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Thermite Experiments and Evidence Summary

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
The steel used in the WTC weren't I beams but box columns

This is why you never have been, nor ever will be credible in any residual form.

The perimeter columns were box columns, but the core columns employed box and I-beam columns.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
and they were four times as large and ten times thicker.

Maybe at the base of the towers. But the higher the buildings went, the thickness went down.

Sorry, but until trusters start doing some lab tests and field experiments of their own, your words are meaningless.

As far as the video in the OP is concerned, it's GAME OVER for the truster camp.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Forgot to add that I highly appreciate you posting this video, Turbofan.
At last, after more then nine years, someone who just does follow up in a practical manner the theories posted, instead of theorizing ad infinitum on-line.
Hats off for Mr Cole, too.!

Since now the reader can at last see for him/herself what thermate can and will do to steel beams or columns, if applied in the right manner, and even explodes vigorously when enough of it is applied in the right manner and the right volume, I posted that video from David Chandler as added evidence, to show the obvious discrepancies in the nine years long proposed official storyline that a full natural gravitational collapse sequence occurred.

Those clearly observable momentum changes during their flight paths for already expelled debris parts, do prove that human intervention was present in the onset of the collapse sequences.
And of course, when enough load-bearing columns inside and outside are severed, a natural gravitational collapse will follow, but only when the main columns are severed at several other, lower floors in the collapse sequence also. Otherwise the buildings would have followed the path of least resistance, and still would have toppled over at some lower point in the collapse, which was clearly not the objective from the planners.

(Do view the Chandler video in its original big format at my linked to, YouTube post, otherwise you will not be able to see in this forum format linked small video format, how that piece of debris trailed a smoke tail, then suddenly broke in two and changed 90° in direction, while again spewing new smoke trails behind it, all the way down to the ground.)

Those debris pieces trailing also thick smoke tails, racing down in front of the huge debris and smoke mushroom cloud, look as if they accelerated and went down increasingly faster than the bulk of the debris in the mushroom cloud. And acceleration also indicates propellants attached in or at these debris pieces.

They do not look and behave as broken-off boiler tanks to me, these would start to rotate due to the steam expelling from eccentric positioned pipes on their bottom and/or body. And the pieces are too long, and too big. They look like beams or column pieces to me. From the outside wall, or otherwise from inside the building interior.
And thus act as beams filled all the way with a kind of propellant which behaves as rocket fuel, when one side of the beam or boxed-in column is open to the air and the stuff inside ignites by whatever reason, too late in the demolition process. And then keeps expelling that strange smoke/dust tail. Could even be metallic evaporation smoke trails in case of thermitic reactions inside those steel pieces.

By myself in my last post above :
And I posted years ago already, that the right thermobaric device, placed in, or around a thick steel boxed-column, will shatter it as if it were made of glass, instead of steel.

Found those posts back and all my thermobaric posts, listed at page three of the second thread :
1. Title : Barometric or A-neutronic bomb, any more info?

On possible other than nuclear devices used on 9/11 : The fabled a-neutronic bomb : "Riconosciuto's talents were much in demand. He had created the a-neutronic bomb (or "Electro-Hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel Device"), which sank the ground level of the Nevada test site by 30 feet when a prototype was tested. Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, said of Riconosciuto: "I've spoken to Michael Riconosciuto (the inventor of the a-neutronic bomb) and he's an extraordinarily bright guy. I also have a hunch, which I can't prove, that they both (Riconosciuto and Lavos, his partner) indirectly work for the CIA." Riconosciuto's bomb made suitcase nukes obsolete, because it achieved near-atomic explosive yields, but could be more easily miniaturized. You could have a suitcase a-neutronic bomb, or a briefcase a-neutronic bomb, or simply a lady's purse a-neutronic bomb. Or just pull out your wallet for identification and... The Meridian Arms Corporation, as well as the Universities of California and Chicago owned a piece of the technology."
Michael Riconosciuto & Ted Gunderson's 1986 Meeting with 'Tim Osman' (Osama bin Laden)

2. Title : 9/11 Eyewitness Audio Reveals Hundreds of Explosive Pops! (Must See) :

Originally posted by LaBTop

We have discussed the thermobaric viewpoint extensively in the past, thus I can give you a few very good leads :

Tom Bedlam :
However, just for fun, I found some research being done on drilling into box girders and flooding them with thermobarics a split second before you detonate them - guess what - it shatters steel box girders like glass.
What a weird thing to research.

In the heat of the discussion, I never was able afterwards to ask TB for the source of his research. However I found some comparable notes in my research. In that case, a certain thermobaric composition could shatter these huge steel boxed columns also like glass, but in this case the thermobaric explosion went off outside the columns. The explosion front velocity in this case is so high, that nothing but solid rock could resist it.

Tom Bedlam is/was? a scientifically schooled poster here at ATS, who obviously had quite some interesting contacts and security clearings at Lawrence Livermore Labs and other state and military sponsored top notch research institutions.

And these are, as promised, the ATS-Search results for my thermobaric posts at ATS :
LaBTop thermobaric used as Search terms.
Which by the way can be found in the same page 3 of the above mentioned "9/11 Eyewitness etc." thread.
This is the link to that specific post :
Thermobaric links :

In that same thread you also can find a link to all my posts regarding the USGS findings in the days and weeks after 911.

In there you can find the USGS data sheet with all the higher than normal chemicals present in the air and dust after 911.

As member pteridine rightly pointed at, in the OP's video thermate is used, and not thermite, like in the professor Jones-at-al thermite experiments and the observed red chips found by them in the dust samples they obtained from NY citizens.
And as pteridine advised, professor Jones should also look for thermate residues.
I did that already years ago, see my USGS posts at ATS linked to above.

Thermite is a mix of iron oxide and aluminum powder, roughly 75 to 25 weight %.
Thermate is a mix of thermite and additions of barium nitrate and sulfur. Or any other additions in unknown top secret military grade compositions.

As you can see in the USGS charts I posted, Ba and S were more than normally present in the dust and air after 911.
If the posted USGS charts links do not show up in my old links, I do have them in my member profile, or on my HD's and sticks.
Of course this is only a weak sign that thermate could have been used, since lots of other materials destructed in the collapses had Ba and S in them, like the sulphur contained in drywall office separation walls and the cubicles in office spaces. Barium nitrate however wouldn't be abundantly present in the debris, normally.

This is only one thread, 2 pages long, with some of my posts about 911-barium in it, there are many more in my USGS posts list :
Title : Barium, strontium, or other metal nitrates :

Are you, relatively new posters, starting to understand the extreme fatigue creeping in when old posters like me and numerous others, see all these already posted info buried under the weight of nine years, thus hidden in millions of posts on ATS?
There is a mountain of really important information from both sides of the fence, hidden in this ATS 911 Conspiracy and the General Conspiracies and some other forums.
A group should be formed to dig up the really important info, pro and contra an official conspiracy (very important, add also the solid contra arguments), to hide the real historical truth about the 911 events.
This would be a monumental task, but would at least stop a lot of the ridiculous duplication of already existing information going on.

I'm a bit afraid it will not be a favored subject by the ATS advertisement department, since they ride on the "more posters, more income" bandwagon. Thus more duplicate posts means more advertisements income. I even do understand that, especially for this website.

But for the historic value of the 911 disaster and its global after-effects, writing a 911-essay of known facts would be something like the 911 Time-line from Paul Thompson, but much more concentrated on more and other than only mainstream newspapers sources, like Paul started off with. His time line is excellent, nevertheless!

A centralized 911-Information essay on the known pro and contra 911 conspiracies theories on top of the two Conspiracy forums would help immensely to let us all at last concentrate on the really new information popping up all the time, slowly but unstoppable.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

As far as the video in the OP is concerned, it's GAME OVER for the truster camp.

Not "GAME OVER"....again. Now we have yet another "GAME OVER" claim to go with the many others along with the many statements of "PROOF." All have turned out to be neither the end of some game nor proof of anything and this is no exception.

Coles' substitution of thermate for the red chips along with the claim that they had been proven to be nanothermite is where the experiment fails. It is known that thermate will cut steel much better than thermite, so the effects are not particularly revealing. What is also known is that the red paint has not been proven to be thermite, in any manifestation, and does not maintain combustion, even in a furnace above its purported ignition point. Given the lackluster pyrotechnic performance of the red paint, it is not at all surprising that, according to Jones, ten tons of it lie unburned in the dust.
With this link eliminated, all that is left in contention is a singular event of molten material flowing out of the building at one location. Does aluminum glow at 1800F? Does lead from the UPS batteries glow at 1800F? Showing that they do not would be a good place to start to provide any foundation to the thermite theory. Aluminum and lead certainly appear as silvery metals at their melting points, which are significantly below 1800F and below the point where materials radiate. If they glow at 1800F, then there is another possible explanation for the molten metal and the thermite theory becomes much less probable.

The most interesting part of this will be the response of the ATF to the video. Cole claimed his test devices were legal because they are made of legal materials. I can legally buy Pyrodex black powder for a hunting rifle, but if I put in in a pipe with an ignitor, it is no longer legal. Making many pounds of an incendiary material and putting it in pipes and containers for the purpose of destroying steel structures may attract the attention of the ATF, especially when displaying it on Youtube.

What Cole has shown is that thermate will cut steel, that the thermate cannot be linked to the red chips, and that Cole or his backers are spending some thousands of dollars to try to convince people of thermite demolition of the towers. Whoever is funding this is either very dedicated to the experiment or has a hidden agenda.
edit on 11/12/2010 by pteridine because: Edit for content

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by pteridine

The red chips in the dust are energetic. The DSC proves it and the high mag. images prove the structure
cannot be paint.

You still have not visited my thread to debate the science after three invites.

Thread title, "Jones' Sceince Paper: Common Arguements Addressed"

Within that thread we can put to rest your claims of combustion and oxygen presence during the DSC tests.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by ohhwataloser

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
The steel used in the WTC weren't I beams but box columns, and they were four times as large and ten times thicker.

note the steel got smaller and thinner the higher you went. halfway up the building the steel was typically 12x36 and only 2 inches thick.

This in no way invalidates the statement that the box columns in the towers were completely different than the type shown in this video, making it an apples to oranges comparison.

I don't think your qualified to tell how much it would take. even if it did take 20 times as much....who cares? also if you watched about 12 minutes into the video, he shows how box columns could be attacked. And this is just some guy coming up with ideas. Hes just showing its possible, not how it happened.

I am going by the assumption that the size of the demolition package shown is the standard size, and I can definitely say it will take twenty of those to defeat a box column of the size used in the core columns. Any smaller and they'd be ineffective, and any larger and they'd scream HERE I AM to any passersby.

i will even bite on your senerio, I will claim no one would notice, put your "rings" above the ceiling around the column right at the top of the deck...99% of people won't see it and the maintence guys up in the ceiling, he probally won't see it, whos gonna think anything of something close to the top of the deck anyways? I don't understand, have you ever looked above the ceiling in any office building? do you understand what maintence guys do? I don't see who else would be in the ceiling besides them. Your full of it dave.

All right, here's a served-on-a-silver-platter chance for you to show I'm full of it. Please post the inspection rotation of the towers and list what they would inspect. If the list doesn't contain metal fatigue and water damage...and those very joints where the horizontal braces connected to the vertical columns would be the spots they'd be inspecting for this...then I'll wholeheartedly eat my words. Otherwise I'm going to assume they inspect what everyone else inpects, and I'm going to have to assume that once seen, an inspector is going to ask, "what the heck is that"?

Again I don't think your qualified to make such assumptions, and i believe you changing the subject. the video is about proving the "thermite can't do that" theory wrong, such as in the nat geo program. Which you can't even deny (wait wait... im sure you will) it does with flying colors.

I'm not saying that thermite can't defeat structural steel. I'm saying it can't defeat structural steel in the way you conspiracy people are claiming it did. These were *occupied* buildings, and claiming that anyone could sneak into an occupied building and plant all these explosives everywhere without anyone noticing what was going on is far fetched in the extreme.

All your video showed is that thermite can destroy a small I beam laid out in the middle of a field. All right, fine, but claiming that this is remotely applicable to how the WTC could have come down IS conspiracy mongoring, whether you want to admit the fact or not.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by turbofan

Thanks for this thread.
I think I may have provoked some of the "trusters" into making their own threads. I made the comment that certain members only seemed to come to the 911 threads to obfuscate and attack, and then clam up when the thread stopped getting comments. All of the 911 threads on my "myATS" had the same members as the last post and the thread faded into oblivion.
Now I am seeing threads show up that seem to be below the standards of ATS. But not this one!
So, thanks for the thread.

So maybe we can move on at some point, to how this thermite got there. Who put it there and when? The "trusters" don't seem to want us to advance into that territory....

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:48 PM
Incidentally, this is actually comparable to a thread I recently made. You see, in my thread, a test was performed on steel to see if it was possible at all for jet fuel to cause it to fail. They proved that, but when I brought it up, all sorts of people came on saying that the conditions weren't right, etc. Those same people (or types of people) are on this thread praising the OP because of the same level of evidence, but because it supports their view rather than opposes it.

Am I the only person seeing this? I mean, this guy has proven that you can cut steel with thermate, but obviously there is the problem of how the thermate could have been planted. And then there are constant debates over the effects of a thermite explosion. Will it be quiet or will it be noisy? Half the threads I see involve people thinking they are somehow hearing demolition-induced booms, and another half are trying to say that the reason you don't hear anything is because of the special quiet detonation. Is there any kind of consensus, or was it both quiet and loud?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
This in no way invalidates the statement that the box columns in the towers were completely different than the type shown in this video, making it an apples to oranges comparison.

it shows thermite cutting through steel, which most debunkers like to claim is not possible, you don't seem to get it, hes just showing this one issue is possible which most debunkers claim is not. hes not saying this is exactly what it took to bring down the towers. I mean look at the nat geo program using pounds of thermite to "prove" it cannot cut through steel. this proves it can.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I am going by the assumption that the size of the demolition package shown is the standard size, and I can definitely say it will take twenty of those to defeat a box column of the size used in the core columns. Any smaller and they'd be ineffective, and any larger and they'd scream HERE I AM to any passersby.

you are not qualified to make any assumption like that, that is all opinion.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
All right, here's a served-on-a-silver-platter chance for you to show I'm full of it. Please post the inspection rotation of the towers and list what they would inspect. If the list doesn't contain metal fatigue and water damage...and those very joints where the horizontal braces connected to the vertical columns would be the spots they'd be inspecting for this...then I'll wholeheartedly eat my words. Otherwise I'm going to assume they inspect what everyone else inpects, and I'm going to have to assume that once seen, an inspector is going to ask, "what the heck is that"?

yes im sure every single day they inspect the steel, or every week, or every month... show me something that shows they'd do it more frequently than bi-yearly. which is leaves quite the opportunity window. again your full of it.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I'm not saying that thermite can't defeat structural steel.

ok good because nat geo and alot of other debunkers claim it can't, which is the point of this thread

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I'm saying it can't defeat structural steel in the way you conspiracy people are claiming it did.

wait stop there. who claimed what, where in this thread?

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
These were *occupied* buildings, and claiming that anyone could sneak into an occupied building and plant all these explosives everywhere without anyone noticing what was going on is far fetched in the extreme.

im just speculating but i could see going in at night and just going in unoccupied areas during day hours, making it very easy. as a construction electrcian, I know it would be pretty easy to "sneak around" in most buildings and hide things like your claiming is far fetched. Its not far fetched at all...I mean what are you basing your speculation off of?

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
All your video showed is that thermite can destroy a small I beam laid out in the middle of a field. All right, fine, but claiming that this is remotely applicable to how the WTC could have come down IS conspiracy mongoring, whether you want to admit the fact or not.

compare the 175 pounds of thermite nat geo used which the steel was undamaged, to the 1.5 pounds the other guy used that cut right through it. and besides that its far fetched because... well dave thinks so. it opens the possiblity of wtc being brought down with it or helped by it. does it mean they were? not at all. but to call it conspiracy mongering is just ignorant.

Dave your opinions arn't proof, your speculation seems to based of of no real world experience in areas you try to argue. Im really surprised someone with high intelligence like yours can't admit the possiblity. You don't have to say 100% it is, you can still call yourself a debunker, but to have such a closed mind and call it impossible after collecting all the pieces, including world history, well thats ignorant.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
This is why you never have been, nor ever will be credible in any residual form.

The perimeter columns were box columns, but the core columns employed box and I-beam columns.

So are you trying to say the core columns did NOT have box columns? If you are then you are lying unrepentently through your teeth. You know that and so do I.

Maybe at the base of the towers. But the higher the buildings went, the thickness went down.

And as I've proven ad nauseum, none of the steel from any of the core columns recovered during the cleanup of ground zero showed any damage from explosives. Theyre all snapped like twigs, torn like paper, or bent in ghastly angles. I keep showing photos of the condition of the steel but in typical truster fashion all you can do is trust in Dylan Avery's and Alex Jones' claims that "the gov't figured out how to do it". Faith based logic may work for you but it's less than satisfying to me.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
So are you trying to say the core columns did NOT have box columns?

Let me quote what I said, word-for-word since you obviously didn't comprehend the first time:

"...the core columns employed box and I-beam columns."

I don't know how you could possibly have gotten "not" out of my statement, but you were certainly claiming there were no I-beams used in the WTC, which was completely false. If you go to AE911T (link in my signature), you can look at the prints yourself to see that BOTH box columns and I-beam columns were used in the cores.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
And as I've proven ad nauseum, none of the steel from any of the core columns recovered during the cleanup of ground zero showed any damage from explosives.

That's because you likely cherry-picked the images. Let's show some images that do show evidence of being severed by incendiaries/explosives.

This image, released by the NYPD, shows white smoke coming off the very ends of some core columns:


This image, from Controlled Demolition, Inc., shows smoke coming off the ends of steel beams of a crane after being severed with explosives:


Again, trusters are so far in denial, you choose to ignore such significant evidence as this.

edit on 12-11-2010 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Some of you all need a lesson in comprehension. The tests were not conducted to prove that thermite could bring down the towers. The tests were done to disprove the minipulative and underminding tests done by National Geographic that was shown nationwide. That little special was a complete joke and intentionally misleading to people who know very little about 911.

They laid a smaller I beam than what was used in the constrution of the WTC's, horizontally over a pool of 700 gallons of jet fuel, with weights in the middle to get it to collapse. Then they had the audacity to test thermite, which no one is claiming, vertically, to see to see if thermite could cut through steel. This is what the video clearly debunks and was made to show.

The real question for you debunkers and people who believe the Official Government Theories is why would the media and mainstream TV go so far out of it's it to intentionally mislead people? Not only National Geographic, but every mainstream news station's refusal to show the collapse of WTC 7. ANY of you debunkers that deny these tactics by the mainstream media are outright liars and prove that you could careless about what happened on 911.
edit on 12-11-2010 by curious_soul because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by curious_soul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
reply to post by pteridine

The red chips in the dust are energetic. The DSC proves it and the high mag. images prove the structure
cannot be paint.

You still have not visited my thread to debate the science after three invites.

Thread title, "Jones' Sceince Paper: Common Arguements Addressed"

Within that thread we can put to rest your claims of combustion and oxygen presence during the DSC tests.

The red chips are energetic; they are burning. Jones' energetics prove that they are burning. Peanut butter in DSC under a stream of air is also energetic but it is not thermite, either. The images do not prove that the chips are thermite. What Jones calls aluminum looks like an aluminosilicate.
I did read Jones comments and can see his tap dancing. The part about why the chips did not completely combust is a smokescreen. The flaws in the energetics calculations were hand waved away by some comments that have no basis in fact. More smoke screen.

I will be happy to restate my position and once again show the flaws in Jones' work. Perhaps I should start a thread as I keep having to re-explain the flaws thread by thread. Jones is not a competent chemist and his work shows it.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:52 PM
Use this thread if you like. It's directed toward your claims:

Jones' Dust Analysis - Common Arguments Addressed

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:01 PM
Click this link to read about such an entangled web of all last three decennia black and white operations, you will start to understand how utterly rotten our world has become :
Take a slide down the labyrinthine rabbithole of CIA wizard, Michael J. Riconosciuto.

Barium is often found in high voltage related work

My observation regarding this small but highly interesting snippet of information regarding Reconosciuto's longstanding contacts with a long list of alphabet-soup Agencies :

When I would have been a planner involved in 911, and had to assure that my numerous thermobaric bombs second stage's explosive cold gaseous clouds would ignite and would first receive a highly electrostatic load, I would connect the many third stage ignition-devices hidden inside the ceiling spaces and/or inside the boxed columns and beams from the core and the wall segments, to the many present emergency-generator fed high-voltage transformer devices in the Towers. They would always have very powerful capacitors fully loaded connected to the transformers inside them. Those would deliver quite the bang for the buck I wanted in case of first loading and then igniting, these then electrostatic loaded cold gaseous clouds, spreading in the open office spaces ceilings, on my designated floors.
The resulting ring forming explosions clouds would be seen as double floors spewing out explosive clouds, just as we see at the onset of collapse at both South, and North Tower.

Another small but shocking detail :

Any type of biological research on an Indian reservation is not subject to scrutiny by the federal government because Indian reservations are sovereign nations. Wackenhut Corporation attempted to sell “biological warfare viruses” and vaccine kits to the U.S. government to be used against small countries bordering Albania or large countries bordering the Soviet Union.
William C. Patrick, III developed the process by which anthrax spores could be concentrated at the level of one trillion spores per gram. Patrick has worked with Kanatjan Alibekov, known as “Ken Alibek” since he defected to the US in 1992. In Russia, Alibek was the No. 2 expert in the FSU’s biowarfare program, under Vladimir Pasechnik.

This Russian, now renamed Ken Alibek became President of Hadron Advanced Biosystems, a subsidiary of Alexandria, Va.-based Hadron, Inc. Hadron specializes in “the development of technical solutions for the intelligence community.” It received millions in funding for medical biodefense research in the field of non-specific immunity from DARPA = the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the US Army Medical Research and Material Command, and the NIH. AKA “Dangerman”

For the die-hard False flags investigators into the likes as : The Oklahoma City Bombing, the First WTC Bombing, the Iran-Contra Affair, and much more like the 911 investigators, I have this to offer for those lonely nights, when you are in need of a real spine-cooling book to read :

I have in my possession five boxes of documents, obtained from a convicted methamphetamine chemist whose closest friends were a 20-year CIA operative, and a former FBI Senior-Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles and Washington D.C. bureaus. The labyrinthine involvements of these people and their corporate partners is revealed in this manuscript, along with information obtained by Washington D.C. journalist Danny Casolaro prior to his death in 1991.

That chemist/physicist and much more, is Reconosciuto, probably CIA/NSA-framed and convicted to 20 years to get him out of the hands of competing other Agencies. He's scheduled to be free in 2017. Still a long time to go.
The same guy who invented the A-neutronic Bomb, hacked the stolen Promis software which hack enabled the NSA to eavesdrop on literally every other foreign agency on earth who were so stupid to implement that software (and a LOT did so! It was too tentative to be able to remotely copy any computer's hard disks, even when they were not connected to the web...).

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by pteridine

The red chips are energetic; they are burning. Jones' energetics prove that they are burning. Peanut butter in DSC under a stream of air is also energetic but it is not thermite, either. The images do not prove that the chips are thermite. What Jones calls aluminum looks like an aluminosilicate.
I did read Jones comments and can see his tap dancing. The part about why the chips did not completely combust is a smokescreen. The flaws in the energetics calculations were hand waved away by some comments that have no basis in fact. More smoke screen.

Your opinions were debunked, in my old thread below. You continue to spew the same fallacies against Jones discoveries in his Journal. Jones proved what was red paint and what was the red energetic material.

Thermite Proven! Jones Science Proves Red Thematic Material not just Red Paint Chips,

is also energetic but it is not thermite, either. The images do not prove that the chips are thermite.

Again this is your opinion; you are only “assuming” what you think.

We want to see some evidence or credible science to back your opinions

I did read Jones comments and can see his tap dancing.

Tap dancing? Your comments are untrue. Science doesn’t need Tap dancing. Many of you OS defenders are the one’s Tap dancing given only your opinions and making false claims that you have debunk Jones science by given your opinions.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by impressme

Your threads did not show my comments to be incorrect. Your desire to reach your predetermined conclusions clouds your judgement and distorts your reasoning skills.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by impressme

Your threads did not show my comments to be incorrect. Your desire to reach your predetermined conclusions clouds your judgement and distorts your reasoning skills.

Quite the opposite - mainly the presense of oxygen in the DSC and heat produced by the reaction.

Feel free to debate me on these points, I can show scientifically that any combustable material by ambient
oxygen was insignificant in the experiment.

That will put to rest any "clouding" that you assume.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
I can show scientifically that any combustable material by ambient
oxygen was insignificant in the experiment.

Given the energy data that Jones provided, that will be interesting. Go ahead and show it.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by pteridine

Your threads did not show my comments to be incorrect.

That is completely untrue.

Your desire to reach your predetermined conclusions clouds your judgement and distorts your reasoning skills.

You do not know my desires. Here you go again, assuming what people think.
You do not know what my conclusions are, because I have never told anyone.
As for as my judgment, you are not a psychiatrist to be giving a professional opinion on someone mental state.

You have not debunked anything regarding thermite or this video. Try and concentrate on the topic instead of me.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by ohhwataloser

Hes just showing its possible, not how it happened.

Ah, there's the core of the problem. I could also show you how you could cut that steel with a laser, with an ironworker and a wrecking torch, with a demo saw, with explosives, hell, given enough time they could probably be chisled into pieces. Its the "how it happened" that is the problem and why all this stuff falls on deaf ears. Unless you could show how all this happened in the context of the events of 9/11, then it is absolutley for naught.

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