posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 02:16 PM
Hi LadyOrchid,
I am a little lost as to what a Yogi is. Is it similar to a shaman?
Hmmm. The difference between a Shaman and a Yogi...interesting question.
A Shaman uses and channels animal archetypes and can be considered a true mystic in the sense that his/her insight is derived from Spirit. Shamans
have also been known to have the Gift of Prophecy, Charisma, Healing, etc.
On the other hand, Yogis, who traditionally stem from the Hindu tradition, strive to achieve great control over the physical body. These are the ones
that have a great ability to turn off the body's pain sensors; you occasionally see them put needles in their facial cheeks and other parts of their
body and then pull them out without any pain or drawing any blood. Many years ago there was a Yogi on a TV show called "That's Incredible" who was
able to lower his heartbeat to a near comatose state while putting himself into a tight box with very little room to breath -- and stay that way for
much longer than most of us would want to. *L*
It should be noted however, that having great control over the body, as with having powerful telekinetic Gifts from a large Group Entity, are not
indications of spiritual attainment.
I started sewing/ making/ designing doll clothes when I was very young (Five or so). My mother wouldn't let me use the machine until I was 7 (I
made a wedding dress in Jr. high, dozens of formal dresses). Just for the hel of it I tried to crochet (took me a night to learn) then knit (took me a
couple hours)... I don't mean that Yay! I can crochet- I mean I finished an entire sweater that night. I knit better than my mother who has been
doing this for her entire life (she has been retired for quite a few years now).
You were no doubt a highly skilled seamstress in one or more former incarnations.
One outstanding trait that I have, (quite a hit in college with all the 'first time from home' kids) I can see a picture and am able to visualize
it in my head 3-d, able to construct it (Ikea stuff is a no-brainer).
This is indicative of a spacial relationship aptitude as well as that of a photographic memory. My mother used to have a photographic memory in her
youth; she would take a test in elementary school and if she couldn't remember the answer, she would close her eyes and re-read the page in the book.
The teacher-nuns, one in particular, were not at all pleased at her ability to do this. *LOL*
I found out when I was a teen that I am able to hypnotize people and channel, we were on vacation and a friend wanted to do this and well, it
worked TOO well. Needless to say, I read up on these and practiced on controlling them. What I learnt from the books was just like re-viewing what I
already knew.
You apparently did both in a former life.
Needless to say, I read up on these and practiced on controlling them. What I learnt from the books was just like re-viewing what I already knew.
(Does this make sense?) I really feel these are abilities from my past lives.
It's always a bit of a "cosmic reality check" in validating the doctrine of reincarnation when you find people portraying unique abilities and
aptitudes that they could not possibly have learned or developed in one short life.