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What could be the aliens agenda for earth?

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posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Assuming they've been here since at least the 40's, perhaps even earlier, it doesn't seem they're under any kind of real time crunch for their agenda.

So, conquest, harvesting us for food, and other general sci-fi ideas don't seem to fit. In addition, they are being secretive vs. coming out and saying hello, so they don't seem to want to help either.

I'm pretty much left with thinking they are simply ensuring we don't fly off our little mud ball until they feel we are up to their standards for exploring the cosmos. At least the idea fits the attributes of the phenomenon...

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:37 PM
What if there is no agenda .

Alien meets human = ships that pass in the night.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by krs678

Great Thread!

I can only guess as to what the aliens want. (Surprisingly they have never asked for my input! Lol)

But my guess based on the massive size of the Universe is that there are tons of different alien and/or interdimensional life forms out there --- and they likely all have different agendas. Which can be easily summed up as: Neutral, Negative and Positive.

1. I think that most of the ET’s that visit Earth are probably what we would consider “neutral” or non-interfering entities. These creatures probably visit earth for the same reason that we visit animals in a zoo..or go on wild African Safaris.
We might even be a vacation spot for some --- or perhaps we’re like one Big Earth Sized Reality Show.

I think that South Park (as they do with all important issues) illustrates this idea best in the short clip:

2. I do think that there must be negative ET’s out there too. Such as the Reptilians and other ET races who possibly feed off human energies, eat our children and take our jobs. I think it possible that in Biblical times these entities were viewed as Demons.

3. But still I think the majority of the ET’s that are interacting with Earth are positive. It just seems to be that if the ET’s wanted to destroy us...than why haven’t they?

I think that the good ET’s are likely much more intellectually and spiritually evolved than we are at this time. And similarly to how negative ET’s can be construed as demons so to can our benevolent ET’s be viewed as Angels.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Well, first ofcourse to test out how well the experiment went by launching a fullscale war for 176 days to see if you can survive. Then offer a contract to become part of the whole. Then changing the earh by solving the food shortage, creating a global infrastructure instead of the current stupid patchwork. Get rid of those inefficiant energy sources and stupid region conflicts, declaring religion as politics and confining it to the global politic rules instead of creating special exceptions like now. Get rid of money for introduction of the scalar system to root out poverty and exceptional wealth. Start intergalactic trade at a low level. And introduce you to the workings of a democratic dictatorship. I guess that's pretty much it for the next 100 earthyears.

Why do you ask?

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by AncientShade

just curious as to why all the cloak and dagger and conspiracy behind ufos,when a simple "we are here, behave or else we will zap you" would maybe sort out a lot of earths conflicts ,the u.s wouldn't have the biggest stick on the block anymore .maybe inter galactic law prohibits such behavior

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by krs678

Oh I love this one and certainly have an opinion
but first, we are what we are.
I have enough with my family and my life - I don't need to be 'special'.
If I found that I was a product on someone's farm does it change anything?

Not unless I have a programmed agenda to defend.

Here's my opinion, I guess I'll count em off.

1. It is difficult and dangerous to travel space
2. Life extension for civilizations normally begins about the time that space travel can happen
3. The aliens live a long time and don't like to risk themselves
4. But they are mentally adventuresome and send a machine
5. That makes us into what they need - Explorers
6. Of course we like the idea of exploring the stars we were made for it
7. In short order, a thousand years, we will also quit the exploration due to fear
8. But we will have pushed the boundaries out (from the core of the galaxy)
9. Seeding our own AI's to further advance
10. And slowly and safely head inward to visit our alien brothers
11. There is no punishment for failure
12. As long as we avoid the nuclear confrontation that can wipe out the entire species
13. In which case the AI starts again in the next system out

Well, even I think it's far fetched
but I did write an entire book on it Hard Jack

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:14 PM
Personally, I have a hunch that the "Alien Agenda" is as follows.

An Alien Corporation discovered that the earth had a very valuable resource: a crystalline iron core. The Alien Corporation wanted to harvest that core for industrial purposes, but there was one small problem: humans.

The Alien Government's equivalent of the Environmental Protection Agency had laws which required the Alien Corporation to perform a full scientific cataloging and analysis of the human race before destroying their habitat. These kinds of studies normally take about 50 years.

Once the paper work is filed with their government, the evaluation process and review of the paperwork takes about 10-15 more earth-years.

After that, they get the rubber stamp and so begins the harvesting of the crystal, and the end of the earthbound human race. This should happen around 2012, ironically.

Don't worry though, they'll have a nice exhibit of us at the Galactic Zoo. Which sucks because they designed the exhibit during the 80's, so all the humans are forced to be wearing Cosby sweaters and new wave haircuts.
edit on 1-11-2010 by harrytuttle because: typo

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:17 PM
They are probably experimenting with our DNA, producing hybrids, and monitoring our souls and where they go after we die. They may be suffering from disease or something and need our dna to help their progeny. They are probably gathering a large bank of different genes from all different carriers and genetic stuff. I think we are a huge genetic shopping mall free for all for them. They definitely have more to do with us and our past and possibly evolution than we think. I read somewhere that on our own we were kinda of like neanderthal or cromagnon man before they infused us with perhaps some more refined dna to get the modern homo sapien. . Who knows

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:22 PM
I think a lot of us think about this from time to time and maybe even more so lately. I know for myself, I think some of the "aliens" may very well be us from our own future. Perhaps we keep a distance to not cause the collapse of being in the same time space. We have to stop ourselves from the ultimate demise, otherwise we would destroy our future as well. I think this is one reason I have no fear of the great nuclear war to end all things. It hasnt happened and cant happen as far as the future is concerned.

Now for the other "cosmic beings," I like to feel they are benevolent. I never could wrap my mind around how beings so far advanced would still have negative war like ways. It seems to me they would have outgrown that a Long time ago. It is man that is still far behind on that aspect. It is almost rude to assume a advance civilization hasn't progressed beyond that animalistic way. Just because war is our way, which it really isnt at the base of things, I think most would prefer peace deep down, doesn't mean it is the way of the cosmos.

I have always felt we are a test, or sometimes I think we are the ultimate of robotics.I also think we are them as much as they are us.

My one other thought is if one were to understand their soul more, they would understand the cosmos and all it's life.
So maybe one needs to ask themselves, if they are we, why would we be here?
That is my 2 cents of thought on the matter anyway!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Reply to post by krs678

Care to provide credible scientific links from credible journals that states we are over due for a catastrophic pole shift? Because last time I checked the mainstream scientific community stated that the hypothesis of catastrophic poor shift has never and will never happened. So is that "scientist" really just some 2012/niburu Nutter site?

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posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:34 PM
Reply to post by Artorius

This is why religion will never accept disclosure. And if disclosure happens, some big name preacher will attempt to claim a "holy war" on behalf of Christianity against these "demons". God help us.

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posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by zcflint05

here is an extract "Sometimes the field completely flips. The north and the south poles swap places. Such reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals averaging about 300,000 years; the last one was 780,000 years ago. Are we overdue for another? No one knows" id say possibly
is nasa site a nutter site?
boy you cant please some people

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

* Farm us?

You got it. I believe they're here to harvest our dna. They need us to adapt to their system so they can slowly introduce us to an existing galactic civilization.

Think of it like coming out of childhood. These beings are much older than us. I suspect they are our "parents" in a certain sense. They want us to go to college and get a good job someday. They can't allow us to leave childhood and become a "troubled teen."

* Observe us?

That's not where the evidence points. The aliens are not easily confused and disinterested like humans. They are ogranized and they are here for a purpose from the looks of things.

* Protect the planet?

Umm kind of. We should keep in the mind the planet has been here ALOT longer than us. It's logical to assume the planet has more value than our standalone civilization.

* Exploit the planet?

I don't think so. There are many planets in the galaxy. Plenty of places for them to exploit without having to deal with annoying humans.

* Take the planet?

Maybe but I don't think so. At least not in the traditional sense. If they wanted the planet for thier own, they probably could have accomplished this a long time ago.

* Teach us?

Teach us? That it is pretty laughable. The aliens will give us FTL technology for eh what.... gift certificate to Walmart?

* Stop us from killing each other?

That is a huge concern. I suspect aliens never kill eachother. This is why the galaxy has so much order in it. If it wasn't this way you'd see individual aliens like "Q" (from star trek) just obliterating a star system because he had a bad day. I believe these aliens are here to change that part of our nature. We cannot move forward technologically or spiritually until these sorts of fundamental problems are resolved.

* Teach us secrets of the universe?

Yep. Judging by the age of the galaxy I'd say they've been doing it for awhile. I just don't think they can "teach us" much, without adapting us to their system.

edit on 1-11-2010 by Scramjet76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:57 PM
Extremely advanced civilizations will tend to concentrate on interacting with other civilizations who have relatively equal technological levels. Civilizations that are within thousands of years of us in technological development would be close enough to us that our similarities would be more compelling. Those places, (Star systems, times, or dimensions.), that are millions of years or more advanced than us will have little in common with us.

Many Scientists agree that technologically oriented civilizations will follow a predictable, logical path of development. Once a species begins to transfer it's consciousness to non organic mediums, chances of friendly, beneficial interactions diminish rapidly. A common inter-species tendency, or predilection, may be the use of Science as a tool of discovery, this discipline may join differing species across the abyss of time and distance known to us as the Cosmos.

One constant exception may be the universal trait of curiosity, every species should have a subset of Scientifically inclined information seekers, these individuals will indulge in inter species information and data categorization in a way that would allow for our two very different species to have rare interactions.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by RING0

Extremely advanced civilizations will tend to concentrate on interacting with other civilizations who have relatively equal technological levels. Civilizations that are within thousands of years of us in technological development would be close enough to us that our similarities would be more compelling. Those places, (Star systems, times, or dimensions.), that are millions of years or more advanced than us will have little in common with us.

Very well said. Totally based on logic and not based on some silly emotional need for a "higher power" to "give us free stuff because they are good."

Star for you sir.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Scramjet76

So, are you suggesting that "they" are some intergalactic psychos who have come to kill and enslave us? What's with the hostility? If they're in fact far more advanced than we, couldn't they have surpassed the ape-like aggression and moved on to more greener fields?

I agree with one of the previous posters, that if they're really advanced we couldn't possibly understand their motives. It's like a fish trying to understand the worldview of the fisherman.
edit on 1/11/2010 by Tryptych because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by krs678

thats a good idea..instead of landing and saying hey we are from across the universe and are here to make contact..purposely crash a few ships to make that species figure it out themselves so communication would be less catastrophic for the feeble minded!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Tryptych

So, are you suggesting that "they" are some intergalactic psychos who have come to kill and enslave us? What's with the hostility? If they're in fact far more advanced than we, couldn't they have surpassed the ape-like aggression and moved on to more greener fields?

Where did I say that?

Let me ask you something? What makes you think for one second that you are the equal to an advanaced civilization? What makes you think that you should "have a say" if there is already a galactic order to things and these beings are just doing their jobs?

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
What makes you think for one second that you are the equal to an advanaced civilization? What makes you think that you should "have a say" if there is already a galactic order to things and these beings are just doing their jobs?

Whoa.. hold on there..

Where did I said that? Have a say? To what? All I was saying that if "they" are thousands, maybe millions of years ahead of us, we couldn't possibly understand their motives. Also, you say you believe that they're are harvesting our DNA.. possible, But is there any proof of that?

I just think that the whole hostile intentions theory is somehow primitive (not necessarily presented by you). Why would such an advanced civilization want to destroy something that they view as an ant colony?

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:47 PM
They're wondering why we got into the kitchen and managed to burn the house down while they went to the store. "We were only gone 10 millenias!" "You couldn't keep yourselves busy while we were gone? What happened to the babysitter? God, I thought we told you to watch them?"

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