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Things that I was given and showen through my life.

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posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Very interesting experience. Glad you shared it.

My only question, how did you know the Nordics were clones?
Intuition? Gut feeling? Telepathy?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by RKallisti

In my contacts they're not. But after seeing the grey in the flesh, this dream was altered, it had that surreal feeling, so I knew, it was somehow a masked dream they were giving me. It was very intense, and almost more real than life, but the scenes with the ufo's in the sky, the that landed was a saucer with a see through top, so a distortion. That acutally reminded me of what a friend of mine saw when she phoned me to go outside and look up. She saw a craft like what I was given in this dream above her house and was prompted to phone me, this was when I was still asleep not realizing or connecting my experiences together. I saw a anomalous light in the sky. So in this dream, i saw 4 identical women, and they felt almost like the greys who are bots, so suits basically that someone can wear, or they can operate on their own. I've also seen quite a difference in personal when I was pulled in various experiences. They werent bots. So this dream was meant to be masked and I was not allowed to remember what actually occurred aboard the craft. Which I've been told is quite common.

Oh I just noticed the part about the telepathy. Yes, it was both telepathic, as all of them are, and yet also, knew it without seemingly being given so that would be either a download or a gut feeling. I just knew it, just like when she shrugged and i knew they didn't do time. Its the Quantum aspect that made me feel safe too by the way, I knew already I was in good hands and had protection in the past but after seeing the grey I wasnt sure, and knew immediately these were higher ups and like Family. Also, I have had medical checkups done where I was alarmed, a surgery bot, then I blanked out, and yet in another similar situation, I was comforted and given a more gentle chekcup and immediately reminded that Of course I should realize this is the past. And hearing that I feel asleep, I knew who was there. The covers were movign on their own, and I had something put clipped on my fingertips, just before sleep.

On another occasion of a checkup just a little more than a month ago I think, I got up to swallow my medicine, antibiotics, and my 19 year old son was up, and he said there was a large, meter wide, blue orb behind my back at the sink, and I already had felt their presence and contact.
edit on 16-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I agree. Could very well have been a masked dream, as you say.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:48 AM
Infinity and some general information +^_^+ PART 1

What is truly infinity? Is it not an endless process of life and growth through out the construct of the Universe, yet what is known to us is still only a tip of the iceberg that is floating within us and around us without a melting point in life. The limitations that are set around us are mere constructs of our own understanding and thoughts that merge together to build what we wish to see. So do we truly produce a known time and space around us that gives us that very thing which we deserve to know also feel, but… there are some of what limitations set to us by the environment that we truly occupy within our own surroundings.

The universe is known to contain no limits within it self nor does it end due to the known factors of the general star populations within each galaxy, then within the universe there are other galaxies as well that produce more planets as within them selves. Now this is known to be a endless point of growth and expansion around the galaxies also the universe it self. Still only much is known about each individual galaxy and planet that is around us, yet what we do not see is the link between each living thing that occupies the planet Earth it self. As humanity and the general classes of occupations that we are in we always face an interesting factor in life. To what seems to be an endless possibility of experiences and life long lessons we record without our own brain into our memories.

Each brain cell acts as an information gatherer within our bodies and gives us the opportunity, which allows us to understand also view every experience from a different angle through out the time of our life. Which makes the situation much more interesting to understand through what we know. But…… What is truly the link between each human or living things on this planet with the Universe? Well I believe a stunning picture that would blow your mind would be the best way of putting the link together.


Now is that truly not something so familiar yet all around us in both animals, plants and within us as well. As you see the above picture that is a construct of a brain cell and the amazing similarity between it also the universe that we occupy. Yet the familiar phrase of a well knowledgeable question comes to our mind “All the answers are within you” and still we do not fully understand the similarity also most importantly the link between who we truly are. Such theories are considered to be so complex to understand and yet it is the most simple explanation that can be put forth to everything. The same law is applied by many great minds regarding this situation it is known as Occam Razor law "the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one". Which is why entitled to the situation it would not be completely wrong to say that we are part of the universe and it is all around us.

This very understanding can explain many things that happen within ones life and in the world surrounding them. After such understanding how can one truly not question the reason of life and its all creation that is within it. Which is why we can understand if we are part of the Universe and we are surrounded by it would it be not rational to even consider that we can create things that we wish to see happen. As of this very situation it has been known through out many spiritually advanced individuals to be known as the law of manifestation also attraction. Where an individual is able to put forth a set of a desire that can help the world or make a miracle happen. So this acts as a vibrational frequency that is known to act through out us and the world around us.

Thus this effect is seen around us and can bring forth the understanding of what karma truly is, let us say you do something bad to some one and you put forth the vibrational frequency from you onto them. Which is then effects part of them that acts as the part of the Universe so would it not be the same situation happening to you but in a different form. Due to the main reason that you are part of the same Universe which then utilizes the same frequency of the negative intent back to you. The phrase of “What goes around comes back around” plays a quiet major role in the situation of what many people call karma , yet what we all do not realize is that this is a normal general part of life that of which many can experience. Now this is why we always feel the effect of the so called Karma several times in our life and what at times seems as it does not effect us at all it truly also fully does.

Lets look now at another possibility if so much is truly linked together and what we are occupying is a Universe, yet at the same time we have part of the Universe within our selves. Is it not possible that there are multiple Universes? and the one we are within is merely a building block of infinite others that is contained within a box of its own. So the situation is now more ever growing and expanding to grasp the understanding of what truly is the universe, now this can be shown within a simple image that can show us the reasoning behind this theory.


As the above image shows the universe is just merely constructed to the limited understanding of what we know, yet with the known situation that is truly simply just a significant one universe. With the surrounding information around us in the world we do not tend to see the picture, due to the limitations set to us by many of those around us. So our mind just like the universe above the shown image is captured within a limited box of space confinement. Now what is beyond the box? as many people would wonder about such situation we truly know the state of mind, that Einstein and many other great minds figured of by a following phrase “Think outside the box”. Which is exactly similar to thinking beyond the limits set so the situation is more ever growing to the rational understanding of our minds. After what seems to be a simple understanding growth we are flooded with unlimited possibilities and situations where we can learn to progress beyond what is known. However, it is possible for other universes to exist which is then making us able to understand, that we are merely a small fragment of 1 in an endless process of infinite 1’s that continues to go on without any limits set to it.

This sort of situation would be a very simple explanation to a sensation known in life as De Javu , when we truly feel as if we have been here before and we did something similar to this before as well so the situation is quiet similar to us. Knowing what would happen next before it even happened creating a instant understanding of time and place within that very specific yet amazing moment. So what is truly Da Javu? Well to the general understanding it is more of a certain paradox that many experience within their life, as if a glitch within a system that plays the same image over and over again. But…. the interesting fact is that we are living out a certain part of life that we already did and to the shocking yet astonishing understanding it will keep happening endlessly.

As we stand there processing in our mind the sort of situation that is caused by the event we block out the curtail part. You already lived this day out so basic theory of the fact of infinite life, plays out the situation of that day a basic understanding of a parallel or infinite you would show a much more reasoning situation. Which is why you are merely experiencing a specific day in your life that you already have experienced, which was recorded as being important to the you which is ahead of you.
This picture shows a bit more understanding to the situation that would be rationally characterized as you being a head of you in life.


Which is why it explains of you living out a important moment that was based on an event of your self , that is merely in front of you by a day or situation that happened during a specific time frame.

This is the ending of part 1 of the Infinity Post and the second part is coming next so please be patient. Also this is a general theory on infinity through what was given to me and also some understanding that I learned of it. So I am not here to change any believes or force anything onto people, basically take this with a grain of salt and understanding.

Kind Regards


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:49 AM
Infinity and Link between time +^_^+ PART 2 of the Infinity Post

What is truly time? We see time as a part of our everyday life that controls our understanding of age and the universe around us. But… what if there is truly no time and what we see is just a mere illusion to the situation that we are taught sense birth to follow. Which is why in this post I am going to share some stuff regarding time and the information that is gathered within us also around us. Again take this with a grain of salt and a mere understanding that I am just here to share that is all.

Time has become our average way of life we follow time like a law and we understand it to be a law, for we age by the time we are set and yet we fear death. The instant of time around us acts as a situation a part of life that is set there for a reason, the mutual understanding of it is complex to understand yet we always try to go around it. At times we can feel time go by faster and at times we feel it drag it self a long slowing down for specific moment, this is why we at times wonder are we the controllers of our time. What if the answer to the wondering questions was always yes and that every single moment in our life happens for a reason, that there are no such things as accidents or chance to the situation given to us through out life. How does a man or woman win a lottery with 1 in a billions of people to have that ticket that is the winner. It is quiet simple it was just their specific point in life that was already planed upon the time it was needed to happen. So such things as luck, chance or accident are ruled out to the rational possibilities during the given situations.

Now in the previous post we spoke of infinite you’s in different parts of time and life or given moment of time. Yet we did not cover an important fundamental fact to the situation that we live life, through different ways and scenarios that let us learn on an infinite multiple level of understanding different situations also lives. So there are infinite amounts of you on your own time line and there are infinite amounts of you on different time lines. Which is why let us take each 1 of us out of infinite 1’s that already exist and place them on each specific dot which is then ran through different scenarios of life. But… the interesting factors is that the destination of every dot is fixed but the time to reach it also the way reaching it is different, now that makes the situation much more complex resulting in a infinite amount of lessons learned in mere instants. This is better shown in the following image that can better portray the understanding of infinite time lines.


As shown in the above image the destination is fixed by the bright big dot and the smaller dots act as each individual you all linked together by different time lines. However, some of those time lines split into two different links amongst the way to the destination and some split to go back this is due to the fact of learning specific lessons. We all know that the future is never set in stone due to path that is taken and when an individual changes their previously planned path he or she is then split into two scenarios. Where one followed the previous path and the other follows a new directed path by the change set in motion by a specific event in life, so the situations are endlessly changing and have infinite possibilities. Now that is why time is just a mere illusion that does not fully exist due to the splitting scenarios that play out through life, the infinite possibilities can change and act upon each specific individual differently which results in many situations that can not fully be set by time limits that we occupy in our life.

So due to this very reasoning situation we can start to understand the link between prophetic dreams, due to the limited knowledge that we are taught we are kept close minded. When we sleep our brains are more active and being universal there are able to access a different time line similar to the one we live right now, but….. most of the time we connect to the us that is in front of us or behind us in the line of life. Which can then result in the past life memory recognition or future visions of events that at times can happen, yet most of the time can be changed if we take different approach to the situation presented. This acts in the theory of Einstein the time travel which results in a worm hole which is better shown in the following image.


In the above image we see the Hyperspace being the link between the two time selves both present and future, which relates to the situation the present you falling a sleep and linking your conscience with the future or past you in a specific time or place. Resulting to the fact that you are of the same conscience but split into different parts to experience certain parts of life or any given events. So the basic time of time travel acts upon infinite possibilities regarding these situations and thus explaining any odd similarities of doing something familiar that you never did before.

So let us say that if we indeed invent a time machine that allows us to travel through out time, for example we can put this in a following form we roll a ball and every 5 we go into the future to see the ball rolling. Then let us for example do that what we will see is the surrounding area of the past us that kept travelling forward in time to witness the ball rolling. Which will then soon enough would result in the entire area filled with you rolling that ball or witnessing the ball rolling, so that would show the ability of time manipulation. However the interesting bit is that one of those many you will eventually decide to stop the ball rolling, then it would result in the past you travelling to the future to look at you and ask you why you stopped it rolling. Now that sort of scene would be completely bizarre to wrap our mind around.

This sort of situation would result in an infinite paradox where you and the future you would meet, then do something together resulting in a different motion of time. Yet at the same moment you could go back a split second before you roll the ball back in time to change your mind not to roll it. Then this results in infinite possibilities that would allow you to influence also change the discissions that you have made in the past or going to make in the future. Now this would allow you to influence time and reality it self which would again show that time is a mere illusion to the part of life that we obtain in our mind. A better explanation of this paradox would be through a following image.


As the above image shows the box would be better classified as being you and each you can influence the other you by changing ones life to influence the infinite other ones in front of you. Also it is interesting to understand that not only we have part of the universe around us, it is also that the universe is inside every living thing no matter if it is seen or unseen.

So when we worry about something like a future event that will come we merely base fear into us, what is more important to realize we already lived that event or experienced a specific situation. That already resulted in a solution so there is nothing to truly fear but the basic reasoning that we are responsible for creating this illusion that we call fear. Also the thing is people worry about too much in their life even Einstein believed in infinity and knew that when his good friend died, that he did not leave his family or loved one behind but merely rejoined them or watched over them. So even such fragile thing as death is part of the giant illusion that we consider to be life and life it self is an infinite link of learning also spiritually advancing.

Thus this concludes the infinity post and I hope you enjoyed reading it also had a fun time realizing how truly connected we all are.

Again I want to say I am not here to challenge believes or force it onto any one, just merely to share a peace of the little puzzle that fits into the giant large picture we call life.

Kind Regards


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:52 AM
Hey Boys and Girls

that is truly odd 8 pages in Word Document is a lot smaller when you post it on here

Oh well time to go snoop around another subject for the thread.

Hope you guys like the Infinity Post.

Kind Regards to all


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:17 AM
haha, that's weird. Interesting post.

I was thinking earlier that if we could travel faster than the speed of light we could turn around and see ourselves in the past with a powerful telescope like they use to see galaxies billions of years ago and then I realized that it sounds like something that would be in a really cheesy science fiction movie, but it made me laugh.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Dear ChaosMagician

Welcome to the thread and thank you for the post, you are welcome to stay and share any dreams regarding ETs or experiences you want. This is a friendly thread and contributions are always welcome, by the way I do like your post

Kind Regards

edit on 16-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: additional information

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:28 AM
What happens when you die? Do you go into the afterlife with your kind or our kind. What happens when you next reincarnate? Will you have to go back to Earth? I read a very interesting book on past lives before, but I can't remember the title of the book at the moment. Sorry, I would ask more, but I am short of time at the moment.

I will add you both, but if you wish to talk on the forum (RKallisti) then I will, but I would still like to talk via e-mail with The Magicians Apprentice if you don't mind.

Thank you,
edit on 16-11-2010 by J.J.Stuart because: Added more into post.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by J.J.Stuart

Dear J.J

Regarding the life changing it is entirely up to you and if you want to go back for more lessons or not, the thing it self is very complex to explain and would take years
Im being honest here that is how odd it is.But...... I guess I can try to explain it simply in some way or form.

Now regarding wanting to chat with me I am up for that sure thing and no problem I am currently speaking to some people on my email so you can talk to me via messenger I guess.

Kind Regards.

edit on 16-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: additional information

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Dear ChaosMagician

Welcome to the thread and thank you for the post, you are welcome to stay and share any dreams regarding ETs or experiences you want. This is a friendly thread and contributions are always welcome, by the way I do like your post

Kind Regards

edit on 16-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: additional information

Thanks... will do.
I have been waiting to share any of my experiences (and there are a few) and even odd dreams and sleep paralysis. It didn't see appropriate yet to tell those stories but perhaps I will soon... and maybe this time I will first write them in text edit so that if I ever feel inclined to repost them anywhere I won't have to keep reposting them like I have done on various other forums over the years.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

The concepts of Infinity, Karma, Law of Attraction, Time, Sleep, Dreams, Prophecy, Death, Onenness. You covered it all up quite amazingly in a relatively shory piece of text.

I'm truly impressed. Not so much for the information you provided (which was excellent), but because of the fact that we both think so much alike.

I just realized that many of the things I was busy typing on my other Thread were things you were talking about here!
I even used the same phrase of "think outside the box", and I wasn't aware of you doing the same. We both also talked about Deja Vus, for example. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence.

"The simplest explanation is more likely the correct one"


Many times when I explain these things to others I would say, remember when you learned that 2 + 2 was 4, and that then 4 ´+ 4 was 8? And that eventually you learned division and substraction and multiplication and complex numbers? Then it all became extremely simple. Why is that?
Once you know thw formula and you understand it, Math becomes really really simple.

Well, it's the same with this. Underneath the apparent complexity of it all, the entire Cosmos/God is based on a simple formula. You just forgot it, and you're here to remember it. But first you may need to go through all the complexities until you finally say, eureka!

Yes, it really was that simple.

Now, the question that's going to hammer your head a little is: would you had known it was that simple if it hadn't been so complex to begin with?

Illusion. Yes, it's all a beautiful hollographic illusion.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by J.J.Stuart

What happens when you die? Do you go into the afterlife with your kind or our kind. What happens when you next reincarnate? Will you have to go back to Earth? I read a very interesting book on past lives before, but I can't remember the title of the book at the moment. Sorry, I would ask more, but I am short of time at the moment.

Let's see if I can appease you with an answer...

When you die you go to a place in which you can momentarily rest, review your past Lives, your mistakes, meet with other Souls, and plan your next incarnation. This varies from individual to individual, but the basic concept is that one. In between Lives you remember all your past Lives.

Yes, you go back to Earth if you are originally from the Earth. You have to understand Earth is just a schoolhouse for the development of Souls. And as such, you can graduate from it after acquiring sufficient experience and gaining certain degree of maturity of Soul. Then you simply move on to another Dimension of Existence.

Now, as for non-Human Souls (aka Extraterrestrials from other Planets that for one reason or another have incarnated into an Earth Human), their stay on planet Earth may be under different circumstances as to that of a Native Human, thus terms and conditions may be somewhat different (nothing out of the ordinary, as similar things occur on other Planets with "transplanted" Souls).

Hope that helps.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 08:17 AM
Infinity is a platform through which all things are a part of. This universe is one of an infinite number,and though our bodies are all made of the same pixels and vibrations/frequencies, in this hologram, and its a construct, our souls are not however. Infinity has both nonlocality, you cannot measure it, there is no size, or time, an no Limits, there cannot be one, as in One Consciousness or One Universe, for One of any item is a limit that cannot be, for it would be Finite. There are Infinite One's and Infinite clips of their journey, each you in these segments also is Infinite within yourself. The infinity within and without all objects are the same infinite mass, whether it be a grain of sand or a huge planet/star. Within this Infinite Universe which is like a very advanced holographic DVD player/computer and there are Infinite channels, space-time based percieved time and orbits, though in reality there is no movement, orbits, time, and densities. Every planet and moon has life and infinite channels. This is a reform school for many, and we're here to learn to Love.

This video is excellent for the look at what Infinity is like and how we're all composed of fractals and our souls are like Fractals as well. Except there cannot be one, as this video you will see a Limit. This is what One Consciousness percieving itself thus or One Universe would be, a Limit. You have to ask yourself, what is surrounding this Fractal. In an Infinite System, an Infinite number of Fractals that have always existed and will always exist, and Fractals within Fractals as well. And there is no Time, so its all at once.

Fractal Mathematical Rabbit Hole

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

You're concept of Infinity, the infinite potential and capability we all have, if we can reach within, and connect, to ourselves, and Future/Higher Selves, is wonderfully put. Really deep thinking, and out of the box. The box analogy was good.

I am really interested in the termed hyperspace, which I feel relates to the ET travel, which in a sense is time-travel, also that their crafts are gateways/doorways in themselves to other channels. They can be 30-40 feet, on the outside and contain an entire world inside as there is no size, in infinity.

I hope you share more of what you know or understand based on their travel aspect.
edit on 16-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician
haha, that's weird. Interesting post.

I was thinking earlier that if we could travel faster than the speed of light we could turn around and see ourselves in the past with a powerful telescope like they use to see galaxies billions of years ago and then I realized that it sounds like something that would be in a really cheesy science fiction movie, but it made me laugh.

I don't think its done with any form of conventional travel/light speed. More that the cosmos is collage, of infinte densities and orbits which relate to orbits, so we don't see much of what's there looking out from 3d earth orbit perspective with the Hubble telescope for example. We're also seeing in this certain channel range, and only a limited range of ultra violet as well. We dont' know whats around us, and who is around us either, and it would unnerve many to realize we're not alone, and we don't really have privacy.

Travel would be more akin to picking out a time period, and frequency, and opening a portal into this. I think hyperspace plays a role. But there are probably even more advanced ways, that are more instantaneous as well. Quantum Entanglement for example shows us the possibility that what we are experiencing with our minds, the players as space/time/perception is really "matter", pixels really as in a Hologram that erects the image/blueprint, is all around us, and we're connected to it physically, in this vibrational/density/frequency that is condensed into matter. I'm not convinced that in potential infinite space there is really space to contend with, spatial is a program in our minds.

What our black ops are already doing, and developing which is just beginning now to be revealed a little in computers that are controlled by the mind, solid state holograms you can touch and rooms you can go in and experience with your senses, artificial eyes that see, and of course their ultra spaceflight capacity, is just the touch of it, and other stuff is leaked in stargate and a variety of science fiction. They can already open portals.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Why are only certain people contacted? Why do you think you were picked to be a contact? Will there be a time they come out in say Times Square, Piccadilly Circus, Tianeman Square, anywhere very public?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by amc621
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Why are only certain people contacted? Why do you think you were picked to be a contact? Will there be a time they come out in say Times Square, Piccadilly Circus, Tianeman Square, anywhere very public?

Dear AMC621

As I have mentioned before it is due to the factors of if the person is ready both spiritually,mentally and physically to be contacted. Also before contact the Cosmic travelers analyze the health of all people they are planing to come in contact, due to the fact that there are different reasons being so people can go insane, have a heart failure out of fear, freak out and hurt the Visitor, their brain can collapse under the immense rush of information and the list goes on. Now...... as you see the visitors are very concerned about us down here and the sort of thing that could go wrong. So it is not because they do not want to but because you could have side effects if you are not ready to be exposed to such a thing.

I am not fully sure why I was picked to be a contact due to the facts being I had a very bad experience the first time I was visited. I heard so many people experiencing it and showing videos of their contacts that I begged also prayed like hell to have a contact. Then this led to me receiving a visit however, I was not ready so I freaked out and threw something at the visiting ET. Trust I was then put to sleep and was told that physical contact will not happen because I am still not ready. But..... I was allowed dream visits, lucid dream, astral projection and out of body experiences. As you see my good friend even I my self was not ready and I know for a fact that there are many reasons why only a few get visited.

Regarding if the ETs would show up to the public entirely depends onto the shoulders of our world leaders, as I heard and was informed that there are some sort of disclosure talks regarding landing of ships on Earth. Basically a big revealing of Galactic beings showing themselves to the public and explaining everything to us, I am not fully sure when that will happen but as far as the talks go it should be soon.

I hope I answered some of your questions and I also hope that you understand that I my self at times is also kept out of some of the information.

Also before I finish up welcome to the thread and it would be great about hearing of your experiences, contribution and new people are always welcomed.

Kind Regards


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by J.J.Stuart

Dear J.J.

When you die ask your self these 3 questions:

Did I have joy in my life?

Did I give others experience of joy,love,happiness and understanding in their life?

Did I approach every situation in life with love, understanding and willingness to change it for the better?

So.... this is the 3 questions you must ask yourself when you die and try to understand that if you need to go back to Earth to learn more should you do it. Because everything will be measured in an instant all the things you did and how you made people feel will suddenly fill your heart with those same emotions. Which is why reincarnation back to Earth is at times our own decision due to the fact that we realized that we have much more to learn or experience.

But...... at times when we learn our lesson here and understand that enough was taken in, then we can either go back home to our real home. At times we can choose to go to a higher dimensional planet with bigger lessons to take part of to learn even more.

Thus as you see my dear friend at times it is up to us and at times it is up to what we did in our life that counts. However, there are also cases where people forget everything and are not able to learn, but get caught in the main stream of flood for earning money,jobs, greed and many other things that take our focus off learning the lesson we came here to do. These people repeat the lesson of the same life at times different life over couple times to wake up to their true self and understand that there is a reason behind everything.

I hope that some what answered your questions and portrayed a mutual understanding of the situation. I did try to keep it simple to understand the reasoning behind it as well and again I am merely sharing information here, so take this as just a grain of salt and that I do not know everything thus I can only give parts of what is known to me.

Kind Regards


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by J.J.Stuart

Sorry it was a double post

edit on 17-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: Double post by accident

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