posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:17 AM
every human likes to think they are the smartest, strongest and best out of all other humans. But if everyone shares the same opinion, clearly they
are all wrong, and it would be a bloodbath yes.
Thats why in case of emergcey situation, my town will ban together (lots 'ol guns) fortifiy the town (lots of stone buildings) we could do it, of
course yea many would die. But you cant worry about them, first off we are over populated so a little thinning out the herd is a good thing, rather
then having every genetically flawed indidvual alive and reproducing, nowe cant have that. So merely just live your life, and if its your turn, and
you cant find a way out, well dont sweat it because we all die eventaully.
To be scared of dying is the same is being scared to be alive, one beings us into this world, another brings out us. The cricle of life, so when some
cocky teenager thinks he can take on the whole world....then dies, dont feel bad, it was his time to go. Best be smart about it, stick together, dont
keep slow people or stupid people.
Think of a zombie movie, and think about the people you wouldnt want to have with you (ei: annoying girl that keeps screaming, jocky guy who is a
wuss, peaceful hippie that doesnt want to hurt anyone, old people are a big no no, they will slow you down.)
Its hard but in such a harsh reality, those you love the most, will die, doesnt matter how tough you think you are, also beware of raider gangs (yes a
fallout reference) but criminals are bound to stick together, and violence is asured, if you think you can reason with them, you are wrong.
In case of martial law, leave city/town. If in canada head to the great northern forests, great place to hide. If in the middle of the states...i pity
you (your death is almost garrenteed, unless you have alot of friends)
Guns, are a big part.You will want one yes, or else. someone else will shoot you and take all your things. (so they can get shot and so forth) You
will want plenty of ammo, if you can try to make your own ammo too(assuming you have the rescoures) it doesnt even have to be a bullet just as long as
its metal and can get shot out of your gun, your good)
Explosives are a must have, you never know when you have to rip the ground your standing on, incase of an attack. you are forced to flee with w.e
surivivors. blow the place up before you go, leave your invaders a little SUPRISE!!!!. (just make sure you arent standing there when you pull the
NUmber 1: Food, NEVER resort to cannibulism, you will go insane, human flesh is not meant to be eaten by humans, crops are a good start. hunting
animals. canned goods. But this info is usless because you will never need it...hopfully