Nearly every UFO video or report of sighting is accompanied by someone chiming in with "it's Project Bluebeam." Project Bluebeam is a hoax, and has
been around since the 90s when a Serge Monast, a Canadian journalist (allegedly) made a speech in which he discussed the mythical project. In his
speech, he hit upon all the fear-inducing buzzwords and made it clear that, as a Christian, he was convinced that the plan of satan was to use Project
Bluebeam to persecute and eliminate Christians. There was a clear and
unmistakable agenda -- Christianity -- and points to the first red flag in his story. Now, multitudes repeat the term "Project Bluebeam" as though
they know something substantial about it, and as though there can be no question that it is an actual project/plan by NASA or some other government
It is possible that either he lifted the myth from Betty J. Mills, another Christian who spouted the Bluebeam fear-mongering, or vice versa. Either way, the myth of Project Bluebeam has grown over the years to the point where now,
no matter what we see or experience, it is ascribed by many to be the work of Bluebeam and by extension, satan.
I've asked this question before, but don't think I've asked it here. I've looked for actual evidence for the existence of such a project. I've
found absolutely none. The only thing I've found is someone repeating the same story. Military projects that can do all sorts of amazing and
frightening things do not qualify as evidence of Bluebeam. They are only evidence that the military has some technology that could be utilized in such
a project, but not evidence of the project itself. Even evidence of advanced holographic technology is grossly insufficient. You cannot make a logical
leap from "the military has advanced holographic creation devices" to "they will use that technology in a project called Bluebeam." That is an
illogical leap and thus far unsupported by
any evidence.
In court, a witness can be called to testify based on their observations. That testimony may be considered by a jury, and could influence the outcome
of a case provided the witness is credible. However, the testimony of Serge Monast is not credible. He displayed a clear end-time Christian agenda and
played upon the fears of Christians through his story. He offered no evidence that what he said was true. All he did was offer loose references to
experiments in ELF communications technology, an Army journal discussing "mind control" possibilities, etc. Still, however, NO evidence of a Project
Bluebeam or where the name even originated.
So, my challenge to all is: provide actual evidence of Project Bluebeam's existence. Not other projects or articles from which one would have to make
an illogical leap to conclude that it exists. Not testimony from biased "witnesses". Witnesses of UFOs are much more credible because they usually
don't have an agenda and they often don't want the publicity. Actual, documented, evidence that Bluebeam is actually something that TPTB have plans
to implement. Until that type of proof comes, I will have to continue labeling Project Bluebeam a fraud.