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Plan To Send A Message To TPTB

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posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:53 PM
First of all, I want to thank everyone who has posted to this thread. A LOT of people have provided some very important feedback and excellent suggestions! I'm personally very appreciative because I'm very serious about starting something big here.

Here is what I've come to understand from the other members who have commented on this thread:

1) We are consumers, which prevents us from making an impact because we continue to consume and won't stop. This produces an image that makes people feel as though it is impossible, impractical or not likely to change anything by moving money to a different bank or shopping at local stores instead of corporate chains.

2) We ALL are sick of not having any direction and being slaves to corporatism, which controls everything from the cost of gas all the way up to who gets elected to "represent" us. Most of us just don't know what to do to make a change, or feel that our contributions are meaningless in the vast sea of opinionated and close-minded people.

Let me address both of these points.

1) We are consumers, which is actually where our power is. Without our consumption, TPTB would not have a leg to stand on. Their whole empire is based on pushing into our minds, this idea that we NEED to have more "stuff" than our neighbor... that we NEED to have a brand new car because it's shiny and nice.... that we NEED things. It's this idea that has created gross consumerism. It's this same idea that can work to our advantage by chiseling away at the foundation of money that TPTB use to grease the palms of politicians, bribe government agencies, hide money behind shell corporations, etc. The way to do this is to stop putting the money directly into their pockets. At the very least, this will slow them down and make them take notice to the power we truly have. They can't MAKE us buy things once we feel that we don't NEED them, so that is one thing that has to happen at the personal level in the choices that people make and how they separate what it is they NEED (love, life, friends, family, good health) from the things they WANT (nice car, nice house, big tv, dinner out 3x a week, etc.). Once this happens, things will snowball all around you because the power of influence is greatest by those nearest to us.

2) Don't you remember saving money when you were a kid to buy things that were really important to you? Those pennies, nickels and dimes add up quick! Why do you think you see the banks (suddenly) offering high interest savings accounts?? It's because they NEED your money to make THEIR money. This is why every single person, and every single cent counts. Was it meaningless to you when you bought that first thing you saved for? These people use money as a resource for power. Take away some of their money, and that's one or two less people they can bribe. This starts a chain-reaction, or a domino effect. Small changes, big consequences. It's all a matter of getting the numbers.... strength in this case, is truly in numbers.

Let's do the math here for a second to put this really into perspective and make it REAL.... let's say hypothetically, that there are 100 million working people in this country that all put their money into one bank (5 different banks doesn't matter, they are all colluding with one another). The difference between those people keeping $100 dollars in their bank accounts for 5 days and those who don't is something like this:

100 million x $100 = $10,000,000,000.00
$10,000,000,000 x %.05 (half of one percentage point interest, small in comparison) = $500,000,000.00
$500,000,000 x 5 days = $2,500,000,000.00

Obviously, the above number goes WAY up because at any given time, there is usually a lot more than $100 in people's accounts. If you were to change that to $400 (reasonable number), everything quadruples.

100 million x $0 = $0
$0 x %.05 = $0
$0 x 5 days = $0

Beginning to make sense now? This same model applies to huge corporations that want to take their businesses overseas for cheaper labor, thus robbing the people in this country whose parents (and in some cases, grandparents) helped to build those business in the first place.

I know not everyone will keep or does keep $100 in the bank for a week... but most do while they pay bills and spend directly out of their account with debit cards. This is also why everyone now gets debit cards as standard issue with all bank accounts is so that the banks can get you to keep your money in the account rather than taking it all out after pay day, which is what people used to do. By NOT doing this with the big corporate banks, the example above shows how a $100 balance at any given time for the working class Americans makes the banks BILLIONS a day, yet we pay fees just for them to hold our money? This is why putting more money into a local bank will put a huge dent on the corporate banks, and why simply taking cash out and setting it aside for your spending through the week will put an even bigger dent. This is how it was just a few years ago, before they could fool everyone by manipulating electronic data. Add to this a simple choice to spend a few more cents on products that are made in America and sold by LOCAL vendors and you have the makings of a fairytale ending.

I know it's so much easier to go to Wal-Mart than it is to find perhaps 2 different local stores that carry your wares. It's easier to go to McDonalds drive thru in 10 minutes than it is to spend 20 shopping for healthy organic food and another 30 to cook it. I get it. But so do TPTB and they are absolutely counting on this type of behavior and have set up every kind of mechanism, trick and trap to keep you living this way. This is why the plan being developed here is so simple. It doesn't involve politics, religion, or any special interest. It doesn't insult anyone or break any laws. It isn't radical. It's simple and easy to do. It's easy to educate others to do. It's time to make this happen and thanks to the members here on ATS, a plan is forming that could very well lead to big changes.

All revolutions start with an idea of a single person and spread from there. I don't care whose idea it is, we need one that works and I feel very strongly that this is it and can be done without a shot fired or a single drop of bloodshed if we all make the right choices and get behind something like this.

Again, thanks to all who have contributed. I will be adding things to this post as things progress. I'm going to start a campaign called "Stop Feeding the Pig(s)" specifically aimed at educating the public of the fraud called the Federal Reserve and on how the people of this country, and any other country, CAN take back OUR money from these greedy pharaohs and reclaim a true sense of freedom.


edit on 2-11-2010 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:56 PM
stop feeding the pigs is nice,i love the name and i guess i would help

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by schuyler

You totally took the point of this thread off-topic... nobody mentioned UFO's or anything like that, this was simply to get ideas from people who are sick of the elitists controlling every aspect of our lives like we are children or slaves.

You said yourself... everyone in the rest of the world works till they are dead. (in regards to the French rioting about retiring at 60) Isn't that part of the problem and why we're all here in the first place?

Good luck... with your attitude, you'll sit rightfully so as the foot stool for these people for the rest of your life under the illusion that you are free.


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Stillalive

Well at least you can hold your head high and say that you are making the stand,when you stand alone,you stand out from the crowd,ppl notice, then like sheep they follow, it is then that you can open their eyes.
My sister in law will send me the link to the shame site later,will get it posted for all to look at.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Great post.
I really cant say anything else for a second line!

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by iceblue20-12
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Great post.
I really cant say anything else for a second line!


Honestly, I have already made a huge chunk of the changes that have been talked about here.

- My wife and I stopped smoking (less tax money to big corporations)
- We very rarely eat fast food, only at theme parks or on the road when we run out of home made foods.
- We grow our own foods and herbs and treat most ailments with natural remedies (doesn't prevent the occasional trip to see a doctor for bigger problems)
- We buy most foods from local farmers and shop organically as much as possible
- We have paid off (or written-off) all of our interest-accruing debts, credit cards and loans.
- We shop locally for all things and only go to corporate stores for products that can not be found at smaller retailers online or locally
- We switched to a Health Savings Account instead of spending tons of unnecessary premiums for insurance (takes money away from big pharma)
- We do as much as possible to support the local community and charities that are local before ones like Red Cross (just a big tax shelter for big corps)

This is just a short list of the things I can easily think of. I can tell you that the people immediately around me that I know and talk to are doing a lot of the same and the idea is already spreading. Personally, I think people have already started doing this because of the bail outs that took place, but I have no way of knowing that for sure of measuring it.

Probably the first thing to do would be to start a mailing list.... I'll be setting up an email address later today for people who would like to subscribe to a newsletter. I plan on using the newsletter to get people to "sign on" and give feedback that can be used to encourage others on how they can make changes without disruption to their lives or lifestyles and giving tips on businesses and places they can go to support this plan. Stay tuned! This is what happens when you push the "silent majority" a bit too far....


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:16 PM
The face-book group states that it is open, yet I think there is some kind of approval process to join? I'm trying to get it out there to my small group of FB friends, but I suppose it is slow or something? A very worthy cause to take down Monsanto as they try to control food. TPTB try to control everything else, and Monsanto is trying to control our very energy through the manipulation of our food supply. Anything that is resistant to roundup cannot be healthy for humans.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:45 PM
For those who are interested, I'm taking addresses for subscriptions to a newsletter that I'm going to work with others on putting toghether. (StillAlive, I'd like your input)

The address is going to be [email protected] and will be where any suggestions, ideas, feedback, etc should be sent as well as the sender address for the newsletter so that you can make sure your spam filters aren't blocking it.

I'm going to try to keep things very simple and illustrate with existing information, videos and images, how small changes will work their way across the system so that people will feel and hopefully be able to see how their seemingly small contribution works.

This will be a work in progress, obviously, but I'm excited to take this ball and attempt to run with it. I'm going to need assistance from people who want to further this cause and help distill information out there... things like verifying information before sending it, screening videos and finding quality content, etc... will all be needed and while I have a vast plethora of information and have extensive experience in this area (banks), there is only so much one person can do. If you're seriously interested in helping, let me know and we can start a divide and conquer.

I look forward to everyone's input and ideas and thanks again to everyone for their contributions!


edit on 2-11-2010 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: added one more thing

edit on 2-11-2010 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Skada
The face-book group states that it is open, yet I think there is some kind of approval process to join? I'm trying to get it out there to my small group of FB friends, but I suppose it is slow or something? A very worthy cause to take down Monsanto as they try to control food. TPTB try to control everything else, and Monsanto is trying to control our very energy through the manipulation of our food supply. Anything that is resistant to roundup cannot be healthy for humans.

FB does require you to join.

Monsanto is going to be one of the first on the list of corporations that needs a "wake-up call" from consumers of their products. They do not care about human life, only the bottom line and the plan is to educate enough people about who they are and what they are trying to do so that a boycott can take place, forcing them to change their ways. Anything that is genetically modified food is likely not good for human consumption, but that's for a different thread.

I'm glad to see there are others on board. The quicker we can get people to understand the system and the false reality that has been constructed for us, the quicker we can make the changes that are necessary for future generations to have a better life instead of just talking about it like it's a fairy tale.


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by iceblue20-12
reply to post by Stillalive

Well at least you can hold your head high and say that you are making the stand,when you stand alone,you stand out from the crowd,ppl notice, then like sheep they follow, it is then that you can open their eyes.
My sister in law will send me the link to the shame site later,will get it posted for all to look at.

This link - link - is probably the one you're thinking of. I used to follow it until it was taken down. If it's a different site, please post!


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Stillalive
Hi, friends. It's stillalive from ats.
Since a few of us decided it's to make a change ourselfs,
inspired by the french uprisings, we chose monsanto and
formed this group to gather and inform people about our cause.
Our goal is to inform as many people as we can about the dangers, how to boycott them and how to show them people are
sick from the apathy.
You can help by:
- joining our group
- inviting as many friends as you can
- follow us to know which products to avoid, what is healthy
and how our progress is going
- spread the word to your family, friends and collegues
- propose new ideas

Remember, monsanto are immoral and they will stop at nothing. They will try to censore and evade as much as they can until
we bring them down.
^ this is the group
we will have news,take actions,take interviews and learn people what to buy,what to avoid,how to live healthy and stick it to the man!
i plead every ats member who wants to bring real change (not like that obama cr^p) and who is sick of only talking,and who is not conserned about his facebook privacy to JOIN the group and INVITE as many friends he can to join too. we need to focus right now on this, and op please contact me on u2u so we can chat on what to do next.

Re-stating here for people who missed it.

2nd line.


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by spoonbender
you had me @ " Let's circle up the wagons"

not the sharpest tool in the box but i may leave a nasty cut all the same .... S&F

As do I leave a nasty cut, or two... let us be the "death of a thousand cuts" (Chinese pun) to the big banks and corporations! Strength in numbers my friend...


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

Good post, makes a lot of sense... and please don't take this as anything disrespectful, but please use line breaks. It makes the content easier to read and a lot less likely to get skipped when people are reading through.


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:23 PM
okey im up for it,just give me 15 minutes and ill tell you some stuff

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by wolfwood290
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

I like your willingness to take lead. The avatar picture is perfect for this idea; the idea that anything is possible given enough willpower. When I come up with a good plan I will reply here again. Good luck! = )


I hope you'll consider the plan that is forming here. I think I've captured quite a bit of feedback from people around me and now on this thread, to get a basic idea and plan together. I've posted the details a bit further back, but the common method of moving things from thought/idea to the public sphere is through the form of blogs, sites like ATS, and newsletters. I'm going to start a newsletter that I'll send to subscribers that doesn't involve direct politics, doesn't have any radical ideas, just a simple illustration of where your money goes when you leave it in the bank, or where tax money is spent, etc. so people can see ways to prevent it. I'll try to offer alternatives and tips on how to move from a heavily dependent/consumerism lifestyle to a more self-reliant and independent lifestyle. There is nothing complex in making simple day-to-day life choices that combined with others doing the same, will have a massive impact. Fads and trends are what ALL marketing for ALL corporations is based on because the masses are what move and make changes, so they try to position themselves in front of or behind those waves. We truly do have the power to use our own consumerism to make different choices that will impact these giants. I look forward to your participation and feedback!


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by shoulda taken the blue pi

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Not to get pushy, but if the time bot project is right, we have until around Nov 8-12 before the implosion.
Take your money out now!
At the moment if everyone in the U.S. took out twenty in cash, all of the printed paper would be gone. What does that say?

Important point! This is why keeping your money out of the bank in the first place is important too, but also to do as much in cash as possible. Why do you think stores offer cash back these days? Because the banks don't want you taking it from them... they want the stores to do it and have time to electronically process everything! A giant sleight of hand!


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by aaron2209
This is a great thread so far guys. I do have a question though. If 50% of people are living paycheck to paycheck doesn't that mean half of all people are already depriving the banks the chance to make money off of our money?

I, as an example, get paid weekly on a Thursday. I pay rent and bills that same day then by Sunday my account is cleaned out due to food and a little social activity. It is then empty until the next Thursday. With every dollar already accounted for, what more can I do to "punish" the banks?


p.s. Have requested to join the Facebook group. Not sure what ways I can help out from Australia but I'm with you guys. Just realized, The Facebook page is misspelled, isn't it Monsanto not Mosanto?
edit on 30-10-2010 by aaron2209 because: (no reason given)

Thanks aaron and great point! You're right about most people living check to check, however, most people also have direct deposit and then pay bills electronically. This gives the banks days to post your payment and actually send the money. This is also why a lot of credit transactions against your checking account take a few days to show up is so that the ACH system has time to be manipulated.

The point is that the less time you keep your money in the account, the worse it is for the banks. The longer you leave ANY money in, they are using it to make profit from you. Take more money out in cash. Pay your bills by sending in money orders with a priority mail return receipt (don't ever send cash in the mail!) or use some other method to take the money from the bank. Put your money in a local credit union or local bank if you can. These are all things you can do that if your friends and family also do, contribute heavily to your local economy and take away from the elitists.


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Gtown
Take your money from the bank!
But don't be surprised when they tell you they don't have it.
You think I'm playing.......
Think about check cashing day, possibly friday
anyways you go there and deposit your check
no money is created they simply transfer digits from your employers account to your account
How many actually cash your check..

It's funny you said this...

I went to Chase bank a few months ago to take out $14K in cash to transfer to the local bank. Know what they told me? "Come back tomorrow, please. We don't have that much cash on hand."

I questioned this immediately and asked to speak to the branch manager, who whisked me into his office and closed the door while quietly talking to me and explaining how withdrawals greater than $10K now require special paperwork that goes through the Department of Homeland Security via the Patriot Act. He then explained that when customers request the money, they get it from other branches because larger amounts are not usually kept on hand. This has happened twice to me in the last year, which is another indication of how bad things have gotten and also why I'm bent on making people aware of what they can do to force the kind of changes we need.

Thanks for your feedback!


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Hi sonofthelawofone, its me stillalive. You have my full support.
The cause is noble, people need to be informed and showed how to live a better life, and evil people who take us for stupid and use apathy against us should be punished.
Sometimes people just need someone to lead them, and it hurts to say but your kinda better then me as the main man... for now atleast

"stop feeding the pigs" is a great idea, a great name and we can combine all the topics under one name, unlike monsanto.
i can help you with anything from ideas, through works and designs and spreading the message plus graphic work.
afcourse i need you to contact me somewhere like skype so we can really talk, so you should send me a u2u.
you should choose on how to start,maybe as a newsletter only first,or as a facebook group or something. but we need something,and i think newsletter and a facebook group plus ats is good. i can write about it on other sites,contact people and put a nice link on my site too. i hope we see you again tonight (after around 3-4 hours)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:13 PM
one idea here, blow all television antenna". (if that realy happens i take no responsibility)

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