Jamuhn, you think that is bad? A 10th grade biology teacher got fired cause she failed a bunch of kids. Why did she fail them? She told the class
to do a report on something or other. When the reports were turned in, guess what? About 10 kids turned in the SAME REPORT! She failed them on the
report, and the report was thee grade for that class, like 35% of the class grade was that report so all of them failed. the parents whined and
complained saying that 14-16 year olds didn't know it was wrong and got the teacher fired! Wow, at 15 years old, hell, at 8 years old I knew it was
wrong to plagerise(may not know how to spell it but know it was wrong) and even worse, not just one or two, but over 10!(I think it was 14 in all, but
got conflicting reports between 12-17) And worse yet the teacher was fired for doing her job.
Thankfully when I went to highschool, you copied someones work, you both failed. You were copying off of someones test, you both failed. Say you
were taking a test, you the smart one in the class, aka the only one who doesn't do drugs, and you are just breezing through the test. A stoner
dumbass looks over at your paper, you both fail. Now it wasn't good for the smart kid, but we were usually allowed to do extra credit work that made
up for the test.
I wasn't a brown noser, hell, i annoyed my teachers, but I did my work, turned it in, and didn't do anything major. My english
teacher is also the golf coach. I made fun of him all the time about how golf is not a sport and I wasn't gonna call some 70 year old a athlete.
But I did my work, did well on tests, read whatver book we were suppose to read, and so he joked with me about it. My psychology teacher teaches ping
pong while standing on a table, also known as tennis. I made fun of him for it and we argued. But it was good natured and all for I did the work,
read the book and did the tests. But my english teacher main joke was the trans kids. I don't mean transexual, I mean transitional kids. The ones
who had literally smoked and snorted themselves dumbassess. "If it wasn't for them 7/11 wouldn't have any employees." "If it wasn't for them
labs wouldn't have anyone dumb enough to try out some new drug that may have the side effect of death."
Most of my teachers liked there job, and if you did the work and didn't act like a dumbass, they had no problems with you. But my American history
teacher was fun! Again, I did work, others didn't. One kid from Arkansas, I named him Arkie, was a basketball player for the school. He was also
very racist. But he would sleep during class. The teacher would call down to the bsketball coach, asked if he had been working his players really
hard. After a littl bit he would walk over and drop a book right next to Arkie's head scaring the bigeejus(is that a word?) out of him. Or Arkie
would talk during class and the teacher would make Arkie read out of the book for the rest of the class. "If you want to hear your own voice, do it
while doing classwork." But one time Arkie was going on about how the basketball team had to play against a bunch of "'n-word' monkeys" and he
didn't want to cause they might get there smell on him. The teacher wasn't to happy about it so he calls down to the basketball coach, and Arkie
doesn't have to play the "'n-word' monkeys" cause he wasn't on the team anymore. Sure the teacher had taught for about 30 years so had taught
when calling someone that was ok, but he didn't fear being in trouble for getting a kid off the basketball team for he had a little plan in case he
was fired. It's called other job. Mr. Johnson taught not because he had to, but because he wanted to. He could have stayed home and made his
thousands off of some phone thing he did. But no, he came and taught us kids, cause some of us want to learn and we need a teacher who won't take
the bs from the stoner kids or the kids who think since they are an athlete they get special privledges.
But yes, some teachers hate their jobs for they thought it would be a great job and they'd get to do all kind of things. But in the real world they
can't do what they want and not all the kids were going to love them. Teachers have a curriculum they have to follow. So instead of spending a week
on polynomials, they only get two days. Instead of going over the civil war for a month, they get 4 days. Unless they get lucky and get a new class.
My senoir year was the first year America at War was taught. The school board had not come up with a curriculum yet so Mr. K got to teach what he
wanted. We spent 3 months on the Civil War. 2 months on WWII, and a month on Korea and Vietnam. Alot of kids were lost for earlier curriculums in
history class usually goes as followed. 7 Year war, Revolution War, and a little of 1812. That was the first year I had ever heard of the Mexican
American war being taught, the Civil War, Spainish American war, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam. Luckily for me and Jumbo(another kid in the class, one
grade lower) we knew about these wars already. But the rest had no idea for school had never taught them about these wars. Most had never known we
had gone to war with Mexico or Spain.
But in other parts of the country, a teacher is scrwed. You have to teach this this and this how we tell you to teach it. If you vary from this
course, we fire you. If you fail a kid, we fire you. If you discipline a student, we fire you. But my little part of the world was spared from this
I guess. If a kid deserved to fail or to be punished, they were. I got inschool suspensions, out of school suspensions, detentions, so forth. I
always deserved them so I never argued or tryed to weasel my way out of the punishment for I deserved them. But other kids punishment wasn't enough.
To the stoners inschool or out of school suspensions were vacation from school. Especially OSS cause they got to sit at home and get stoned. We
need physical punishment back. It would probably straighten most of the stoners out. Not all, but most.
Well, that's all, have a good day!