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9/11 Planes... my theories

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by jelleepie

The reason for this is that i am a member of Pilots for 9/11 truth, and they say that the reported speeds (480 knots) cannot be acheived by those planes at that altitude without shaking apart....

OK, reality time. Let me start by asking, you say you're a "member" of "P4T".....but, are you actually a licensed pilot?? Because, the "P4T" have a pitifully small number of actual rated pilots on their "members" list, from what I see when I study it.

I am guessing you aren't (or at least, not experienced with airliners, nor with the Boeing 757/767 family of commercial passenger jets). Based on your belief, one that has been planted in your head by the "P4T", that they would "shake apart", as you put it, at 480 knots at ~1,000 MSL. You see, 480 kts, @ 1,000 feet is only about Mach 0.74 (that is 74% of the speed of sound, Mach 1, for that temperature. This assumes a standard atmosphere adiabatic rate, and is close enough to actual conditions on 9/11, difference of a few degrees is only 0.02 Mach change). The "maximum" Mach speed limitation for the Boeing 767 is 0.86M. The airspeed itself doesn't "shake apart" the airplane is a combination of an airspeed, and air temperature that results in a HIGH MACN Number, and the associated buffeting on the airframe that can occur in that situation, that will cause some "shaking". IN fact, we call it "Mach buffet". At M.74, you are no where near close enough for any impending supersonic airflow conditions anywhere on the airframe!!!

.... and certainly not with those heavey maneouvres going on.

What "heavy maneouvres"?? Be specific...what have the "P4T" been lying to you about, lately??

Check out september clues on youtube....

Oh, gawd!! I have on better than that dreck, BTW, has been thoroughly trashed and discredited.

You should watch the entire 28 minutes, so you can see that "Simon Shack" and his deceptive "September Clues" is/are a load of donkey meat:

Google Video Link

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
You see, 480 kts, @ 1,000 feet is only about Mach 0.74 (that is 74% of the speed of sound, Mach 1, for that temperature.


The "maximum" Mach speed limitation for the Boeing 767 is 0.86M.

weedwhacker -

Why is the Concorde limited to just over 400 knots near sea level when Mmo is 2.04 Mach?

I know why -

Clearly you don't

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by TiffanyInLA

Your boss's tactic, yet again, is nakedly evident.

It's sad, in a way, the depths that your "master", Rob Balsamo, has you sink to.

The "leader" of the wee little "pilots club that couldn't" has you try to disparage ME, merely because I chose to use a computer-generated image of a Boeing 737 NG overhead panel??? :shk:

Please, tell the audience WHERE that is any less accurate than a photo? (and believe me, IF I could have found, from a Web search, a photographic image that was as clear, THAT would have been my choice. However, the majority of really good pics are copyrighted, over at I've, in the past, provided links to good examples from there, when expedient. Some people reading ATS, though, may not have access to fast servers, or otherwise have bandwidth issues, so an embedded image is neater, for everyone).

How sad, as I've said, and so pathetic of, it truly shows his true colors, doesn't it???

AND NOW??? He has you posting about the Concorde???

Hang on, when I stop laughing, I'll take a look at that graphic. Laptop screen is small, so I'll either have to change my screen zoom, or log on to another computer, bigger monitor.....

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Hang on, when I stop laughing,

I think you mean when you stop personally attacking others from the comfort of your anonymity.

I'll take a look at that graphic. Laptop screen is small, so I'll either have to change my screen zoom, or log on to another computer, bigger monitor.....

Here, this may help you.


Again weedwhakcer -

Why is the Concorde limited to just over 400 knots if the Mmo is 2.04?

Why does any aircraft have a Vmo/Mmo?

Click here to learn more and to see it actually calculated.

edit on 9-11-2010 by TiffanyInLA because: typo

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:33 PM
I think your idea is sound. I personally have a whole theory on 9/11 but have to wait to post it due to new user restrictions. I have not read the other posts entirely, so if I repeat something I apologize. I would say there would have had to have been an inside man on the planes. They could have been remotely controlled, but look at the overall picture. The plane that was aimed for the White House (i believe it was that one) had someone on board jacking it according to sources that we have. I would say there would have had to be some target system as you described to take out the WTCs because those were the main targets, once again part of my theory.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by jelleepie

The reason for this is that i am a member of Pilots for 9/11 truth, and they say that the reported speeds (480 knots) cannot be acheived by those planes at that altitude without shaking apart....

OK, reality time. Let me start by asking, you say you're a "member" of "P4T".....but, are you actually a licensed pilot?? Because, the "P4T" have a pitifully small number of actual rated pilots on their "members" list, from what I see when I study it.

I am guessing you aren't (or at least, not experienced with airliners, nor with the Boeing 757/767 family of commercial passenger jets). Based on your belief, one that has been planted in your head by the "P4T", that they would "shake apart", as you put it, at 480 knots at ~1,000 MSL. You see, 480 kts, @ 1,000 feet is only about Mach 0.74 (that is 74% of the speed of sound, Mach 1, for that temperature. This assumes a standard atmosphere adiabatic rate, and is

Why is it that you can't present a single cohesive argument with any clear cut facts and relevant evidence addressing TIFFs?

can i ask you a question?

Your posts are full of endless rhetorical rants that contain a diatribe of obfuscation of the likes i have never seen on the this board. How long does it take you to write these posts of yours?

You've posted nearly 14,500 posts

didn't think that was possible for anyone not being paid to do so... either that or you must have a hell of a lot of time on your hands.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Check out september clues on youtube....

Oh, gawd!! I have on better than that dreck, BTW, has been thoroughly trashed and discredited.

You should watch the entire 28 minutes, so you can see that "Simon Shack" and his deceptive "September Clues" is/are a load of donkey meat:

September Clues was almost a 120 minute video ... so even if one accepts the arguments against SC (which doesn't remotely debunk anything in reality), how does a 28 minute video address material 3 times its length?

donkey meat?

yeah right...

that rebuttal failed miserably in disproving anything let addressed even 10% of the evidence and arguments supporting fakery and nrpt.

nice try though.
edit on 10-11-2010 by Orion7911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by tortillawraps
S government is behind this).

One of the planes was full of engineers and various personal involved with aviation or the air force. Guess what, these individuals are the ones who IMPLEMENTED the remote technology for 9/11. They thought they were on a test flight, testing the new remote control system.. little did they know they were patsies and by putting them on a 'test flight' it was an easy way to dispose of them so they would not talk about their roles afterwards. This explains why this flight had such an unusual demographic of passengers.

edit on 6-11-2010 by tortillawraps because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2010 by tortillawraps because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2010 by tortillawraps because: (no reason given)

Which flight was almost all engineers? The ones on the Helios flight, the ones on one of the flights that hit one of the WTC buildings?

Other than that I must say its all guessing you did, but a very plausible guess on how the plan could have been carried out, except I would have placed an black box with fake data instead of having one resurface with no serial number.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

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