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Has anyone ever been to Area 51?

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posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:22 AM
This thread is borderline silly. Anyone can go to the border of Groom Lake. It's big tourist business. Crossing the border is another story.

To see the base, you need to climb Tikaboo Peak and it is too late in the year for sane people to do that. How do I know? Well I camped out on the peak once in November after the Nellis Aviation Nation. Mighty cold at 8000ft feet in November. The inside of the tent was covered with condensation from by breath. It was so cold I lit a fire which certainly gave away any stealthiness I had. You can hear the temperature on the Groom VOR and it was beneath freezing on the ground.

I don't make a habit of visiting the Little Alien, but I have on occasion met military contractors there. Incidentally, it is expected that a military exercise called MAFEX will occur on November 17th. It is not announced, so that is just a guess. The day before the exercise, Nellis will post a large force NOTAM. The trick is the planes arrive for MAFEX from their bases rather than stage from Nellis, so the activity starts early in the day of the NOTAM, not necessarily during the times posted on the NOTAM. The exercise is held in May and November.


posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Ill be going down the ET Hy within the next week or so. I plan on stopping by the Little A'Le'Inn, and selling a few meteorites hopefully. Seems like a good outlet. As far as Groom lake goes, I will try for a photo of the perimeter, but have no desire to go closer. If you Google Earth the place you will notice just west is the Nevada Test Site, Not a place you want to be In my opinion.

Here is a video of 2 old ladies sneaking in at the Groom lake entrance ...

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:13 PM
psfff... If this place was in my country, I would take some camouflage and belly crawl at night over the desert slowly and stopping every 5 min and use clothes that dont make noise.. and make slow controlled breathing.. If that dont work I will get 10 friends, places them around the base in a circle as close we can.. launch 10 RC planes from each direction with cameras.. and fly over the base recording everything live on a HD

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by meteoritics

I've toured the Nevada Test Site three times. It is not the hottest ticket in town, but surely the most radioactive. The hottest spot you visit is the edge of Sedan crater.

Due to security issues, non-citizens can't enter CP-1. Given the volume of tourists to the site, the odds are mighty slim of any citizen seeing CP-1 these days. If there is one foreign national, the entire tour bypasses CP-1. If you sit in the front row of CP-1, there is something Groom Lake related. Also Groom Lake appears on the map on the wall. Most NTS documents don't show Groom Lake.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Vandalour

Base security isn't that good. Check out the Jerry Freeman story on the Las Vegas Sun. On foot, a person is hard to detect. Vehicles are easily detected.

Regarding RC aircraft, good luck controlling one from ten miles away.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by gariac
This thread is borderline silly. Anyone can go to the border of Groom Lake. It's big tourist business. Crossing the border is another story.

Why do we hang around here gariac?
I am really beginning to question it...

Here's a self-portrait, taken October 22, 2010
You cannot see the cammo dude truck over my left shoulder, watching my every move.
Or the second one that appeared, which I have never had happen before. The fact I was on a dirtbike must have put them on edge. To the point that they followed and watched me for the next hour while I loaded my bike, had a snack, and followed me back out almost to Hwy 375.

Maybe another time I will post pics and video of a run I did later that day up one of the little used trails that cross in the Nellis Range, near the back gate southwest of Rachel. I don't think they even knew I was in there, until I got back out and the cammo dudes arrived and got a little too close for my comfort...

Point being - I knew where the line was and never crossed it, I never broke any laws, I stayed on BLM/public land the entire time. A little unnerving doing what I was doing, but I am experienced enough to know the routine.

Don't believe the crap you see on TV, example being the latest Conspiracy Theory show - despite what Jesse Ventura said, they don't start shooting at you if you cross the line, etc.

If you are considering a trip to the area, I suggest going to the Dreamland Resort website (Google it, first one on the list). There is considerable information there, the do's and don'ts. You can ask questions on the forum, and Joerg (he was in the last Conspiracy Theory show) or some of the others will answer your questions the best they can. A word of warning - don't get into the Alien/UFO BS - it isn't tolerated well there.
edit on 1-11-2010 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by FosterVS

You may like the setup I've done for a few front gate visitors. The visitor is in front of the sign. The photographer kneels down or crouches to get low enough so that the cammo dude is in the corner of the frame. You can see one of the shots on this page:
Peter Forkes

So isn't it about time for one of the ATSers to propose the million man march on Groom Lake. We've already done the RC aircraft. Then again, there is always the bull suit. I prefer the bull suit over the cow suit just in case the real bull decides to get frisky.

That reminds me..I never to retrieve one of my cowcams before winter sets in.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by gariac
You may like the setup I've done for a few front gate visitors. The visitor is in front of the sign. The photographer kneels down or crouches to get low enough so that the cammo dude is in the corner of the frame. You can see one of the shots on this page:
Peter Forkes

So isn't it about time for one of the ATSers to propose the million man march on Groom Lake. We've already done the RC aircraft. Then again, there is always the bull suit. I prefer the bull suit over the cow suit just in case the real bull decides to get frisky.

That reminds me..I never to retrieve one of my cowcams before winter sets in.

Actually I trimmed the pic, you can just catch the front of the cammo dudes truck in the original. Not that I don't have a lot of cammo dude pics... while they observed me, from about 100 ft. away at Campfire Hill, I was taking their picture(s). Video too, need to edit and combine it.

Cow cam.... hehehe. I can just see this cow, wearing a helmet with a camera on it, and a big solar panel strapped to its' back. Real covert-like.

Still, I wonder. An RC glider, launched from Tikaboo, with the right winds. Attached is an RC vehicle with a video camera, so you not only have video on the ground run, but in flight as well. As the glider comes in for a landing, the RC vehicle detaches for a ground run into the big hangar to see the captured alien saucer(s). Of course as this takes place, security is distracted by the million-man-march and a herd of cattle with satellite dishes attached to their heads.

edit on 2-11-2010 by FosterVS because: Forgot the pics

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by FosterVS

My comment was regarding the photo composition. That is, getting the dudes just under the sign.

It is far cheaper to pay for a satellite image than any of the goofy plans ATS comes up with.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by daraSD

Actually, he will see a bunch of UFOs. By that I mean, secret military aircraft that no one will be able to identify

That is what I am planning to do, not to get into Area 51. But to get a job in my country's National Security Intelligence, our copy of CIA. I can't wait to get a job there and learn all the secrets. My friend always told me, " If you get into the same line of work as me, I will tell you things that will make your mind explode ". That quote has always been stuck in my brain.

Yeah, go and have a fun trip to Area 51. Don't cross the perimeter into the base and you'll have a good time. Its amazing to always read about a place, watch movies. Then to actually visit it itself. Gah, I am jealous already.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

You have clearly thought this out what is stopping you from going there if you dont mind me asking.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Vandalour
psfff... If this place was in my country, I would take some camouflage and belly crawl at night over the desert slowly and stopping every 5 min and use clothes that dont make noise.. and make slow controlled breathing.. If that dont work I will get 10 friends, places them around the base in a circle as close we can.. launch 10 RC planes from each direction with cameras.. and fly over the base recording everything live on a HD

Well that would be a waste of a good RC plane. I say "good RC plane" because no way will a cheap one do the trick. haha.

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