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9/11 Justice: Would You Accept This? (video to add perspective)

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Of course only the guilty do not want a new investigation by a 3rd party. The lies about 9/11 are coming out more each day. In fact, if you haven't seen the latest from Australia where the trade union leader absolutely destroyed the mainstream media host about the official 9/11 story, you need to listen to this interview sometime. It shows the true evil of the mainstream media and how they refuse to listen to ANY evidence and all they do is try to throw up distractions that are child like.

Watch how the mainstream media jerk gets DESTROYED by this brave man. I LOVE IT!

After this interview and publicity, over 70% of the population in Australia now say they DO NOT believe the government's story on 9/11. The lies are coming down! For all you spreading the word, increase your efforts and every time you see a "debunker" come on, check out ALL his posts. Whenever I do, I usually see that the person ONLY debunks 9/11, that's ALL they do! LOL When you see this, you KNOW who they are working for!

Most in the world now don't believe in the government's story because it makes no sense when you look at it. Keep up the good work exposing the lies of the OS and NEVER give up. The truth will set us free and end these bogus wars and bring out the Tesla free energy that we all deserve.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by GlennCanady
every time you see a "debunker" come on, check out ALL his posts. Whenever I do, I usually see that the person ONLY debunks 9/11, that's ALL they do! LOL When you see this, you KNOW who they are working for!

That's not entirely true Glenn. I have seen some of the debunkers jump into threads that talk about non-9/11 events where someone mentions Israel or the Mossad.

200 9/11 posts
3 about Israel

But aside from that ZERO posts in any other categories!

You'd think they'd wise up about being so transparent.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Lord Jules
reply to post by GoodOlDave

First off, did you just write this so you could say the n word over and over again? Shame dave, shame.

In all honesty, a better analogy would be the book, "The lies of the trusters" where George Bush needed to defend Dick Cheney from waterboarding charges-

9/11 truthers- "I have proven that all the witnesses claiming Osama Bin Laden did it are lying"
Bush- "Yeah, but he's a Muslim, let's invade his country".
9/11 truthers- "but I have proven the CIA was propositioning him and he refused their services"
Bush- "Yeah, but he's a Muslim, let's invade his country".
truthers- "but I have shown Bin Laden had liver cancer and couldn't possibly have done this"
Bush- "Yeah, but he's a Muslim, let's invade his country".
Truthers- "His race doesn't matter. This man is clearly innocent of this crime"
Bush- "Yeah, but he's a Muslim, let's invade his country".

I'm sure you're a fellow of good intelligence and you have honorable intentions, but the moment you used the "Bin Laden's kidneys" bit you have shown you have zero credibility. That whole story is a claim from "an undsclosed intelligence report released by anonymous sources" and can never be verified, which means you're simply quoting the same Dylan Avery and David Ray Griffin class of lying witnesses I origionally mentioned. In addition to that claim, there are also accusations of Bin Laden dying from typhus a few years ago by those exact same "undisclosed intelligence reports released by anonymous sources" so the only reason you're accepting the "bad kidney" claims over the "typhus" claim is that one helps support your conspiracy claims while the other does not.

All in all, all you've done is prove what I posted to begin with- much like the south's preconceived bias against poor Tom Robinson, you truthers have a preconcieved bias against the govt (or the Jews, the Masons, cults of Satan worshipping numerologists, or whatever individual angsts you have) where you will happily accept any gibberish you come across that supports it, from lasers from outer space to hologram airplanes to 10,000 secret agents planted everywhere. It doesn't matter what the accusation is, to you the 9/11 attack was a staged false flag operation so you're not out to learn the facts of 9/11. You're out to railroad whoever it is you're railing against and you will accept no investigation that doesn't help you do it.

When I say you support "Cather in the Rye" justice, you're NOT proving me wrong.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

What if your wrong dave,what if 9/11 did happen like we said it did...what if you got it all claim to be a skeptic..??

why are you so afraid of a fresh properly done indenpdent inquiry...why does this bother you so much.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by snapperski

Dave is not a skeptic, at least pertaining to 9/11. On the contrary, most truthers are skeptical and thus don't believe the OS without adequate evuidence. If you buy the OS, I would have to say that skepticism isn't one of your strong traits, if you have any skepticism at all. In fact, it is skepticism that is lacking in the general public, allowing the OS to be propagated in the manner in which it is.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by snapperski
reply to post by GoodOlDave

What if your wrong dave,what if 9/11 did happen like we said it did...what if you got it all claim to be a skeptic..??

Then I would want an acceptable explanation for why I am wrong, becuase unlike you truthers I don't go to those damned fool conspiracy web sites for my information, but from the people who were actually involved. When a NYPD helicopter pilot flying eye level to the impact areas reported the fires were causing the support columns to glow red from the fires and they looked like they were going to collapse, how is he wrong? When a fire fighter reported fires were burning out of control in WTC 7 and were causing gigantic bulges in the side of the structure, how is he wrong? When scores of eyewitnesses specifically say it was a passenger jet that hit the Pentagon, how are they all wrong? When I see dozens of videos taken by people who were there showing it really was a plane that hit the towers and not a hologram, how is this wrong? When I see photographs taken by a journalist who was documenting ground zero that shows no signs of explosives damage on any of the steel, how are these wrong? When I talk to a woman who actually worked in the towers who claim these "controlled demolitions", "nukes in the basement", etc, claims are ridiculous and are based upon complete ignorance on how the towers operated, how is she wrong?

...and no, mindlessly accusing everyone of being a secret gov't disinformation isn't acceptable explanation. It's just making up crap off the top of your head to deny what you don't want to be true.

why are you so afraid of a fresh properly done indenpdent inquiry...why does this bother you so much.

Would you mind terribly explaining what a "properly done independent inquiry" is, exactly? Anyone who has the proper qualifications to do any inquiry I.E,. FAA officials, military officers, NIST/FEMA engineers, etc all have gov't alliliations and as such are automagically consitered suspect and unbelievable to you. You have made that abundently clear. On the other hand, snake oil peddlers like Dylan Avery, David Lee Griffin, Morgan Reynolds, et al, who are spearheading all these "the gov't did it" stories have zero professional background to do any credible inquiry. Despite your faith in Mr. Gage, I can't say he has a whole lot of experience in crash site forensics or tracing DNA of passenger remains.

Who's left?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
reply to post by snapperski

Dave is not a skeptic, at least pertaining to 9/11. On the contrary, most truthers are skeptical and thus don't believe the OS without adequate evuidence. If you buy the OS, I would have to say that skepticism isn't one of your strong traits, if you have any skepticism at all. In fact, it is skepticism that is lacking in the general public, allowing the OS to be propagated in the manner in which it is.

I beg to differ. When someone attempts to convince me that two giant occupied buildings were blown up by secret controlled demoliitons that noone in the buildings noticed, or that the airplanes were really holograms and all the video and eyewitnes accounts are gov't disinformation, or that there are orbiting energy weapons capable of disintergrating buildings but not people, or that the gov't would fake an passenger jet crash site out in the middle of nowhere for no reason, or that there are 10,000 secret gov't agent boogeymen planted everywhere, or that the world is secretly being controlled by secret Jewish organizations or cults of Satan worshipping numerologists, I assure you that my skepticism is alive and well.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by snapperski
What if your wrong dave,what if 9/11 did happen like we said it did..

As truthers claim it was:

mini nukes
Beam weapons from space
Silent explosives that no one noticed being installed
painted on nanoo nanoo thermite
remote controlled planes
holographic planes
no planes, but missiles
etc etc.

It cannot be all of the above, so just what do you claim to be the "truther official story?"

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:06 PM
"In fact, it is skepticism that is lacking in the general public, allowing the OS to be propagated in the manner in which it is."

Of course, the gullible idiotic morons who buy into the OS are the exact reason why the 9/11 snowjob was successful. If you had a General Population who knew how to think for themselves, chances are 9/11 would have never happened. Instead, you have an intellectually lazy population that is told how to think and swallows up any garbage that is fed to them.

And speaking of swallowing garbage, it is times like these (see quotes below) that I miss the ignore button. Thanks ATS for your obvious negligence in quality control, making your visitors sift through the same idiotic poorly presented redundant Shtick time and time again. Maybe it's time for a new category: 9/11 for Lap Dogs Who Bark Like a Broken Record.

"or that the airplanes were really holograms, or that there are orbiting energy weapons capable of disintergrating buildings but not people, or that there are 10,000 secret gov't agent boogeymen planted everywhere, or that the world is secretly being controlled by secret Jewish organizations or cults of Satan worshipping numerologists"

"As truthers claim it was:
mini nukes
Beam weapons from space
Silent explosives that no one noticed being installed
painted on nanoo nanoo thermite
remote controlled planes
holographic planes
no planes, but missiles"

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:21 PM
nothing to see here people, dont flag this thread

go flag the prediction threads, so the guy can sell in the blackmarket

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by airspoon
reply to post by snapperski

Dave is not a skeptic, at least pertaining to 9/11. On the contrary, most truthers are skeptical and thus don't believe the OS without adequate evuidence. If you buy the OS, I would have to say that skepticism isn't one of your strong traits, if you have any skepticism at all. In fact, it is skepticism that is lacking in the general public, allowing the OS to be propagated in the manner in which it is.

I beg to differ. When someone attempts to convince me that two giant occupied buildings were blown up by secret controlled demoliitons that noone in the buildings noticed, or that the airplanes were really holograms and all the video and eyewitnes accounts are gov't disinformation, or that there are orbiting energy weapons capable of disintergrating buildings but not people, or that the gov't would fake an passenger jet crash site out in the middle of nowhere for no reason, or that there are 10,000 secret gov't agent boogeymen planted everywhere, or that the world is secretly being controlled by secret Jewish organizations or cults of Satan worshipping numerologists, I assure you that my skepticism is alive and well.

here is a link to your bogeyman plants HQ. Study-up on this page and you'll find NIST association(s).

"When someone attempts to convince me that two giant occupied buildings were blown up by secret controlled demoliitons that noone in the buildings noticed,"

Did you forget the discussion we had in a similar thread? About the ease of access through an elevator ceiling?

"and all the video and eyewitnes accounts are gov't disinformation"

Where's Mr. Jennings? I would like a chance to ask him if he was solicited to make the statement(s) you say are Gov. disinformation, but as you are well aware; Jennings met an untimely and suspicious end.

You're welcome to continue ignoring my queries, but I'd prefer you not avoid the question(s).

In the last thread we discussed, I asked you what you stood for. You replied; "Honesty."

You and others in your position are leaving a trail of unanswered questions (9-11 commission/NIST) as you patrol these threads by following the example of those who practiced extreme incompetence on the morning of Sep. 11, 2001...Silence speaks as loud as words. Why do you defend keeping this matter in the dark?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by snapperski
What if your wrong dave,what if 9/11 did happen like we said it did..

As truthers claim it was:

mini nukes
Beam weapons from space
Silent explosives that no one noticed being installed
painted on nanoo nanoo thermite
remote controlled planes
holographic planes
no planes, but missiles
etc etc.

It cannot be all of the above, so just what do you claim to be the "truther official story?"

If you'll allow me to entertain your query? The video footage of the Pentagon blast doesn't show an airplane causing the blast. In fact, the only footage made available for scrutiny is inconclusive...Yet, there are three cameras on the roof of the Pentagon that are capable of capturing the "airplane" causing the blast...I'd like to review that footage, please?

The official story as it pertains to truth seekers is the story that answers the question; How do you justify your complete incompetence of not defending against the enemy that attacked us on Sep. 11, 2001? It's a simple question, why did it have to be riddled with such insane complexities? If all it was was complete incompetence, why not admit we got caught with our pants down, and those who wore the biggest pants get reprimanded?

Thanks for the courtesy of an honest reply.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Myendica

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

...then there's you conspiracy people...

Us: "We have proven Dylan Avery and David Ray Griffin are lying"

And? because some points they made years ago may be wrong, its all wrong? please Dave

Now that's an intellectually dishonest statement, particularly coming from you conspiracy people. According to you truthers, becuase the 9/11 commission report may have a few innacuracies (particularly over the additional errors the Pentagon grudgingly made later) this supposedly has to mean the entire report has to be false. David Ray Griffin himself lists the difference in the listed times that Cheney made it to the White House bunker as a "major lie" even though the time difference is in minutes and entirely frivolous. If the 9/11 commission didn't mention WTC 7,, big whoop, that still doesn't mean the building was blown up with secret demolitions or disintergrated by laser beams from outer space.

And losing millions, if not billions in defense money.. isnt astronomical amounts of resources...?

I don't mean money, I also mean in personnel. Between the actual people planting the explosives, the people manufacturing the fake aircraft wreckage, the moles allowing all these agents in, plus the enormous infrastructure to cover up all the monumental evidence any such conspiracy would leave behind, you're talking thousands and thousands of people who need to be in on it. To fake the NIST report requires almost a hundred people to be in on this supposedly "secret" plot right there.

Thats heresay, and speculation.. its easy to appear disorganized.. come on Dave, you are a smart feller...

Baloney. I can give you as many concrete examples of gov't incompetence to show that the gov't wouldn't be able to pull off any complex plot. Can you provide even ONE example where anyone was ever able to sneak in and plant secret controlled demolitions in an occupied building without being noticed. No you can not.

Uh... thats extremely absurd to relate investigating the deaths of thousands, which lead in the deaths of more thousands.. to an old book telling a racist story.

I expected a better arguement from ya.

...and I expected a better argument to try and convince me you truthers aren't simply trying to play the "pin the blame on the gov't" game like you people always do. I've seen every goofball claim here from "the gov't invented AIDS to kill off all the black people in Africa" to "the gov't is lacing aircraft chemtrails with sterility chemicals". One guy here even claimed the earthquakes in Haiti were caused by secret gov't earthquake machines. This isn't research. It's a Rorschach test and your own abject paranoia is making you see whatever you want to see in the 9/11 attack.

Where is the "9/11 justice" in any of this here? Please, point it out to me.
edit on 7-11-2010 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by loveguy
Did you forget the discussion we had in a similar thread? About the ease of access through an elevator ceiling?

I didn't forget it. I ignored it becuase it isn't any more of a credible statement than it was before. The collapse of the building was initiated in one of the horizontal floor support braces, not the core columns where the elevators were. I've posted enough photos of the condition of the core columns found at ground zero to show there was no evidence of any explosives.

Where's Mr. Jennings? I would like a chance to ask him if he was solicited to make the statement(s) you say are Gov. disinformation, but as you are well aware; Jennings met an untimely and suspicious end.

The explosion Barry Jennings reported precisely matches the time when the falling wreckage from the north tower hit his building so it should be obvious what the explosion in WTC 7 was...and this "suspicious" death bit is nothing but dishonest innuendo dropping on your pat. First, Jennings died years after he already told everything he had to know, and second, Jennings was almost sixty years old and obese, making him a prime candidate for heart disease and diabetes. The reason why the Jennings family didn't announce the cause of death should be obvious- it's none of your flipping business.

You and others in your position are leaving a trail of unanswered questions (9-11 commission/NIST) as you patrol these threads by following the example of those who practiced extreme incompetence on the morning of Sep. 11, 2001...Silence speaks as loud as words. Why do you defend keeping this matter in the dark?

Give me an example of an "unasnwered question" please. From what I've seen, these "unanswered questions" are entirely of a trivial nature and in no way contradict anything the 9/11 commission report documents, which is hardly a legitimate component of any "9/11 justice".
edit on 7-11-2010 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Myendica

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

...then there's you conspiracy people...

Us: "We have proven Dylan Avery and David Ray Griffin are lying"

And? because some points they made years ago may be wrong, its all wrong? please Dave

Now that's an intellectually dishonest statement, particularly coming from you conspiracy people. According to you truthers, becuase the 9/11 commission report may have a few innacuracies (particularly over the additional errors the Pentagon grudgingly made later) this supposedly has to mean the entire report has to be false. David Ray Griffin himself lists the difference in the listed times that Cheney made it to the White House bunker as a "major lie" even though the time difference is in minutes and entirely frivolous. If the 9/11 commission didn't mention WTC 7,, big whoop, that still doesn't mean the building was blown up with secret demolitions or disintergrated by laser beams from outer space.

And losing millions, if not billions in defense money.. isnt astronomical amounts of resources...?

I don't mean money, I also mean in personnel. Between the actual people planting the explosives, the people manufacturing the fake aircraft wreckage, the moles allowing all these agents in, plus the enormous infrastructure to cover up all the monumental evidence any such conspiracy would leave behind, you're talking thousands and thousands of people who need to be in on it. To fake the NIST report requires almost a hundred people to be in on this supposedly "secret" plot right there.

Thats heresay, and speculation.. its easy to appear disorganized.. come on Dave, you are a smart feller...

Baloney. I can give you as many concrete examples of gov't incompetence to show that the gov't wouldn't be able to pull off any complex plot. Can you provide even ONE example where anyone was ever able to sneak in and plant secret controlled demolitions in an occupied building without being noticed. No you can not.

Uh... thats extremely absurd to relate investigating the deaths of thousands, which lead in the deaths of more thousands.. to an old book telling a racist story.

I expected a better arguement from ya.

...and I expected a better argument to try and convince me you truthers aren't simply trying to play the "pin the blame on the gov't" game like you people always do. I've seen every goofball claim here from "the gov't invented AIDS to kill off all the black people in Africa" to "the gov't is lacing aircraft chemtrails with sterility chemicals". One guy here even claimed the earthquakes in Haiti were caused by secret gov't earthquake machines. This isn't research. It's a Rorschach test and your own abject paranoia is making you see whatever you want to see in the 9/11 attack.

Where is the "9/11 justice" in any of this here? Please, point it out to me.
edit on 7-11-2010 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

Hi Dave. How's it going?

I see you're still at it, good work BTW.

I'd like to ask you the same question that is in the opening thread...9-11 Justice; Would you accept this? (Video perspective). It's evident that we know your answer, but why must you persist to argue about it and bring nothing pertaining to the provided video in your arguments?

I'm guilty of the same thing, I'll admit it. As I understand you can counter my reasoning with your own...Isn't it ironic how we keep discussing old views, even when new items are presented? I thought this thread was a question for the video presentation, and what other members would answer. Why are you trying to make this thread more complex than it is?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:31 PM
There is no such thing as an "official" truther theory. To label one theory or any host of theories as "truther", is not only absurd, but inherently misleading. So what if some loon comes up with an out of this world theory as to what happened? They certainly don't speak for the truth movement and very well could be one of the sleazy tactics to stifle intellectual debate by the OS propagators (We already know that they at least spread one absurd theory). In fact, the government has come out with a theory equally as loony and just as the government doesn't speak for the truth movement, neither do the turkeys talking about holographic projections, alien death rays or what have you. To try and discredit the truth movement by associating us with these wild and out there theories, is disingenuous at best.

The truth movement isn't about one theory over another in regards to what happened, rather it's about not believing in the conspiracy theory spoon fed to us. The movement is about needing evidence before coming to a conclusion. The movement also looks at the available evidence, which disproves the official conspiracy theory. In fact, these crazy theorists who propagate such stories as "no-planes" or "alien death-rays" have more in common with official conspiracy theorists than truthers.

The only theory that truthers have in common, is that the official conspiracy theory isn't correct. That's it. It is a tired and dishonest tactic to associate the truth movement with the mounds of disinformation floating around, as such tactics are designed to stifle any kind of intellectual debate, seeing how the OS simply can't stand up to intelligent scrutiny. Why not debate the topics at hand, instead of some nefarious attempt to discredit by falsely percieved association?

edit on 7-11-2010 by airspoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by airspoon

Well said airspoon. Nine years into this and these "damned fool" OS'ers are still recycling the same old vacuous arguments. What's the point of debating them in these threads except, maybe, to expose them for the benefit of those whom they might mislead?

All they do is keep the noise level high and impede productive movement on the issues. Granted, they're losing, but they have succeeded in slowing the process and have thereby contributed greatly and are culpable for immeasurable harm to untold numbers of people both here in the U.S. and around the world.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by airspoon
They certainly don't speak for the truth movement

Well, if they do not then who does?

We already know that they at least spread one absurd theory

No, it is "truthers" that spread absurd conspiracy theories!

In fact, the government has come out with a theory equally as loony

So you think 3 highspeed jetliners crashing into buildings will not bring them down?

and just as the government doesn't speak for the truth movement, neither do the turkeys talking about holographic projections, alien death rays or what have you.

They are also part of the "truth" movement, wether you like it or not!

To try and discredit the truth movement by associating us with these wild and out there theories, is disingenuous at best.

The truth movement discredits themselves, they do not need any help

The movement is about needing evidence before coming to a conclusion.

Except that there is zero evidence to show it was not 3 airliners flown by muslim fanatics...

The only theory that truthers have in common, is that the official conspiracy theory isn't correct

and their belief it was the jews, or the government or that silent explosives were used etc etc.

Why not debate the topics at hand, instead of some nefarious attempt to discredit by falsely percieved association?

We are debating the topics at hand, including the above silly conspiracy theories put forward by truthers

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave, please dont make comparisons between 2 amateur investigators, and a commision that has been paid some pretty coin to investigate and come to an "official" explanation. It is easy to give an answer someone wants you to give when they are paying you. I think you should atleast give Dylan and those goes credit for being dilligent and finding discrepancies.

I know you want to be right, and I know you have this fear that we may be right and the gov had a hand in it... its ok Dave, we all felt that way.. It gets easier.,

ETA: I'm not trying to play any games Dave.. I'm trying to encourage to investigate a serious event.. There are, whether inside our government, or not, still many people to point blame at. And if Osama Bin Ladin is NOT wanted by the FBI because of 9/11, well then.... maybe we need to find more names who are wanted for 9/11, but the only names I've sen were people to have been specualted... Speculation goes a long way Dave, and atleast we're being civil about it... I mean we could follow suit, and just blow people away like our government is doing..
edit on 8-11-2010 by Myendica because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

If the 9/11 commission didn't mention WTC 7,, big whoop, that still doesn't mean the building was blown up with secret demolitions or disintergrated by laser beams from outer space.

honestly,what a thing to say "If the 9/11 commission didn't mention WTC 7,, big whoop"
are you for real dave or i really need to explain why this comment is soooooo wrong..

To fake the NIST report requires almost a hundred people to be in on this supposedly "secret" plot right there.

history has proven,if you keep people on a need to know,then most of the participants wouldn't even know what there involved in.

Can you provide even ONE example where anyone was ever able to sneak in and plant secret controlled demolitions in an occupied building without being noticed. No you can not.

what this tells me is it was done by other means or they are just very good at it.

.and I expected a better argument to try and convince me you truthers aren't simply trying to play the "pin the blame on the gov't" game like you people always do. I've seen every goofball claim here from "the gov't invented AIDS to kill off all the black people in Africa" to "the gov't is lacing aircraft chemtrails with sterility chemicals". One guy here even claimed the earthquakes in Haiti were caused by secret gov't earthquake machines. This isn't research. It's a Rorschach test and your own abject paranoia is making you see whatever you want to see in the 9/11 attack. Where is the "9/11 justice" in any of this here? Please, point it out to me.

and with this comment,clearly your defecting the question,once again trying to dis-credit us by putting words in our mouths,i've not read anyone in this thread claim the things you are claiming we said here...

honestly dave i don't know who you think your kidding here.



those damned fool conspiracy web sites


You really should not believe the damn fool conspiracy sites

odd how you both have very similar writing style,i've notice this quite a bit...Hmmmmmm ?

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