posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:44 PM
For the record, another proof of this hoax:
If you search the term "Nasa Letter" on Google Images and then click to filter by size to show only the big ones you will find this picture from
Upon further inspection you will notice that this picture have the
exact same signature from FrodoBanggins letter, but Frodo's version has
some slightly differences in some areas, as circled in red, probably to make the signarue look different from the original.
In the end, I downloaded both files (original and fake) to put them signatures side by side and also an overlayed version with the original signature
properly rescaled, in red.
Perfect match!
IMHO, FrodoBaggins is a hoaxer, his document is false, his picture is false, his story is false, his uncle might still be alive and this thread is
taking too long to go to the hoax bin.