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9/11/01: WYNW (FOX) Reporter Confirms The Fires In The South Tower Were Almost Out

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posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:31 PM

(FEDERALJACK) This video is of major importance considering the south tower fell first even though it was struck second. The reporter is confirming that the FDNY was doing what they do best…..putting the pockets of fire out. So this begs the question, how do we go from this to total structural collapse at almost free fall speed??? EXPLOSIVES.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:42 PM
One of the arguments put forward is that black smoke equals an oxygen starved fire, which lends credibility to the fact that the fires would not have been hot enough to weaken the steel.
The commentator states that the smoke was getting lighter which could imply that the fire was getting more oxygen.

I guess he could have also mean't that the volume of smoke was becoming less dense which would indicate that the fires were being put out.

I suppose its a question of interpretation.
edit on 2-11-2010 by OllyP because: typos

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:53 PM
He also states the fires were getting less and less.
What was his vantage point from which he could make that determination?
He also stated "Whatever it was that hit the towers" Coming from a guy on the scene. Its then that the guy in the studio starts talking about hijacked passenger planes.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by OllyP

Black smoke also equals copper wiring , plastics , materials found in furniture , styrofoam , carpet , computer equipment , laminated surfaces , etc.,

The black smoke is not evidence that the fires were starving for oxygen . If you don't believe me , go out and burn some of the materials I mentioned , and come back and tell me if there was any black smoke resulting from it .

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by OllyP

Black smoke also equals copper wiring , plastics , materials found in furniture , styrofoam , carpet , computer equipment , laminated surfaces , etc.,

The black smoke is not evidence that the fires were starving for oxygen . If you don't believe me , go out and burn some of the materials I mentioned , and come back and tell me if there was any black smoke resulting from it .

you arent an expert are you? credentials?

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Myendica

you arent an expert are you? credentials?

I don't need to be an expert to know that any number of those materials , or a combination thereof , can and will , produce black smoke .

edit on 2-11-2010 by okbmd because: corrections

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 07:55 PM
Have any of you seen the Documentary that those two brothers shot while they were in the towers that day?..when i saw them there was no explosives or anything.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by okbmd

I don't need to be an expert to know that any number of those materials , or a combination thereof , can and will , produce black smoke .

You did not prove oxygen starved fire not burn black. Thank you for your opinion.

We can assume anything if we are going to call our opinions facts.

edit on 2-11-2010 by impressme because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by impressme

I never said oxygen-starved fires do not produce black smoke . If you had've read the post carefully , you would have seen that I said black smoke is not evidence of oxygen starved fire . As i pointed out , black smoke can and will be produced by any number of materials that were present in the towers .

Key word for the day : comprehension .

Glad to see that you are now open to allowing opinions in the 9/11 threads nowadays . You're making great progress .

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by okbmd

I never said oxygen-starved fires do not produce black smoke .

You claimed everything “but oxygen starved fire,” nice game of deflection you play.

The black smoke is not evidence that the fires were starving for oxygen .

You made the claim that black smoke is not evidence from oxygen starved fire, or are you going to deny that to?

Black smoke also equals copper wiring , plastics , materials found in furniture , styrofoam , carpet , computer equipment , laminated surfaces , etc.,

Key word for the day : comprehension .

No, the key word today: “deception.”

Glad to see that you are now open to allowing opinions in the 9/11 threads nowadays . You're making great progress .

Opinions are fine, however they are not proven facts.

edit on 2-11-2010 by impressme because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by impressme

You claimed everything “but oxygen starved fire,” nice game of deflection you play.

Reading comprehension 101 for impressme:

First comment by okbmd

Black smoke also equals copper wiring , plastics , materials found in furniture , styrofoam , carpet , computer equipment , laminated surfaces , etc., The black smoke is not evidence that the fires were starving for oxygen . If you don't believe me , go out and burn some of the materials I mentioned , and come back and tell me if there was any black smoke resulting from it .

He does not say anything about the oxygen starved fire not creating black smoke. He says that black smoke ALSO EQUALS the listed items. (do you know what "also equals" means? ) I mean, come now impressme, get those reading comprehension skills up before you look so foolish trying to argue about something you dont even understand when reading. Be a little more careful.

This is not the third grade. Please act a little more mature, instead of repeating the same ignorant comment over, as if somehow repeating it, makes it true, and at least admit you were wrong and made a mistake in comprehending what he said.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

FEDERALJACK) This video is of major importance considering the south tower fell first even though it was struck second. The reporter is confirming that the FDNY was doing what they do best…..putting the pockets of fire out. So this begs the question, how do we go from this to total structural collapse at almost free fall speed??? EXPLOSIVES.

We have a reporter on the street 1000 ft below the fires trying to gauge progress of the fires?

Don't think so......

Given the distance rather doubt could see that far to get good view of the fires through the smoke

What side of the building was the reporter on? Fires in South Tower were most intense on the east side of the
building where much of jet fuel from the impact ended up. It was here that the columns could be seen bowing
from the heat

The timeline for the collapse of WTC 2 according to FEMA 403 and NIST NCSTAR 1 (Draft) is summarised as follows:

Time Damage and Fire

09:02:59 EDT
(GMT +4 hours)

A hijacked Boeing 767-200ER airplane crashed into the east side of the south face of WTC 2 between the 78th and 84th floors, directly causing
Entry slash on the perimeter columns from the 77th to 85th floor
Most damage to the 80th and 81st floors
33 perimeter columns cut off, 1 seriously damaged
10 core columns cut off, 1 seriously damaged
39 core columns stripped of insulation on one or more floors
Insulation stripped from trusses covering 7,432 m2 (80,000 ft2) of floor area

09:03 ~ 09:30

Jet fuel erupted into fireballs and ejected from the 79th, 81st and 82nd floors
Fireballs burned for 10 sec, extending almost 61 m (200 ft) out from the north, east and south faces
Vigorous fires on the east side of the 80th to 83rd floors
Within 18 min of the crash, the east perimeter columns between the 79th to 83rd floors had bowed inward due to floors sagging

09:30 ~ 09:58

Fires continued to burn in the east half of the tower


The top of the tower tilted to the east and south, and WTC 2 collapse

We know that FDNY members were only just getting to the impact zone - Chief Orio Palmer and Fire Marshall
Ronald Bucca managed to reach lowest section of the impact zone on 78th floor elevator lobby

Crew from Ladder 15 was coming up the stairs. Now as a ladder company would not be carrying any hose to
fight fire - job would be search/resuce and ventilation

No fire fighting......

Photos of fires

Dont look like going out soon

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:01 PM
"He also stated "Whatever it was that hit the towers" Coming from a guy on the scene. Its then that the guy in the studio starts talking about hijacked passenger planes."

In yet another lame attempt to sell the hijacked airplanes fairy tale, the media guy (Jim Ryan) in the studio states that the FBI was investigating reports of a hijacked airplane.

Is it proper law enforcement procedure by the FBI to tell the media what type of crime they are investigating while the investigation is still taking place AND the criminal event is still transpiring? Any law enforcement flunky knows that the release of such information so early could jeopardize the case. Or was this information just more propaganda fertilizer fed by the perps to the media whore garbage dispensers?

Ain't it funny how all the media outlets came to the exact same conclusions about airplanes and O'must've Been Hidin', when there was no way in hell they could have known about this information in such a short time without a proper investigation. What a great job: getting paid to jump to conclusions. Who needs a long, boring and tedious investigation when a Hollywood style pre-fabricated hijacking story will do the trick?

On another note, is the reporter (Dick Oliver) on the ground making contradictory observations to what we are seeing on the monitor? Oliver is stating the fire and smoke from one of the Towers is subsiding, however, this is clearly not the case in the low resolution horrific quality realtime bluescreen CGI TV Movie which is being dumped on the brain dead viewer. Don't know if they used mirrors for this scene, but it appears that they did use a great deal of smoke. And if you look closely, you can also see a dog and pony in the scene.

Oliver also states there are no signs of injured or deceased civilians on the street below. Where are the bodies from all the jumpers? Didn't that Eisler attorney from Philly, who claimed to clearly see the AA jet, say he saw at least ten bodies hit the ground and splatter like tomatoes? Now who would you believe, a trained reporter like Oliver, or a corporate shyster like Eisler?

In addition, if there were so many people at the base of the buildings at the time of the two major occurrences, why no signs of injured individuals from the debris raining to the street? I mean, the way some people have described it, there were airplane pieces flying all over the place, right? Funny how all that debris missed all those people twice during rush hour entering the buildings and upon their evacuation of the buildings.

edit on 2-11-2010 by SphinxMontreal because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2010 by SphinxMontreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by thedman

9/11 Fires not Hot Enough to Melt Steel


Fire Weakens Steel but not Woman Waving in WTC North Tower

edit on 2-11-2010 by Black_Fox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:43 PM
"We have a reporter on the street 1000 ft below the fires trying to gauge progress of the fires?

Don't think so......"

I agree; he was probably kept off the 9/11 payroll because they needed to cut costs and limit the number of assets who would have prior knowledge of the occurrence.

Okey dokey; I'm going to put my faith into photographic or video evidence (which was examined and authorized for later release and may have been tampered with) instead of a trained journalist on the scene reporting in real time. Wow, there must some real thick headed types out there slopping up this mess.

Furthermore, in addition to oxygen starvation and the burning of other building materials, a less popular theory (hint: the truth rarely wins popularity contests) is the black smoke being produced by a Hollywood style Smoke Machine.

The potential existence and construction of such a smoke producing apparatus within the Towers could be debated. However, the "extra" black smoke would have provided literally a smokescreen vital for shielding nefarious events which would eventually lead to the Towers' demise.
edit on 2-11-2010 by SphinxMontreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by impressme

As GenRadek pointed out , this is not the third grade , so please , show a bit more maturity in your replies .

GenRadek has already explained it to you but , in case you didn't COMPREHEND his post either , I said the black smoke is not EVIDENCE of oxygen-starved fires . The black smoke could ALSO be evidence of any or all of the materials BURNING , that I mentioned .

MEANING , just because we see black smoke , that IS NOT EVIDENCE that the fires were subsiding . Can you hear me NOW ?

Opinions are fine, however they are not proven facts.

For someone who parrots this line in nearly every reply to me in the 9/11 threads , you sure do put forth an immense amount of opinions yourself . Tell me , is it your OPINION that the black smoke is the result of oxygen-starved fires ? Or , do you have PROOF that this is the case ?

Put up or shut up .

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Now who would you believe, a trained reporter like Oliver, or ...

You guys never get tired of flipping the coin , do you ?

One minute , the media was in on it and can't be trusted , the next minute , the words of a "trained reporter" trumps everything else .

" I gotta song , ain't got no melody ... I'ma gonna sing it to my friends ... "

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by okbmd

You speak of "trust"
I believe a majority of the media were honest on that day.
They were calling it as it was unfolding,I even created a thread specifically about that here

Now,back to "trust",people are only as trust worthy as their next decision.
So yes,you can trust someone one moment,and not the next.

Mostly all media seemed to fall into line in the days after,almost as if they were following a script.
Some even went as far as to back track.

So using the media as evidence can be tricky,but it dosent mean theres nothing to be found.
edit on 2-11-2010 by Black_Fox because: SpeLliNg

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by okbmd

Comprehend this: You guys are wrong again.

Let’s go over this again. Watch the video. Watch it again. Right after the second plane hit the second tower; there was a huge plume of BLACK smoke. Clearly, this was coming from the burning jet fuel on the several floors that immediately became flooded with it, when the plane hit the WTC.

Jet fuel burns BLACK. If you don’t believe it, check out the exhaust pipe on any diesel vehicle or even a kerosene space heater. They all burn essentially the same fuel and they all put out BLACK exhaust. The BLACK is carbon.

Notice, in the video, the BLACK smoke that starts when the plane hits, turns lighter and lighter as the fuel is consumed by the fire. Very simple. If you watch both buildings burn, only the floors in the vicinity of the impacts are showing BLACK smoke. The fire that continued and the fires on the lower floors did not burn BLACK the way “impacted floors” did. While some other materials may have put out a small amount of dark or even black smoke, there is no comparison to the “impact floors.”

Jet fuel is burned under high pressure in a jet engine. Diesel fuel burns when it is injected into a cylinder which has compressed the intake air about twenty times normal air pressure. This is because the air becomes extremely hot when it is compressed, hot enough to ignite the fuel as it enters the combustion chamber or area.

If you take a small amount of jet fuel, diesel fuel, kerosene, etc., and light it with a match, it will burn and put out BLACK smoke even though it is under normal air pressure and at a much lower temperature than in a running engine. Even though it is not receiving the correct amount of air to burn at its optimum, it still burns, and it still puts out BLACK smoke. Reduce the amount of air (oxygen) reaching the burning fuel and it will continue to burn and continue to puff out the same BLACK smoke. When you starve burning fuel enough, it won’t put out light grey smoke, it will just stop burning.

If the jet fuel had done a number, like a thousand times more impossible than Oswald’s “magic bullet,” we would see heavy BLACK smoke from every side of every floor in both towers until they collapsed. This was not the case.

If you want to attribute the BLACK smoke to everything other than the jet fuel, fine. That means that only the “impact floors” had “copper wiring , plastics , materials found in furniture , styrofoam , carpet , computer equipment , laminated surfaces , etc.,” and no other floors in either tower contained any of these BLACK smoke producers! WOW! I don’t know how all of these tenants conducted business on these floors without electricity, etc.

Nice try to confuse the facts but it didn’t work this time! Maybe it’s time to edit the video to show BLACK smoke from all the floors the whole time they were burning!

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by okbmd

Face it, you have zero evidence that could ever support what you believe, all testimony of that day is the reverse, all video evidence, all evidence period, your matrix just won't work on those who believe this is a conspiracy...really the shame you should feel should eventually override your ego.

edit on 2-11-2010 by GrinchNoMore because: (no reason given)

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