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Malevolent or Benevolent? The BIG Alien question...

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:41 AM
The problem I see about a race of beings coming here would be that what kind of physical structure could they be made of? Does are atmosphere accutally condone what they need to surive? The only way is if the planet they came from was based on or just like ours. The idea of time travel or time placement of carbon life forms sounds impossable to me but it could be a means of travel also. The thought of a spicies living underground can be a logical conclusion since they already live here and breath the same air as we do. Grey's do exist! How they move about is and should be cosidered is how can they do it without mind controll of some sort. They don't speak with words. I might sound a little crazy but a visitation when I was young scared the fright of this earth in me. To this day the idea of them coming back is something I think about all the time. Only wish I could see the benevolent beings that tried to get me to go with them exposed for what they are and send them far away! Great post alot to think about.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Springer

Not long ago the brilliant Stephen Hawking predicted that the likely intentions of any visitors would not be to "save humanity" from itself or, enlighten us with amazing new technologies, rather, it would be take our resources, all of them, including US.

Hate to break it to you,
but Stephen Hawking is just Pop Sci,
he didn't actually contribute anything to science.
To my knowledge anyhow.

He's just the "poster child".
Most of his "predictions",
and theories about black holes,
have been disproved.

My great-uncle is a a professor of Astrophysics,
grandfather helped build first computer in kiev,
grandmother managed the first mainframes,
mother has a masters in cybernetics,
father has 2 Phd's in physics.
So of science, I am aware.

Recently String Theory or M-Theory,
is the happening "thing" in physics.
And centers of galaxies produce matter,
that's why there is a bulge of matter.

Anyhow so for the purposes of this explaining the benevolent, malevolent, alien dichotomy.
There are three major powers in this galaxy.

The Reptilians, Mammalians and the Hybrids.

of races on this planet:
Black people are closest to Reptilians,
Nordics are closest to Mammalians,
East-Asians or Arabs are closest to Hybrids.

of common extra-terrestrials:
Alpha Draconis are original Reptilians, and are carnivores,
Elohim Nordics from Lyra are the original mammalians and are herbivores.
And Grays are some of the most hybridized species and are omnivores.

The basis for this hypothesis, for the most part, is based on human history. When our early explorers came across a new found (to them) civilization they typically over powered them, enslaved them and stole their gold. In some cases (commercial slavery) they "stole" the people and hauled them back to their homeland to be sold as slaves to that population.

yes, replaying the Annunaki's program.
as it quite recently introduced us to civilization.

Classic example,
of the traumatized,
becoming the traumatizers.

If you make peace with the new founders you have the opportunity for trade (both ways) and a continued supply chain for the resources you covet.

actually if it's peace,
then they have a piece,
and you don't get that piece.

I promote nature,
and natural selection.
Also karma, or balance,
what you do to we, we do to you.

Agreeing that the aliens evolved much like we have (only a lot further technologically), it is logical to think that they would be benevolent and looking for new galactic friends.

what about America?

or at least it's military,
brutally destroying democracy,
and ruining any chance of friendship.

Also note the Americans have a problem keeping their word,
since often they change treaties after they are made.
which is really quite contrary to treaties purpose,
to have some stable means of interaction.

Even if you take into account that there could be several different species/races, one would think that war was long dropped as a total waste of resources and life.

Or would you?

Look at nature,
it's an ongoing war for resources,
one plant growing taller with more leaves than another.

letting the saplings in the under-story wait,
hoping for one of the greats to fall,
so they can fill it's place.

Taking humanity's plight into consideration, what if one of the terrible figures of our history succeeded in taking control of the population? tactic of wiping out any and all dissidents was carried on throughout that entire time.

How has that not happened?
Martin Luther, John Lenin, Kennedy...

Through sheer violence and the fear of sheer violence they had managed to get people to focus on nothing but technology, space exploration and conquest. I know this is a stretch to our human logic because of human nature but, remember, we are talking about "what ifs" here.

you're talking about the present your highness.
technology is one of the few "safe topics",
as long as you stick to the "official technologies",
or the ones that have been around since the 1950's.

sure computers have gotten a billion times faster,
but otherwise technology is quite stagnant,
same cars, houses, furniture, curriculum.
just cheaper, and lower-quality.

So, a few hundred years down the line, say, in 2410, we have mastered travel between the stars and have built great ships to explore and conquer with. How would that brand of humanity treat a population that was not up to our technological prowess? I imagine we would bomb them into submission, take what we wanted and move on.

well we have some great spaceships already,
some whistle-blowers mentioned 600,000 in our space-command.

unfortunately the moon and mars is already inhabited,
and they are quite willing to defend their turf.

mars has a bunch of reptiles running around,
that eat any hominid that dares walk much.
so the hominids hide underground mainly.
can look up Andrew D Basiago for more on mars and portals.

So that's one possibility of how a species/race could evolve and end up as a space faring, conquering, horde...

awww, so sad, it's so common,
that we can't be it.

since reptilians specialize,
and we can't possibly outdo them,
they are willing to eat each other.
They keep calm, by staying between flight and fight.
A constant dance of spooking each other, but not too much.

just like in star-craft,
technology is one of the few things,
that homo-sapiens have going for them,
considering our relatively small brains,
and extremely weak bodies.

In "Skyline" the "visitors" have made no attempt at communication, no demands have been proffered, they just start taking everyone who succumbs to their bizarre "light".

That "light beam" indicates an intricate knowledge of the human physiology. Where would these intrepid conquerers have gained such knowledge? The only possibility would be through direct study, or, the "visitors" are human/humanoid themselves.

*shrugs* we are all related.
typically we are all DNA based anyhow.
consider that biological hominds,
tend to be on a small spectrum,
between alpha-draconis, and elohim.
sure they might hybridize with local-species.
but still the roots are the same.

I guess the possibility there are life forms out there that need us for food is as likely as any other wild guess about the myriad variations of life the universe may have nurtured into predominance on planets far away, but, it's so foreign to what our experience has been it's hard to fathom, or is it?

*shrugs* food, sex, primal urges.
it's healthier to eat things lower on the food-chain.
though hybridizing is quite possibly useful with our diverse genepool.

Technically, WE need "US" for food. That hamburger, salad, or awesome piece of fish you ate yesterday is (or now, was) a carbon based life form. How big of a stretch is it to imagine some brutal, space faring, humanoid race that has thrown "fine dining" aside, as a waste of productive time, and opted for the "Soilent Green" approach?

Alpha Draconis are carnivores,
as are very many reptilians.

If the above were the case, do you think we'd have any chance? Do you think there would be opportunities for negotiations?

if they are space-faring,
they have enough food to be alive.

Would there be any dissidents who are repulsed enough by the wholesale gathering of human beings from planet to planet, only to be turned into human peanut butter?

er repulsion from meat is a purely Elohim or herbivorous thing.
carnivores like cats are repulsed by vegetables and fruit.

Would there be any intellectuals left in a society like the one I've described above who wonder what their people could learn from their dinner if only they had avoided slaughtering it?

sure, you communicate to pets don't you?
there are certainly things we can learn from rocks, plants and mushrooms.

I have to say that the premise of gathering your food by completely consuming all the resources on every planet is truly not a "best practice" no matter how advanced your technology is.

yes that be suicidal.
the whole point is reproduction.
so colonizing the new planet with your kindred.
or modifying them to be more of your likeness.
that's what typically happens anyways.

resources are a means,
the ends is reproduction.

i.e. you need resources,
to have more babies.

any other purpose,
for resources,
is frivolous.

This leads one to wonder if they are smart enough to have "breeding farms" on board their ship for the possibly long intervals between finding planets with the resources needed?

the grays even have cryo-storage,
to make sure there is a diverse genome resource.

While the breeding farms would answer the need for a continued supply of nutrition, they are also a huge liability from a security stand point. I, for one, would not be happy about producing children to adorn the plates of my captors evening meal.

carnivores aren't gardeners,
they are hunters.

so roam around,
finding planets with life on them.
their own planets, often look like deserts.
since they ate much everything.

hybrids like grays do produce bodies,
though some bodies might get recycled,
typically production is the making babies phase.
so they are considered a part of the species.

There's a whole universe out there we know very little or nothing about. The odds are we aren't the only ones living in its vastness, who else is out there and what do they eat for dinner?

yes, "what do you eat?" is one of the most basic questions.
really everything that is made of atoms can be consumed.
robots for instance could eat clay and rocks,
melting them down to make more metals and materials.

edit on 7/11/10 by lowki because: they

edit on 7/11/10 by lowki because: Arabs

edit on 7/11/10 by lowki because: quotes

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Springer

I don't know. Enigmatic as they are I just don't know. We may know in due time. Or we may not.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:03 AM
To Serve Man

This thread reminds me of one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes! When I was a kid, it really scared the heck out of me but somehow I was just mesmerized by it.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Springer
I haven't decided one way or the other,but I do ask myself if they were malevolent why didn't they get us when the population was much lower and easier to handle?I can't get past that question,it seems that to me chances are they are benevolent because, when they really started to make themselves known was around the time we had nuclear capabilities(I'm guessing the 30's or 40's).I don't think there necessarily looking out for us,but more than likely looking out for the planet.I would love to hear their(aliens) thoughts on the human condition though,I can't imagine what they would say about us...........?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:18 AM
When I talk I talk about the ones I know of even though I have seen others.

The ones that I know of are more so Botanical and would need a Botanist to care for them if sick they would comsume Chlorophyll and excrete it through their bodies, their blood is like a pea soup green color. I believe in their beginning the ones that are in containers are in a blue-green Algae called Cholera.

I have seen others and from what I saw they all seemed to be peaceful and got along well, but I don't kknw anything about them.

The Repitillians I could see them being underground that is probably where they can survive when here on Earth. I thought a thread I just read was interesting about the underground caves. I don't know myself if this is true or not but I can see it happening. If they were fired upon you can believe it that if they were shot at and they wanted to kill these kids they could have done so I would think it more or a scare tactic.

When it comes to different Species we can't exactly go by what we know as a Species it doesn't always apply to what they need to survive.

There are many here and also many living in our skies also they mimic the ships as stars at night.

They do use frequencies and I suggest low frequency wave lengths.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by lowki

Interesting post but among many things doubtful, this is not true.

Look at nature, it's an ongoing war for resources, one plant growing taller with more leaves than another. letting the saplings in the under-story wait, hoping for one of the greats to fall, so they can fill it's place.

Nothing in nature is waiting for another thing to fall so it can prosper.
Things take their places and share the resources. Things can be edged out but it is fully with their cooperation and willingness to shrink or flourish depending on the resources or lack of those around them.

Nor is this always true...

carnivores aren't gardeners, they are hunters.

Ever hear of a cattle ranch?

edit on 7-11-2010 by rusethorcain because: can't swallow it whole

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by 59demon

It seems to me there are good and bad aliens. The Bad ones do not want human society to evolve into the next level of civilization. The Good ones do. So there is this eternal battle between the good and the evil in the galactic scale. Stories of Fighting between the good and evil among our society may be just a mimicking of what is happening in the universe.

I think Alex Collier provides good listening materials on these issues.

Try to relate this to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Do you think there are any relations?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:10 AM
Very interesting.

I`ve always believed that Aliens are neutral and the intrest they have with us is purely educational. I`m sure that the oldest most advanced races excersise a certain amount of control over the other aliens and make sure they observe the laws of the universe. I`m sure there is a non interferance law with less advanced beings such as humans. That`s not to say that some aliens might opperate outside of the law. I think that if aliens were to take over the Earth most of us would never even know about it. Maybe they already have

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:45 AM
There are no aliens. There are no far off alien civilizations, grays, reptilians or little green men.

The UFO sightings have to do with the Spiritual War and signs in the heavens of End Times. The Lions of Zion are an elite order of holy angels that serve Yahweh and Christ Jesus and are for the most part the ones piloting the crafts. They will deliver Yahweh's wrath upon mankind at the battle of Armageddon.

The truth is that Yahweh is going to leave no doubt as to who these crafts belong to. The U.S. government that is so far advanced that they are privately engaged against the holy crafts in a game of cat and mouse, trying to either capture or shoot them down. But one thing they know for certain, they cannot out maneuver our side no matter how hard they try.

Matthew 10:34 "Don't assume that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is His name."

"There will be no peace on Earth until My Son's Kingdom. I will crush every kingdom now standing and rock the earth off its foundation. I Yahweh will destroy every enemy to My throne, and who can stop Me? Who can turn back My anger? No one." - Yahweh

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Springer

This thread has kinda been jangling in my mind today while I was outside pulling weeds, and it reminds me of a notion i've had since I first began exploring the alien phenomenon: I think it's very likely that there is something about [some of] the alien physiology and/or mental process that hits us humans in a very visceral way; Perhaps it is not just their appearance or our own paradigms that frighten us, but something they project (perhaps involuntarily) that just scares us to our core when most of us unevolved lower-order creatures meet them face-to-face.

Sort of related to that is something I picked up on Sgt. Stone's thread, and that is that many seemingly innocent questions asked of him were very dangerous questions. If you believe Sgt. Stone, some of those questions had very dangerous answers -- questions like, "Do you believe that humanity is realizing any real benefit from these interactions [with EBE]; Are we just being given 'trinkets' for our compliance?"

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by ReginaAdonnaAaron

There is no Jesus Christ, no pearly gates or armies of ``Angels`` in this physical universe we inhabit. Religion is only a tool to control the masses.

I don`t think your post has anything to do with the OP. Please take your preaching some place where it is more appreciated. Thanx.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:34 PM
Do not ever think, they would underestimate us, anything and absoultly everything we are capable of, they would be aware of and put it into consideration, so using nukes or other WMD's would be completelly useless, they could disable anything we have (you dont even have to be that advanced to stop us)

We are much like an ant hill, on a sidewalk. Do you stop and eat the ants? of course not, do you stop and offer them technogly? no that would be a waste, so what would you do?...maybe kill a couple, look at them and walk away and continue your own business.

That is the point i am getting across, that so many people hope we would be an interset to them, weather they were good or bad, the fact of the manner is, we are not. We are simple organisms, trying to make our daily lives worth something, we dont live long, and we arent that intellgent. So only an unintellgent race would be interseted , which of course we would never see because unintellgence *like us* would never get here, or even know where here is.

We may get a passing vistor every now and then, but earth like planets being more common then we once thought, we realize we arent as special as we once thought...or hoped. So the only contact we should ever execpt, is either a race as dumb as us, people from the future (of our desendants) or a race that has taken it upon themsevles, to eliminate all lifeforms everywhere, across the universe (i garrenttee you some race is or had tried to do this)

There is nothing we can do, execpt speculate, and enjoy our puny little lives.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:40 PM
in life it's usually both, not one or the other... just like most lies contain some truth... there are most likely a positive force and a negative force... malevolent & benevolent ETs.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Springer

As it's plain to see, the producers of the new movie "Skyline" are sponsoring some of the forums on ATS. Having considered all the recent commentary (that's all it can be after all) by the "big thinkers" regarding the possibility of what the intentions of aliens who finally make contact with humanity might be,

Congrats on successful business negotations. I can't wait to see Skyline, just for a good old invasion type laugher. On the contact issue, I think you're right in thinking we might be looking at a catastrophe from the human standpoint.

In the long run though, humanity faces enormous hurdles in the next 1000 years like alien contact, nuclear war, asteroids, super volcanoes, technological singularity, genetic engineering, climate change etc. We are very ill prepared for any of those scenarios. So perhaps getting swept up by an older civilization wouldn't be so bad. They obviously don't want to mindlessly kill us, enslave us, or eat us. Otherwise they would have done so already. Assuming that they are a million+ years ahead of us, they have likely (long ago) developed a comprehensive plan on how to deal with emerging intelligent species like ourselves. What their manuel says however, is in my view, the 64 billion dollar question.

If the above were the case, do you think we'd have any chance? Do you think there would be opportunities for negotiations?

No and No.

First when thinking of this question we must consider the age of our own galaxy. The oldest known star is 13.2 billion years. Therefore, for the sake of completeness, we must ask ourselves two questions, and not just one:

1) The first question is the one you asked: "do you think we'd have any chance? Do you think there would be opportunities for negotiations?"

2) The second question assumes the answer to the first question is fairly obvious. Afterall, if they can visit us, then they're the overlords by definition. The real question is, what happens when a very dominant (ancient technical civilization) bumps into another one. The same question must then be asked. "would they have a chance? Do you think there would be opportunities for negotiations? Ultimately this question would probably be determined by how close they are on the cosmological time scale. If they were within 150 years of eachother then it might be a coin toss. However, on such time scales usually the situation would invovle one civilization being millions of years more advanced than the other. So again, then the dominant one is very apparent.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:11 PM
Well thiers no doubt in my mind that they are here watching us but ignoring us at the same time if you get what im saying.

It could be that we are an experiment and they just observe from time to time and give a bone to chew on once in a while ( rowell crash and others)

We could just not be advanced enough for them to bother with us.

We could be a pit stop of some sort maybe a tourist post " hey look at the dumb humans"

I dont think that we would ever be eaten by another advanced race I think if they can travel the stars they can pack a lunch too, or have found a way not to need food or other resources. I think they would just use the atoms in the air like in star trek to make anything they needed.

Pockets of dirt with life on them might be common in space and other then to check us out we might not be nothing special we just think we are.

I would have to say that aggresive races of ET wouldnt make it to far. They would most likely wipe themsleves out and if they didn't and made advances to space and such. I would believe the 1ST race they bumpped into that wasn't inferior would wipe them out.

I would also think that if an advanced race thought another race was going to nothing but trouble in the universe they would be wiped out.

Thats why I have some hope left cause they are watching us and we have enough potential of being good ourselves so this is why they don't just wipe us out.

You could go on and on about the reasons why they don't bother with us could be thats how things work. We could still be growing up. They could be waiting for us to stop our nonsence and really start taking care of oursleves and the planet. Maybe only then will they help once we help oursleves.

no one really knows nor will we untill we need to.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Idotwhat

Nice post. It`s comforting to know others have similar thoughts on these matters.

I strongly agree that aggressive races whould not be tolerated. For the benefit of all.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Springer

I would say to these cannibalistic aliens...take your choice..

republican or democrat...

I believe there would be more benevolent than mal...For the same reason you described.

Nice plug though...well played.

I will defenitely see the movie now...when it comes out on Netflix

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Thats very good point.
Perhaps aliens already are controlling stuff on earth, I believe aliens have been here for a long time, so this wouldnt suprise me at all.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Springer

let's me tell ya sumthing about the aliens, pal; there a bunch of big pusses. if they was tough guys dont' yous think they would have shown themselfs by now and picked a fight. there all sittin in there little ships scared as little lambs of us. remember, we gots the army-- what they got? some ships made outta foil and maybe a laser gun between em if there lucky. so don,t sweat the big bad aliens, there just a bunch of pipsqueeks out for a joyride throughe. our neighborhoods.

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