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The Rite of an Exorcist

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:32 PM
I have read many posts here about people asking, "How do I become an Exorcist?"
Before you can "Become" an Exorcist, you need to ask yourself 3 questions...

1. Why do you want to become one?
-Because I want to be like that guy in Constantine...
-I think it would be awesome to chase after demons and other thing like in the TV show Supernatural...
-I think it would be something interesting to do in my spare time...

~If your answer is anything close or similar to these it wont happen. You don't kick down doors, punch someone with brass knuckles that have crosses on them, walk down hallways with a shotgun filled with salt rounds, or visit an angel at your local church for your next assignment. Spare time isn't something Exorcist have much of.

2. Are you willing to spend countless hours studying, away from friends and family, not being able to tell the ones you love what it is you do?
-Of course I would tell them I think everyone should know I'm and Exorcist.
-You don't that much studying, all I have to do is read out of a book then I can go to a bar and get drunk.
-Why not tell they I deserve there respect for what I would be doing...

~Sorry folks but it's the truth, Being an exorcist isn't something you can run your mouth about. For one people will think your mentally crazy. It take years of learning and reading before you are even ready to observe and exorcism much less do one yourself.

3. Are you ready to witness some of the most horrifying things, sounds, feels you will ever have in your life.
-I work out I'm strong, I can take on anything.
-Man I'm a soldier I don't fear anything.
-I will be going Gods work, he will protect me from everything.

~This isn't so. Just because you're built like truck and can beat the crap out of anyone that gets in your way doesn't mean you are MENTALLY strong enough to deal with the stress and the things you will encounter. I'm not saying some 6'4 demon with hell hounds is going to kick down your door in the middle of the night. I am saying being and Exorcist will make you question your faith.

Now for those that are sincere about being an exorcist or just want to know what you should do if a loved one is or you think is possessed....

1. Pray- Sometimes all they need is a prayer. Yes It CAN be that simple, but it isn't always so. Prayer is HIGHLY advised even if you know nothing about being an exorcist. Simply kneel and pray for help.

2. Contact your local priest or bishop...This depends on what religion you belong to. If you do NOT belong to a specific faith
do NOT I repeat NOT go online and Google the Rite of Exorcism.

Most of the ones you find are meant for catholic priests and you need permission to do them and many of them are missing Key points. Second you haven't been trained. Just go to your local church and ask a priest there for help. He will direct you in the right direction...Hopefully..

To become an Exorcist...Talk to your church...Many religions have designated Exorcist but some do not. The only religion that I can think of off the top of my head that doesn't is the Mormons. They believe in exorcism through pray..(Correct me if I'm wrong about that).

Becoming an Exorcist is a long process. Like getting your Masters Degree. It isn't something you do over night or in a month, it takes YEARS.


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by bosito

Okay so I gotta ask. What are your experiences with exorcisms? Are you a exorcist? And what prompted this thread?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by hangedman13

I think exorcisms are bull anyways.

The majority of demonic possessions are prepubescent children, as with most poltergeists. No scientist is really sure what causes them but they do happen.

An exorcism is not the solution to the problem, even the real story behind "the exorcist" is embellished. The priest there never thought it was a demonic possession, and if you hear stories of the boy beforehand he was a weird one.

I think all of these "bad things" that happen are peoples energy and when you start focusing on bad things, more of them happen because your paying attention to them.

So to me the idea of an exorcist is moot, because they're useless anyway.

Thanks for a cool thread.


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:53 PM
"The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name!" And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." (Luke 10:17-20 RSV) We all have the power to cast out demons as long as our faith in Christ is strong, you cannot have any sort of doubt in your mind.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by predator0187

They aren't bull, but they are relatively rare...

Most of them are never reported, ever..

wikipedia notable cases link:


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:19 AM
i have a question why is it only the religious get possessed? have any atheists ever been possessed and is there any evidence? i for one am a doubting thomas on the topic and believe its a type of hypnosis

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by strafgod

I don't know where you got that idea... Demons usually prey on those who are weak spiritually... People that have low self esteem and are easily manipulated could be targets....There is no clear definition of a target for possession, but they will surveil people and chose the easy target like an animal of prey.

Also a Christian can not be FULLY demon possessed as long as they remain a Christian, but may have many different kinds of demonic activities or demonic intrusions. A Christian may be visited in their outer court (flesh) or inner court (mind) but their sanctuary (spirit) is protected as long as they do not commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and reject Christ.

I have seen images of them before and about the only message I kept getting is that they really truly hate human beings with a passion beyond comprehension.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:46 AM
Reply to post by alienreality

iv never realy experienced anyone in my live becoming possessed so im getting my ideas from the religious, tv, and books. every case iv ever read has come from a religious family. iv never heard of an atheist thats had a possession. i just asked out of curiosity.

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:02 AM
To hangedman13...If you read my post you would have the answer to those questions...

reply to post by strafgod

Non-religious people do get possessed. Although it is not as often as the religious. If you think for a moment why are religious people being possessed? Do I know all the reasons...NO. But time and time again the "Possessor" says things like, "He(God) cannot save you" "He will not protect you" "If He was truly a god, why has he allowed me to do this?"

Well, why does God allow murder, rape, genocide? Nobody knows. But we all have free will. Those that broke from the grace of God do as they please. Most often than not they possess people to convince them that God is not real, that they will not save them, protect them and that He has abandoned them.
edit on 4-11-2010 by bosito because: Misspelled word

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by strafgod

Yeah, it is a daunting subject anyways... There are a lot of urban legions, rumors passed around, and maybe the facts that are understood get hidden in the pile half the time..

Evil spirits are very crafty and tricky, so knowing how they operate is not easy..

To do the work that they do, they don't always need to possess someone, just manipulate them in order to destroy their family. Bear in mind this is just a suspicion I have about it, from observation of certain people over many years. Of course people can mess up their lives quite often without demnons helping them do it, but there are many true stories of attacks of all different magnitudes of dark spirits...

Christ has delivered me from their attacks on more than one occassion and I would not be alive today if it wasn't for his love. He gave me a choice and I accepted it. I am glad that I did. I still can stumble, but he picks me up again.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by bosito

The questions that need to be answered are:

1) Why does God allow beings of this nature to exist?

2) Why does God allow creations of this nature to interact in any capacity with Humans?

3) Why does God permit Satan to interact with creations he can easily deceive?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by bosito

You are right, that demons don't often spend time with athiests, because athiest already reject Christ....

They make their targets ones who believe in Christ to try and shake them from their faith in Christ.. They want to take a believer and make an unbeliever out of him/her...

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

God wants people to seek him out and become knowing of the answers to the questions you ask through seeking him. Sometimes it is a life long process. It takes a personal choice first

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:26 AM
Reply to post by bosito

maybe thats why iv never heard of an atheist having been possessed. if a possessor is attempting to convince someone that god doesnt exist then it would seem that an atheist would be a waste of time. is there any other known reasons why a demon would possess someone? i doubt demons exist but ill keep an open mind im interested to know more

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 05:22 AM
The thing i dont get bout demonic possesions is why do they only happen to us humans. If all these demons want to do is control somethings mind or body. Then why not a monkey or a bear? Do they not have minds or bodys? Or are they not suseptical to outside influence? Surley it would be easier than trying to control a human and risk the chance that you will once again be banished.

I believe possesions occur within the person being possesed. Its the outward manifestation of the persons belief that they are not themselves and are someone else. I think it comes from an inability to cope with your own feelings or thoughts and so you create an alternate personality, to blame.

When an "Exorcist" comes along, all they are doing is living up to the dellusion by accepting the persons new charcter and symbolicly banishing it. Or changing the persons mind. Which is'nt a bad thing really because its kind of a cure for a mental or personality disorder.

The reason there so rare is because people dont usualy allow them selves to get so overcome by the thoughts and emotions involved. They either get help, or diagnosed as something completely different.

So why do people want to become exorcists.

a. Because they genuinley want to help people.

b. Because they believe it adds weight to thier beliefs.

c. Because they want the Ego boost that comes with having such a powerful and mysterious possition.
edit on 4/11/10 by KrypticCriminal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by alienreality

See, if I were God I would find ways to make my creations seek my knowledge and guidance without exposing them to mental anguish and psychological torture. It really comes down to the fundamental problem Believers have failed to answer over the last 2000+ years - Why does evil and suffering exist?
edit on 4/11/2010 by Dark Ghost because: grammar

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

There is no God as people see him in my oppinion. Watching over us and judging what were doing. Suffering is enevitable in the physical world because there always things you "want or "need". Think of any act that people class as evil and one of the two will be right at the heart of it.

Religions tend to use the notion of God as a fall guy. Someone to blame when all go's wrong. Some one to call out to when they need help. All they're doing is removing their own responsability from the equation because its easier than looking inside yourself and facing up to the truth. Your not so special, it does'nt matter how much your ego tells you, your no better than any other living thing. There is'nt anyone out there thats going to save you.

If you want anything in life to change then you have to make it happen yourself. I believe God is no more than our own conciousness. You can call out to it as much as you want, but your only talking to yourself. Life and reality are what you make them. Learn about yourself, learn how to control your mind and escape the limitations of physicality. Just maybe you can escape the suffering that life brings.

edit on 4/11/10 by KrypticCriminal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

Am I wrong in asuming you have little or no 'personal experience' with exorcisms and those who are possessed?

You wont find the real stuff on TV and its surely not disclosed to its entirty on wikipedia.

A demon seeks out a human being because they are the only creatures with such an abundance of energy that have lost their faith in the source, we fear death, we fear the darkness and the unknown.

An animal wakes up every day and has no idea that one day it is going to die, it lives fully in the moment in an incorruptable state of mind that it is living its life to the fullest in the glory of existence.

Human beings are ripe for the picking and ready to fall. Faith is faith, even if you beleive in nothing, that beleif in nothingness is a shield which will keep the phenomena away from you as your coping mechanism for dealing with the reality of the unknown.

So ask yourself, in a universe where everything is true and all possibilities exist in this reality or the next - Will you willingly step into someones reality to lead them back into light from the darkness?

Or will you sit there and call them mentally ill and go on about your business?

Its a free country, for now. Do as you will.


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

Interesting, im not saying your wrong but how do you know so much about demons and thier needs and aims?

Have you been possesed?
Can you provide any proof that what you say is'nt taken straight out of some book you read?

It sounds like speculation to me.

What qualifications has a trained exorcist got that i havent got? The fact that they follow a certain faith. From the exorcism cases that ive heard of. The people in question dont display anything that a human that believes there a demon could'nt display. Unless you believe its like the film where heads start turning around and stuff. Theres just a lot of shouting. Shaking, and the occational outburst of tthings in another language. Nothing Evil about it, just signs that the person is ill and unstable.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by KrypticCriminal
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

Interesting, im not saying your wrong but how do you know so much about demons and thier needs and aims?

Have you been possesed?
Can you provide any proof that what you say is'nt taken straight out of some book you read?

It sounds like speculation to me.

What qualifications has a trained exorcist got that i havent got? The fact that they follow a certain faith. From the exorcism cases that ive heard of. The people in question dont display anything that a human that believes there a demon could'nt display. Unless you believe its like the film where heads start turning around and stuff. Theres just a lot of shouting. Shaking, and the occational outburst of tthings in another language. Nothing Evil about it, just signs that the person is ill and unstable.

Do you want me to lay out my wanger on the table to compare sizes with you? I know what I know through direct experiences. I've been attacked and stabbed at by people who are possessed by otherworldly creatures, I've witnessed and supported through possessions where people speak in other languages and barely resemble anything human as they claw at your flesh and curse you for trying to bring them back.

Mentally ill persons still resemble something human, yet these possessed individuals did not. I remember chasing a man down a hallway who ran on all 4's like a beast and turned around to growl at me and I swear to you the look in his eyes said it was not human consciousness.

It sounds like a book, I dont bear the burden of proof because I am not trying to prove anything, this is not a debate as we live in an infinite universe where all possibilies that are imaginable exist somewhere.

As for qualifications, some would insist you need spiritual power. The roman catholics use a specialized type of priest who has natural affinity with the spirit world. Belief is something, knowing is everything.

If you dont know what you're dealing with, then you're not qualified to be an excorcist.

Theres just a lot of shouting. Shaking, and the occational outburst of tthings in another language. Nothing Evil about it, just signs that the person is ill and unstable.[/

Some people are mentally ill - but when you experience the real thing you will know the difference.

To deny its existence is your choice, but to be open to the reality of it requires more then skepticism.

edit on 4-11-2010 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

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