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Plan To Send A Message To TPTB

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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 09:53 AM


This book is signed in the name of an imaginary collective. Its editors are not its
authors. They are merely content to do a little clean-up of what’s scattered around
the era’s common areas, around the murmurings at bar-tables, behind closed
bedroom doors. They’ve only determined a few necessary truths, whose universal
repression fills up the psychiatric hospitals and the painful gazes. They’ve made
themselves scribes of the situation. It’s the privilege of radical circumstances that
justice leads them quite logically to revolution. It’s enough just to say what we can
see and not avoid the conclusions to be drawn from it.

This is the excellent piece of literature that that MSM propagandist Glenn Beck was railing against. That's how you know this is a GOOD piece of revolutionary literature, when the establishment hates it.

Give this a good read, folks. It presents part of the actual worldwide revolution, it's real, it's already begun, it comes in waves and in various forms... THIS IS THE RESISTANCE. Take what you will from it. Also keep in mind... there are many lines of thought within radical/activist circles. Do not be put off by the fact that they're "radical". We already live in very radical times with radical ideas that have become mainstream. The trick is to pick the best ideas no matter where they sit.

We can do short-term things to send messages to TPTB, and this is a fantastic idea and must be forwarded in as many effective ways as possible. I also highly recommend, at least to fellow Americans, that we find some way to link up activist networks on the left and right. Ultimately I think there can be MUCH to agree upon and fight for if we have honest conversations and find the ultimate truths/solutions together. Dialogue must be opened up and certain common struggles shared amongst we the people, otherwise divided we fall to anybody who claims power/wealth over and above us.

For the longer-term, I present some ideas/solutions we can look to to walk away from the systems of civilization which perpetually enslave us...

"Our history is full of underclass insurrections, revolts, rebellions, riots, and revolutions, but not a single one has ever ended with people just walking away. This is because our citizens know that civilization must continue at any cost and not be abandoned under any circumstance. So they will go berserk, will destroy everything in sight, will slaughter all the elite they can get their hands on, will burn, rape, and pillage--but they will never just walk away. This is why the behavior of the Maya, the Olmec, and the rest is so unfathomably mysterious to our historians. For them, it seems self-evident that civilization must continue at any cost and never be abandoned under any circumstance."
- Daniel Quinn, Beyond Civilization

"What people (aside from rulers) don't like about hierarchal societies is that they don't exist for all their members in the same way. They provide a life of unbelievable luxury and ease for the rulers and a life of poverty and toil for everyone else. The way rulers benefit from the success of the society is vastly different from the way the masses benefit, and the pyramids and the temples testify to the importance of the rulers, not to the masses who build them. And so it goes, through every phase of life in a hierarchal society." - Daniel Quinn, Beyond Civilization


International Cooperative Alliance

Intentional Communities

Fellowship For Intentional Community

Paris Commune/Revolution

Spanish Revolution

Anarchist FAQ

Participatory Economics

Official Parecon site (Participatory Economics)


Deep Ecology

Off The Grid

That's a start.

Remember, there's short-term and there's long-term. Both are necessary and intertwined. We must fight intelligently/justly, know what we're fighting for, and have alternatives to turn to. We must take humanity and Earth's future seriously if we wish to live in an enlightened manner.
edit on 30-10-2010 by NoHierarchy because: Formatting

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:26 AM
you had me @ " Let's circle up the wagons"

not the sharpest tool in the box but i may leave a nasty cut all the same .... S&F

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

i for one am not happy about taxpayers bailing out the banks, their mess they deal with it why should i have to incur loss of earnings because of them?

the french president has the right idea the banks....

id rather not pay anything but if we must then tax the banks.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Only one thing will effect politics on a nationwide or worldwide scale and, frankly, we are not capable of doing it. And that is to refuse to spend.

If the whole population of the world refused to spend for even a few days, a single cent... suddenly our opinions would matter... At least for a time.

So... If you've engaged in consumerism, at all, in the last month, welcome to the truth... You are the enabler and the problem!


Yeah, the problem is that TPTB have campaigned for years and years, generations even, to separate us as a collective people. As an example, an emphasis on "working out" and becoming greater than the next person....all the while creating an atmosphere for lethargy and gluttony....Mcdonald's/Burger king etc. It usurps the will of the laziness prone and the active individuals and separates them into 2 different groups. Likewise, this applies to every facet of our lives, Feminists opposed to men, (because of feminism) now we have women vs. men for power and leadership of the household and children (the courts/government make sure only one side wins THE WOMEN!) which splits men and women apart from each other in opposing forces. This assures also that one day revolution will not be assured because men will have lost the will to fight (having lost everything to women and been emasculated so often, thanks to the government), and women will welcome the Illuminati because they have been given everything and been protected by them. (Assuredly, they will be destroyed by the ILLUMINATI once all plans are in place NO ONE IS EXEMPT!) Children of these divorces are split from their parents with the help of the media and bands such as Lady Gaga and miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, Rhianna etc. ....all of which started out with "innocent" looks and facades and quickly (from album to album) morphed into someting ugly and despicable and immoral, which will ten be emulated by teens everywhere and turn them against their parents in total rebellion. This is then projected by the media as something cool and fresh and fashionable so the kids will think "bad" = "good", ... "sick" = amazing, ......"wicked" = something decent, etc. Everything, you see, is turned upside down, or inverted, like everything in the satanic teachings are. My point (and there are many, many more examples) is that, TPTB have effectively turned us in opposition to each other and have separated us collectively into singularities with no common interests. Now we are striving to come up with an answer as to how we are going to "collectively" put an end to the evil plans of the Illuminati. It is now far too late. They have used the oldest and most used tactic against us and, once again, it has's divide and conquer. It is too late, they have won. Too many people have been brainwashed/hypnotized to be "individuals" and have been taught that to "be the best" or the "winner" means to extrapolate yourself from the mix of losers and overcome them and reign supreme at the top as the king of (whatever it is your striving to be the winner of). This puts EVERYONE in opposition to EVERYONE and the winner is really no more than the "best and greatest loser, of all the losers" the eyes of the Illuminati. The winner get's laughed at the most (by TPTB) because the winner is the one who fell for the lies the most vehemently. We ALL lose in the end though, as there is no "oneness" left in "WE THE PEOPLE".

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:57 PM
wow, took me some time to read all the pages, i like this movement of greater good or for the people as you guys have said

TPTB have sabotaged so much for us,FOR THE PEOPLE is something you only see in movies right? xS

As i read some pages back i think, there was a post similuar to this and it was posted few yearsyear xD ago so we have tried it before as it looks like. !@#$% sad

its hard to get people on this movement because so many is happy what they got so they (DONT CARE) or dont understand

my mind i bubbling for some good idea to take them down, but i struggle to find a idea were everyone is for, or wanna/could do.

maybe make our own money hehe >.>
sell your car and buy a electric one >.<
buy a big ass sniper and take The Elite one by one >.-
run for president hahah scratch that

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 02:46 PM
Firstly appologies for my ignorance as i have read only the first few pages of responces and if sombody else has mentioned this beyond that point it may seem like repitition

I think the problem here is Neo liberalism. and capitalism. Lets be fair if you do your homework the two lead unalterably to the comtemporary situation today. the problem with removing these from society is almost impossible. as they have expanded to a scale at which almost every resource ( at least those of vaule ) on this earth is now the property of.

in short Neo liberalism has declared ownership of the world on the premise that its only rival, communism has failed and there have been no further attempts at rivaling it as a model for society.

the solution seems obvious, or at least the direction in which to head. find a new ideology. one which has unbendable restrictions against monopolisation of power and resources, but without the short falls of socialism and communism. this left to right spectrum is purly 2 dimentional. i say we need an alternative to left or right wing. im just no sure exactly of how to even begin to manifest such an idea.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Rothchilds - "jesqueal" has provided many pictures/images uploaded from his camera and in LEEDS (UK), never would have guessed Rothchilds live in Leeds (UK). Number one Park Row. It's called the Pinsent Mason building.


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:59 PM
Figure Of Speech - Off The Grid, your only TRUELY off-the-grid, so to speak w/out all useage of electrical items, anything that has a GPS tracker built into the item, suchas mobile phone, ipod, telephone, car radio, domestic radio, and last but not least chip & pin credit card's. Anything that has an electrical circuit can and will be tracked.

The most common chip & pin card's, why, because they - In The Know, track how you spend your money, what item's you purchase, what junk most people buy to fulfil their desires and depressive-selfves. Society is tracked on a wide-scale to understand and better use control establishment's especially one that they (TPTB) have been planning for a while now, and "IF" a 'police state' ever did come into force, remember who your neighbour's are and fight for your own justice.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by aaron2209

Get this, read on...

We say bondage because your birth certificate is a receipt for an actual loan/bond that is borrowed from the Central Bankers in the name of your 'PERSON' for the amount of ~$1,000,000 to pay for your government liabilities. This money is invested in the market with interest and is managed by a fiduciary agent who is responsible for transferring these funds to your government representatives on your behalf every year to pay for your government obligations. Your future sweat and labor (income tax) is used as the collateral for the money borrowed. Notice language is very important here. You are a human being, but every law written deals with the 'PERSON' which is the deceitful entity they have created to enslave you in their system of bondage.

Useful link/resistance group:

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:11 PM

You lose your inalienable right to true freedom given to you from the creator and become a slave of the corporation. The SIN/SSN # is used to force your compliance as you are deceived into believing that you cannot transact commerce in society without this number. Does this sound like a free society to you?

meanwhile we are economic slaves to the New World Order elites who use our labor and taxes for their own benefit. They are like parasites who have silently infiltrated the world governments and societies through the economic system and are proceeding to destroy each and every nation from within. It is time to wake up!

Make the decision today to regain control of your life and guarantee your freedom and sovereignty just as your forefathers before you have done against the tyrannical empires of the past.


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Private banking cartels control our economies

Our governments have sold our people into slavery by allowing the private banking cartel / New World Order to issue and control the value of our currency. The New World Order controls our financial systems through fiat currency, inflation and deflation, fractional reserve banking and debt.

The "Federal Reserve" Fraud

It is through the economic control of the U.S. and the world's markets through globalization that the New World Order will cause a worldwide depression the likes of which have never been seen on this planet since the dawn of humankind in order to realize their plans for a One World Government.


P.s --------------- COALITION GOVERNMENT ??? (UK), Lib Dems and Conservatives. It would not really have mattered if Labour were to be the new government as all three parties take the same order's from above, TPTB (elites).
edit on 30-10-2010 by DClairvoyant because: Added note.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Quotations from some very evil men in history.

Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild, l790

I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.
- Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1815

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
- David Rockefeller's Memoirs (Random House, New York, 2002)


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:31 PM
5 Largest Corporations in the WORLD!!! And all from one CLAN. The Elite Brotherhood.

1) Banks/Finance

2) The Military's

3) Federal Reserve

4) Police States

5) The Intelligence Agencies

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

I like your willingness to take lead. The avatar picture is perfect for this idea; the idea that anything is possible given enough willpower. When I come up with a good plan I will reply here again. Good luck! = )

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:31 PM
The French are rioting why, again? Because the government raised the retirement age from 60 to 62. The French social welfare state is unsustainable, yet the reaction of the citizens is that they are entitled to retire at age 60. So now they intend to make a run on the banks? I will bet you that will wind up a dull thud. Sounds to me like the froggies are acting like spoiled brats. Their little experiment in socialism is coming apart around them.

And that's the issue here, too.

You want change. You want to "stop the madness," but you can't even agree on what the madness is. What change do you want, exactly? And what do you want to replace it with? You want the banks to go away so we can all barter for beer and charmin? Do you want the Masons to tell you what their secret handshake is? Do you want the Pope to go on TV and tell the masses Jesus is a fake and the Pope is an atheist? Do you want the US to hand over all 11 aircraft carriers to Iran and North Korea the tell teh American people UFOs are real and Roswell happened? Do you want the Bilderbergers to fess up about their conspiracy? Do you want George Soros to buy some more reporters for NPR?

You've got this amorphous idea that TPTB are involved in some sort of conspiracy aimed at keeping you in the dark, poor, and helpless, but the biggest problem is you have NO VISION for how things should be. If I can't see where you want us all to go, there is no way I will follow you blindly, though that does happen, as Obama has amply shown. All he had to do is lie about who he was and people bought off on his hopey changie thing. Now that his mask has slipped, people aren't so sure they want to go down his radical road.

You're reacting to a lot of disinformation as well. The world likely does not work the way you think it does. For example, someone here stated that your credit score goes down if you pay off your credit cards every month. No, it doesn't. Your credit score is composed of

1. your payment history. Do you pay "as agreed"? Have you missed any payments?
2. How much you owe, including what percentage of available credit you use. Low is better.
3. The type of credit. Mortgage? Cards? Dept. store cards? Payday loans? (In order good to bad)
4. How long have you had established credit? Longer the better.
5. New credit. Apply for a new credit card and your score will go down for a few months.

Notice there's nothing there about paying off your cards every month. Indeed, that's part of #2 above. I never pay interest to anyone ever. My credit score is over 800. I think this one only goes to 840. Clearly, paying off cards every month does not hurt my score. It's kind of a moot point because I don't intend to change my habits and will not be borrowing any money any time soon. In other words, my credit score is pretty irrelevant. The best credit score goes to people who don't need it.

This is just one example of dozens where you're making assumptions based on false premises, so that throws you completely off right from the get go. You're too smart to believe anything anyone tells you is the truth, so you believe in lies instead.

Secondly, what do you propose to do? Stay home for a day? Big deal. Even if 100% of the people here could agree to do that, it would not make even the smallest wave. You will be ignored. Look at the Tea Party movement as an example (like it or hate it. I don't care; that's not the point. It exists.) That movement has generated more energy for change in this country than we have seen since the anti-war protests in the Vietnam era in the early seventies, nearly 50 years ago. when people marched in the streets. It will bring a tidal wave to congress, but realistically speaking? Nothing much will change. THAT is the biggest loudest message to TPTB we have seen in a long time. But given the inertia in the world, it won't have a large impact. You've got your work cut out for you if you think you can get that big.

But maybe you CAN get this together. Maybe this is just an exploratory thread to get some ideas on the table. Maybe the next thread will be a cohesive statement of purpose which delineates the problem and sets out a vision for the future that can be grasped and understood. Kind of like the Declaration of Independence.

Once you DO articulate a clear vision people can understand, you will find opposition from those who think your ideas are crazy. I'm not quite sure what you're fishing for, myself, though I have a general idea. I'm pretty sure I will be in that opposition and that I will fight you every step of the way. I won't wish you any luck because I hope you don't have any. And I also really hope this doesn't come down to fighting in the streets, but if it does, I'm ready.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:51 PM
Hey all,

I think that your all looking at this problem wrong.

the point is to send a message right?? Fighting over which bank to pull your money out of ect is a big waste of time. The reason you this is because the only people that are going to get hurt is us and that is only if you get 1M plus people to do. So lets put that to bed. The idea is with few people to make the biggest noise or am I wrong?

With all the smart people on ATS I dont know why we dont to the following. You dont need to try and run around and get 1M people to follow you when they follow something else already. People are not going to stop the everyday stuff they do because some Blog told them to take all the money out of the bank or stop eating at some fast food place. BUT if the Blog said petrol was going to go up and that was going to stop NASCAR every NASCAR blog would go mad!! (they have guns and beer) the sec petrol goes up a penny 75millon NASCAR fans go mad. The fan base of people is out they use it. The NFL are doing a player strike next year the same will happen.

This does two things 1) Make the media deal with it
2) Make people stop and look at what is going on and some will wake up.

This is the 3rd world war and its about info. So fight with info on hot topics that you know when people look into it they are not going to be happy with what they find. And set the people up and say when they try and do X its to kill all the puppys the FOX news stupid people will fight the war at them selfs. O no the new bank law is going to kill my puppy.

Ok so tell everyone that the Gov has $4B to help the families with problems with the old spill and they need to phone the white house to find out what to do next.

Watch the lawyers rip that place about trying to get more money and the Gov with have to deals with 4M crazy people calling for money or have them say BP told them to call the White house. Make them deal with all the crap. The MsM will pick it up because they dont check again!

Or start a facebook story about your kid died after getting a flu shot and you dont know why the Gov made you do it

Play with them and use the stupid people like they do its war people pick a side

(P.S. i was very slow typing this so I hope someone else didnt get to this yet!)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Only one thing will effect politics on a nationwide or worldwide scale and, frankly, we are not capable of doing it. And that is to refuse to spend.

If the whole population of the world refused to spend for even a few days, a single cent... suddenly our opinions would matter... At least for a time.

So... If you've engaged in consumerism, at all, in the last month, welcome to the truth... You are the enabler and the problem!


What about every tax paying citizen gets together and storms every bank and takes back the thousands of pounds that they have paid to keep those banks alive...

That would get people noticed!!!

They wouldnt be able to handle thousands of "bank robbers" at once!

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

sure there needs to be change...and only the public can force a change...but your not going to get together a plan that EVERYONE can take part in by doing it here on ATS.

im only interested in plans where innocent people dont die...most people who want to "send a message" end up blowing themselves and hundreds of innocent people up.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:23 AM
Wow guys, I've been following this thread from the start. Just want to thank everyone who's participated in it, this is what you call high quality discussion right here. My post is minimal, just wanted to say thank you, and good work OP. A pleasure to read, keep it up.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:30 AM
Couple more sleepin souls wake TFU

Couple more souls WTF...

A Bunch.

We Got Work Ta do.

So Many Distractions Though!!...........


Which amounts to non-Defiance
edit on 31-10-2010 by chiponbothshoulders because: (no reason given)

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