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Has anyone ever been to Area 51?

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Mods if this is in the wrong forum. Please move it!
Since I live near Nevada and I can save up the money to go to Area 51. I was wondering has anyone ever been there? Near the base and see anything strange? I would picture UFOs and planes all over the place. There's a restaurant and motel called Little A'Le'inn. If you been near Area 51 and visited the restaurant tell me how it was.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Hey RR..i lived in vegas for 13 years and me and the wife went out there and had lunch..

they are really nice people out there...

mostly they want to sell you some bauble or ET junk...

I never did see anything much..but don't go in the summertime..

way to hot out there..

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Go whenever you want. Prepare for the heat. You'll see something in the night if you look long enough.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by baddmove

Yeah the website has a lot of overpriced junk selling. Seems like a fun place to meet UFO enthusiastic people. How close can you get to the base?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:50 PM
Yes. I have been to area 51. It is actually named "S4", or "Groom Lake". Area 51 is just a test base. There are NO Aliens from outer space. There is nothing really going on that is too sinister. If you do your research you can actually get an interview with an employee...

An employee with access may be closer than you think.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Several years ago I wanted to do the same thing,I wanted to
investigate area 51.The only thing I accomplished was a long
distance phone call to a hotel in Dulce.
The "rumors" I have heard is that the entire area is radioactive,
or contaminated some other way.
If you are serious,I wouldn't make any grand announcements.
I would contact hotels and motels for their rates.See if a couple
of your friends could go with you and split the cost.There is also
safety in numbers and you need witnesses.
I would take several cameras and try to have one that is well hidden.
Dress appropriately for the time of year and have the right gear.You
should have some cover story as your reason for traveling there.
DO NOT tell anybody what you are planning to do.I also think you
should have a letter stashed away somewhere for your relatives
to read in case you don't come back.Have a good lawyer on retainer
in case you are arrested for trespassing.
If you can pull this off my hat to you!

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

This is a bad idea. Do not listen to this.
Look.... If you really want to go to area 51 just ask around. Do not get yourself arrested in the process!

I know of people who have gone and never come back. They can hear your conversations from MILES away. They can hear your footsteps from MILES away!

Please. Don't go.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by NeverApologize

I thought that I was giving good advice,if they are
determined to go.I would never attempt this myself.
One thing,my husband wouldn't let me go even if
I wanted to.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

I respectfully tell you that is a bad idea to go near there.
Please. I'm begging you. Do not go near S4. You have no business there.

Do you want to know whats going on? Yes. Understandably.
Do you NEED to know? No. Stop right there and just do your research and let some tool do it for you.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by NeverApologize
Yes. I have been to area 51. It is actually named "S4", or "Groom Lake". Area 51 is just a test base. There are NO Aliens from outer space. There is nothing really going on that is too sinister. If you do your research you can actually get an interview with an employee...

An employee with access may be closer than you think.

Previous civilizations would fly kites in enemy territory to make them think the gods were flying above in negative omen.

Now we have modern versions of this, terrestrial UFO. In a few hundred years it will be viewed the same way as the kites of old. Doesn't mean there are "no aliens" it just means that most likely they aren't hear visiting earth and most likely we're being duped in the same way ancient civs were.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by sremmos

I think we are made to believe that the Government has a lot of power. In all honesty if the people were to wake up and realize that we out number them 320,000,000 to 255....

The Government is not all powerful and all knowing. I see your point in the kite statement. Make you enemy think you are powerful and have all the weapons when in fact it is all an illusion.

Ya dig?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:14 PM
Better to watch the YouTube videos of peple who are locals and now the limits...

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by NeverApologize

I AM NOT GOING THERE!! RR is wanting to go there.
I agree with you that it is a BAD idea.I want to keep
my fat where it belongs,around my waist,not floating
in some vat somewhere!

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

I need to be quoting RR then. I'm sorry. I meant RR the whole time, not you. Only the advice part.
Most sincere apologies! I'm serious. Truce.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:31 PM
I don't quite understand the fascination of going to the vicinity of Area 51 in the hopes of seeing "UFO"s.

Anything remotely near/over the base, originates from the base, and is by no means a "UFO"... It is some of the most protected and monitored space in the world. If you save your money and take a trip to Nevada hoping to see anything cool, you will likely be very disappointed. Go to Hawaii, instead... you'll have a much better time.

If anyone seriously wants to get into Area 51, it's very easy with some patience and determination.

Save up that money and go to school - Embry Riddle is a good start (campuses in FL and AZ, plus online).

Study aeronautical engineering (maybe throw some electrical & mechanical in, too). Get a degree with decent grades, and you will easily find a job with General Dynamics, Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup, or NASA.... and voila! A free trip to Area 51 will not be far off.

There are other legitimate ways to get in, but they're along the same lines of legitimate employment - so, you get the idea.

Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by daraSD

This is what I'm talking about! I could not have said it better myself!
He is right! go to school. I attended Embry Riddle and attained a Masters in Aerospace Engineering. I also got my Bachelors in Intelligence Gathering.

I currently work for Boeing but have, in the past, worked for many other firms. I have at times obtained Secret and Top Secret Clearance. I swore an oath to not discuss anything I saw. I can't tell you anything without getting in trouble. It is the coolest thing ever.

In short, go to school! Get a degree in something dealing with Aerospace!

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:55 PM
Just go. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. You can't be scared all your life... If I lived out west. I would go just for the experience of it, and the trip.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by rakkasansct
Just go. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. You can't be scared all your life... If I lived out west. I would go just for the experience of it, and the trip.

Just go? Are you kidding? This has nothing to do with fear. This has to do with common sense.
We would like to know but we do not NEED to know. I assume you were airborne, judging by your avatar, you should know this!

OP. Don't go. Please. You don't want that kind of attention!

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:05 PM
I live in Southern Cali & would like to go see it myself.
Here is a no non-sense site that has A TON of good info
for people who've never been:
Almost forgot, check the trip reports!
edit on 31-10-2010 by don rumsfeld because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by daraSD
I don't quite understand the fascination of going to the vicinity of Area 51 in the hopes of seeing "UFO"s.

It's human nature to want what is being denied ... in the eternal words of Chief Wiggum:

"What IS your fascination with my forbidden closet of mysteries?"

About Area 51 ... been to Rachel and environs with a couple of friends. It was hot and sans UFO.

edit on 31 Oct 2010 by schrodingers dog because: (no reason given)

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