posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:11 PM
I used to think I was gifted. I had a college reading level in the 6th grade, managed to get 90's in classes even after missing 80+ days of school,
etc. When I got to college, however, I realized I was just surrounded by idiots my entire life.
All those original ideas/thoughts I had that I assumed nobody else thought of... well I learned I wasn't the only one. Especially after finding this
website, I realized i'm not even 1/4 as intelligent as I thought I was.
So in the real world, I guess I'm of averge/slightly above average intelligence.
As for other kinds of gifts, sometimes I just KNOW things. It runs in the family. My grandmother used to say: The witch always knows. Or something
along those lines. I won't go as far as to say I'm psychic, or I have special magic powers... it's a hard thing to describe.
It's simple things... like I'll be thinking of a movie and it just so happens to be playing on T.V sometime during the day. I'll be totally broke
with no cigarettes and really having a nicotine fit and find a perfect, whole unused cigarette laying on the sidewalk. The whole time KNOWING that I
would find one, so I'm not surprised at all when I do.
I'm good at reading people. How they're feeling, true intentions, motives, etc. It only happens by accident, though, when I really try to do it I
screw it up half the time.
I know I didn't do a good job describing what I mean by 'just knowing things', but this is getting rather long now and it's hard to describe
without giving dozens of intimate details about my life that i'm sure no one wants to read.
. I was better at it when I was a small child,
though. The 'gift' seems to be leaving me the older I grow.