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Oh yeah - - - no connection at all. Has nothing to do with Government "owning and controlling" your body and mind
Originally posted by Misoir
Liberals (not all Liberals fit into one group mind you) are very irrational in their beliefs on Social issues. Why do Liberals support murderers yet oppose the death penalty?
Women who have an abortion without a threat to the life of themselves or the baby are murderers and are killing an innocent life that never asked to ever be conceived yet when what is classified as a murderer by legal standards kills a person they are opposed to the death penalty for a convicted murderer. What sense does this really make?
Claiming the right to murder is giving women a choice over their body is completely irrational. The freedom to murder is not freedom, it is despicable and abhorrent. Why can’t a mother kill her child when he/she is 2 or 15? What is the difference? Maybe the mother can no longer afford her child or recognizes that having the child was a mistake. She should be allowed to abort it should she not?
Liberals oppose the Death Penalty for serial killers and other murderers on the grounds it is a violation of human rights. Can they not see the absolute hypocrisy of their thoughts?
Abortion = Good, Murder = Bad. Somehow they have missed the part that common sense should tell them, Abortion = Murder, Murder = Bad.
I am not understanding their reasoning here. As soon as a baby is conceived it is alive, how can that even be up for debate?
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Yes...she had this choice...the same time the guy had the choice if he was prepared to be a father. BEFORE they had sex.
Interestingly, I agree with you on that. But I don't think making the girl or woman suffer with a pregnancy and childbirth and to fill the world with MORE unwanted children is the answer to the problem.
Pregnancy is more of a danger to a woman than abortion. A woman has the choice which procedure she wants to undergo.
I'd bet a million dollars that if men were the ones to carry and bear children, abortion would be legal and there would be NO moral attachments to it. It would be cheap and insurance would cover it.
Originally posted by intrepid
Well what's the difference between Chris Reeves needing assistance to live and a fetus needing the same?
Chris Reeves was getting assistance from the WILLING medical community. He asked for and was receiving medical assistance to survive. When a 5 week old, 1/8 inch fetus can be kept alive and growing by the WILLING medical community, then that will be a different story. But until then, the ONLY person that can keep the fetus alive is the woman in whose body the thing resides. And it's her choice to do it or not.
Im a liberal and you got that wrong on all accounts.
Its the right who wants to legislate morality, and make prostitution illegal, drugs illegal, among other things.
I don't think you know what a liberal is.
Originally posted by Misoir
I am not understanding their reasoning here. As soon as a baby is conceived it is alive, how can that even be up for debate?
a fetus, until the age of external viability, is a parasitic growth within the womb. until external viability, it has no more rights than a tape worm or tumor.
for those opposed to choice, then the fetus is to be carried to term regardless of circumstances regarding conception, logically. so no exceptions for rape or incest. after all, a child is a child, whether it was due to rape or incest is irrelevent.
Originally posted by Misoir
Liberals (not all Liberals fit into one group mind you) are very irrational in their beliefs on Social issues. Why do Liberals support murderers yet oppose the death penalty?
Women who have an abortion without a threat to the life of themselves or the baby are murderers and are killing an innocent life that never asked to ever be conceived yet when what is classified as a murderer by legal standards kills a person they are opposed to the death penalty for a convicted murderer. What sense does this really make?
Claiming the right to murder is giving women a choice over their body is completely irrational. The freedom to murder is not freedom, it is despicable and abhorrent. Why can’t a mother kill her child when he/she is 2 or 15? What is the difference? Maybe the mother can no longer afford her child or recognizes that having the child was a mistake. She should be allowed to abort it should she not?
Liberals oppose the Death Penalty for serial killers and other murderers on the grounds it is a violation of human rights. Can they not see the absolute hypocrisy of their thoughts?
Abortion = Good, Murder = Bad. Somehow they have missed the part that common sense should tell them, Abortion = Murder, Murder = Bad.
I am not understanding their reasoning here. As soon as a baby is conceived it is alive, how can that even be up for debate?