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Banks spying on your bills, rent payments, paychecks: report

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by LordTacos
I think this is kind of funny, only for the fact that i over drafted my bank account and have no plan on repaying my school loans. They can look all they want but until they decide to actually do something, I see no point in this. This country is going down too fast, this isn't going to fix anything and won't help us soon enough. But like I said, let them spy on my bills and what not because if they're just going to see that I am in debt and what not and not do anything, it's pointless. And just think of how many other people in the country do the same exact thing as me. Do they think this is going to fix it? Quite funny really.

Of course you find this funny... because willingly applying for and accepting student loans wasn't your choice? because choosing to default is what, some protest of some sort? a noble cause? because you think it hurts the bank?

YOU are part of the problem. Grow up and pay the bills you willingly incurred.

Can't believe you got starred for that crap decision.

edit on 7-11-2010 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

You're right, I am part of the problem now. And I could care less. Does anyone seriously believe that we are in a position to fix all of this at the moment? There is too much of this going on, what I am doing and other people who take government benefits, that it will take a complete overhaul of our country and how it is run to do anything near being able to fix it. So although I don't believe my abuse of the system is going be a good enough "protest", I am going to take advantage of it to do what I want. I guess I would just call myself an A-hole if anything but at least I can mooch some money before too much goes wrong with the system to where I am completely screwed without the money I am taking.

But I doubt anything will happen to me in the short term. Although I actually wish something would, if just for the fact it would use me as an example of what happens when people screw over the system. But with that, I will not let anyone take me away or what not, so there will be some conflict.

I just don't have any respect for a so called democracy that is based on "mob rule" while totting the name "Democracy" and promoting false "freedom and equality" so I could care less.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by airspoon

And let me guess, this information won't ever get into some intelligence services database will it? This isn't being done because the banks are being super safe. Banks don't make money off of people who can afford their bills and accounts, seriously. That is why with credit cards they hate people who pay off their balance or seldom use it, because they can't charge them those fees that are back end money. Also most of the time a person who has their financial house in order so to speak and keeping within their living standards tend not to fall into high interest rate loans or credit cards or would get a bunch of them. These banks and financial systems are professional legal loan sharks, they make more money off the "scum" than they do the financially secure.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by airspoon

tbh it was the lack of these thorough checks that got us all into this financial collapse in the first place, if the banks didnt give mortgages to people they knew couldnt afford to keep up payments then we wouldnt be in this mess.

i think its a way for them to be able to better vet peoples circumstances and what they can afford to borrow, i for one dont care if the bank knows how much my electricity bill is, if thats the info they need to gauge my outgoings every month to see if i am eligible for a loan and how much thats fine.

i think this article is about lending thier not just going to have info on everyone just cuz they want to.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by LordTacos

the people who are on benefits arent really affected by the financial climate at the moment however it will trickle down to benefit funding eventually, its the tax payers (employed) that are taking the brunt of these bank bailouts.

but for you to think thats its perfectly fine to just not pay back what u borrow or take benefits that u may not be entiteled to is digusting.

YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM your not helping the situation by getting the money u borrowed back into circulation, i understand that at the moment times are hard but thats no excuse for theft, nor is it funny.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
Anyone who has a checking/savings account with a bank will be spyed on, if you don't want them to know what bills you are paying you can always close them out and pay cash for everything which isn't an easy task these days.

Nice idea but so many things, including many jobs, housing rental agencies, power companies etc etc require a bank account. In a modern western world its not really possible to live off the grid unless you have land and know-how. Oh how i wish i could though!

The tax man is even worse

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by NWOnoworldorder

Like I said before, You're right in thinking that I am part of the problem. But to think of how our country is run, you can't think that I am personally part of the big problem facing us. There is too much going wrong with the laws and rules or how we behave here and how we go about doing daily situations. Although I am part of the growing problem, the government needs to recognize their own corruptness and inablility to control what's happening. There is just too much division in the mind sets of the different groups of people for me to even to start to care with the current path of the USA, as a whole. We're a divided people, grouped together in a false belief on how we should be run as a whole. And that, in itself, will destroy us faster than a little financial mooching or even other countries.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Alot of times I take the cash out and use money orders to pay bills. If I'm lazy, I just write a check and mail it out. I don't pay bills online. I don't use my debit card online. It seems the credit card offers come in waves. For awhile I wasn't getting any, now I'm getting them again. I really don't want any credit cards. If I have to travel some where, I drive there. I hate flying. I was at the supermarket the other day,(I use cash for everything) and the cashier checked my money to see if it was counterfeit, may be they don't get alot of cash anymore. They probably think I gamble all my money, because I use the ATM at the casino next door all the time. I go there because the ATM fees are low. As for defaulting on a student loan. I tried that. New york State took me to court, got a judgement against me and seized my bank accounts. I paid up. That was a mistake. That was 10 years ago. Today if owe something, I pay it.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by alonzo730

Well, the thing about paying up due to court orders...what do they do when I have no money on me? Send me to jail to live off of more tax payer money? Why care what they want to do with me when it won't solve anything? Now if they made me work for the government on manual labor jobs they need, now that will be worth it, since I screw over the system and need the money, they can use me how they see fit for what I owe them. But most likely, they would toss me in jail to live off of the taxes from the majority of people, which is why I could care less what they do to me. Not to mention the news coverage trying to take me away would cost. The whole banking and fed system as it is is broken and I even know my BS won't harm them. All it can do is piss off some people and open their eyes as to what needs and should be done in our country. Although I probably am not making a good case for myself, if not for the fact that I come off as an A-hole.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

The last banking fiasco happened in part because banks were at first forced to lend to people who had no hope of repaying because it was so "unfair" that they couldn't also get credit. How stupid is that? But the banks didn't stop there and began lending to anyone on "stated" (unverified) income because the banks knew they could resell the loans in derivitives. You can thank Barney Frank, Fannie Mae, etc. for that clueless move.

Oh quit with this old hat party line. The banks wanted Frank's act to pass. My mother worked for a loan company and sold real estate. The bank she worked for was one of many who lobbied hard for that crap. They knew what would happen and they knew they would get bailed out. It wasn't forced, they were more than happy to do it.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Aquarius1

No surpise there....

The thing that really gets me is that every company we have worked for over the past 6 or so years has REQUIRED our paycheck to be direct-deposited. No direct deposit, no paycheck, that's a load--even if you wanted to go to a cash-based system, it's impossible! Also, whatever you do...stay away from auto-withdrawals if you can. I have had so many headaches with different companies doing this. I used to pay all my bills that day I decided I wanted more control--then the headaches came! "No, we can't stop it now once you signed up" or they auto deduct a termination fee for cell phone plan, or cable etc...

Anyhow, crooks a plenty...just deposit your check, and withdraw'd probably spend less money that way anyways, plus they just "don't need to know" if I want to pig out on Taco Bell 4 times a week, buy ammo, or drink too many lattes!


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