Talk about your cultural divide. Guys in metal skin with muskets and steel swords meet guys wearing feathers with bits of glassy rock in the edges of
their clubs. But such feathers! Such color and softness. A dazzling array of colors in fact. The conquistadors must have felt like black and white
movie actors suddenly in a technicolor film. It was all too real to be real. Hyper real.
Here we have the most technologically advanced engineering in the world faced with, what they think, are the most savage people in the world. But now
we can look back with the benefit of a longer perspective offered by centuries gone by. What do they really encounter.
Last century it was said that 80% of the medicine in the world came from the Yucatan peninsula.
All the exotic tropical birds, seem to come from the Americas.
It was reported that the Aztec empire had 26 square miles of aviaries where colorful birds were bred.
The largest birds in the world used to live in the Andes.
What had the Europeans to offer in the way of biotech? Horses evolved for war, and diseases.
Is it possible that the colorful birds are evidence of native Indian biotech? Selective breeding for generations until the resplendent quetzal is one
of their greatest achievements. The macaw, the cockatoo, the enormous condors. Even their selection of dyes seemed to outstrip the Europeans, as
colorful threads and garments were everywhere.
Is it possible that the Aztecs thought the conquistadors were primitive savages who had no understanding of the earth, just like the conquistadors
thought the Aztecs had no understanding of justice.
So were the Aztecs wrong. Were they at fault? Why did they loose.
I have a theory that they were guilty of something, that they changed their ancient traditions to their own detriment, and If you will allow me too I
would like to show you how. To do this requires that I make the conclusion that the Aztec Calendar stone had been changed, slightly. I intend to
show what that original calendar was, and what it represented.
They Aztec Calendar stone is taken from the Maya Calendar. Before either of them there are the Olmecs. A shadowy forgotten group who may have
originated the calendar. So let's start with the Aztecs and work backwards.
20 day signs around
four sun signs around
the heart of the calendar our current sun.
Ok, strap in ... here we go.
Four blood types of humans are A, B, O, and AB.
In Japan currently some of the best selling books are about blood types (ketsueki-gata.
en.wikipedia.org... )
Cultural theorist posit that this is because in a homogenous people other ways of creating subgroups _will_ be found. That and it's fun reading
about the supposed personality types of the four blood groups. Lets use this perspective to reexamine the four sun signs.
Jaguar sun: well we know they had a group called Jaguar warriors.
Wind sun: It describes hurricanes, but we also know they had a group called eagle warriors.
Fire sun: It describes raining fire or volcanos.
Water sun: It describes the world ending by a flood.
You're probably thinking "that's pretty thin."
As we're still with the Aztecs, and have the Maya and Olmec ahead of us as we go back through the ages, I can agree with you. But I also hazard to
remind the reader that in the Indian world people put great stock in their spirit guides. It would not surprise me if more solid evidence emerges.
But before we go Maya, let's look at the day wheel of 20 day signs.
So what about the 20 day signs. Interesting thing that. It's not, technically 20, or at least it's not numbered that way. They are numbered from
zero to nineteen (0-19) and at the end of every solar year there are 5 'evil' days. and 19 + 5 = 24. So why all the math?
What mental gymnastics am I up to with history now.
Well I'm glad you asked.
The human Chromosome has 24 pairs.
a Biochemist in the room objects: No there aren't. There are only 23 pairs, 46 total in any human.
Yes, that's true, but each individual human is usually only of one sex. If one includes both sexes and their respective pairs of chromosomes there
are 24 pairs. Consider this wiki page for visual evidence.
What I'm suggesting is that the original calendar from the Olmecs, or even earlier, was an inner circle of four blood types, with an intermediate
circle of 24 chromosome types.
Also within our blood are chromosomes, and within our chromosomes are DNA. Millions of specific types of DNA. Much like the millions of specific
dates the calendar system can generate. So that brings us to the center of the stone, or the heart of the matter as it were.
The face of the sun who was lord of heaven, around which took place all daily or periodic phenomena. The crown, nose pendant, ear-rings, and
necklace, are most luxurious and are the ornaments proper of this deity. The hair was fair due to the golden appearance of the star; the wrinkles on
the face were to show great maturity or age; and the tongue, like an obsidian knife stuck outward indicated the need of being fed with blood and human
Well ... that's pretty gruesome.
Why the need for human hearts.
the draining blood represented the cool rains
I guess they felt the sun was too hot. But what was the original design. Surely this human sacrifice stuff was some kind of corruption. What could
the Olmec's, or their antecedents, have meant. Let's use the scientific blood work we have so far to make a guess.
Outside the ring millions and millions of specific DNA.
Middle ring, 24 chromosome pairs.
Inner ring 4 blood types.
Chromosomes are large than DNA and carry the DNA.
Blood is larger than chromosomes and carries the chromosomes.
So what carries the four blood types and is larger than blood.
That's right. Humans.
But there's something else isn't there. Something of a biological capstone missing from this mountain of understanding. Ladies and gentlemen I give
you Homeostasis.
is the property of a system, either open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition.
This is the ability of all warm blooded creatures to internally and automatically adjust their temperature to fit the environment. Unlike reptiles we
do not need to sun on rocks or bury ourselves in sand to warm up or cool off. In fact over a period of one day, the human body will acclimate quite
well. This is why people who are veteran snow skiers tend to just relax the first day of reaching high altitude. It greatly improves the bodies
ability to deal with fatigue. But most important it regulates our core body tempurature at a steady 98.6 degrees F.
Isn't it interesting that the Idea of Homeostasis could be warped into an idea of a too hot sun that had to be cooled off by human hearts.
Well, I'm here to tell you that we don't have to cut out each others hearts to warm up or to cool down. Physical activity or rest can do that. And
it's much less bloody.
Oh, and besides that. Did you know that only Mammals and Birds have warm blood? Did I mention the Aztecs were real good with breeding birds.
David Grouchy
Last attempt to get everyone to disagree with these conclusions.
Hopefully I have run everyone off and there is no one left sitting in the lecture hall. But I think I see one or two scientists still out there, so
let me end on Religion. That should make for a clean sweep, so I can retain this theory all for myself and no one else will run away with it.
In the four blood types there is an interesting fact about cross breeding them. That fact is that there are only six combinations.
There are three alleles (variations) of the Blood type gene: A, B, and O. Since we all have two copies of these genes in our Blood, there are
[color=gold]six possible combinations; AA, BB, OO, AB, AO, and BO. These combinations are referred to as genotypes, and they describe the
genes you got from your parents.
And for the last word I leave you with the writings of St John the Divine.
Revelations 4:4 - 4:8
And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had
on their heads crowns of gold.
And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the
seven Spirits of God.
And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of
eyes before and behind.
And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying
And the four beasts had each of them [color=gold]six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night,
saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
edit on 4-11-2010 by davidgrouchy because: color coded the word 'six' for emphasis