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To all the empaths and sensitives; Felt a powerful and bizarre 'cosmic' energy as of lately?

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:19 PM
Well I can't add much to what i said, to explain myself any better... Atleast once a week i'll have an obe, thats how its been for the past 3 years. Lately (past 2 weeks), Even when wide awake and during the day i'll feel kinda like the onset of one... Its a jarring sensation that last only maybe 2 or 3 seconds at best, but it was after this that i got that image of the stadium like i said....

I guess this is why i signed up on here... just looking for answers like everyone else...

and no. I don't do drugs. I'm perfectly healthy. Works a lil slower then usual but its actually less stress...

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

WOW.... if you’re a real psychic and you have a strange macro energy flux this could be huge.

First off all call NORAD, CIA, NSA, NRO, FBI, ATF..... ah you get the idea make sure they all know this is coming even if they laugh at you they must know that is why you have this gift so you can warn us all of the impending doom.

Oh you could also check your underwear this energy flux might have been a case of “sharting” rather than a monumental global event. However there could be a monumental event going on as a result of your flatulence in your pants so get it checked.

If that is ok call in the SEALS, National Guard, Delta, 2 nuclear subs and a squadron of F-22’s

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

Thanks for inviting the skeptics. Just curious why do you think there are some people who "feel" these BIG events but many who don't?. For all those who don't "fee" anything, and then nothing happens, should they be justified.

When you have these feelings about energy, and something BIG happening, and then nothing does, what do you think happened? Do you question yourself, or do you think something must have changed the energy?

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by amc621

Maybe it is actually just increases in natural phenomenon . . . such as electromagnetic, sonic, solar, Etc. that some of us feel. They have seem to have proven that some people are sensitive to higher electromagnetic fields, why not others? I am not speaking for or against the psychic phenomenon although it is in the realm of possibility for me to consider but so are naturally occurring influences.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by amc621
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

Thanks for inviting the skeptics. Just curious why do you think there are some people who "feel" these BIG events but many who don't?. For all those who don't "fee" anything, and then nothing happens, should they be justified.

When you have these feelings about energy, and something BIG happening, and then nothing does, what do you think happened? Do you question yourself, or do you think something must have changed the energy?

Great questions. I think that each person on this planet has some purpose, or unique function if you will, though it is not always clear to the naked eye for some. Some people's function enables them to "feel" these big events greater then others might. Things like self contemplation, meditation can increase this ability. I do not know why others do not feel this, and I would think it is choice, upbringing, environmental, all of the above.

I am not claiming I am a psychic, and I have never had a feeling quite like the one i had about this. It is not like I can stop feeling things the way i do. If nothing happens, life goes on but i will still have my intuition, so i will not stop expressing when i experience a thing like this. I think that science is great as a supplement to our reality , but there are still unfathomable amounts of things that are still unknown to science, and so we must take leaps of faith and form beliefs based on instinct, intuition, and others who share similar feelings. Perhaps there is something big, and it is just happening behind a veil, but humanity only feels it, but is not experiencing it with our traditional 5 sense reality.

Thanks for posting.

edit on 11/6/2010 by Terces_Pot_Evoba because: i found a better way to communicate my reply, and wanted to do justice to the questions asked.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:02 AM
Dear Skeptics. I only ask you too engage in deep thought for me and try to understand a few down to earth concepts that you may be able to rationalize.

First thing you must understand (The hardest IMO) ,is that attachment to anything brings pain and sorrow overtime. The Bhudda tells us this. What it means is simple to understand. Money ,love ,god ,religion ,work ,family ,friends every single thing in your life besides water,food and sleep ,you can do without to survive. This is important to understand because in order to begin enlightenment, you must release yourself from all attachments. Only then will all the pain and suffering, deppression and anxiety you feel ,be lifted as to allow you to see the world for the first time for what is REALLY there. You dont have to dissassociate yourself from the world ,but rather find a neutrality which is the nature of all things. Understand that you are all that matters in your mind. Everything else is just static. The more static in your life ,the more out of touch with yourself you become. It then becomes more and more difficult to understand anything you cant rationalize with! Free yourself from attachment to begin to unravel and free your mind.

Second. From the day your born ,you belong to a country. Which in turn teaches you the lessons they want you to learn. Which forces the rational mind to make irrational choices not ever having all the facts to begin with. So when faced with anything at all you cant understand,rather than think about it yourself,you use your limited knowledge(what youve been taught rather than expeirenced yourself) to make what you believe is a rational choice! Consider it brainwashing,that is exactly what it is. You must never assume that any theory no matter how sound is complete. Always ask,always wonder. Dont assume because rand mcnally says thats the way it is ,that it must be so. If you understand the concept of wisdom ,then you understand that you can not make a rational choice based on half the knowledge. This is exactly what most people do nowadays. We take what the books and teachers told us and make choices based on that as fact. Never even considering that it may not be fact ,why not? Learn how the brain works and youll see that we live out our lives in a rational brain and have slowly shutout the creative side . Why is that there if we dont need it. We do need it. Because of the way we learn today, you have shut off your own mind. They give you material to read and study. Then give you a test to make sure you can recall that information exactly how it was fed to you. To learn this way stores that info in your rational brain ,so anytime you need to recall anything at all ,you automatically see that info as truth and never use your creative brain to question it. Let go of what you think you know!

And last. What is invention and imagination? Have you ever pondered that thought? How many times have you asked yourself ,now how in the world did he come up with that? Do you really think the idea just came outta thin air. If so ,then why doesnt everyone invent things everyday? Everything in your life today ,other than anything in nature ,was invented by someone. Some of the greatest thinkers of written history were dropouts or considered crazy by there academic peers. Yet they gave us amazing insights into completely unknown knowledge. Ever asked how they did it? To answer that question ,is to understand they already knew it. All the knowledge that ever was or ever will be is inside of us all. You see ,these great people did the simplest thing anyone of us can do ,they asked a question. They understood they had a problem ,and rather than relying on common knowledge ,they asked themselves. All they had to do then was listen to there mind (you call it thinking,I call it listening) ,and the answer was already there. They just needed to ask the right question. And they were able ( unknowingly ) to tap into this great wisdom if only for a brief moment ,to see a way to solve a problem. This vision manifests itself in the material plane as an imaginative idea ,which in turn lead to an invention. They werent told how to make it by a book or a proffessor , they just knew. Grasp this idea and you will begin to understand that the energy they refer too ,and the wisdom of all that there is, is one and the same. Free your mind ,and you can tap into this anytime you want. You need only to stop rationalizing and ask YOURSELF the right questions.

Come to terms with these 3 things. Understand the underlying wisdom and embrace it. Stop running away from what you cant understand and begin to wonder. Become enlightened! Step outside the box! Youve heard these terms a thousand times already, its time to awaken yourself to a new reality. What can you possibly lose by trying to understand. More importantly ,what can you gain!

Now to the OP =)
There has indeed been massive shifts as of late. They continue to increase ,but do not fear this. I sense a great good is going to come from this energy. There are so many ideas that try to explain it. Only know it is meant to be and this shift is required to achieve balance. We must stop living our lives like this ,one way or another!
edit on 8-11-2010 by undivided because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:47 PM
Id like to add. The best way to explain this feeling is to look closely at theoretical physics nowadays. Although they are cringing to admit it. They are starting to see for the first time (as we know it) that all science and religion litterally lead to 1 point. Our ancient ancestors knew and understood this (see the Dogan) ,and through many many years of religious and scientific oppression ,weve simply lost touch with this. Id like to point out that it isnt 1 religion or scientist that did this. They were all responsible for it. If you are offended by what I am telling you here, it behoves you to take a really close look at all religions. Dont stop at your bible or pasture. Look much deeper. All the true history is there but very well hidden by the church. The one thing that will begin to come very clear to you is that ALL religions stem from the same exact faith. Every religion that has been created since that point is nothing more than a watered down verson of ancient technology. The deeper you dig, the more clear this becomes. Ill start you off on an example path to research for yourself. Christians say christmas is the day jesus was reincarnated , I challenge you to find the true meaning of christmas, You will be shocked to find out that the entire traditional beliefs of christmas are rooted in shamanistic beliefs. From the ornaments on your tree ,the reighndeer, sack of goodies, going around the village on christmas eve to everyone, dropping down the chimmney ,I mean all of it is an ancient shammon ritiual. Youll be even more shocked to find out what that shammon was doing on christmas eve and why! And after you discover the truth ,take that knowledge and go back to your church and just look around at the art. The truth is all right in front of you, just misunderstood.

I can go on and on with this but im afraid I would need a much bigger post. The point is,again ,let go of what you think you know and educate yourself. Stop taking anyones word for anything ,including mine. The best way to learn is to discover it for yourself. Which is exactly what is happening right now with the brightest scientists. They see now that we are on the verge of reawakening ourselves. to understanding the true nature of GOD and what GOD really is. String theory (which isnt even science ,its philosphy) is the answer. This is where they merge science and religion to understand the truth. It explains everything. It takes the theory of the large and perfectly combines the theory of the very small in 1 elegant equation. They say ,well M theory isnt widely accepted. On the contrary , the ratio of students going into this field now is 10 -1 ! We are so very close to understanding the singualrity ,which will lead us directly to god. That which governs the entirety of the universe. This is the scary part for science ,because M theory tells us we are ALL GODS.

I feel that this is the energy you are all feeling. The multitude of people all over the world discovering our true nature. When science breaks the ice and realizes the complete theory of everything, you will feel like youve never felt before. Not lost without god ,but enlightened to the truth. Free in your own mind. The atom is considered GOD by the ancients. You know the ones that had only stone tools and dragged women around by the hair. They also understood we are all connected whether you want to come to terms with it or not. WE ARE THE UNIVERSE1

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by undivided

I like what you are saying, but based on your post above, I should still question M theory and the singularity. I mean, only I can teach myself the true nature of the universe, even if science and religion can bring us to the singularity.. And, in order to become enlightened, I should only trust myself, and detach myself my what is being told to me by science and religion. But then again, you told me I should still question you and use my creative mind

I am just busting your chops, but i appreciate the good info you're bringing to the table.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Yes. I told you how I feel and then explained how you can start to understand the same things. I dont need science or religion anymore to answer the big questions. That feeling alone is worth exploring if you never felt it. Feels like "Freedom". I went on in the second post to give you a place to start. Explore these things and think deeply about them, you will come to the same conclusions I have. All I needed was a bump in the right direction. I can show you the path, but cant walk down the road for you. Only you can take that step. I am confident that the more people learn about our true past, the more enlightened they will become. You have all the answers ,just ask yourself ! The more you ponder any info you already have ,I mean really think about it, the further youll be able to take that knowledge without needing anyone to teach you. Over time,the more you do this, youll find all the blanks begin to fill themselves in.
edit on 15-11-2010 by undivided because: (sp)

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