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Project Bluebeam is a HOAX.

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:18 PM
Nearly every UFO video or report of sighting is accompanied by someone chiming in with "it's Project Bluebeam." Project Bluebeam is a hoax, and has been around since the 90s when a Serge Monast, a Canadian journalist (allegedly) made a speech in which he discussed the mythical project. In his speech, he hit upon all the fear-inducing buzzwords and made it clear that, as a Christian, he was convinced that the plan of satan was to use Project Bluebeam to persecute and eliminate Christians. There was a clear and unmistakable agenda -- Christianity -- and points to the first red flag in his story. Now, multitudes repeat the term "Project Bluebeam" as though they know something substantial about it, and as though there can be no question that it is an actual project/plan by NASA or some other government agency.

It is possible that either he lifted the myth from Betty J. Mills, another Christian who spouted the Bluebeam fear-mongering, or vice versa. Either way, the myth of Project Bluebeam has grown over the years to the point where now, no matter what we see or experience, it is ascribed by many to be the work of Bluebeam and by extension, satan.

I've asked this question before, but don't think I've asked it here. I've looked for actual evidence for the existence of such a project. I've found absolutely none. The only thing I've found is someone repeating the same story. Military projects that can do all sorts of amazing and frightening things do not qualify as evidence of Bluebeam. They are only evidence that the military has some technology that could be utilized in such a project, but not evidence of the project itself. Even evidence of advanced holographic technology is grossly insufficient. You cannot make a logical leap from "the military has advanced holographic creation devices" to "they will use that technology in a project called Bluebeam." That is an illogical leap and thus far unsupported by any evidence.

In court, a witness can be called to testify based on their observations. That testimony may be considered by a jury, and could influence the outcome of a case provided the witness is credible. However, the testimony of Serge Monast is not credible. He displayed a clear end-time Christian agenda and played upon the fears of Christians through his story. He offered no evidence that what he said was true. All he did was offer loose references to experiments in ELF communications technology, an Army journal discussing "mind control" possibilities, etc. Still, however, NO evidence of a Project Bluebeam or where the name even originated.

So, my challenge to all is: provide actual evidence of Project Bluebeam's existence. Not other projects or articles from which one would have to make an illogical leap to conclude that it exists. Not testimony from biased "witnesses". Witnesses of UFOs are much more credible because they usually don't have an agenda and they often don't want the publicity. Actual, documented, evidence that Bluebeam is actually something that TPTB have plans to implement. Until that type of proof comes, I will have to continue labeling Project Bluebeam a fraud.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

star and flag, but i honestly don't think the ones that believe in it will take any notice whatsoever...



posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I alwasy thought that it was any interesting concept. But I agree, I first heard Alex Jones mention it, and he said it had been partially declassified. So I searched everywhere trying to find this declassified information, but all I could find was a bunch of speculative stories with no real substance.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

unfortunatly - amongst many , an absence of evidence = evidence of a conspiracy / cover-up

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:55 PM
I am not a fan of project blue beam, and it is my understanding that it is a conspiracy theory. Theory being the operative word. Most theories are based on conjecture, but usually have some fairly strong circumstantial evidence for the basis of the theory. I have never seen any evidence. I think that the theory took hold when Serge Monast proposed the theory, and along with another journalist, suddenly died of a heart attack. Despite no history of heart problems. If I remember correctly there are four steps to this theory. Step two involves a gigantic "space show" manifested by UFOs via three-dimensional laser projections. Not sure how this took hold. Maybe a lot of people do not want to believe in aliens, but are tired of hearing about balloons, swamp gas, ect.. The first step had to do with faking earthquakes at locations around the planet, and discovering evidence at these quake locations to show us simple people archeological evidence of the error in all fundamental religious doctrines. One of my problems with project blue beam is that we seemed to have jumped right into step two, and have by-passed step one.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:08 PM
So they can't really project 3d images on the clouds?
Like the ghosts as Disney World,
That's interesting.
So when we see ET ships (or USAF saucers etc) they will be the real deal?

I also read somewhere that the USAF pretend Et's will be doing some real destruction so that we think they are real ET;s, as another ploy to get us to unite into their NWO.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by VeniVidi

You pretty much ave it there. it was/is a conspiracy dreamed up by Christians cos the poor dears felt left out of the loop by all these pesky new age types. it's no different to Christan rock music etc etc etc. Just an attempt to get down with the kids and maybe hive off a few stragglers to convert to the cause. If you want know what makes it looks fake from the word go. The name, no top secret project would in its' title directly refer to the actual technology. Why do you think tanks are called tanks?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by FireMoon

because they were transported and labelled as water tanks.



posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

hers some stuff ive dug up

Check out volume 4 chapter 3 of this goody: chTopStories+%28Tech+-+Top+Stories%29

page 78 of:


this all ive had the patience to look up. im not saying that blue beam is real but the idea has been around for quite some time and the technology is there if all these articles are what theyre telling us than you know the military has been playing with it for some time. have you also considered that blue beam is the term we use for it but the military uses something like project ghos or project ghost gun.

Food For Though:
Has Anybody Thought About the aluminum in chemtrails helping to reflect light and could feasibly help a holographic image hold its place in the sky.

i keep my mind open im not saying its real but it wouldnt surprise me if it is.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Not sure if we be surprised this concept was not mention yet on here but thank you O.P. for the additional info on its origins.? S+f!

It’s clear there’s a religious motivation behind those who usually jump the blue beam gun and many of us embarking on this conspiracy are not always conscious of part its origins.
The problem with this conspiracy is not only proving the technology or what it is for ultimately, although we can believe such techno already exist or is in the work. It is the confusion about its owner. Is it Satan himself, a surreal being who will use the technology for deception or a mundane shadow government who will try an experiment to be interpreted as satanic by Christians? It’s just the same confusion when it comes to extraterrestrials; are they real and demons or fabricated stories by the NOW? See a pattern here?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
So they can't really project 3d images on the clouds?
Like the ghosts as Disney World,
That's interesting.
So when we see ET ships (or USAF saucers etc) they will be the real deal?

I also read somewhere that the USAF pretend Et's will be doing some real destruction so that we think they are real ET;s, as another ploy to get us to unite into their NWO.

I never said images can't be projected. I've been to concerts. I'm saying that if people attach such a strong belief to Project Bluebeam, they should probably have more than the statement of a couple of evangelical Christians as evidence. And to answer your question about ET ships: yes, they're likely to be the "real deal".

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:56 PM
[Removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]

reply to post by joelatour

Again, none of this is evidence that Project Bluebeam exists. None. Yes, we can do holographs, mind control technology exists, etc but it doesn't add up to Bluebeam. I could show you articles on lasers, guns, ammunition and put them together to claim that we have raygun technology straight out of Star Trek, but it wouldn't make it so.

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

edit on 2010/11/7 by GradyPhilpott because: removed quote of an entire previous post. Inserted "Reply to" tag.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

I have spent many many hours researching Blue Beam alas if i had proof it existed then it would no longer exist.

I find it interesting that you fail to mention some of the " Proofs" that run along side Serge Monasts original disclosure of 1994. So here for those that are a bit grey in the area, Are some more facts.

It is proven that Monasts daughter was removed from him by Canadian Social Services due to him " Home Schooling" her. It is also proven that the day before his death he was in fact arrested and held overnight by police, He died of a heart attack at the age of 46.

I have found no evidence at all regarding proof that the other journalist who worked with him died in Ireland or even existed.

I offer a link to the post where I have gathered all the known data it can be viewed here.

Do I believe project Blue beam is real....Yes I do.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

i just spat my coffee out after you said "straight out of star trek" then said "doesn't MAKE IT SO"

dont know if you intened that pun or not but it was funny!.



posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Also ....

According to the news today, November 4, 2010, there has been a HOLOGRAM breakthrough. According to several sources, including Fox news and the Associated Press, scientists have taken a big step toward displaying live video in three dimensions. Nasser Peyghambarian of the University of Arizona said that they have demonstrated that the concept works. It is no longer something that is science fiction

Another question to ask yourself is this...are there any examples or proof that the knowledge exists at this time that would make Project Blue Beam possible? answer, yes, most definatly and the videos and more is freely available online if you dont want to view them on the thread.

edit on 7-11-2010 by captiva because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:16 PM
[Removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]

reply to post by captiva

His daughter, his heart attack are not proof of Bluebeam. People have heart attacks all the time without previous heart issues. My mother was one. As for his daughter, I have no doubt that government harasses people. But that doesn't mean they're harassing him because he's touched upon the truth. All it means is that he's violated one of their rules. There are thousands of those. As for your page of proof, NONE of them are proof that Bluebeam exists. Again. I would like someone to post documentation that it is an actual project, rather than posting websites that repeat what other websites say, or that discuss technology that could go into such a project, but is not the project itself.

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

edit on 2010/11/7 by GradyPhilpott because: Removed quote of entire previous post. Inserted "reply to" tag.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by RICH-ENGLAND
reply to post by Visiting ESB

i just spat my coffee out after you said "straight out of star trek" then said "doesn't MAKE IT SO"

dont know if you intened that pun or not but it was funny!.



I did intend it. For those who would notice...

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

You would like someone to post the project. If that were possible you would not be covering it here as it would no longer be a conspiracy. The only proof you will see of the project is when it is used.

I would also ask, does anyone ever remember when the official NASA web site actually listed Project Blue Beam on its list of projects? I do. Alas no longer there. But I assure you it was listed.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

There are many conspiracy theories out there.
Some are true.
From your posts it is apparent you believe Project Bluebeam is possible based on current technology.
So all you are really debating is whether it is an actual plan by some agency or not..
Therefore the only proof that would convince you is a copy of the plan which. if exists, would obviously be "Top Secret".

So I don't know what you are really asking....

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:31 PM
I agree with backinblack. there are many twists and turns in researching bluebeam and most that Ive spoken too agree that the knowledge to create " The show in the sky" as Monast called it, is there and has been for a while.

There are 3 questions you have to ask yourself before you can research it....

1 Do I believe the knowledge and equipment exists?
2.Do I belive TPTB would use it as described by Monast and others?
3.How do I go about proving TPTB have the knowledge and equipment.

1 Is easy to evidence, 2 is a matter of opinion and belief, 3 is below the rainbow untill it is used.

S&F op, please if you find any info on the other Canadian journalist who died in Ireland of a heart attack 7 weeks after Monast, please let me know.

Edit to add a quote from an earlier post by the op....."I never said images can't be projected. I've been to concerts. I'm saying that if people attach such a strong belief to Project Bluebeam, they should probably have more than the statement of a couple of evangelical Christians as evidence."

Sorry I just noticed this statement...I have never found any evidence that the other journalist existed, yet i think i see you say he was an evangelical Christian? Can you point me to that source so I can track it to see if this elusive journalist exists??


Respects to you
edit on 7-11-2010 by captiva because: (no reason given)

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