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Authorities Investigating Possible Bomb Threat at Philadelphia International Airport

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:29 PM
OK, now on CNN is being stated that packages appear to be filled with NO EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL

Therefore, they state the "terrorists were doing a 'dry run'"

Fear mongering.

False Flag.

Ergo, we have it here.

No bombs.

Let's see what the results of today are.

Major airport closings.
More hatred of Al Qaeda renewed/revisited.
Citizens told to report on each other "suspicious" behavior.
Anti-Semetic agenda of Al Qaeda again.
Gold up at least $16.
Let's see what else develops.

edit on 29-10-2010 by thegoodearth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:32 PM
OH NO.... The UPS man left a package on my doorstep! I don't remember ordering anything!


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:33 PM
# Ink cartridge made to look like bomb sparks major alert
# Similar package seized from a plane in Dubai
# Both 'bombs' were addressed to synagogues in Chicago
# U.S. cranks up security in the wake for the threat

Read more:

Image of the toner cartridge with wires hang out of it that police have been checking Photo: UNIVERSAL

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:38 PM
Thank you gang for the information =)

40 planes?! 40 friggen planes?! Granted I don't know how many planes are used normally for jaunts out of the Country, but 40 FRIGGEN PLANES?!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Justaposter
They have planes to haul:
The President and first Lady.
Their servants.
Secret Service.
The press.
All those special vehicles that you see in a presidential motorcade, including his Cadillac.
His Marine one helicopters.
Hopefully Nancy Pelosi is going along and needs a plane of her own. (maybe they will leave her there)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:48 PM
I noticed in the one article, that there was intelligence that "religious institutions" were going to be targeted.. Now, this just comes off as a little strange, as in most "Islamic" based terrorism usually strike high-trafficked, or identifiable targets- the World Trade Center, Times Square, Subways, etc.. I would not be surprised if federal/governmental buildings would be targeted.. but churches, synagogues, and mosques? That would be a strange target, imo, because I believe it would cause more anger and condemnation, then fear and terror.

I believe it would just increase their resolve to "not give in to the terrorists", which is what a government would want.. but how would the "terrorist" benefit? They actually believe people will pay more attention to the cause of the Palestinian people if they blew up a church/synagogue/mosque in the Midwest? Or is that what our government wants our citizens to believe? That terrorists are willing to blow up religious institutions to get their point across?
Now, I won't deny that there has been attacks on religious institutions around the world, for all kinds of varying reasons, but Al Qaeda blowing up houses of worship in the West just doesn't sit, believably, with me. It sounds like fear-mongering propaganda (Them japs are soulless! They'll rape yer women, and stab your babies in the face! All of them!).

Humans of all cultures, when it comes down to it, all have very similar motivations for the things they do. All these Muslim Extremists just hate our freedom, and want to kill every westernized person if they don't all convert to Islam, start wearing burkas, growing beards, and converting all the world's governments to Islamic theocracy! Do you truly believe this? That their motivation is to simply destroy and take over the western world? The world is always a more complicated place, and there is NEVER just black and white, good or evil, right and wrong. Everything is always more complicated, with deep shades of grey. People who fall for this "Muslims are evil" crap should really take a step back, and look at both sides of the situation from a completely unbiased viewpoint, and I'm sure they'll see things differently. America=good, Muslims= bad, is really just as wrong as America=bad, Muslims=good.

Sometimes, in a rush to simplify things, we completely pass by the truth.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Syyth007
I noticed in the one article, that there was intelligence that "religious institutions" were going to be targeted.. Now, this just comes off as a little strange, as in most "Islamic" based terrorism usually strike high-trafficked, or identifiable targets- the World Trade Center, Times Square, Subways, etc.. I would not be surprised if federal/governmental buildings would be targeted.. but churches, synagogues, and mosques? That would be a strange target, imo, because I believe it would cause more anger and condemnation, then fear and terror.

I believe it would just increase their resolve to "not give in to the terrorists", which is what a government would want.. but how would the "terrorist" benefit? They actually believe people will pay more attention to the cause of the Palestinian people if they blew up a church/synagogue/mosque in the Midwest? Or is that what our government wants our citizens to believe? That terrorists are willing to blow up religious institutions to get their point across?
Now, I won't deny that there has been attacks on religious institutions around the world, for all kinds of varying reasons, but Al Qaeda blowing up houses of worship in the West just doesn't sit, believably, with me. It sounds like fear-mongering propaganda (Them japs are soulless! They'll rape yer women, and stab your babies in the face! All of them!).

Humans of all cultures, when it comes down to it, all have very similar motivations for the things they do. All these Muslim Extremists just hate our freedom, and want to kill every westernized person if they don't all convert to Islam, start wearing burkas, growing beards, and converting all the world's governments to Islamic theocracy! Do you truly believe this? That their motivation is to simply destroy and take over the western world? The world is always a more complicated place, and there is NEVER just black and white, good or evil, right and wrong. Everything is always more complicated, with deep shades of grey. People who fall for this "Muslims are evil" crap should really take a step back, and look at both sides of the situation from a completely unbiased viewpoint, and I'm sure they'll see things differently. America=good, Muslims= bad, is really just as wrong as America=bad, Muslims=good.

Sometimes, in a rush to simplify things, we completely pass by the truth.

My guess, they are trying to play the 'poor victim Israel' card - to try to shore up support for Israel and to remind people that poor innocent Israel is constantly under threat, so they really do need to keep on with the settlements in Paliestine - Israeli logic, not mine.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:58 PM
military jets escorting passenger jet to JFK airport,Fox is talking about it now

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:58 PM

edit on 29-10-2010 by W3RLIED2 because: Same as post above me

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 01:59 PM
Just heard on Fox News - air force jets escorting a passenger jet into JFK Airport - this was just announced. They do not know why the jets were scrambled. They don't know why yet - listen to Fox.

Why are some saying we are not safe here on the internet?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:00 PM
I know this is a conspiracy forum and all that, but I’m curious as to what would make people believe that an attack was genuine and not a “false-flag”.

Is the US really so popular around the world that they are forced to attack themselves? I'm not denying the possibility by any means, but find it extremely odd how someone can point to all of the atrocities committed by the US and then not believe that a tiny amount of people would hate the US enough to want to conduct a terror attack.

Obama should be holding a press conference in about 10 minutes or so.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by crazydaisy

Love your name Crazydaisy!

Pay no attention to ewokdisco. So no worries

and a major WTF?! jets shadowing?!

This day is getting weirder and weirder with each passing minute!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Soshh
I know this is a conspiracy forum and all that, but I’m curious as to what would make people believe that an attack was genuine and not a “false-flag”.

Is the US really so popular around the world that they are forced to attack themselves? I'm not denying the possibility by any means, but find it extremely odd how someone can point to all of the atrocities committed by the US and then not believe that a tiny amount of people would hate the US enough to want to conduct a terror attack.

Obama should be holding a press conference in about 10 minutes or so.

Very valid point Soshh.

The unknown element is, we simply do not know.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Soshh

Hour and 15 according to the boob toob...

but that he is having a press conference for this event, that, in all seriousness, is a non event, just media hype, gots me a-worried.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Soshh

I’m curious as to what would make people believe that an attack was genuine and not a “false-flag”.

Timing is the thing that makes me suspicious that it could be a false flag.

Too close to the elections. That, and and an extreme distrust of the federal government.

edit on 29-10-2010 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:09 PM
OK,Shepard Smith just said the plane had a package on it from Yemen,and in the same damn sentence he says that its not related and there is no known threat..What the hell kind of reporting is that?!!Why the military jets then if its not a threat..WTF is going on here!!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by PatriotsPride

The media is walking on eggshells is what's going on. No media outlet wants to step on their own dick. Everything is being carefully filtered for our consumption. The government is playing info games.

I do agree with your sentiment though, if there is no threat, than why all the fuss?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by PatriotsPride

Yea, they have been throwing that conjecture around on CNN today too.

My question regarding CNN...I know they give their anchors days off, and a lot of them take Fridays off, but the whole crew is different today. Ali Velshi was around CNN today...he did a fluff Halloween piece early this morning. Where's my Brooke Baldwin? More and more about today is odd. And an interesting side note...apparently Roland Martin, a regular contributor, thought Kyra (forgot her last name) was on this morning, he said "about to get on with kyra" then quickly posted again his apologies and the right name. Think he would know who's suppose to talk with him?

Maybe I'm clutching at straws though...

Also, if this plane is supposed to be maybe dangerous, as proof by the jets, why a)show it on tv, and b) bring it in the JFK?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Justaposter

Thanks re my name - I feel crazy today with all the reports coming in. Is something going to happen while military jets are busy escorting passenger planes that the FBI says they have no know threat about - that doesn't ring right.

Much more to this story then we or the media are being told!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

you got that right!! It seems like they just cant wait for something to go wrong here..

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