Originally posted by 547000
What are your views on dinosaurs and carbon dating? Did we evolve or were we created?
Dinosaurs |||||-----------------------> To the general knowledge of what I was told is that humanity was in fact the 2nd experiment that was
actually developed on Earth. The first were actually the Dinosaurs and we are talking here about specific individual beings that have been known to
exist before us. The Dinosaurs were in fact one of the sketch block one experiments that the aim of it was to see how the evolutionary scale would or
wouldn't advance. Now the rock that has been recorded to impact with Earth was an actual event that took place but it was not stopped, the major
detail that people have missed is the fact that all life on Earth was pretty much wiped out through the Ice Age that followed after the impact. We
know for a certain fact that once the impact happened so much smoke and small chunks covered the atmosphere that it threw the planet into an instant
deep freeze. This is why the dinosaurs and the rest of life contained on Earth perished that day which resulted in nothing surviving. Basically
speaking life on Earth was either exterminated by the incineration of the impact or the cold harsh starvation of the Ice Age that followed.
Carbon Dating ||||-------------------------->>> Actually the time frames are not fully correct in several cases and the dating can be significantly
altered. So some of the dating is correct and some of it is just plain silly.
Did we Evolve or were we Created?? |||---------------------> Yes and Yes the first one in a way is partially correct, now try to understand how do we
go from complete total wipe out of life on Earth to populated humans on Earth. The most rational ans simplest explanation is out side involvement and
this indeed happen due to the fact that the so called ETs. Fully conscientiously placed a race of furry type beings on this planet then left them to
exist for several hundred thousand years, these beings were actually the so called found skeletons of first human beings on the evolutionary scale.
Now some time afterward an order was given to several beings to come to Earth and then create the perfect vessels which then resulted, in Earth
becoming a universal school through out the time. The first two vessels were male and female thus this is where the story of Adam also Eve originated,
once they were created successfully other so called vessels were created as well. It resulted in the construction of Atlantis for these kids to play
around in also grow and advance. The Bible depicts Atlantis as the Garden of Eden the most perfect beautifully amazing place on Earth.
So as you see in a way we were both Created and at times Evolved in an evolutionary scale, mostly this evolution was done through technological and
spiritual. Thus it was balanced out through out the time of our existence until now the balance scale has been tipped, this is why so much is
happening around Earth and the main cause behind events.
Now this is why the so called dimensional or cycle shift is necessary to take place to bring back everything in balance. Through my contacts I can
only say what I was told but I can not prove it to you fully, I was told the this jump will be more of a spiritual plane of existence so I think the
imbalance is the reason behind the realm we heading towards.
Also a certain message that was shown to me that the bible missed to explain, as we know in the beginning there was merely God and he was the being
that created Earth. Now the Bible and many texts say that when creation took place this phrase was said "Let us make men in the image of us". As you
see this does not make sense the holy texts clearly state
US thus resulting in a understanding conclusion that there were multiple creators.
Which results in many Creators and designers of life through out this Universe and other ones too so clearly stating that there is not just one
creator but many. Through what I was also given and told is that each Universe has a Prime Creator, we all are fully aware that infinity is endless
and if we put all the galaxies, planets, universes and races through out the Universe it comes to an infinite number of creators. I will stop there
for now and not bore you with my endless dialogue of silly talk, I still will however explain this better in my future posts of how infinity can be
better explained.
Again this is merely what I was told and explained by my contacts, also I am merely sharing the things I was told so please do not take them too close
to heart. Merely with a grain of salt is the best approach and a food for thought as a friend of mine says.
Many thanks to you for your question and I hope these were not such bad answers to your questions.
Kind Regards
edit on 1-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: Additional Information !!!