posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:32 PM
I have to completely disagree with all the presumptions given by Phage's "casual dismissal".
Also, WOULD disagree that it's a UFO, but unfortunately, in the time frame between the before and after pictures, it's clear to understand that this
object did not stick around for long (possibly flew or snuck off), and the surroundings from the perspective of the camera, are left unaltered.
- The object is behind bushes.
- The object clearly finished it's business quickly (*EDIT for Phage's understanding: The object has dissapeared from the primary focus of the
camera's view.)
(According to the time-stamps on the pictures, the object was around for exactly 45 seconds.)
- The turkey's do not appear frightened, but in reality, you can't tell because it's a STILL shot folks. Anyone who knows how fast a turkey moves,
knows that in a still shot, like this, it'd be near impossible to determine the hostility of the aviary creature.
- The object matches the lighting of every other object in the picture, including the turkeys.
- According to the 45 second window from when the object is there then gone, the turkeys have moved CLOSER to the area the object was in, signifying
the turkeys were probably NOT afraid of this object.
For those of you good at photoshop, you can actually do a project to determine the immediate perspective location of the object by creating an
animated .gif image and then allowing it to flip back in forth every half second or second. You will see that the object's intentions were clearly to
monitor from a distance.
edit on 27-10-2010 by Shikamaru because: Had to edit a section for Phage's reading pleasure.