christmas you just described.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:03 AM


posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:08 AM
It seems both Prince Of Darkness and Northwarden lack the respect to the troops, these same radicals don't show any respect to jews or to Christians not even orthodox ethnic yet the government give them the right to burn the poppy on the day of great warriors and heroes .

Yet your both defending the group such a shame some ATS are becoming full supporters for Islamic Radicals.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:12 AM
There are muslims that say - "these idiots dont speak for everyone, not all muslims think like this, where not all alike you know", But WHERE ARE THE MODERTE NORMAL THINKING MUSLIMS in England?

Where are the community leaders to keep these people in line

I dont see any muslims in the street shounting at the protesters "go home, you're a shameless, your destroying the image of Islam in England"

These are the first to complain to the police and on appear on TV crying that Britain is all hate the day after some skin head posts a molatov cocktail through the letterbox of the local mosque.

A message for all muslim commumity leaders in Great Briatin from a former soldier -


These people riot and when arrested shout "RACISM".
They throw the stone and then hide the hand that throws it.

I am disgusted that my once great nation has come to this.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by dizziedame

Well clearly It dont upset them too much - If it comes down to them bludging using and being #tards by Imigrating by choice to these countrys - trust me WE DONT BEG U TO COME .. so how about you # off back to the better lands then? Where the all brothers and sisters are?

Hypocrites - Users and trust soon people will demand you are all thrown from their countrys - or jailed within these ones for the things you do - same as we would be In yours for such actions!

Here In Australia they had a day where u were banned from wearing swimmers once a week at our pool - as the hummas wanted to swim in their pant suits looking like wankers - nice do what you LIKE as we allowed you too - until then you said WE couldnt use our bathers In YOUR presence - whilst u are IN OUR POOL IN OUR COUNTRY - seriously soon the govts will have to evict you or be evicted by us the people of these countrys. And the govts If they want their fancy jobs had better start realising that - or they will be voted out!

Your innocents killed - are terrorists - not houses raided at night as the kids play. I dont see the people within the country complaining - or we wouldnt be there to protect them clearly!

I see wankers who think their country wasnt good enough to stay In - so moving to ours seeking residency then destroying It.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Idle slander. Don't pretend I'm a part of that pissing match on the board, and I certainly don't support the actions of idiots who have the nerve to interrupt the moment of silence. It's as one poster mentioned here, "yelling fire in a crowded cinema" - might just be a breech of the freedom of speech. It was outright disrespect, and I'll call a spade a spade. Besides, I already covered my stance. Are you upset because I didn't have any hate to add to the rhetoric here? That's 'cus I was saving it for a moronic comment like yours, perhaps.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:15 AM
They all should be shot India raised one of the largest volunteer force in the 2nd world war despite the fact that we were fighting for Independence from British,all those who joined were treated with respect and even those who are alive today do notwithstanding that they fought side by side with the Britisher who were our rulers.My dad also got into it but was under training by the time the war came to close.After which he served for the Indian Air force for 30 yrs something must be done to these jokers who do not understand what it means to give one life for freedom.

"When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"

The above is quoted from a famous poet whose name is a famous poem by John Maxwell Edwards.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
It seems both Prince Of Darkness and Northwarden lack the respect to the troops, these same radicals don't show any respect to jews or to Christians not even orthodox ethnic yet the government give them the right to burn the poppy on the day of great warriors and heroes .

Yet your both defending the group such a shame some ATS are becoming full supporters for Islamic Radicals.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

This is what has always bothered me about the various groups that love to spout vitriol on ATS. If you're going to decide that you firmly dislike something (lets say Islam in this instance) and the prospect of Muslim immigration to the West, then how about you actually god damn educate yourself about your "opponent" instead of sitting around bitching about "DEM IMMIGRANTS TOOK MAH JERB."

Everyone on this board could use a bit of education and a bit of class. However I have a suspicion that if everyone were to actually educate themselves using objective sources and apply some hardcore logical reasoning, then we'd see an end to most of the # spam on ATS. Imagine a ATS where you didn't see fallacies, propaganda cartoons, and paranoid reasoning.

p.s. Posting a strawman comic trying to convince me that _____ Is evil and scheming isn't going to make me agree with you. It'll just push me away from your PoV because I outright recognize how biased the presented info is. Stormfronters could learn a thing or two.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:16 AM

edit on 12-11-2010 by Steam because: double post

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by andy1972
There are muslims that say - "these idiots dont speak for everyone, not all muslims think like this, where not all alike you know", But WHERE ARE THE MODERTE NORMAL THINKING MUSLIMS in England?

Where are the community leaders to keep these people in line

I dont see any muslims in the street shounting at the protesters "go home, you're a shameless, your destroying the image of Islam in England"

These are the first to complain to the police and on appear on TV crying that Britain is all hate the day after some skin head posts a molatov cocktail through the letterbox of the local mosque.

Star for you, I agree with this 100%

edit on Fri Nov 12 2010 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
It seems both Prince Of Darkness and Northwarden lack the respect to the troops, these same radicals don't show any respect to jews or to Christians not even orthodox ethnic yet the government give them the right to burn the poppy on the day of great warriors and heroes .

Yet your both defending the group such a shame some ATS are becoming full supporters for Islamic Radicals.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

It relates to perspective.

If you look at the soldiers as simple tools of war, then they should be honored in a different way. They shouldn't be honored to say no matter what they do is right, honor them in a way so they don't join the army ever again, which is being used not to defend but to oppress, to torture, to invade, to occupy.

These soldiers shouldn't be part of that, they are called the defense force, not the invading force.

Such moments of silence will encourage more kids to join the army, is that what you want?> For your kids to be used as tools of war and greed? By the greedy corporation and bank which has your politicians in their pockets.

Think about perspective.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:18 AM
Homeland subjects angry because you have to grit your teeth and deal with some undesirable protest as you worship the sacrifices of your war "heroes"? Heroes! More like sacrificial lambs, sent to slaughter in the name of empire. The colonial chickens come home to roost and you don't like it. Boo hoo. Western nations made our bed for centuries and now we have to lay in it.

Burning poppy makes since, seeing as how the Afghan war is just another extention of the "War on Drugs" (i.e., make sure the drugs and money keep flowing). Why else would Karzai's brother be the biggest heroin peddler on the planet? On the CIA's payroll in deed.

Yes, WWII was bad and it was good that so many nations got together to save the Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and even the Germans and Japanese from their own group-think mentalities. But I believe the parabole goes "Never forget (...or we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes)." I don't recall part of that commentary saying we have to perpetually live in a 70 year-old Occidental Mutual-Admiration Society.

A hero rescues a person from the river; that doesn't give the hero license to then mug the rescued person and then when that person fights back to claim "But I rescued you!"

When someone is angered enough to protest, there's probably some kernel of legitimacy in their grievence. Why people continue to discredit protestors is something I'll never understand. Every time there's a protest it's either "disrupting our daily lives" or "that's not an appropriate time to do it"...eventually one just has to understand that protesting is never convenient for those who have to walk/drive around it, are impeded by it, are offended by it or otherwise inconvenienced...I mean, that's kind of the point, no?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by Prince Of Darkness

I see that people like you would turn the other cheek and let other steamroll over you. I have a vested interest in the sfaety of my son. If you cannot uinderstand that, you have either never been a parent, or too thick headed to understand my concern. We all choose our careers in life. He chose bomb disposal to clear weapons of hatred, not plant them. Again, if you cannot understand that, then I feel sorry for you.

P.S. You nickname does not exactly spead the word of peace, does it?
edit on 12/11/2010 by TheLoneArcher because: Added Text

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by TheLoneArcher
I served, my kids areserving as we speak. My eldest son is in bomb disposal. Soon, he will be risking his life in a Muslim country to clear IEDs from their roads and buildings.

Why does you son needs to clear IED's on road in a foreign country? He doesn't actually, he may as well be working as a executive in some bank or some business. Now don't say he is going there to "protect the FREEEDUMM" lol. So can you tell the reason behind serving a pointless expensive war in Afghanistan who forget about a nuke don't even have a homemade missile that can take off from launchpad....forget about being threat to Europe?

What thanks is he going to get in light of this?

Are you implying he is not receiving his salary to work? It's his job, he is getting paid for it and handsomely I may add along with other perks and incentives and welfares. Do you thank people for earning a living? How many times have you thanked a stranger ...say a unknown insurance clerk that he went to office on Monday?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by andy1972
There are muslims that say - "these idiots dont speak for everyone, not all muslims think like this, where not all alike you know", But WHERE ARE THE MODERTE NORMAL THINKING MUSLIMS in England?

Where are the community leaders to keep these people in line

I dont see any muslims in the street shounting at the protesters "go home, you're a shameless, your destroying the image of Islam in England"

These are the first to complain to the police and on appear on TV crying that Britain is all hate the day after some skin head posts a molatov cocktail through the letterbox of the local mosque.

A message for all muslim commumity leaders in Great Briatin from a former soldier -


These people riot and when arrested shout "RACISM".
They throw the stone and then hide the hand that throws it.

I am disgusted that my once great nation has come to this.

And when was the last time you saw a christian do that? Takes two to tango.

Should all american/english christians be responsible for controlling the radical sects example I dunno..say the KKK or IRA?

Should all american/english christians be required to control one radical priest who goes around molesting boys?

Exactly. No, Did you or other priests/christians go around checking all priests to see if they molested boys, or checking out every southerner minister to see if he was supporting a KKK membership secretly? No.

Should they? No.

Did you Do it? I bet not!

You cant be held responsible nor can one community for the millions of chrstians, muslims or jews. Do you know how big the communities are? Should one individual be held responsbile for every ones actions in all religions? No. Islam is secular, just like christianity. Do protestants take responsibility or catholics? How many different protestant/catholic churches are there? You make it sound like 'dem moslems are all networked'

Think before you speak mate

Should all

edit on 12-11-2010 by q_ball because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by q_ball because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Prince Of Darkness

What are the chances of a banker or office worker getting his limbs blown off? These guys are no different to soldiers in some respect, if I bring it down to your level. They live of the profits of other people for their own gain. At least he is taking his expertise to that foreign country and actually trying to save lives. Would you put your life on the line in that way, or are you too busy tapping aimlessly away on you PC trying to feel good about yourself? He got off his arse in order to save lives, why don't you try it and then come back and preach?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:28 AM
I decided to read the whole article and my comments stand:

But three miles across London from the Armistice Day ceremony at the Cenotaph, another face of Britain was on display. It was contorted with hatred, poisoned by politics, and fuelled by flames from a giant, burning poppy.

3 miles is a bit far to be even of effect. They might as well do what they do in New York City. Put the protestors out of ear shot, fenced in with police baracades, and having to split time between two protesting groups for who gets the conch (I mean megaphone). But I guess in a post-9/11 world, that's still protesting.

I love how the article uses pictures of little kids, minorities and amputees to really hold stead fast the new false-liberal sensitive face of America's fascist counterpart in Europe. It really is a news story that channels Stalin or Hitler, or perhaps your cheesiest fascist themed futuristic movie from the 90s. Maybe a little Starship Troopers. Does great for the overall effect of blending nationalism, irresponsible journalism and bright, shiny pictures - really does the trick!

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

Why is he risking his life?

What is the cause.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
It seems both Prince Of Darkness and Northwarden lack the respect to the troops,

I cannot speak for others but you are correct, I dont respect anyone who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq (except maybe like the British soldiers who smuggle heroin from Afghanistan
) because both are useless expensive wars that posed no threat to anyone (our countries). They are wars of aggression and have disrupted the way of life not only in Europe but around the world for everyday normal people. These wars of profit and lies helps no one, not us and not the (now "free" "democratic" Afghanis or Iraqi's).

these same radicals don't show any respect to jews or to Christians not even orthodox ethnic yet the government give them the right to burn the poppy on the day of great warriors and heroes.

These radicals wouldn't have been shouting and burning poppy (lol) and cursing the soldiers and disrupting our way of life had it not been the radicals attacking Afghanistan and Iraq in first place. Had it not been for these wars we would have been shagging to porn, listening to miley cyrus and eating french fires, pizza and hamburger without any disruptions (in peace) instead of now getting butthurt "BOHOO DESE IMMUGRUNTS R BAAAAD".

Yet your both defending the group such a shame some ATS are becoming full supporters for Islamic Radicals.

I want to lick the delicious tears the immense butthurt has caused lol.

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